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Hatake Ayumi 10-31-2010 12:23 AM

Manties: Halloween Edition- Hatake vs Yue
It's That Time of Year Again!
Another event, another thread, another opportunity to squeeze those handsome buns into manties.

Now, I don't know what's going to happen. Ghosts are popping in and out. Peeblo occasionally tugs on my internet cables, kids keep on knocking on the door. But I have a shot gun ready, so LET THE FUN BEGIN.

This. Should. Be. Fun.

1) You may only chose one side (if your main chooses Yue, then so does your mule)
2) You must ping me if you want to join a side.
3) Just read the rules down there...

Ayumui Yue 10-31-2010 12:38 AM

Lemme sneak in here and get MY say.
Goddang, after being stuck in the closet for so long... Freedom...
I've gathered my resources and... I am ready to make my move.
HATAKE, BEWARE. Your reign will not last.

Hatake Ayumi 10-31-2010 12:47 AM

Bloody hallow's eve devil's incarnate.
Who let my mule out of his room?
I haven't let him out in society for years!
And it should have stayed that way.
You won't get me you bloody mindless fool!

This calls for extreme measures.
I bet if I get an army, I can beat Yue and his massive arsenal of my stuff. I don't want to know what he's put in that vial.

Hatake Ayumi
Iroase Delschatten

Ayumui Yue 10-31-2010 12:51 AM

Oh, you pristine, societal pawn.
You think you are such a leader, such boss, so in control.
Your confidence shall be your downfall.
Go stick your post counts up your...
You know, I'll show you.

Ayumui Yue

Hatake Ayumi 10-31-2010 01:01 AM

It's a deal you phlegmy secondary account.
Here's the deal. We compete for supporters.
But that's not all.
Our supporters must also be active. We'll see who has the more supporters in the top 15 posters in this thread. No way for there to be a tie.

/whisper/ doesn'tmeanIcan'tnudgeafewpeople. /whisper/

Well then, LET US BEGIN.

/steals the last post you philandering pilferer/

Let's all thank Azntwins!
She upped the ante with real pixel prizes!
But there are some rules.
1. You may only be on one side (you cannot be eligible for a prize if you are on both teams)
2. You cannot switch teams and you cannot pull out.
These prizes go to the top eight active and eligible members of the winning side.

First person: pirate's booty or ninja's arsenal
second person: (whatever the first person doesn't pick)
Third person: kitsune and caboodle
4th person: jade ronin
5th person: eyes of the wild
6th person: book of nightmares
7th person: peacock scythe
8th person: 1 2010 halloween EI set.
**prizes subject to change**

Lathrine 10-31-2010 01:02 AM

Pfft. Let's be quite honest. Just how often do you see me in non-manty outfits anymore? :P Manties make up about 90% of my outfits.
But hey! ;D Guess who's Mantiversary it is?

Dun dun DUUUN. Looks like you're Mule is gonna usurp you, Hata. owo Better play your cards carefully~ And, of course, I'll support you. <3 We'll take down that evil Mule yet. There's no way a silly Mule or two could over throw us Mai-

Ayumui Yue 10-31-2010 01:05 AM

Oh, typical. Mains would stick together.

Bartimaeus 10-31-2010 01:11 AM

*dusts off skirt and bypasses a bowl of rosemary*

No, Lathrine, I think not. I'm sure you think it's great fun to have the mightiest Djinni (moi) at your beck and call, but I'm putting my foot down. Now. No more sitting in a summoning circle in some forgotten closet, waiting for when you sudden remember I exist. I'm siding with Ayumui and seeing as I've gotten out of my circle, there isn't a thing you can do to stop me.

This Halloween, Mains fall. You have my whole-hearted support, Ayumui.

And I think I'll hang around for a while. She certainly can't stop me at the moment.
*plops down on a seat*

Seridano 10-31-2010 01:12 AM

Hmm, well I must say that this seems like quite the predicament. However, being that I know neither of you particularly well, methinks I'll remain here watching and waiting for that time at which my choice between the two of you becomes clear.

Azntwins 10-31-2010 01:12 AM

I'm too lazy to get on my mule. P:

Bartimaeus 10-31-2010 01:14 AM

Oh you would be, Azntwins. You mains are always so lazy. Leaving us mules to rot simply because you can't be arsed to switch. I swear, it's the magicians all over again. *indignant huff*

*tied-up-Lathy noises from a closet*

Winter Wind 10-31-2010 01:15 AM

This has got to be the funniest thread ever. xD

Azntwins 10-31-2010 01:15 AM

Well, if you mules weren't so fat with items just MAYBE I would log on once in a while. P:


Ayumui Yue 10-31-2010 01:16 AM

Hahaha. Indeed Bartimaeus. You are a welcome supporter.
You think you mains are "number one," and give us all your crap. Imagine if you had to keep everything you own.

Funny? I bet you side with that damn "mainist" theory.

Winter Wind 10-31-2010 01:18 AM

Hai aznn. :3

I haven't properly posted on Mene in like.

Bartimaeus 10-31-2010 01:19 AM

I'm so glad our suffering is amusing to you, Wind.
Can you detect my sarcasm?

I don't know what your mule is like, Azntwins, but Lathrine has certainly been a cheapskate when it comes to giving me items. Maybe your mule wouldn't be so "fat with items" if you logged on to it once in a while!

Excellent point, Ayumui! Perhaps I'll be able to steal some of Lathrine's items while she's tied up...

((Lawl. I should install Chrome or something so I can have both Lathy and Barty on at the same time. 8D))

Winter Wind 10-31-2010 01:21 AM

for the third time. xD

Hatake Ayumi 10-31-2010 01:21 AM

:heart: :glomp:

((Haha, that's what I'm doing now.))

Winter Wind 10-31-2010 01:22 AM

Hai Ayuu. :3 <3


Bartimaeus 10-31-2010 01:22 AM

... Really now, Wind?
Well in that case I suppose you can't be all bad.

Faylin Linx 10-31-2010 01:23 AM

-makes a run for it and dives behind Bartimaeus-

Y-you're all so brave...I..I don't think I could put up a fight against my Main. She'd punish me and...and she's already made me wear v-virtually nothing and go out collecting candy for her. It's so degrading I just...just...why do they abuse us?

-starts sobbing-

Ayumui Yue 10-31-2010 01:23 AM

Wait, I'm in the chrome browser.
AGAIN, getting the second rate snuff.

Azntwins 10-31-2010 01:23 AM

Hey, did I ask for a mule to talk to me? Didn't think so. SHUSH! :talk2hand:
And anyway, I could buy everything that's on my mule back. The items there are just for storage, I can give them out or sell them whenever I want!

It's fat with items cause it wants to hold my items! D<
You tell it to not be fat!
((You can but just make sure you aren't talking to yourself... People get in trouble for that. O-o;; ))

Winter Wind 10-31-2010 01:23 AM

I'm glad I have a good relationship with my muley....

Azntwins 10-31-2010 01:25 AM

I don't really have a good relationship with either (main and mule). ._.;;
I've been neglectful...

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