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Maka-chan 07-02-2011 12:38 PM

I Never Knew A Love Like This[Jake and Maka]

Name: Steven Calister


Personality: Steven is a very calm person at times. She can also be quite childish. She tends to be a little on the spoiled side but only when she deserves it.

Bio: in progress

I never Knew Love Like This...

It was a dark and rainy night in the middle of July. Not a very happy looking night. The only light were the lights on the street which flickered more then just often. Steven was going on a midnight walk. She always did to clear her mind. Though she felt like someone or something was following her or maybe even watching her. As She walked through the park, her sight became blurred by fog. She could hardly see anything. She wondered where she was exactly. She could feel her heart racing with the fear of some horrible terrifying person stalking her. She had heard many horrible rumors about stalkers at night.

Looking around she saw nothing or no one. She began to become more frightened and began to run blind through the fog. She suddenly came to a halt when she bumped into something and fell directly onto her knees.

dragonjake 07-02-2011 12:58 PM

Name: Drake Darkos

Age: 19

Personality: Drake a very quiet demon, he isn't like all the other demons, he is calm and kind, he prefers to protect rather then bully others.

Bio: in progress

on that night, a young demon had decided that he would try seeing if anyone was out and about, but from what he had seen so far, not a single person was out, that was probably due to the rain that was beating down lightly, the demon name Drake sighed a bit until he spotted a female walking in the distance.
Drake smiled lightly as he spotted the female and decided to move closer towards her, he then senced her fear and looked around then back to her, then when she began to run he tried moving out of her way, but it was too late to try, the female bumped into him and fell to her knees. Drake looked down at her and knelt next to her "a-are you ok?... i-im sorry i got in your way"

Maka-chan 07-02-2011 01:03 PM

"I-Im fine." She said standing up. "I wasn't in a hurry i actually got spooked you could say." she said blushing dusting herself off. When she looked up to him she saw how charming he looked. "I-Im steven" she blurted out. "S-So..what brings you out here at this time in this type of weather? Im out here just for some fresh air to get away from the chaos at my house." She explained to him.

dragonjake 07-02-2011 01:10 PM

Drake smiled lightly again as he helped her up "I'm glad to hear it" he nodded at the reason why she ran and smiled a bit more "oh i see" he watched as she brushed herself off and blushed lightly "thats a lovely name... mine is Drake" he said and looked around a bit "the thing that brings me out... well... errrr... just taking a walk i guess" he said chuckled nervously "i just like to walk... in the rain... because... its relaxing?" he said unsure if she believed him.

Maka-chan 07-02-2011 01:12 PM

"I see. Its also relaxing to me." She said with a smile. "How about we walk together? That is if you don't mind my company this beautiful rainy night." she said smiling at him. For some reason steven felt drawn to Drake. She couldn't tell why but she wanted to be near him. It was just like a moth to a flame. "Drake is a very nice name." she told him smiling.

dragonjake 07-02-2011 03:40 PM

Drake smiled more as she meantioned the rain relaxed her too "thats great" then when she asked if they could walk together, a blush appeared on his face "o-ok, i would love your company" he said smiling fully at her "it would be excelent" he said as he felt something for Steven, he was not sure why, but she had something about her that most other humans didn't but he didn't know what "t-thank you" he said blushing a bit more.

Maka-chan 07-02-2011 10:48 PM

Steven smiled at Drake. She walked with him in the rain. He would notice her arm would brush up against his a couple of times. Steven wanted to get to know Drake. She had a strong attraction towards him. She didn't know why. She thought it was because she really didn't have any friends. She felt a close bond was going to only grow stronger between the two. "I'm new to this town. I actually moved here a few days ago with my grandfather." She told him. "I'm not really familiar with this place. When i was younger i was here before with my parents but i don't even remember. It was so long ago." She said with a slight chuckle. "Both of my parents live really far away and are divorced and my mother wanted me to finish high school and go to college. The usual so my grandfather offered to let me stay with him." She told Drake. " it alright if i can get to know you more? I want to know everything about you. I don't know why but..When i see you, something in my head clicks and i just want to stay by you." She blurted out.

dragonjake 07-03-2011 01:38 AM

Drake smiled as they walked and couldn't help but blush at her arm brushing against his, he felt there was something drawing him to this girl, as if she was a magnet and he was the piece of metal "well, since your new... would you like me to show you around sometime?" he asked smiling a bit "ah, that must be strange to go somewhere from your childhood... time can be so mean to us when it wants to be" he chuckled a bit and nodded as he listened to her and blushed lightly "yes you may... im not sure what it is... I've never had anyone who has even wanted to hang around with me, and i defently have never had a girl say that to me" he said with a blushing smile "thank you" he said blushing a little more.

