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shaddowkitty 01-02-2014 11:47 PM

The truth behind the masks [kit +anslin]
Arianna moved slowly through the woods to the place she had once found solace in. Hoping for a bit of a mental reprieve, she curiously made her way through the trees, on a path too overgrown to recognize. She slipped effortlessly through branches of old and dying trees until she came upon the small cottage she had once in a long ago life known. Her fingers stretched out to a sleek silver handle to open the still solid oak door. A small sigh escaped from the building as the door budged open. She peeked inside noticing how the place had seemed untouched for so many a year. Slowly she crept into the place she had spent so many summers in her childhood, running fingers along dust covered windowsills humming softly to herself.

Anslin 01-02-2014 11:55 PM

This forest seemed familiar and for a second Rin stopped in his tracks and checked his instruments. Something did not seem right like he was off course on purpose or something at that point. He flipped up his helmet and took a long look around the landscape, and there he saw a house. It was a small cottage but for a second here he stopped and blinked it wasn't that place was it? Well there was only one way to find out and with a slap down of his visor the hydraulics hissed as he started to move toward the small house to investigate.

shaddowkitty 01-03-2014 12:03 AM

She began wandering through the rooms, the kitchen which had seemed once so big, was now so cozy, the big pot still hung over the fire pit, she missed the warmth that it brought into the place. She strummed her fingers along the now cold iron surface, listening to the faint metal sound it had created before moving to another room. She rolled her finger along the smooth wood that had backed the couch, it was as if time had really stood still, which she was not surprised about, this place had a sorts of magic. She moved on, a door leading to a very familiar room, cracking open the door and peeking in, the room still caught her breath, unlike the cozy feel of the rest of the cottage, this room had always been her favorite, and held only the most precious of her memories, high vaulted ceilings, a canopy hiding a very victorian bed, dark cherry woods throughout the room. It almost made her cry. She stepped into the room taking a deep breath of the familiar scents that still hung around. A small longing and a feeling of loss rang through her heart of a lifetime she had almost let herself forget.

Anslin 01-03-2014 12:11 AM

Rin arrived on the outskirts of the house and some of his instruments started to hum someone was in the house, but why this house? Why would anyone be in this house, unless..... Rin shook his head side to side dismissing the though and approached the house stepping through the doorway still in his full armor. He finally broke the silence after standing there for a few moments in the quiet. "Whoever is here show yourself. This house is protected and it would be rather foolish to try and pillage anything from it especially when the owner just walked through the door. I'm giving you ten seconds before I come and find you myself."

shaddowkitty 01-03-2014 12:20 AM

The voice booming through the house sent a shiver up Arianna's spine. She knew that voice, a thousand life times could pass and she would know that voice. She turned back to the door and smirked a little. She had to think about how she would respond to this threat on her in her own home. She leaned against the bedroom window leg against the wall. "Owner aye? I heard she was a beautiful woman, or at least tell tales of the town, you don't sound like a woman to me sir." she had replied a humor to her voice she hadn't experienced in herself in years. She fought to keep still instead of jolting out in her excitement.

She didn't leave the room, peeking from the other side through the slightly ajar door on the other side to see if he had reached a point in the kitchen in which she could see him. The outfit she wore clung to her, not leaving too much to imagination, but was still partially covered by the cloak in which she wore, a very ornate cloak she had received long ago from someone she had held so dear.

Anslin 01-03-2014 12:24 AM

"Aye she was a darling woman, and" as he tapped a button on the side of his helm to cause it to come loose and let it clatter to the ground "Quite the little vixen in the bedroom as well, but you already know that don't you my dear?" His face of worry thinking someone was here to harm his old home change to a smirk she was here and that only meant one of two things. Trouble or fun, but usually with Arianna one always led toward the other in the end. He hit another series of buttons on his arm and jumped out of his armor wearing a black clad button-down shirt and slacks to match. He was in powered armor yes, but that did not mean he didn't know how to dress under it properly.

shaddowkitty 01-03-2014 12:29 AM

A laugh finally was allowed to escape her as she made her way out of the bedroom, drapping the robe over the side of the bed as she passed. "That I do, that I do. " she responded through laughter. She smiled, something she had also not been able to do in recent years, feeling a weight lift off of her, a new energy starting to bound inside of her. "And where may I inquire, have you been all these years dearest Rin? I thought at first I might have heard a ghost it's been so long." she asked as she made her way through the kitchen yet again. "I never thought I'd see this face again." She added as she let her eyes wander over him, taking in the all too familiar sight.

