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TKC 06-20-2008 03:15 PM

TKC's Drink Cabana -Event ends, NOON EST



‘allo ‘allo. I’m TKC. I’m here on Ithir’s behalf to welcome everyone to the Summer Pool Party. I’m here running the drink cabana, and I’ve brought my special punch. So if you feel light headed, dizzy, or like marrying a broom, it’s the punch, not the heat.

First thing is first. This is a user-run event. That means there are no clues, and no new event items to be found. Sorry. But we’re making up for it with lots of prizes totaling tens of thousands of gold.

Now, I know you’re wondering ‘How can I get these glorious prizes?! =o’ Well, it’s simple. Go play some of the stickied games.

And you'll find a full listing if you just read on a little bit.

TKC 06-20-2008 03:18 PM

Here’s a run down for you:

Battle ship with Witch and Ithir:

For a fee of 25 gold, you can move into a ship, and work to blow up enemy ships. And, you can work for your favorite spirit: Phoenix or Atlantis. If you blow a ship up, you get the spirit of your team!
Last ship standing wins the pot.

An Avi contest with Han-pan.

It’s a must have. First place prizes are head wing sets! Go now!

Art contest with Blueblackrose and WinglessFairy

You can win a scepter. What more motivation do you need? (Perhaps a V-day set?)

Musical trivia and parody writing with Fuyumi_Saito

Come, write us a song about summer. And prove your musical knowledge.

Trivia with Suteki

Really? This is my absolute favorite contest. Guess why? You can win BEE SLIPPERS if your trivia skills reign supreme. Also, you can curse the existence of Ithir for writing an entire trivia category about water.

Sandcastle Lottery with Veen

Well, every event needs a lottery, right? And here, it’s free. You just need a bit of creativity and Paint. And you could win a sash of chaos! And other prizes.

TKC 06-20-2008 03:27 PM

Well, now that that’s out of the way, I’d like to whore out my own thread.

First, some rules.
1) No peeing in the pool
2) Follow TOS
3) Have fun.

Second, a bit about why I did this: For the lulz. No, seriously? Because Mene needed an event to replace the summer carnival. And, who doesn’t want to have the weight of an entire event that will be witnessed by all of Mene on their shoulders? Really. :sarcasm: It’s so exhilarating to know that we could fail at any moment. And said event will be preserved in the memorable threads forum until the internet dies. D:

Right, so, I have my own set of prizes. From time to time, I’ll ask a question about me, or something else on my mind, and first one to answer it wins the prize.

Jester hat - Han-pan
Garnet dragon sword
Dove wings
Fancy cool boots
Frost belt
- Gone to Suppi
Frost belt (1)
Atlantis belt
Musketeer hat
Coco bustier - Wingless
Coco shoes
Golden Claddagh belt
Silver Claddagh belt
Gold Top o' the morning top hat
Silver top o' the morning top hat (x2)
Luck o' the Irish
Channah's panties on my head!
The Big Bang
GIANT spork
Cake hat (One of each)

Also, if you know TKC threads, you know there’s always the chance of a random gold prizes to my favorite people.

Finally, there’s something else lurking. A much bigger prize that only the hosts know about. It will be awarded at the close of the event.

PS~ Ithir and TKC are the same person.

Random colors are just boredom.

TKC 06-20-2008 03:29 PM

All of the thank yous:


2oo gold ~ Lilim
Snowflakes, Yumeh Cat Hairpin, Frost belt x2, Fancy cool boots, 760 gold, Dark cocoa bustier, Ivory cream musketeer hat, St.Patty's '08 set, V-day '08 set, Winter '07 set, Halloween '07 set, April fools day '08 set, Atlantis belt, April '07 set, April '08 set, January '08 set, March '08 set, Glacial circlet, Yumeh pin, Menewshaversary '08 set ~ Midnightstar (Blueblackrose) o.o <33333333333
Dove wings, Scepter of order, Jester hat, hallopop ~ Veen
March set, Sash of Chaos, April set, Lamb and Ducky, Garnet Dragon sword, 12 May CI sets, roughly 3k gold ~ Ithir/TKC
150 gold ~ WinglessFairy
231 ~ Afterglow
Half priced bee slippers ~ Suteki!
1ooo gold - Jennifer =o <3
150 gold - Enzeru ^^
200 gold - MelonFairy ^^
Horns of nature - Nightgaunt <3
1ooo gold - Omi <333
11o6.86 gold - Vyllan and her mule. <333

Other thanks:

First off, thank you immensely to Veen. I’d never even met her when she popped up and answered my call for the charities to unite and run a summer event.
Also, thanks to Lilim and Sizzla for helping with a theme.