Maka-chan 07-03-2011 01:43 AM

"I would love for you to show me around!" she exclaimed. "It is kind of weird to be here since this was where i use to live. Though my grandfather still lives in the same house he use to. That makes me happy though. He didn't change a bit." She said with a smile as she held onto his arm a bit. "Well I want to know more about you so i want to ask you questions is that alright?" She asked looking deeply into his eyes.

dragonjake 07-03-2011 01:47 AM

Drake smiled and nodded "then it is settled, by tomorrow i shall show you around" he said and he looked at her and sighed a bit "i wish i knew where my familey are... i have lived here for about 2 years now, ive had to survive for myself" he said shaking his head and went back to smiling "you may ask as many questions as you want" he said smiling a bit more as he looked into her eyes and began to blush again

Maka-chan 07-03-2011 01:57 AM

"im sorry you don't know where your family is." she said placing a hand onto his shoulder. "What do you like to do for fun?" She asked smiling at him. She looked so cheerful and happy when she looked to him. "I also want to know if you go to school around here? I will be since i need to finish school. Im only 16 after all."

dragonjake 07-03-2011 02:02 AM

Drake smiled and nodded "its ok, I gave up hope ages ago, now i just fight for myself" he said and chuckled a bit "my idea of fun is going for midnight stroles and hanging around friends... well the ones i have" he said and gulped a bit "well... i think there is a school around"

Maka-chan 07-03-2011 04:01 AM

Steven smiled. "For fun i actually write stories. Though i can never finish the ones i start." She said giggling. "I'll probably be going to the school around here. You know you can visit me anytime. I would really like it if you would. We both know somehow we are drawn to each other." She said with a smile. "I have a really strong feeling that our bond together will only get stronger." she told him with full confidence.

dragonjake 07-03-2011 04:07 AM

Drake smiled and nodded "thats very interesting" he said listening to her "i will defently visit you, i could even walk you home after school" he said with a smiled and chuckled a bit "we may have a strong bond... but the question is... will it still be strong if you knew who i really was"

Maka-chan 07-03-2011 04:21 AM

"I'd really like that." She said with a smile. When she listened to him say if their bond would still be strong after she knew who he was she tilted her head. "What do you mean Drake?" She asked. She felt her heart beating faster and faster from fear and excitement. Was he keeping a secret from her? Or even hiding something about him? "You can tell me anything drake. We're friends. Maybe a little more then that after we do get to know each other.. " she said.

dragonjake 07-03-2011 04:28 AM

Drake smiled a bit and nodded "good... thats good" he said and smiled a bit more, but his smile soon faded as she asked what he meant, he gulped a bit, most others ran once they knew what he was, he sighed again and looked into her eyes with the feeling of dread for what would follow from what he was about to say "the thing is... i... i am a demon" he admited and gulped slightly "but I'm not evil, I'm good" he quickly added

Maka-chan 07-03-2011 04:37 AM

When he said he was a demon she didn't actually believe him. "Hey Drake..are you getting sick? Do you have a fever?" She asked putting her forehead on his looking in his eyes to see if his pupils were dilated. Her lips though were almost touching his. She assumed he was feeling under the weather to which is why he was talking about him being a demon. Steven never believed in fantasy creatures or fairy tales.

dragonjake 07-03-2011 04:43 AM

Drake was confused by her reaction, he felt her head on his as he looked into her eyes blushing "whoa... well... i guess i could just keep it hiden forever then" he though and smiled a bit, to be able to act like a human and for him to have someone who sawhim as a human made him grin a bit "yeah... i feel a bit feint... mabey i need to lay down?" he suggested trying not to chuckle "this is perfect" he thought as he waited for her reply

Maka-chan 07-03-2011 05:11 AM

she smiled. "Yeah you should lie down. I can take you to my house. My grandfather is probably asleep right now or in his study." She said as she took him home with her. When they were home, She snuck up to her room drying Drake's hair with a towel after she got changed. When she did change she was in a cute short night gown with short pajama shorts on. "You should rest in my bed. I don't mind. I can sleep in the same bed with you or the floor. whichever your comfortable with."

dragonjake 07-03-2011 10:16 AM

Drake smiled a bit more and nodded "sounds like a brilliant plan, lets go" he said smiling as he followed her to her house, the journey was accualy very pleasant with her being with him. Drake remained extreamly quite as they got into her house and snuck up to her room, once she had gotten changed, Drake blushed lightly "w-w-wow... you look... beautiful" he said smiling a bit "well, i would prefer to sleep in the bed with you"

Maka-chan 07-05-2011 11:25 PM

When Steven heard him tell her that she looked beautiful steven blushed. "Thanks." she said with a smile. "Alright sounds good." She said with a smile. "You probably need some spare clothes to change into. My grandfather probably still has some of my dad's old clothes here. You'll probably fit into them." She said walking out of her room for a moment. When she returned, She returned with spare clothes that were neatly folded and smelt very pleasant. "Here you go." She said with a smile.

dragonjake 07-06-2011 07:21 PM

Drake smiled a bit while still blushing "your welcome" he said blushing a bit more while nodding again "im glad that you dont mind me sleeping with you" he said as he felt his heart beating a bit faster and a sweat bead began to apear on his fore head "ok then, i will return them once i finished with them" he said and watched as she left. Once she returned Drake smiled more as he gently took them from her "t-thank you" he said as he smelt them and smiled as much as he could "what would you like to do?"

Maka-chan 07-06-2011 09:39 PM

"Its no problem. You can keep them since my father is not here anymore. He lives far away." She told him. "Well what would you like to do. We can watch movies and junk out and cuddle together. That is if your comfortable with that sort of thing. If your not thats alright too. There are tons of things to do while your here." She said smiling at him. Steven felt drawn to him. She might even think she was falling for him.

dragonjake 07-08-2011 12:24 PM

Drake smiled and nodded "again, thank you... no-one has ever been this nice to me, your the cutest, kindest and most beautiful ive met" he said blushing lightly "we should do your idea, especially the cuddling up part" he said, he then leaned over to her and gave her a small and gentle kiss on her cheek

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