Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   -   [Game] - The Host(ess) Club! Day 4 yo, get your rolls in :) (

~Aimee~ 02-14-2019 02:51 AM

[Game] - The Host(ess) Club! Day 4 yo, get your rolls in :)

Emilio 02-14-2019 02:52 AM

Welcome to The Host(ess) Club everyone! S'not the traditional Host or Hostess club you might remember from your favorite Manga but... Hey We have certain confines to work within here y'know? 'Nyway, Aimee and I have had the lot of you Signup in pairs to for this game. In the nest post down, Aimee will announce the the pairs and also, pair those of you up that were not paired before the game thread started. If we don't have enough to round out pairs then We'll just get some of the denizens of Menewsha to help out :)

Aimee, what do you say we get this show rockin?

~Aimee~ 02-14-2019 02:52 AM

Hey everyone! Oh I'm just so happy to have so many visitors come to our game! I bet you would all just love to know how this game is going to work. Well I'm here to tell you all about it! All the couples here are Host(ess) and Hostee pairs. Every day a Hostee will roll a 20 Sided Dice. It will be up to the Host(ess) to roll their own 20 sided dice to see how close they can get to the Hostee!

Oh! And each day will be a new set of rolls. Rolls will reset at midnight of each day starting tonight! You will have 24 hours to roll from Midnight (or really... when this thread gets posted) Midnight Pacific Time of February 14th! The Host(ess) will have 3 shots to get as close as they can to the Hostee. You must space your Host(ess) rolls at least 2 hours apart! No cheating now *giggles* cause that wouldn't be fair! Emilio and I will be taking the best of your 3 rolls for the points you earn on that day. In other words we'll take the sum of your rolls divided by 3, then use a normalized linear...
Emilio: *cough*Aimee!*cough*
Oh! Right! *giggles* Really Emilio and I just care about the Host(ess) roll that is closest to the Hostee! That distance on the number line will be your score for the day! Hah! How'd I do Emilio? *giggles*
Emilio:That was great Aimee! Thanks for explainin to everyone. I just want to add... if you and your pairs partner get the same number... Well that's like blackjack! Only instead of 21, you get 0. 0 Is the best score you can hope to get at the end of a round.

Emilio 02-14-2019 02:53 AM

Prizes!! Well of course all participants will get some prizes. Here's the low down on the sweet loot you can get...
Top Score will get a full set of the '09 Valentines Day EIs & 3000 gold
Second Runner up will get an EI of their choice from the '19 Valentines Day EI lineup & 2000 gold
Third Runner up will get 2000 gold
Participation Prize! Each set of couples will receive 50g multiplied by their final scores!

  • No funny business in here. I want you all to play nice together!
  • Please follow Mene's TOS!
  • Make sure you wait 2 hours Host(ess)s before you make your next dice roll!
  • The Host(ess) or the Hostee can roll first. It doesn't matter. BUT... Your duo won't get any points if you don't both post at least once a day...
  • Only 1 roll per day for Hostees
  • Only 3 rolls per day for Host(ess)s
  • For each MISSED ROLL by a Host pair, a penalty is applied to the end of game ranks, forcing them down 1 spot
  • Aimee and I reserve the right to change these rules at any time! But you know, we'll let you know first ;)

~Aimee~ 02-14-2019 02:53 AM

Well then. I think I shall take over from here Emilio? ;) Lets see.. Oh! Of course! It would be so hard to play if you didn't have forms to post wouldn't it? Let me get some ready for you.

Host(ess) Form:

HTML Code:

[size=6][b][color=#4721a4][u]Day 4![/u][/color][/b][/size]
[size=3][b][color=#4721a4]Can I take your order please?[/color][/b][/size]

If all goes well... It will look like this when you post it!
Day 4!
Can I take your order please?
The 20-sided dice lands on 5

Hostee Form:
Now then! For the Hostee! ... OH! ... Oh yes... That's just perfect... And a little bit of that... THERE!

HTML Code:

[size=6][b][color=#4721a4][u]Your finest Bottle of Bubbly please![/u][/color][/b][/size]

Provided nothing went awry... You "should" end up with something like this!
Your finest Bottle of Bubbly please!
The 20-sided dice lands on 20

Emilio 02-14-2019 02:55 AM

Aimee (Hostess) ; Emilio (Hostee) : 2,*,* = 2
Facade (Host(ess)) ; ghostPastry (Hostee) : *,*,* = *
Kent (Host) ; Hadsvich (Hostee) : 1,0,3 = 4
Antagonist (Host(ess)) ; R u b y (Hostee) : 4,0,1 = 5
HIM_ROCK Host(ess) ; hummy (Hostee) : 0,0,1 = 1
Risque (Host(ess)) : Libra (Hostee) : 1,0,0 = 1
Linnea (Hostess) ; Magnus (Hostee) : 2,1,4 = 7
Car'a'Carn (Host) ; dragoness129 (Hostee) : *,1,3 = 4

~Aimee~ 02-15-2019 07:12 AM

Reserved! Cause... You never know right? We might need another post!

