Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   -   The Gift... of Laughter... (Some 'standup' comedy) [OPEN..ish] (

Mingnon 11-22-2008 07:25 PM

The Gift... of Laughter... (Some 'standup' comedy) [OPEN..ish]

*Mingnon comes on stage and approaches the microphone, but just stands there. Then, she proceeds to tap the mike's speaker part with her finger.*

Check, check... 1, 2, 1, 2...

*The tapping continues for a little bit, and then she stops and clears her throat*

Ah, it's good to have everyone here for the event... Well, I don't know if it's exactly everyone, but still...

Upon hearing that there's going to be an event based on thanksgiving, I was pretty happy that there was going to be an event taking place right after Halloween. But once I heard it was going to be about the thankfulness of charity, well, since I'm normally the type that would be busy getting as much stuff as possible, I was like "WTF? How am I going to take part in an event like that? :o"

So in the end, I've come up with a simple solution; give the gift that has barely any materialistic, or monetary value whatsoever. And if any jerks don't like it, there is less problem if you just take your trash and leave! Okay? ;)

And for the rest of you in the audience, I appreciate applause and all, but try not to be so... well, chaotic... the last thing I want is a mosh pit fest, and as much as I am a fan of those, I prefer not at this time, so you can please keep your hands to yourself, and your... selves in your seats.. okay? :sweat:

Mingnon 11-22-2008 10:30 PM

Mene and Questing

A while back, I was searching through some other sites (besides that site...) and when I read a blog description for Mene, I came something along the lines of it being a site where it's hard to earn money, and that it's like some kind of status symbol. And once I came across the home page, my mind instantly thought, "It's some kind of VIP club! o-o" The front page's art was just enough to get my mind into thinking that.

Honestly, who wouldn't of been thinking that Magnus was a bouncer and Mr. Mayor was the club president or something? Then there's Vicktoria, the 'trophy girlfriend', Abel the 'random emo dude', and Aimee as some random user.

Dunno what I thought for everyone else, but at that time, that was pretty much what I thought.

And a couple months ago, I thought that I would be miles off from getting my first outfit, but as luck may have it, a couple months and an even later, here I am, in fancy luxurywear and with an actual wardrobe to boot! And a wardrobe would be something other sites would prevent you from even inching to on a real-life budget!

And here's the best kept secret in Gami-- I mean Mene: Games... which I was trying to get to. *ahem*... anyway, I was playing Snake and maybe some Tetris like a madman.. on a marathon, until I hit the daily limit.. and every day it was all *CHOMPCHOMPCHOMP* *Plink... Plink...* *CHOMPCHOMPCHOMP* *Plink... Plink...* And wash, rinse, repeat.

And the best part: I didn't even have to post up a thread in the Quests forum.

Okay, okay, while I would have appreciated all the help you could offer, it's just that... well, I have a sort of tendancy to avert one particular regular there... who goes by the name of Channah. I know, I know, she's just... well, a person I wouldn't want to bother getting mad on accident, given my tendancies and all... well, here's a possible scenario:

"Here you go, have a nice day."
"Ah.. why.. thank you... wait... 1k?"
"Be grateful I actually gave you something, ungrateful brat!"


...Thus the reason why I avoid such territory. >.<

Disclaimer: No offence to anyone named 'Channah' or 'Abel'... or well anyone else mentioned was intended in this joke.

Rainbows 11-23-2008 02:38 AM

Izzit.. Open?
-holds off applause until I know-
. 3o

Mingnon 11-23-2008 04:04 AM

It is open... o-o;;

Rainbows 11-23-2008 04:08 AM

-claps loudly-

Queen Demon 11-23-2008 04:14 AM

*claps also*


[L]ove[H]ate 11-23-2008 04:32 AM

*stands up and starts clapping*

Mingnon 11-23-2008 07:54 AM

Thank you, thank you.. ^.^


Honestly, there has barely been a fiction without them. I confess myself as one... sort of... kind of... but I don't squeal or write fanfics, or even do yaoi shippings (no offence, but yaoi... well, it isn't really my cup of tea, but to each his own? ^.^; ).

Especially not in Mene.

Why, I've seen my share already for Mene's NPCs... and that's only on the first month here, needIremindyou. And that particular month had that special event we call Halloween.

I remember it as if it were just yesterday; a group of young women were after that important celeb, Mr. Mayor, and were intending to... *GASP* Take him to the hotel! No, really, I read it all in the thread. And whatever plans they had weren't pretty.

But aside from that, there were other episodes of fangirling, but I'm going to stop now before I implant anything.. well, hazardous around here.. especially with things cooling down. But still, mind you, this is just ONE episode!

Remember ladies... You know who you are... >.>

...I've pretty much been wanting to say that. ^.^;

Mingnon 11-23-2008 09:34 PM

Hm... Okay, so maybe that last one sunk in a little too hard... >.>;

Serious Buisness

In a lot of other threads and forums, websites even, there is always this one hangout that's reserved for seriousness only. By The Book (tm). No Kidding. Serious Buisness. You Laugh, You Die. We Always Use A Capital First Letter Per Word. We Said No Laughing!

Honestly, there needs to be some kind of documentary on this kind of thing. Detailing all sorts of seriousness in every form, straight, glaring faces everywhere, idiots get shot down.. it'd be like that nightmare work office... you know the one.

Anyway, in honor of this straight-faced, tight-laced community form, may we please welcome... Serious Bag!

We are most honored to have you here, Mr. Bag. ^.^


I see... ^.^;; So tell us; how are things like where you work?


Ah... And how are the co-workers?


Very.. interesting. Anyway, I hear from them that you are not easily amused. Or better yet, at all. How is that?


