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Xavirne 06-02-2015 05:32 PM

Beauty in Errors [ Xavi x BBR ]
[ img goes here, eventually ]

A watch, passed down from generation to generation, finally came back into the limelight when the pair, Masuyo and Ryker, started to look for salvation. Although they sought nutrition, the pair wasn't about to rule out their discovery. Mesmerized by the ticking hands of the watch, they were lulled into a deep sleep. When they finally awoke, they were strapped to a white tables with piercing objects slowly encroaching upon them. Try as hard as they might to escape, the couple soon realize escape is impossible. Swallowing their new found fate, they out stretch their hands and await what they believe is next... death.

Characters from Kiyoto's "Nine" and Xavi's "Threat Level."

Xavirne 06-02-2015 05:37 PM

Xavi's Characters


Experiment Number: Two | Reasoning | wanted to be fast enough to save those he cared about
Real Name: Casey James Rider
After Change Name: C. J. Ryker
Nickname: Ryker
Age: Thirty-three
Height: Six-foot
Build: On the slender side. Think tall and skinny, but don't confuse him for being too wimpy and weak for he packs quick the quick-strike.
Appearance: Ryker has inviting, friendly green eyes with little gold flecks around the iris. His hair is a shade of brown but it is borderline red, especially during the summer months. Ryker almost always wears green war paint across his nose and on the sides of his face. His right ear has a cuff-link piercing on it and he also has the words "Lightning" and "Speed" in Kanji on his left wrist. Aside from minor scars here and there on his body, Ryker doesn't have much else going on that's noteworthy.
Attire: Optimized for speed, Ryker dons himself in a skin-tight breathable long-sleeve shirt and matching pants. This outfit, although very becoming on him, does show-off a bit more of his body than he would like, so a pair of cargo-style forest green shorts are worn to cover that region. For his chest area, Ryker wears a matching hunter green semi-sleeved bullet-proof vest that doubles as a wind-breaker. Cleated running shoes protect his feet and allow for maximum gripping, especially at high speeds.
Experiment Enhancements: Superhuman agility and endurance. Ryker can outrun a car doing 100mph on the highway and he can run at these speeds for hours. In addition to be exceptionally fast, Ryker has the ability to super jump, which can allow him to jump to the top of a six-story building. If he purposely falls from higher buildings, he is able to increase his jumping height. Ryker's reflexes are also off the charts. He can dodge a bullet just before it hits him and he can maneuver away from a foe before a strike ever lands on him. He likes to call his enhancement a "sixth sense" as he's able to dodge things before they happen.
Experimental Flaws: While his agility and endurance are off the charts, his strength and defense are anything but good. The only way he can dish out serious damage is to hit a target at high speeds. Sometimes this isn't possible in close arm combat. Quick little jabs can only do so much. Not to mention, if he ever gets pinned or trapped, he's a sitting duck. He can hardly lift 100 pounds so a boulder placed atop him would thwart him. Depending on how fast he runs, Ryker can also engulf in flames. Fire hurts so fire is bad.
Personality: Unbelievably friendly. Everything about him is warm and welcoming. His voice is rich and soothing and his touch is soft and gentle. He's the first to volunteer and help a person in need and he's also the first to dish out supplies to those who have none. He's selfless and doesn't have a bad bone in his body. Ryker does his best to always remain calm and level-headed. His motto is, "The hot-headed are reckless. The calm are wise." Wanting to be wise, he controls his emotions and tries not to let things get to him or bother him.
Personality Flaws: Sometimes Ryker's niceness makes him come across as a push-over. People do take advantage of him and he never knows how to get himself out of the situation. He hates hurting people. He also hates being pushed to his snapping point. If he is extremely pissed off, he will lash out and his words will sting.
The Turning Point (Becoming an Experiment): Ryker had it all at one point. When he was in his prime (he was eighteen at the time), he was set to marry the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. The wedding was to be glorious and everything she ever wanted. But that day never came. And it was because he wasn't fast enough to save her. On the way home from her bachelorette party, her ride struck another car. The driver, her best friend, had fallen asleep at the wheel. Their car swerved off the road and into the lake below. Ryker just so happened to be on the phone with his soon-to-be wife when the accident happened. Running as fast and as hard as he could, he did his best to get to her. But, by the time he arrived, it was too late. As they pulled her lifeless body from the water, Ryker no longer has a reason to live. He planned on ending his life that night but he didn't want to go down the usual way. Finding a clipping in a paper asking for volunteers for an experiment, Ryker showed up a drunken mess. As he laid down on the table and the man asked him what he wanted most, Ryker stammered out, "I just wish I was fast enough to save her."
History: Fifteen years ago marked the end of Casey James Rider, but it allowed a new and improved C.J. Ryker to save those who needed to be saved. After his transformation, Ryker became a volunteer rescuer. He would run into burning buildings to pull people from the wreckage. He would race to the scene of an accident and perform first aid to keep someone breathing until the paramedics arrived. He always did his best to avoid the public eye, too. He wanted to be known and seen as a "guardian angel." For ten solid years, that's what Ryker did. He was the miracle that saved someone's future, and he always did so by being in the shadows and keeping his name and face hidden. During the last five years, when shit hit the fan and everything went to hell, Ryker did his best to save those he could. But there was a lot of damage and a lot was lost.
Extra: It's rumored that Ryker has a 14-year-old somewhere out in the world. The night his fiance died and prior to the experimenting, he "got around" and let out all his rage. It's said that one of those women actually gave birth nine months later, but Ryker hasn't found any proof in this statement.