Anslin 01-03-2014 12:34 AM

He looked her up and down as he adjusted his tie. "Been far too long my dearest, however you know even people like me we have to do things we would rather not want to do at times. That includes leaving such divine beauties as yourself behind for so long. I am glad the years have been kind to you, and I would hope that what you are wearing is not for another man but in hopes that I would return." He finished his statement with a smirk as he walked closer to her not sure what was about to happen

shaddowkitty 01-03-2014 12:40 AM

"My attire?" She questioned a little playfully, she had always traveled in leather because it was just lighter and she was an archer, unlike the straightforward combat she was used to with him. "My attire is only meant to be seen when I deem it worthy to be seen by anyone, man or woman, however, not to upset you, I hadn't planned on seeing you nor anyone. I had barely planned on seeing this place, had I not realized how close to it I was since... well, an unpleasant job I had to do." She sighed slightly, life as she had known back when she had last seen him had not been nearly as easy. "But wouldn't you know, my knight shows up just as I seem to be in a little distress." she teased.

Anslin 01-03-2014 12:44 AM

"Your knights instruments decided it would be funny to send him this way, and at first I did not realized where I had ended up, but it was a pleasant surprise to see your face once again Arianna" he walked closer to her and reached out his hand to cup the right side of her face in it. I guess it was her move now if she would end up hurting him or something else. "I have truly missed your beauty."

shaddowkitty 01-03-2014 12:49 AM

Her muscles relaxed a little at the touch she had forgotten what it was like to relax, always being hunted, always on the move, but she knew with him around she was able to do so without even a second thought, here she was safe, here she wold come of no harm. She smiled up to the man whom she had shared so many a memories with. "Well, I have truly missed you as well, my dear." she let her hand rest on his for a moment before turning to the window, a small gurggle escaping her stomach. She blushed a moment. "Seems like something has decided, I should take a look into the garden, I wonder how wild it has gotten since we last have seen it."

Anslin 01-03-2014 12:58 AM

"I am not sure I have been doing the best when I do come across this place to maintain everything the best I can, but I was never able to care for things the way you were." He said softly as he walked behind her just being in her presence was intoxicating, and enough to drive him wild "How has the world been treating what I guess I should call my wife"

shaddowkitty 01-03-2014 01:05 AM

"At the moment, not entirely kind. But for what while there is while I remain here pleasantly it seems. Who knows who awaits my appearance outside of these hollowed wood." she said simply shrugging off the fact she had a bounty wrongfully put on her head. She made her way out into the overgrown garden "It has been a wee bit it seems, fortunately most of the food only has a few rotten or overgrown pieces." a motion in the back corner caught her eye, and the scent of rabbit had followed suit, the daggar hidden in her boot was almost unseen from the speed at which it was out and thrown before appearing in a rather plump rabbit. She stood and smiled. "fortune smiles, rabbit stew it is." She said as she picked up the basket right outside the door gathering some of the vegetables and herbs before heading over to the rabbit. She said a small prayer before cleaning the knife and putting it away, then grabbed it. "You're looking too pretty to clean a rabbit, but I know that armor is heavy, if you want to wash up, I'll make us a meal." she offered making her way carefully around the garden back to the house.