Um... >.>; Did that question offend you..?

*Falls off the stool and onto Mingnon's foot*


Lumi 11-24-2008 12:59 AM

Hahaha -clapclaps-! More! ^__^ :heart:

And I didn't know you just joined only a month ago or so. I would have guessed you've been here longer, for some reason. ^^;

Mingnon 11-24-2008 02:16 AM

I learn things fast... YP

Censorship and Randomness

Everyone thinks that just because it's the internet, they can get away with however much language, sexual and/or violent imagery they want. Even worse, it's right there, in written format that can be seen as plainly as a dove in a pidgeon flock, where even the tender-aged can see it.

You know what'd be great? If there was a censorship system that only someone on catnip could possibly invent. Where words and images would be covered up with content that carry origins out of CD-i, and the like.

Here are some examples of the sometime-in-the-future Catnipcensorship system at work:

"I wanna throw you down and <SQUADILLA!> you!"

"You can kiss my <SECRET BONUS POINT!>"

"Curse you... Curse you to <COREDAI!>"

"Seems like your mouth is full of <SQUADILLA!>"

And here's an image example:

"Squadilla" And "Coredai" from CD-i's Zelda games.

"Secret Bonus Point" from CD-i's Hotel Mario.

Micheal Jackson from the real world.

Gutsman's butt from Gutsman... from Megaman.

Lumi 11-24-2008 02:26 AM

-applauds- Hahaha.. that's Michael?? xD

I wish I could say some jokes... But I'm no comedian, in the slightest. xP

Lura Crane 11-25-2008 10:57 PM

*Laughs softly and applauds* X3
*Then sips at some ice water~*

Mingnon 11-25-2008 11:49 PM

Stuck in your head

About that last one... well... I have a tendancy to have things stuck in my head. Certain things. And they stick for a while, longer than you would want them to. Especially the ugly things.

But then again, the same thing goes for just about anyone else.

Take for instance my mom. I love her and all, but sometimes I intend to harass her with this one song from DDR called Butterfly, or, here's another one... And either song would drive her up the wall.

For instance, whenever we would drive to the city we leave a ways to, we would take the exit off the highway, and right next to the street we drive onto, there would be a sign that reads 'Quizno's'... of course, you would know what that means... ;)

But, as for myself, whenever I come across something that's scarring or just plain annoying, I usually intend to wash it out of my mind.

Again, I have no particular offence, but one song from the Persona Series... while it's nice and lovely and all, well, it has a tendancy to get stuck in my head for quite some time, so I have the need to wash it out... with other songs. J-Rock or 'Cartoon Heroes' or even 'Caramelldansen', if all else fails.

And you'd think that that one song would be right out of my head for quite some time...

However, at times when I least expect it...


Lura Crane 11-26-2008 12:18 AM

Heh. XD;;
Too often, things of disturbing or annoying nature have been stuck in my head. DX

Pretty song though~
Never listened to it 'til now.
^ ^

Mingnon 11-28-2008 09:10 PM


I've more than once felt that I'm being ignored by everyone else... on purpose. I'm sure a lot of you get the feeling, so you may know of my pain...

To me, it's as if there was some kind of event unknown to me called 'Ignore Mingnon or Terrible Things Will Happen Such as a Missing Sock Month'. >.<;

And when I am being paid attention to, it is most often the wrong kind... some kind of jock or someone who actually doesn't float my boat otherwise... So yeah, it has been a lonely month here in Mingnon-World..

Honestly, I would, just to get the much-needed attention, though I doubt I would because it would be forcing someone against his will, though I might as a last-resort measure (I know what you're saying.. "Get on with it!")...

Is to do a Futurama parody.

You know the one.

...But maybe I should run a test-run first to see how things would work out, so I'd know it would work.

Okay, everyone ready...?


(Excuse the over-dosage of BB-Color-Code... ^^; )

aurathelight 11-29-2008 11:11 PM

*Walks in and takes a seat* Hello everyone

Thoth Star 11-30-2008 12:16 AM

Hello Ming~ ^^

Mingnon 11-30-2008 07:12 PM

Hello, you two. ^^

swanniee 11-30-2008 07:18 PM

fun to read XDDD i like the serious business one the msot ^__^

Mingnon 12-01-2008 02:31 AM

Glad to see some people like it ^^


Okay, so some of the jokes I've written up previously were just parodies... sort of... of whatever's been going on recently. That's merely because of the simple fact that I wanna post those over-used jokes myself... Which stems from one thing; Wannabeism.

For instance, in one form or another, whenever I see something awesome, mysterious or whatever else happen to a fictional character, I tend to secretly wish that particular thing would happen to me (or rather, a fiction character I come up with). Take the PS2 Capcom game Maximo for instance; in the beginning part, the protagonist dies, gets sent to some dark, almost oceanic Limbo where he gets revived by the Grim Reaper. That alone is enough to make me think, 'I wanna go through a resurrection like that! :D'.

But I know that deep down, in reality that sort of thing would barely ever happen to me, because of a few things:

-I don't see myself going into a fatal situation anytime in the future, regardless of risks of kidnap, murder, etc.

-If I did die... I don't even know how Limbo is like to begin with.

-And I don't know if I'm even hero enough to be revived at all...

But there's always the next best thing to 'live' out your fantasies: Role-play!

...In fact, someone commented once that I role-play just to live out my fantasies. But what's wrong with that?

..Well, unless they're ultra-sick or fangirly or a mix of both and all, then I understand...

But still! DX

Rainbows 12-02-2008 12:32 AM

This Is Serious.
What Are You Laughing About?


This Is Not Funny.

Thoth Star 12-02-2008 07:57 PM

Haha, they're ok.

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