Well hello there! The name's Sycom and I'll be the voice in your head. Eh?! You're still hung up on my name and not the fact that I'm trying to be creepy. Lame. Okay, so Sycom's not my real name, but it's the name I go by in the agency. You see, Simon Comeaux isn't all the fancy sounding. I just feel weird when people call me Simon, hence the name Sycom. It's badass and it goes along with what I do - communications and computers and saving your ass. I'm pretty much the voice of the agency. I give you the missions and your bearings. I'm also the guy that you can chat up whenever you'd like. Well, I was. That was until Daliah decided that I needed to move to the field. Something about being "awesome" and "sexy" had everything to do with it. Oh, Daliah's the main bosslady, by the way. And, if for some odd reason you get on Daliah's bad side, you just come to me and I'll make everything better. Growing up together, I know her ins and outs. I'm also her 'secret' boyfriend. She likes to deny it, but we've been seeing each other for a few weeks now.

So I'm supposed to share some information with you. I considered lying, but bosslady was standing over my shoulder (hottttt). Anyway, these are the thing you'll see on my IDENTIFICATION CARD.
Threat Level: 10
Name: Simon Comeaux
Code Name: Sycom
Alliance: Agent
Position: Senior Agent A
Age: Thirty-three and July 15
Sex: Male
Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Dating Daliah
Height: Five foot eleven inches
Weight: 158 pounds
Body Type: Average
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Other: 0101001101111001011000110110111101101101 tattooed around right wrist (name in binary).
Hey there, sport. Glad you made it this far. As a treat, I'll tell you a joke. A mecha and a man walk into a bar. Wait? How'd that joke go? Eh, oh well.

I was told to share my favorite color with you as well as my likes and dislikes. I don't really know where to start. I guess with color? My all-time favorite color is blue. Don't know why, but it is. As far as likes go, I'm a huge fan of computers, technology, intelligence, mechas, and Daliah. I'm not so fond of being babied, having to be reminded that I lost my mecha, and seeing Daliah upset. I think that's a good enough list, right?
Although a bit moronic at times, Sycom is an essential part of the team. His lighthearted demeanor and friendly personality make for a nice change as most agents are uptight and sully. Sycom's jokes are usually poorly executed and his lack of urgency tend to be his downfalls. However, his ability to be open-minded serves he and the agency nicely. He's an asset to the team for he's the creator of the system that monitors and tracks spiritual movement. Sycom's also the creator of the guns that the SFA uses. His computer brilliance does not go unnoticed. Now if only he would learn to keep his mouth shut (he talks too much).

Weapons: Double Voulge. Mecha TERMINATED on June 12th more than a year ago. Prior to termination, Sycom rode Fang.
Abilities/Powers: Professional hacker and computer genius. Fluid in binary and latin. Innovator and computer engineer. Very handy and able to fix just about anything.
Skills Lacking: It is not wise to let Sycom cook. It's also unwise to let him flirt with new female recruits as his romantic charm is at a minimum. Despite being well-versed in computers and technology, Sycom is not the brightest bulb when doing simple human chores.
Before being a vital part of the agency, I was a computer technician with the Department of Defense. I guess you could say that I've always worked within the government. It's true. It probably helps that my great, great grandfather was the president. Even my father worked for the government (he was a guard at the White House).