Special thanks to all of my hosts, especially those who have a lot of work to do. I’m so happy to have found you all. <3

And again thanks to Veen for helping to make some of the banners last minute.

Thanks to Chiairen Hoshino for helping answer all of my questions and move the threads into the correct forum.

TKC 06-20-2008 03:30 PM

–wheels out the bottomless punch bowl-

-locks the brooms in a closet-

-snips ribbon-

Han-pan 06-21-2008 04:17 PM

DRINKY DRINK! -runs up to the punch bowl- Fweee~! Whar the broom go 'way? ;--;

Ithir 06-21-2008 04:21 PM

xD You don't know the whole story. One of my event thread regulars got 'drunk' on new years and married a broom.

Zweres 06-21-2008 04:22 PM

XD Ohh, I think I remember who that is.

Han-pan 06-21-2008 04:25 PM

Hahahah loverly xD

I actually have to shower now cuz I've work in a half an hour. Dad's been in there for the past hour and a half....;-----; Makes it hard to get to work on time! D:

Ithir 06-21-2008 04:27 PM

It was K i w i
It resulted in the only occasion of me making art during an event. here

And where has Zweres been! Ithir hasn't seen him in ages!

Bye Daggy. <3

WinglessFairy 06-21-2008 04:43 PM

-tackleglomps Ithir-
mwahahahahaha I has you now! >=D

Ithir 06-21-2008 04:45 PM

That you do.
Mm, I'm impatient for the activity to pick up!
People must commmeeee!

Edit~ I see Min lurking! D<

M i n u x e 06-21-2008 04:45 PM

Ahahah sweet! The bottomless punch bowl >D
This is already feeling like a great event Ithir!
Especially with those bee slippers as the grand prize for the trivia thread *-*

Ithir 06-21-2008 04:47 PM

I tried my hardest to make the prizes kick ass.

Can I expect to see Min in the trivia thread gunning for slippers then?

veen 06-21-2008 04:52 PM

hey ithir! just stopped by to check in and let you know that I'm here. i gotta run for a bit, but I'll be back soon.

Ithir 06-21-2008 05:01 PM

Alright. ^^
-prods thread-
Where's Kiwi when you need her. xD

M i n u x e 06-21-2008 05:04 PM

@Ithir: You sure can ;D
Although I bet I can expect some tough competition, since I am not very knowledgeable about a wide range of subjects.

Ithir 06-21-2008 05:08 PM

Well, you have 10 rounds you can try for, then you just have to beat out 9 other people on questions from a wide range of subjects.

suppi 06-21-2008 06:27 PM

Hello everyone. n__n
O: Ithir, we have the same font. xD

Ithir 06-21-2008 06:29 PM

I guess I should change colors for in here!

suppi 06-21-2008 06:31 PM

Sorry! >< It was fine if we used the same fonts.. ^^;

Ithir 06-21-2008 06:34 PM

It's fine, purple matches me too. ^^
And same font colors confuse me. xP

I like your avi, by the way. If only there was a bit more green in the torso area...
(Enter the avi contest?)

suppi 06-21-2008 06:40 PM

Oh, I see.. alright then. xD;

Thank youu. <33 Well, I rarely buy items from the stores or even the exchange..
So I just put on whatever I have in my inventory, hoping it will all come together in the end. xDD
I was thinking about that.. but there isn't really a 'summer theme' to it. ^^;

Ithir 06-21-2008 06:41 PM

But the other category is June Cis.
And you're wearing a fox hat. ^^

suppi 06-21-2008 06:42 PM

Wow, I'm so sloww. xDD
Thanks! I just saw that one.. hehe. Maybe I will. ^^ I like entering a contest after seeing other entries.. lol.

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