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Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 11-18-2011 04:18 PM

House of Night Roleplay
Welcome to the House of Night!

Night has chosen thee; thy death will be thy birth. Night calls to thee; harken to Her sweet voice. Your destiny awaits you at the House of Night.

This is a House of Night roleplay, you can either be a character from the book or create your own character. Itis set after Z comes back from Italy but before they find out about Rephaim. Jack didn't die

It is not necessary to cuss every second word
No OOC fighting

character profile:
species; (fledgling, vamp human)
bio: (optional)


name: Brenna Raven
age: 13/ 100's
gender: female
species: daughter of Kalona
personailty: kind, sweet, gentle. bouncy
bio: Brenna's mother died giving birth to her and she was raised by her stepfather and half-brother. She was 13 when Kalona was trapped and she fell into a deep sleep. Her stepfather watched over her until he died (she didn't age or need food in this sleep), after that her brother watched over her, and his children after him. The others of the tribe called them the Raven Guardians which became the last name Raven. Brenna woke up when Kalona was released aand was Marked shortly after. She doesn't look like the raven mockers and no one knows if it's because she is a girl or what.
powers/affinities: the dark forms of the elements (black fire etc.) also the same attraction power as her father. When she sings it's like a siren
other: she is good
looks: She has black curls and amber eyes. She is as beautiful as her father. beautiful. She has black wings like Kalona

name: Artemis Diana Archer (was Michaela Diana Brown)
age: 13
gender: femmale
species; fledgling
personailty: kind, smart,
bio: (optional) n/a
powers/affinities: affinity for the moon and animals
other: she is a twin, great archer
looks: she has long blonde hair and silvery blue eyes

name: Apollo Derek Archer (was Micheal Derek Brown)
age: 13
gender: male
species; (fledgling, vamp human) fledgling
personailty: kind, fun-loving
bio: (optional) n/a
powers/affinities: the sun
other: loves music and poetry, great archer. he is a twin
looks: wavy blonde hair and blue eyes

name: Holly Irena Black
age: 13
gender: female
species; (fledgling, vamp human) fledgling
personailty: kind, sweet, gentle
bio: (optional) n/a
powers/affinities: earth
other: she is an identical twin
looks: She has wavy nut-borwn hair and moss green eyes

name: Ivy Hazel Black
age: 13
gender: female
species; (fledgling, vamp human) fledgling
personailty: kidd, gentle
bio: (optional) n/a
powers/affinities: earth
other: she is an identical twin
looks: She has wavy nut-brown hair and moss green eyes


finx15's character


Originally Posted by finx15
name:Finx Sunfara
species; fledgling
personailty:Finx is shy and quiet someone you could pass by and not even notice a little.
bio: Finx was just turned into a fledgling after years of believing she was only human.
powers/affinities:none yet

finx15 12-09-2011 08:19 PM

Finx walked up to the school feel as nervous as a rabbit in a cage. It was her first day as a student at the night school for vampires begining only just changed the previous day. She slowly entered the building looking around for a person to show her around or something.

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 12-09-2011 08:27 PM

As Brenna walked into the school she bumped into Finx, "Oh I'm sorry!" she exclaimed. She looked at Finx waiting for her to say something about ehr wings like strangers always did.

finx15 12-09-2011 08:31 PM

"Hi." Finx said shyly she noticed the girl had wings and started at them for a sec before realizing she was being rude. "I'm sorry i didn't mean to stare."

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 12-09-2011 08:39 PM

Brenna smiled a bit, "It's okay, i'm used to it"

finx15 12-09-2011 09:00 PM

"but that is very rude for someone to stare not matter who pretty they are." Finx said with a pout.

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 12-09-2011 09:07 PM

Brenna shrugged, "Well its kinda hard not to star when you see a girl with wings" she smiled," I'm Brenna Swan, what's your name?"

finx15 12-09-2011 09:13 PM

"Finx Sunfara." she said smiling back at her it was nice having someone talk to her.

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 12-09-2011 09:17 PM

"You new here?" Brenna asked.

finx15 12-09-2011 09:20 PM

"Yes i was just changed yesterday and this is the first time i've been in this building." Finx said. "I'm a little nervous."

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 12-09-2011 09:21 PM

"I was marked a few weeks ago," Brenna said, "It'll be alright, although I should warn you, there's some strange stuff going on here....."

finx15 12-09-2011 09:23 PM

"Really that doesnt sound good." Finx said with a shiver she hated being afraid all the time but she could never get over her fears.

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 12-09-2011 09:25 PM

"yeah" Brenna said, she bit her lip "It kind of has to do with my father actually"

finx15 12-11-2011 01:37 AM

"Why is it always someones family member?" Finx asked mostly to herself.

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 12-11-2011 06:36 AM

Brenna nodded in agreement, "now lets see I guess i should start with Neferet"

finx15 12-12-2011 12:49 AM

"Who?" Finx asked not meaning to interrupt but she felt needs to for some reason.

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 12-12-2011 04:20 AM

"The High Priestess of this school" Brenna explained.

finx15 12-12-2011 04:55 PM

"Thats a wierd name." Finx said with a frown because people said her name was strange but this was just wierd. " I'm sorry for interrupting."

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 12-12-2011 09:18 PM

"It's okay" Brenna said, "I think its a really old name, anyway Neferet well there's no other way to say it really....she's evil"

finx15 12-14-2011 12:36 AM

"Ok um can you move the story along I would like to get to class." Finx said glancing around nervously.

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 12-14-2011 04:47 PM

"ok" said Brenna, "so my dad was trapped in the earth because of bad thibnngs eh did, and my brothers and i wer elike weird spirit things, although i was closer to being not spirit then them, neferet freed my dad we all got proper physical forms and now my dad and neferet and my brothers are sort of trying to take over the world"

finx15 12-16-2011 01:24 AM

"Wow talk about family drama." Finx said blinking at her "And I thought my parents were bad."

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 12-16-2011 07:52 PM

"yeah" Brenna sighed, "anyway just be careful, oh one more thing about my brothers, they don't look like me, human with wings, their half-raven half-man"

finx15 12-16-2011 07:59 PM

"creepy." finx said shivering "and the students just let this happen?"

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 12-16-2011 08:01 PM

Brenna nodded, "most of them, most of the teachers too, my dad kind of has this thing that makes you want to obey him, but my dad's not around the school right now neferet supposedly "banished him and turned good" " she made air quotes around the words, "but i know she's still evil"

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