Since I brought dad up, I might as well talk about my childhood some. Unlike most, I still have both parents. I was born an only child and it stayed that way until Daliah came into our life. Though she was our neighbor, her older sister had a hard time caring for her (their parents were busy folk and never around much). My folks, being kindhearted gentle souls, decided to bring the two in. I didn't like it at first, but I grew to love both the girls, especially Daliah.

Mother works at a soup kitchen and my father is, as stated previously, a guard for the president. Recently, though, he retired and is helping mom with her soup kitchen.

Daliah, obviously, formed the agency and I followed suit when she asked me to join her. Her older sister, Mizzy, went on to be an entertainer. Unlike Daliah, she drew the short stick when it came to brains. You can use your imagination to guess what 'profession' Mizzy went into.

Anyway, I'm currently second in command with the agency. I'm also dating the boss. Don't. Stop. No. It's nothing physical. Yet. She's not really into intimacy so I've had to adjust my desires so that I don't push her away. She's had a hard past and I don't want to break her anymore than she already is. I hate to say it, but I'm the only thing she can count on these days. I'm her rock and her shoulder to lean on.

As far as much future desires go, I really just want to marry Daliah and raise a family. I want five kids. Four girls, one boy. Think it's possible? No, I thought not....

blueblackrose 06-02-2015 05:47 PM

BBR's Characters


Originally Posted by blueblackrose (Post 1773369524)
Username: blueblackrose
Experiment Number: Five
Name: Masuyo Rei Halenburg
Nickname: Suyo or Rei
Age: 23
Height: 5'8"
Build: Masuyo has an average build, an hourglass shape and toned muscles.
Appearance: Masuyo has long wavy black hair with streaks of crimson, hazel grey eyes that changes colors depending on her mood and/or surrounds, and pale ivory skin. She has a small beauty or birth mark below her right eye at the top of her cheek bone.
Attire: Masuyo's clothes might not be the most practical, but they remind her of home, which unfortunately like many others is one that no longer exists. She wears a plum colored lace up shirt with half sleeves under a striped light olive colored lace up vest, a light olive and plum skirt over brown leggings, knee high brown leather boots and a matching light olive Victorian style hat with a brown ribbon and plum roses. Something that she is never seen without wearing is her oversized brown leather belt, which comes in handy to attach tools to or small satchels when needed. Another item is her brown fingerless gloves, golden bracelets and necklace. The bracelets had been a gift from her parents when she was a child. She doesn't talk about where the necklace came from. For colder weather she has a plum coat with a gold floral design on it that she wears.
Experiment Enhancements: She was given the ability to metamorph, adapt if you will. She is able to change her appearance into anything whether it is another living life form or inanimate objects.To blend into her surrounds she uses a chameleon type effect which allows her to become almost invisible, blending into the surrounding area. Masuyo is able to extend this ability beyond her physical self allowing h clothing, objects she's holding or even someone she is touching to blend into the surrounding area as well as long as there is physical contact between them.
Experimental Flaws: Being able to metamorph is great, but it does have its limits. She isn't able to stay in the form of another living life form for longer than 24 hours. If she tries to stay longer then she will end up changing back and be in extreme pain sometimes to the point that she passes out depending out how far she pushes herself. When it comes to just blending into the environment around her she doesn't have full control over it. Usually her body will do it instinctively as a defense mechanism. If she attempts to do this on her own she has a 90 percent chance of being able to blend in successfully.
Personality: Usually Masuyo comes off as being a serious person. She also tends to be quiet and just observe other, only speaking up when she feels the need. When meeting new people she is reserved, which often comes off as her either being shy or cold. Masuyo is also very curious by nature, which leads her to get into trouble sometimes. Once someone sees her true self they will realize that she has a sense of humor, is kind hearted, can be very emotional at times and always putting others before herself.
Personality Flaws: Since others tend to think of Masuyo as a quiet and serious person she is misunderstood and sometimes leads to them thinking she's a cold person. It can take a while for others to see her true self behind the mask she's created. Those who realize how kind hearted and caring she is sometimes take advantage of her. Normally she'll just bottle up her emotions so when she reaches her limit something will set her off.
History: Masuyo was from a small town, which like many others no longer exists. It's been roughly ten years since her home town was destroyed, but from what she can remember of her life there she was fairly happy with her family and a few friends. Even though she doesn't remember much about when her home was destroyed she can remember the uncontrollable urge she felt to help everyone that she could. It was that desire that lead her to become an experiment. She told herself this was for those who she cared for and to help those she would meet in the future. This was the way she would pay back the young man who had saved her family and her back then. Maybe one day she'll have the chance to meet him again and thank him.
Extra: She really isn't sure how usefully her enhancement will be in saving others right now, but she's sure that she'll be able to figure that out soon enough.


