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-   -   Relay Race: Get Ready, Set, GO! Over! Thank you all so much for playing! (

ToriKat 07-28-2008 05:20 PM

Relay Race: Get Ready, Set, GO! Over! Thank you all so much for playing!
(love to Omi for the banner ;D)

Welcome to the Celes Paradi Relay Race! Are you competitive? Are you fast? Are you a team player? Then you're in the right place! Come join the fun!

o1. Introduction
o2. How to Play
o3. The Prizes
o4. The Teams
o5. The Rounds
o6. The Tasks
o7. The Winners
o8. The Host

Please leave feedback on both Celes Paradi and the Relay Race in the Event Feedback thread.
The EC team looks forward to hearing what you have to say! :D

ToriKat 07-28-2008 05:23 PM

Celes Paradi Relay Race How to Play

o1. Sign up for a team. There are three teams - Sun, Moon, and Star.

o2. You will be assigned a number.

o3. On each day, there will be a list of tasks to complete to win the race.
* It is not necessary to do them in order.
* Do only your assigned number's duties.
* Any team that has someone do another's duties will be disqualified.

o4. Each completed task will receive one point. The team that completes all of the tasks first will receive twenty points.

o5. The team with the highest score wins.

Celes Paradi Relay Race The Rules

o1. Follow all of Menewsha's Rules and TOS, especially regarding quoting material that you have not written yourself. Some tasks may require you to copy and paste lyrics, for example. Not putting them in [ quote ][ /quote ] will earn you an infraction.

o2. Do not share your account information (passwords) with team members so your team can complete the tasks. Menewsha will not be liable for your decisions to do so.

o3. Do not harass other teams, whine, or display poor sportsmanship. This is just a game for fun. It's fine to root for your team (say you're the best team of the three, for example), but slandering others is not tolerated.

o4. Please put effort into your tasks. Some may require you to doodle a quick picture or to write a poem. You are not required to make masterpieces. Just don't scribble something like "Roses are red, violets are blue, stars are great and so are you" for a poem task and expect it to be accepted.

o5. I'm the judge. I do have the final word, and I would appreciate it if no one challenges it. You're fine to offer constructive criticisms or to defend why you ought to qualify. I will consider everything and try to be as fair as humanly possible.

ToriKat 07-28-2008 05:27 PM

Celes Paradi Relay Race The Prizes

Everyone who participates will get a prize. But the amount is determined by how your team places in the race. Good luck everyone!
First place: 500g
Second place: 250g
Third place: 100g

ToriKat 07-28-2008 05:31 PM

Celes Paradi Relay Race The Teams

Who will you join or support? The illuminating Sun team? The serene Moon team? Or perhaps the sparkling Star team? The choice is yours!

Note: If positions are full for all three teams, I will open more slots for more participants. If not all of the slots are filled by the end of August 4th, I will rearrange participants so the teams can be equal. Sign ups are closed!

The Sun Team
o1. Befu
o2. Hadsvich
o3. Popcorn Gun
o4. Californiaswimmergirl
o5. Kent
o6. shinigami2
o7. applicious
o8. Kultura
o9. Aryah_Jade
1o. Faithom
11. Mascot Sith
12. rampartte
13. Tetsumiro
14. Heavens_Blade
15. Catonia
16. Thoth Star
17. Circa Survive
18. woopdidoodoo

The Moon Team
o1. kitkat
o2. .S i m p l i c i t y.
o3. Lilith W
o4. Canna-Chan
o5. Sirocco
o6. bluezjessi
o7. Bani
o8. Intoxicate
o9. Dystopia
1o. temarigirl
11. vadeil
12. sad_girlformat
13. ~~xXEl3KtRaXx~~
14. Witch
15. Bishielurfer
16. Kadrias
17. M i r o
18. Ebuichan

The Star Team
o1. fuyumi_saito
o2. Angel Naomi
o3. Yeah
o4. M i n u x e
o6. My Cup Of Chai
o7. Crystalunicorn
o8. Cami
o9. wish
1o. xBoa_Pandyx
11. Sera
12. Winnsome
13. foggyday
14. ANDi-CHANi
15. xnarnian
16. Gory Little Horror
17. Nomz_Rockz
18. [L]ove[H]ate

ToriKat 07-28-2008 05:32 PM

Celes Paradi Relay Race The Rounds

The times, all in CST, for the rounds will be posted here. Please complete tasks by the ending time. Any posts after the listed time will not be accepted. Also, when the round begins, please check this post for the tasks to complete.

The World Clock Time Converter can be used to find out when your tasks are due. Please select "U.S.A. - Texas - Austin" to compare with your location's time.

Day 1 and 2: August 3 and 4: Sign ups
Day 3: August 5: Round 1: 11 am CST - 11 pm CST
Day 4: August 6: Round 2: 4 pm CST - 11 pm CST
Day 5: August 7: Round 3: 1 pm CST - 6 pm CST
Day 6: August 8: Round 4: 9 pm CST - 12 am CST

Day 7: August 9: Round 5: 8 - 10 pm CST
Day 8: August 10: No Round

ToriKat 07-28-2008 05:33 PM

Celes Paradi Relay Race The Tasks to Complete
Round 5, Part 1

*Note, every time it says "your team" or "your team's name" - that means sun, moon, or star.

*Remember, only do one.

*If you have any questions on what you're supposed to do for your task, post here. ^^

When you've completed your task, post the following!


