Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   -   ♥ Buggu's ART FREEBIES ♥ Sorry I'm late to the party? XD (

Bug-a-Boo 02-22-2009 09:22 PM

♥ Buggu's ART FREEBIES ♥ Sorry I'm late to the party? XD

Hey guys! Yes,Buggu FINALLY has a freebies thread XD

She's scrambling to get some more feathers to get more event items! P: So,if you donate any of the items,you will get a freebie! >u<

You can also bribe Bug with gold,or store items! She likes those too! :'3

All freebies will be uncolored,unless highly bribed! >u<

There will be games/questions! >u< I'll ask a question,and whoever gets it right will get a freebie! Have fun guys,and Happy Valentines Day! (lateeee) XD

Current Question: 'What's Buggu's favorite way to have coffee?'

Wrong Guesses: In Icecream


:heart: Bug's To-Do-List :heart:



Croon 02-22-2009 09:27 PM


Bug-a-Boo 02-22-2009 09:34 PM


Croon 02-22-2009 09:35 PM


And my big fat kitty is cutting off circulation to my legs

Bug-a-Boo 02-22-2009 09:38 PM

Poor Croon D8< /unstuffs the nose

/grabcuddle Fatty - w- E>

Croon 02-22-2009 09:41 PM

Fatty: -aggressive purring and headbutting-

-nosedrips everywhere-

Bug-a-Boo 02-22-2009 09:43 PM

Oh how a Bug loves Fatty D: :heart: /petpethugs - w-

/Tissues ; 3;

Croon 02-22-2009 09:45 PM


-shoves up her nose-

Bug-a-Boo 02-22-2009 09:47 PM

Fatty: :heart:________:heart: E>

You're welcome D8 /makes chknnoodlesoupz4u

Risu 02-22-2009 09:49 PM

I would love a piece of art! What event item would you like? I've got doubles right now of all the ones you get get from feathers.

Bug-a-Boo 02-22-2009 09:51 PM

Risu: I don't believe I have a double of the drawing room or black heart fox slipper's yet! >u< so either of those would be fine! :heart:

nocturnal miyu 02-22-2009 09:54 PM

*huggies may*
good luck on getting the items. if you need anything, just ask, i have some extra feathers. ^^;

Bug-a-Boo 02-22-2009 09:56 PM

Aww,thanks Miyu dear! ; 3; I wouldn't ASK you to give me an item for nothing! >u< You'd get some art,ofcourse! E>

nocturnal miyu 02-22-2009 09:57 PM

what item do you need? i have bunch of extra items / feathers. ^^;

Arriex 02-22-2009 09:57 PM

Yea, I think you are kinda late since there's only like two more hours. xD<3

Dystopia 02-22-2009 09:59 PM

o3o Anna wants a Last-Minute Buggy-Boo Freebie. =O If you wanna draw a boy for once, draw Henna for me?

Bug-a-Boo 02-22-2009 10:00 PM

Miyu: Well,the only items I don't have doubles of,are the Drawing Room & Black Heart Fox slipper's >u< The rest I have 2 each of,though,I'm trying to hoard them XD So,I'm aiming to get as many of them as possible @o@;;;

Arreix: Yeah,haha,I've been so busy lately @o@ And I've been over at my Fiance's for a week,just got back home last night! And I didn't wanna offer freebies when I didn't even have my tablet with me! XD;;


Anna: Haha,he would be fine XD Are you offering an item/gold? Or,waiting to see if you can get freebz? ;D I'll be asking a question now! So,whoever gets it right!

What is Buggu's favorite way to have coffee?

nocturnal miyu 02-22-2009 10:01 PM

i can get both of those for you if you want. <3

Croon 02-22-2009 10:09 PM

-up to 100 feathers-
-needs about another 100 to get another set-

Risu 02-22-2009 10:12 PM

I sent a trade, since I'm not sure how it all works. I hope that's okay?

Bug-a-Boo 02-22-2009 10:13 PM

Miyu: OMG ; 3; you don't have to do that! >u< It's so sweet of you to offer though ; 3; I guess if you really want to you can! But,I wont make you :3

Actually ; 3; Risu just sent them both in a trade! D8 So,you can give me one of the less feather-consuming items if you like >u< Or nothing at all! Up to you dear!

Croon: OMG feather hog o_o I wish I ahd that many,lol XD E> Good luck getting another set!

Risu: Oooh,yay! Thank you so much o__o What avatar/OC would you like drawn dear? :'D E> Since you are giving me 2 items,I'll add some splashes of color to yours if you want! >u<

Croon 02-22-2009 10:16 PM

Want to be able to artwhore about here. Need items to do so, obviously.



nocturnal miyu 02-22-2009 10:17 PM

i'll give both, as it might be easier for you to get the lesser feather items. ^^;

Bug-a-Boo 02-22-2009 10:19 PM

Croon: Lol,so true ; 3; I've been wanting all the items lately XD haha,so,no new Mene art for Bug D:

Wrong! XD But I do like coffee icecream P:

Miyu: Aww >u< Thank you sooo much! What would you like drawn? O: E>

Risu 02-22-2009 10:20 PM

This avatar is just fine. I don't really have another one, since I joined not, too long ago. Colour would be awesome!

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