Emilio 02-15-2019 08:02 AM

Now I'm pretty sure we got everyone that posted in the signup thread. Please ping me if Aimee or I forgot you!

Couples Unite!
Aimee: (Hostess) ; Emilio: (Hostee) - 0
Facade: (Host(ess)) ; ghostPastry: (Hostee) - 0
Kent: (Host) ; Hadsvich: (Hostee) - 0
Antagonist: (Host(ess)) ; R u b y: (Hostee) - 0
HIM_ROCK: Host(ess) ; hummy: (Hostee - FIGHT ME!) - 0
Risque: (Host(ess)) : Libra: (Hostee) - 0
Linnea: (Hostess) ; Magnus: (hostee) - 0

---------- Post added 02-15-2019 at 09:03 AM ----------

Annnnn I probs should post my Hostee form to while I'm at it...

Please Can You Get Me A Water?
The 20-sided dice lands on 14

hummy 02-15-2019 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Emilio (Post 1774111700)
Now I'm pretty sure we got everyone that posted in the signup thread. Please ping me if Aimee or I forgot you!

Couples Unite!
Aimee: (Hostess) ; Emilio: (Hostee) - 0
Facade: (Host(ess)) ; ghostPastry: (Hostee) - 0
Kent: (Host) ; Hadsvich: (Hostee) - 0
Antagonist: (Host(ess)) ; R u b y: (Hostee) - 0
HIM_ROCK: Host(ess) ; hummy: (Hostee - FIGHT ME!) - 0
Risque: (Host(ess)) : Libra: (Hostee) - 0
Linnea: (Hostess) ; Magnus: (hostee) - 0

---------- Post added 02-15-2019 at 09:03 AM ----------

Annnnn I probs should post my Hostee form to while I'm at it...

Please Can You Get Me A Water?
The 20-sided dice lands on 1

oopsie I stand corrected

---------- Post added 02-15-2019 at 02:39 AM ----------

tries again...
Please Can You Get Me A Water?
The 20-sided dice lands on 4

Linnea 02-15-2019 01:13 PM

oh hold the phones.... i am with Magnus? that's awesome! i will hound Magnus: when i get home from work so we can post!

Antagonist 02-15-2019 02:15 PM

Here goes!

I shall be Your Host!
What Can I Get For You Today?
The 20-sided dice lands on 20

Linnea 02-15-2019 03:08 PM

I shall be Your Host!
What Can I Get For You Today?
The 20-sided dice lands on 8

Kent 02-15-2019 05:07 PM

I shall be Your Host!
What Can I Get For You Today?
The 20-sided dice lands on 4

HIM_ROCK 02-15-2019 05:11 PM

I shall be Your Host!
What Can I Get For You Today?
The 20-sided dice lands on 18

Hadsvich 02-15-2019 05:42 PM

Please Can You Get Me A Water?
The 20-sided dice lands on 4.

Emilio 02-15-2019 05:51 PM

Car'a'Carn: (Host) ; dragoness129: (Hostee) - 0

You're paired up!

*Hime*: Let me know if you want to get in on the action yo. I'm sure I can find someone to be your partner! >:)

hummy 02-15-2019 06:14 PM

This is my 2nd roll
Please Can You Get Me A Water?
The 20-sided dice lands on 2.

~Aimee~ 02-15-2019 07:39 PM

COMON 10!!

I shall be Your Host!
What Can I Get For You Today?
The 20-sided dice lands on 7

Kent 02-15-2019 07:46 PM

I shall be Your Host!
What Can I Get For You Today?
The 20-sided dice lands on 17

So if we get the same number, do we get the highest score?

hummy 02-15-2019 09:10 PM

This is my third roll
~has no idea what she is doing~
Please Can You Get Me A Water?
The 20-sided dice lands on 20.

Velvet 02-15-2019 09:17 PM

Not sure if I'm doing this correctly.
I shall be Your Host!
What Can I Get For You Today?
The 20-sided dice lands on 19

Kent 02-15-2019 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Emilio (Post 1774111016)

Sorry. o uo;;

Libra 02-15-2019 10:27 PM


Please Can You Get Me A Water?
The 20-sided dice lands on 17

Magnus 02-15-2019 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Linnea (Post 1774111787)
I shall be Your Host!
What Can I Get For You Today?
The 20-sided dice lands on 17

Ho ho! It appears I have been pinged! It's an honor to be your partner Miss Linnea. Please treat me well!

Now then lets see... I believe I am to post this form?
Please Can You Get Me A Water?
The 20-sided dice lands on 9

~Aimee~ 02-15-2019 10:37 PM

Number 2 try go! 9! 9! 9!!!
I shall be Your Host!
What Can I Get For You Today?
The 20-sided dice lands on 15

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