Team member #:
Task # completed:

  • There are 9 tasks. Decide amongst yourselves which tasks you want to complete. Each person can only do one task.
  • Each team can only complete a task once.
  • Read carefully how to play the bonus game. I will keep track of what your team has done and announce when you qualify for it.
  • Any person on a team that is qualified to play in the bonus game can play.
  • You must post which team you're on for the bonus game. Fail to do so and I'll skip your post.

1. Get a freebie of your team's X-Man from the event forum. Link to their shop.

2. Draw a villain who is against your team's X-Man.

3. Explain why and how the villain became your X-Man's foe.

4. Create a Wanted Poster for the villain.

5. Create a page of a comic where your team (using avatars) triumphs over the other two teams.

6. Create a superhero costume with any three avatar items. List the items. Avatars can be wearing other things, but they must be wearing these three items to participate in the bonus game.

7. Create a saying for your superhero when he or she arrives at the scene for your team. (Ex. Sailormoon arrives saying, "In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!")

8. Design a way to contact your hero. It must be an image. (Ex. Batman and the Bat Signal)

9. Poll 10 people from the event forum asking if they enjoy picking falling orchids or posting for stars.

Bonus Game!
Requirements to Play:
1. Villain
6. Superhero costume (team members participating must be wearing it!)
7. Saying for your hero.
8. Signal to contact hero.
Every now and then I'll get attacked by a villain. I'll post the signal to contact your team. If any team member wearing the superhero costume comes to my rescue, by posting the superhero saying within a minute, you'll get a point.

So if I post at 9:10, you have until 9:12 to respond to the distress call with your saying.

ToriKat 07-28-2008 05:34 PM

Celes Paradi Relay Race Scoreboard

After each round, points will be tallied and the results will be posted here.

Round 1:
Sun: 10
Moon: 15
Star: 15

Round 2:
Sun: 13
Moon: 14
Star: 14

Round 3:
Sun: 16
Moon: 11.5
Star: 11

Round 4:
Sun: 16
Moon: 11.5
Star: 5

Round 5, Part 1:
Sun: 11
Moon: 5
Star: 8

Round 5, Part 2:
Sun: 11
Moon: 7
Star: 14

Celes Paradi Relay Race The Winners

Drumroll please!
In first place...with 77 points, the Sun Team!
In second place...with 67 points, the Star Team!
In third place...with 64 points, the Moon Team!

ToriKat 07-31-2008 04:57 AM

Celes Paradi Relay Race The Host

Hello, hello. ^_^ Welcome to my event! Before we must be wondering: Who is this mysterious person donning a male avatar to be the only "male" host in all of Celes Paradi's staff run events? ...Did you just click on my profile? D: Cheater!

...Kidding. ;D I'm ToriKat, but you can call me TK. ^^ I've been on Mene since March of the past year and on staff since January. I can be found a couple of haunts around the site - my Nations, quest, and art shop threads. I enjoy conversation, so don't ever be afraid to talk to me! Also on my list of loves are drawing, writing, and eating. Yes. Eating. Make me food, and I'll be your friend. ;D

This is my third staff run event. After extensive brainstorming - aka Googling - I'm prepared to present you with this new game. I hope having a new competition will spice things up some! Take care and good luck everyone! :D

Celes Paradi Relay Race Memorables

Sun Team

Moon Team

Star Team

kitkat 08-03-2008 07:48 PM

Name: kitkat
Team Joining: Moon

yay torikats a big girl now XD setting up events for uss

Tayuki 08-03-2008 07:49 PM

First post? If you want me to delete tell me.

fuyumi_saito 08-03-2008 08:01 PM

*is a huge fan of Tori's art* Hi ^^ good luck with the event, I wish I could join but idk if it suits me well enough >_<

.Simplicity. 08-03-2008 08:07 PM

Name: .S i m p l i c i t y.
Team Joining: Moon

Ooo, I bet this'll be fun!

kitkat 08-03-2008 08:09 PM

yay simplicity is with mee ^ 3^

Eesu 08-03-2008 08:10 PM

Wow, this sounds so cool. xD

But I'm afraid I don't have the time for it. TAT

Good luck [future] participates and have fun. *A*

.Simplicity. 08-03-2008 08:12 PM

;o Srsly kat?!
*didn't even pay attention*

I saw moon and was like "MOON!"

Lilith W 08-03-2008 08:13 PM

Name: Lilith W
Team Joining: moon

yay I'm on a team

Canna-Chan 08-03-2008 08:13 PM

Name: Canna-Chan
Team Joining: Moon.

Sirocco 08-03-2008 08:14 PM

Name: Sirocco
Team Joining: Moon

It seems that we all want to go to Moon team XD

fuyumi_saito 08-03-2008 08:14 PM

You know what, nevermind I'll join XD *looked at what you had to do for the contest so will try it out*

Name: Fuyumi_saito
Team Joining: The star team

No one has joined it yet so might as well ^^

Befu 08-03-2008 08:15 PM

Name: Befu
Team Joining: The Sun Team!

I can't wait to see how this turns out! :squee:

.Simplicity. 08-03-2008 08:16 PM

Yayyy moon team!

kitkat 08-03-2008 08:16 PM

ohs.. ; ^; so you hate me is that it licity?

Angel Naomi 08-03-2008 08:17 PM

Name: Angel Naomi
Team Joining: Star team

bluezjessi 08-03-2008 08:20 PM

Name: bluezjessi
Team Joining: Moon~

<3333 This looks like such a fun event. @w@ Good luck to everyone~ ^_^

Yeah 08-03-2008 08:23 PM

Name: Yeah

Team Joining: Star

All times are GMT. The time now is 12:11 AM.