Originally Posted by blueblackrose (Post 1773369516)
Introduce myself? You must be joking. Nothing I say would change your opinion of me. After all I am a criminal.
Threat Level: 286
Name: Nikita Davis
Code Name: Vex
Alliance: Criminal
Position: Breaker A1
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Orientation: Bi
Relationship Status: Single/It's really complicated
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 133
Body Type: Average/Athletic
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Lavender
Other: Always wears a black suit with white pinstripes, black gloves and a maid like headband.
Seriously why are you still pestering me with this useless crap? Really I would like nothing more than for you to just leave me alone. There I told you what I like so stop pestering me.
Vex can be somewhat of a flirt, but don't let that fool you. She is a cold hearted bitch and wouldn't think twice about betraying, harming or murdering someone who got in her way or she just didn't like. Trusting others isn't her thing and neither is being told what to do. Despite this if you do manage to get on her good side or she decides she likes you she can be a trustworthy and loyal ally. If you cross her then you better be prepare to face the consequences.

Weapons/Purium: Her weapon of choice is throwing knives. She carries at least six of them on her person at all times. Her Purium is the pocket watch she has.
Abilities/Powers: Her pocket watch allows her to manipulate time and space. It's limited to a max of 1 mile around her depending on how many people and animated objects are near her at the time. Things such as totally stopping time or moving through space are very draining. If she's not careful she could lose her life.
Skills Lacking: Defence isn't one of her things, unless she has no choice. She has a tendency to act before thinking both on and off the battlefield, especially if she thinks she has the upper hand.
Really now are we still at this? I bet you're not bothering Reino with all of this nonsense. Actually this whole thing was probably Sycom's idea right? I'll teach that guy a thing or two for putting me through all this hassle. What? You think I'd really kill him...not over something as trivial as this well maybe if he wasn't such a hottie, but that doesn't excuse stupid things like this.

I guess if you really must know I'll tell you a little bit. No one really ever would have guessed that I would become a killer. Growing up I was part of a happy little family, even if my mother and I didn't always see eye to eye. No I'm not going to tell you some sob story about coming from an abusive family. No, no my story isn't that droll. Growing up I was picked on by the other kids and when I'd fight back it was normally me who got in trouble for defending myself. So I became reclusive, a loner.

Over time things got a little better. That was until went into high school. Apparently the fact that things were easy for me and I had to put little effort into getting good grades made some of my peers angry. They thought they could bully me again. The girl who had become reclusive, who was quiet and shy or at least they thought she was. Hahaha, they were in for a rude awakening. That girl wasn’t about to take anyone’s shit not anymore. While younger she had been betrayed and bullied way too many times to let it happen again. So when they thought they could push me around or make me cry I showed them something else. I showed them my pent up anger and what I was really capable of doing.

Now that I think about it. Maybe I was a little hasty in killing those four. It would have been more fun to have let them suffer a little bit before killing them. Oh well, what’s done is done…then again I could try going back to change how I handled things. Give my younger self some tips to boot. What you really think I would really try a time jump like that? Are you stupid or something? The outcome wouldn’t be pretty if I attempted that sort of thing.

Vex and Sycom by linapoo
Vex 1 by Iro
Vex 2 by
Vex 3 by Seito

Wedding 1
Wedding 2

Other References

Xavirne 06-02-2015 06:27 PM

The world was so unbelievably bright that his jade orbs teared up as he tried to blink at the world around him. Honestly, he couldn't recall this much sun for the world he came from was anything but bright. It was a dark, desolate future; one where mankind was on the verge of extinction unless a select few could save it. Unable to rectify the wrongs, civilization continued to collapse and those would-be heroes were deemed monsters and in need of a quick execution. On the run from both man and the feral beasts that called Earth home, hope seemed to fade and all became an ugly, contorted mess.

