Menewsha Avatar Community

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Roachi 07-09-2018 11:01 PM

Pre-Event Hangout [Still setting up but come and chat]

Come and hangout with us. I'll have some contests and giveaways up later..
But for now, lets all Huddle together & share our fondest memories of Mene! Or not... It's up to you haha :)

Roachi 07-09-2018 11:02 PM

Reserved x

Roachi 07-09-2018 11:02 PM

Reserved x2

---------- Post added 07-10-2018 at 11:11 AM ----------

Maybe do some auctions, a avi contest... Something along those lines.
If there is enough people around who are interested.

R u b y 07-10-2018 02:45 AM

Is this open? [eager]

Nephila 07-11-2018 12:07 AM

If not then I can remove posts if Roachi wants. :D

Roachi 07-11-2018 12:33 AM

Yes it's open! Contests to come later when i get some time to arrange thread :)
Please come and chat :)

Nephila 07-11-2018 12:45 AM

Sweet! :D

Good to see you round again. :)

Roachi 07-11-2018 12:49 AM

Yeah i've been off for surgery, but feeling lots better.
How are you doing hun? What's new in your world? :)

Nephila 07-11-2018 12:55 AM

Mostly the same other than working on getting some pages done from my webcomic and designing the site for it.

Roachi 07-11-2018 12:56 AM

Oooh that sounds interesting! Yeah i've just been working & lookin after the kid.
We're buying a new car - Well hubby is. For once in his life he's finally thinking economical lol.

Nephila 07-11-2018 01:18 AM

That's fantastic news!

Mine keeps threatening to buy a truck, and I'm like please don't. XD We just got the car like last year.

Roachi 07-11-2018 03:10 AM

LOL yeah well he wanted a holden comy or something, and then all of a sudden he's all about suzuki swift & it being economical. I guess gas prices were just hiked here. Still though, he's 6 foot!! A suzuki swift hahaha. I laughed so hard.

Xogizmoox 07-11-2018 02:22 PM

-tags thread-

Why are no threads popping up in the post feed thing :/

Maria-Minamino 07-11-2018 06:16 PM

Hi there Roachi <3 :)

LillieRose 07-11-2018 09:23 PM

Heya Roachi. ^_^

I hope you are well and keeping warm.

Did I ever tell you guys the story of how we got the car that we have now (Mitsubishi Pajero)?

So I saw this car at a car lot when my hubby and I started talking about getting a new car. And I told him how I absolutely loved it but is was way over what I was willing to spend on a car.

Time goes by, we still haven't bought the car but we were looking here and there, not really actively, as we were planning to do a motorcycle road trip, so we were sprucing up the bike in preparation for that.

Then all of a sudden, my hubby starts complaining that his tooth is sore and he had this god-awful nasty breath. Now, he is deathly afraid of dentists and it takes ages to talk him into seeing one, however, the tooth is so sore that I manage to book an appointment and get him there ASAP. After the exam, the dentist said that it's an infected wisdom tooth and it needs to come out and that while she's at it, she could get the other two wisdom teeth that are problematic out as well. My hubby goes HELLLLL NOPE! and we arrange for just the infected one to be out. Now, since he hates the dentist and the pain, we book him in for a removal under total anesthetic, he has had that done once before and didn't remember a thing for up to three hours after. Anyway, he gets the tooth out, comes to but still fuzzy due to the drugs and we set out for home - we live about 10 minutes away from the dentist's. But then, he sees a car lot across the street and drags me over there to take a look at what they have. They didn't have anything we liked but he spent 30 minutes thoroughly examining a car. I told the dealer not to bother too much with us because my hubby is drugged due to the dentist and that we will come back the next day when he comes to a bit.

So I manage to get hubby home, sit him down, make him a strong cup of coffee with milk, because that helped him last time to come to a bit faster and spend the next 30 minutes just talking to him, watching if he is okay.

Now, the day before, my niece and nephew had also had surgeries - nephew had a mole removed from his eye and the niece had her torn hamstring muscle fixed - and my brother- and sister-in-law have to take the nephew in for his check up, meanwhile, the niece is in the living room, not being able to move without assistance.

All of a sudden, my hubby gets are fidgety and nervous and start telling me how he saw the exact Mitsi Pajero that I liked at another dealer's and that we should go and take a look at it. I told him that I can't because no one is at home, bar the two of us and the niece and the niece can't move without assistance, so if she needs to go to the bathroom or is thirsty or needs meds, we need to be there to help.

Hubby was not deterred. In the end, I told him to go by himself, as it seemed like the drugs have let up and he seemed normal.

So he sat in our car at the time and drove off.

The next thing I know, I get a phone call from the car dealer to send him our bank statements so that he could do a credit check, as my hubby is sitting right there with him, ready to buy a car. O_o

I ask him to put my hubby on the phone to check what car he is attempting to buy? It was the Mitsi Pajero that I loved.

So I sent him the bank statements and my hubby came home with the new car.

He later confessed to me that he didn't remember us going to the car lot across the street from the dentist's and he didn't remember half of the conversation with the car dealer where he bought the Mitsi. XD

If it was any other car, I would have been furious. But it was the car that I fell in love with, so I was ultimately happy that he pulled this stunt.

Wow, I just wrote a novel right there... XD

Nephila 07-11-2018 10:06 PM

OMG that's hilarious!. XD

LillieRose 07-11-2018 11:19 PM

I didn't think it was very funny at the time but we ended up with a really good car, so now when I look back at it, I can actually see the funny side. xD

It's definitely something I will never forget.

Roachi 07-11-2018 11:55 PM

*waves to everyone*

Yes keeping warm hun, it's frrreeeezing!

Haha that's hilarious! At least you got what you want!
My hubby takes ages to make decisions on anything.
It's boring lol.

LillieRose 07-12-2018 12:03 AM


The ground was frosted over yesterday morning. Slightly warmer this morning but still chilly.

Yeah, that's why I decided to just be cool with the whole situation.

LOL! My hubby is pretty good with making decisions quickly when it's something big. It's the small decisions that he agonizes over, funnily enough.

The Suzuki Swift is a good car though. Very reliable.

Nephila 07-12-2018 01:54 AM

It's a pretty cool story you have with it too. :)

The little tiger is cute. :D

Roachi 07-12-2018 10:55 PM

Yeah this morning was the first morning in awhile that i had to get out and hose my car down as it was iced over!!
I imagine Christchurch is worse lol. Although i've been there during winter, and i loved the crisp cold air in the morning.
There's something about chch that's amazing!! I use to catch the bus to work when i was younger and worked at meridian energy. :P

Ahh well that's good. Yeah i have to give my hubby the details and he mauls it over for days and weeks - and comes back to me when he's ready lol. If i push he gets backed into a corner lol.

It is! It's the car i wanted before my son was born. But got told it didn't have enough boot room. Such lies lol.

Hey Neph! Yes it is adorable i love it!
Sorry i haven't had much time to set up the thread - and i can only use google chrome from work at the mo, no other browser will allow me to post =/. But my friend said he will come over this evening to have a look at my computer and see if he can tweak some things so i can post in here and get this thread sorted!!

Nephila 07-13-2018 03:04 AM

Don't be sorry, I know it's hard to set up threads.

The writing itself doesn't take me long normally, but formatting text/making decorations so it looks nice. That takes longer.

It's great having someone who is willing to do that sort of thing. :)

onsenmark 07-14-2018 04:28 AM

Obligatory post from an old geezer, lol. [XD]

Nephila 07-14-2018 06:04 AM

lol I refuse to believe there is anyone older than me here.

Dystopia 07-15-2018 03:25 AM

Just leaving some love. :)

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