Anslin 01-03-2014 01:08 AM

"The armor is only as heavy as the burden I wear in life and you know this, but I will take you up on that offer perhaps you can come join me" He said with a wink as he walked upstairs and into the bedroom. After shutting the door Rin laid his clothes on the bed and walked into the shower to get cleaned up.

shaddowkitty 01-03-2014 01:13 AM

"Then lunch would never be finished." She laughed and shook her head. "There's still a full closet in there so don't put back on dirty clothes!" she called after him and made her way to the kitchen, she quickly prepared the rabbit before putting the meat in the pan to simmer lightly and chopped up the vegetables. she threw them into a pot adding the herbs and then the meat before pulling a loaf of bread out of her bag throwing it on the counter. She made sure to set the pot to cook slowly, waiting for her turn. She knew once he was out he would be able to manage stirring the pot so nothing would char on the bottom. She walked into the room and opened her old wardrobe, fine silk gowns lined it, but she had always preferred the ones from asia. She picked one out, bright red roses on black with gold trimming and gold buttons and hung it on he bed, then went back into the kitchen to keep eye on the stew.

Anslin 01-03-2014 01:22 AM

Rin got out of the shower and went into the closet putting on a simple pair of slacks and another shit but this one a deep purple color. He walked downstairs and kissing her on the cheek gently whispered in her ear. "I can take care of it from here I will see you in a bit once you have cleaned up m'lday"

shaddowkitty 01-03-2014 03:23 AM

Arianna nodded and handed over the wooden spoon she had been using to stir the soup. "All yours captain. " she joked. "I'll try not to take too long. " she said before walking off to the shower, stripping off the leather garments on her way. She slipped into her dress and a matching pair of silk slippers before heading back out.

Anslin 01-03-2014 03:32 AM

Rin stood there watching the food cook and sitrring it slowly losing his focus and zoning out as he watched it spin around in the pot. He was completely entranced at this simple task for no reason other than the fact it was peaceful to just do something so simple and to be around her once more after so long

shaddowkitty 01-03-2014 03:38 AM

She walked out of the room humming and smiled "ah stew smells so wonderful after the last few months of bread, cheese and dry meats, and it feels like home again. Always better with the smell of good food. " she remarked as she took a seat at the counter one leg slipping out of the slit in the side of her dress. "It feels like this page never changed no matter how long it's been. "She remarked, leaning onto get hand and looking over to him.

Anslin 01-03-2014 03:44 AM

"Well just as easily as I had to live off the same thing for months at a time. It's not very easy to go into towns in that armor and you know that as well, however I think you are also right and we have both found our home once again. Arianna.....I" He set the food down on the countertop and leaned over it kissing her on her lips slightly. "I still can't express myself properly after all this time."

shaddowkitty 01-03-2014 03:52 AM

She blushed a little as he kissed her but she accepted it and returned it, the feeling of his lips sent shivers through her. It had been too long, much too long, and she had missed this feeling. Her fingers traced over his jaw as she pulled back a moment to take another look at his face. She felt intoxicated from the kiss, her body felt light, and a smile was brought to her lips.

Anslin 01-03-2014 04:00 AM

He placed his hand on hers and smiled as well. "Now there is a face I never thought I would see again." Rin looked at her with a genunie look the hardness from his eyes was gone, and all that was left was honesty. He longed for this moment and desired for it, and in some ways was happy he was misdirected back to this place and could see that smile once more.

shaddowkitty 01-03-2014 05:16 AM

Her heart felt as if it had defrosted from the last 5 years of hardships and she couldn't help but let out a small laugh. She took her time getting comfortable with being in a more rich fabric again and moved in her seat. "I still picture the faces of villagers who have stumbled across you in your armor, it helps in passing through unpleasant times. " she admitted, "I hadn't heard as many stories about you of late, it had begun to worry me a bit."

Anslin 01-03-2014 05:25 AM

"Truth be told I was in hiding quite a bit I needed some time to not only fix the armor but also myself after the last battle you saw me in. That took time then it went to remaining unnoticed because I did not want you to have to worry, and I did not want people to try and use you to get to me. In truth my hiding was to protect you. I still love you Arianna, and I always will. Now enough of the sappyness let's eat already."

shaddowkitty 01-03-2014 09:36 PM

"But sappy is my nature." she joked as she picked up a piece of bread and predictably dunked it in the stew before taking a bite. " Must say we are good cooks" she joked as she continued to eat. She was always the one to eat her bread first, it was like it made stew better. She swayed her leg to a tune that had been playing in her head as she ate, there was always a tune playing in her thoughts.

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