Eyes finally opening, the redhead shifted on the table. Only, his shifting was stifled. Something cold and rigid kept his body in place. Adverting his emerald eyes, he spied what looked like cuffs. Large, silver bolts seemed to secure these cuffs to an equally cold table of a smooth, white color.

A stillness lingered in the room and this brought a quiver to his lower lip. Something was wrong, very wrong.

His heartbeat soon filled the void and his breathing began to hitch. Where was he? What had happened to him? And where, where was his partner?

Jerking upright, he pried his head just high enough off the table to spy a body parallel to his. Instantly, he recognized her curves and followed her thigh up to her face. Much like his own, she too wore panic on her face. They were trapped, like the animals people claimed them to be, and this was very alarming.

Opening his lips to speak, something from his right caused him to jump. A voice, cold and meticulous, spoke cryptic words that made no sense to him.

"I see no purium in these two and yet, they've powers. Did the SFA advance their experiments in a way that allowed for mutation and internal growth? If so, such monstrosities need to be eradicated before they bring about our end."

The man wore a blinding white lab coat that covered him from neck to toe. Over his face was a mask and around his eyes a pair of thick, cloudy goggles. A white hairnet pulled his auburn hair out of his face and kept it from falling freely.

The man leaned forward and clenched the redhead's, C. J. Ryker, jaw. With a snarl, Ryker recoiled before lunging forward to snap at the man's gummy flesh between his thumb and index finger. Sadly, the restraints were too tight and caused Ryker to miss and gag.

A laugh echoed in the air and, before Ryker knew it, the man in the lab coat vanished behind a wall with a window. And in that instant, it became ever so clear -- he was the lab rat and death was upon him.

Beads of sweat swelled on his forehead and he tried to accelerate his speed enough to wiggle free from the restraints. It was no use, though, for these researchers did their homework. The equipment was resistant to all forms of powers and mutations. Grimace now on his face, Ryker's eyes frantically sought out hers -- Masuyo, his one true love.

He didn't know how they would get out of this. Usually their powers kept them alive, as did their teamwork. But they were isolated, in a sense, and powerless in this white lab room. Brows caving, he whimpered as a mechanized drilling sound became ever-louder.

Try as hard as he might, Ryker just couldn't keep his eyes from the drill that spun above his head. It's piercing, silver spirals slowly inched toward his midriff, which sent his heart into a beating frenzy.

There was no escape. There was no winning. There was just....

His hand reached out for hers. He lusted for her touch just one more time. If this were truly their end, he wanted to make sure they were together so, when their souls drifted away, they would be locked hand-in-hand.

Ryker kept reaching. They were so close! So close! He shifted some and forced his fingers out more. Just a bit more! A bit more and he would be able to graze her fingertips with his own. Biting his lip, he gave it his all one last time!

Warmth. It was fleeting but it was there. Curling his index finger around hers, he offered her a reassuring smile. No matter what happened next, drill or needle, he would be there for her. Her fingertip wrapped around his own was just the medication for his fears.

"I love you," he mouthed as the drill simply drowned out their voices. Eyes closing, drill coming ever-closer, he smiled.

Some say fire is the best way to die. Others say it drowning by water. But for Ryker? None mattered so long as his Masuyo was by his side.

Three... two... one.... He could feel the swirling sensation of the drill. It was just above his chest now. This was goodbye. This was the end.


A voice rang out above all else and, before Ryker could open his eyes, a blinding white light ghosted the room. Then, a split second later, came the defending KA-BOOM!

In an instant, everything made of metal crumbled and fell into ash. The walls vaporized as did the floors. The room seemed to drop and none saw it coming. An alarm started blaring and men with white uniforms soon came pooling into the now open cavity in the earth. Guns trained not on he, but the man with the glowing device that caused such destruction, Ryker seized this moment to run to Masuyo.

"Are you okay," he pulled her into his chest. Not wanting to waste another second, he took her hand and jerked her toward a gap between the suited men. "Let's get out of he-"

He froze and had to do a double take. There was no way.... No.... It was.... Impossible.

Floodlights, directed at the man who caused the explosion, revealed a face. A face that was forever engraved in Ryker's mind. A face that caused him to touch his own and stare in both awe and shock. If Masuyo saw it, she too would be, without a doubt, at a loss for words.

Why? Because before them stood a man whose name was more than just a name. He was a legend, a hero long before his time.

Blinking, Ryker's head slowly scanned the room. Much to his hunch, a woman came from nowhere with guns ablaze, providing much-needed cover-fire for the man in the middle.

Again, awe swallowed him. In all his life, Ryker never believed it possible. And yet, here he was, kneeling before the two that carved out history and made him possible. The very two that took destiny into their own hands, saved the world, and brought about an era unlike anything else.

Sycom and Vex. The heroes of the past that were, somehow, a part of Ryker's present.

"GET UP," Sycom's voice demanded as he ran toward the two fallen individuals. Not wasting a second, his hands jerked Ryker from his place among the ashes and flung him forward. "RUN!"

"Run?" Ryker found it too funny. Did he, the legendary Sycom, just tell him, the master of speed, to run? Grin in tow, he flashed Masuyo a quick wink. "Hold on tight," he teased before taking all three into his hands.

Seconds later, they were all atop a mountain that overlooked the scene they just witness below. Sycom, reeling over in sickness, lost his stomach. Now empty, he drew a sleeve over his lips. "Next time, give me some warning, kid."

Still baffled by the fact that his great-great-great-great-great grandfather was before him, Ryker merely nodded before looking at his partner. "Remember how I said I'm related to some really cool people?" He nodded toward Sycom and then Vex. "Well, these are the people I spoke of." And with that, he took a seat on the earth. Panting and wiping away the sweat, he just grinned.

Whatever happened and wherever he was, nightmare or not, it was a dream come true.

blueblackrose 06-03-2015 03:49 AM

Eyelashes fluttered as hazel grey eyes slowly opened only to be blinded by the bright whiteness that filled the space around her. Had the sun ever been this bright? She couldn’t recall such a thing as the world she knew was anything, but bright. A future that held much more than darkness and chaos. A place where she along with the other would-be heroes were forsaken by those who they had tried to save. Life was little more than just being on the run and surviving day to day.

She blinked away the tears that had come to her eyes from the blinding brightness surrounding her. The raven and crimson haired woman attempted to sit up. Quickly her movements were halted by something holding her body in place. Something was wrong. She forced herself to take a breath to keep from panicking. Hazel eyes soon spotted what held her in place, it appeared to be cuffs which were secured to the cold white table she laid upon.

Closing her eyes, she fought the panic that was wailing up inside of her. As Masuyo laid there it grew harder and harder for her to not let the natural defense of her abilities to kick in. Fading, blending into her surrounds wasn’t going to save her.

Where was this place? What had happened? Where was her partner? Why?

Opening her eyes she looked around frantically and moved what little she could. He had to be here, he just had to. If he wasn’t. The raven didn’t want to think about it. At this point she was trembling. Finally she spotted a body parallel to hers. That form, she knew it well. Just like her he too was unable to hide what he was feeling. They were trapped, helpless and powerless.

The sudden break in the silence by a voice caused her to jump. Hazel eyes soon spotted a man in a white lab coat, mask, goggles and hairnet standing by her partner. His words they made little sense to her.

When the man clenched Ryker’s jaw the woman jerked at her restraints. The attempt was useless, they would not budge. From beside her another man in a white lab coat, goggles, mask and hairnet chuckled at Masuyo’s useless struggle, before moving ahead of the other to behind the wall with a window.

All the woman could do was watch as her partner tried to escape his restraints, but it was no use. Whoever these men were they had done their homework. Masuyo met Ryker’s gaze, the fear she felt clear within those hazel grey orbs.

How were they going to get out of this? They weren’t able to use their powers and in a sense they were isolated so their normal teamwork wasn’t going to help either. Was this white lab really going to be the place they met their end after all they had been through together?

The sound of the mechanized drill over Ryker, grew louder caused her trembling to worsen. It was hard for her not to watch the silver drill as it inched its way towards his midriff. A whining sound escaped her lips.

Was this really happening? Were they really going to kill them? Going to force her to watch them take away her true love’s life before taking her life as well?

No, no, no. The words screamed in her mind as her heart raced. She couldn’t take it. It wasn’t supposed end this way. Tears wailed up within her hazel grey eyes.

Just as his hand sought hers, her hand sought his. If this was to be their fate they would face it together hand-in-hand.

They were so close. Just a bit more Masuyo! Whimpering she stretched her hand out as far as it would reach. Please! There it was, warmth, a light brushing of her fingertips against his. Soon his index finger curled around hers and hers around his. His smile along with their contact helped to ease her trembling. It didn’t matter what happened next. They were there for each other, they would face it together.

Masuyo returned his smile with one of her own. “I love you too,” she mouthed back to him. Even with the drill drawing ever closer to the man she loved, she couldn’t take her tear filled eyes away from him.

It didn’t matter what way she would end up dying. Whether if it was in the same way as him or by some other means. She would die the same moment that her Ryker did. All they would be doing would be killing an empty shell, what once had been the woman named Masuyo. There was some peace in knowing that Ryker was by her side and her by his in their last moments.

Finally unable to watch, the drill just above her partner’s chest now, she closed her eyes. Someone, anyone, please stop this nightmare!

An unfamiliar voice rang out above everything else. Before Masuyo knew what was happening there was a blinding white light and then a deafening explosion. Everything made of metal seemed to vaporize around them, turning to ashes, and alarms beginning to blare. Laying on the ground surrounded by ashes, her eyes frantically searched for Ryker.

Soon he was by her side, pulling her into his arms. She merely nodded, her cheek rubbing against his chest as she sniffled a bit. She had been so scared. Ryker took her hand and jerked her towards an opening. There was no time to waste, they had to escape now. "Agreed."

Wiping away the last of her tears she looked up at him. Why did he freeze? That was when she saw it too. That man, the one who had caused the explosion it was familiar. He looked similar to Ryker, but how was that possible? Could that really be the man of legend that Ryker had told her about?

Like her partner Masuyo too watched in awe as a woman came from nowhere, providing cover-fire for the man in the middle. The raven began to wonder if this was all just a really bizarre dream.

With guns blazing Vex made her entrance. Making her way forward she provide Sycom with the cover he needed. She gave the man a nod letting him know it was time to go and she would cover their retreat.

The man demanded that they get up as he ran towards them. Her hand still entwined with Ryker’s she was pulled to her feet when Sycom jerked her beloved from where he knelt beside her and flung him forward.

Run? Really he was telling Ryker to run? As soon as Masuyo spotted that grin and Ryker’s quick wink she knew what was coming. This man was going to regret telling the other to run. “Better listen,” she chimed in as she tightened her grip on the speed demon that was Ryker.

Vex raised in eyebrow as Ryker took all three of them in hand. They needed to go with just Sycom. Before she could even protest they were miles away on top of a mountain. The silver haired woman frowned at Ryker as Sycom lost his stomach. With a sigh she shook her head. “Are you ok?” Lightly she patted Sycom’s back, a softer look entering her pale lavender eyes now.

Once they were safe on atop a mountain Masuyo loosened her grip. Her eyes fell onto Sycom and she stifled a laugh. Yup, just as she figured. It took a while to get use to travelling at such speeds. Though it seemed that Vex had fared better which surprised her a bit.

“Yes, I remember.” Masuyo’s head tilted to the side as she let what her partner said sink in. This really was Sycom and Vex, the heroes who Ryker was descendant from. She blinked a few times. “But….” This really wasn’t making sense. Did that really matter though since they were both still alive and together? No, not at all.

With a smile she took a seat by him. “Are you okay?” Looking to him there was still worry within those hazel grey orbs of hers. They had barely escaped. They wouldn’t have if it hadn’t been for those two, Sycom and Vex.

Momentarily her gaze rose to meet that of the pair. “Thank you for saving us. We are in your debt.” The raven took Ryker’s hand into hers. Even with them out of danger for the time being she needed the contact. It helped her to ease her fear and her stress that would cause her to lose control over her own powers.

Xavirne 06-03-2015 12:59 PM

"Yup, yup," Sycom said while steadying himself on Vex's arm. "Thought I will never get used to this. Time travel, insane speeds, I swear the world just loves to make my head spin." Butting his head against hers, he covered his mouth to laugh (he didn't want her to smell his foul breath!).

Reaching into his pocket, he popped a mint in his mouth before pacing back and forth. Every now and again, he would glance at the sitting couple.

"They don't look familiar,"
he said before stopping. "And I scanned all personnel before they joined the SFA. But," his orbs narrowed as he glared at the two, "I just can't picture them."

When Masuyo thanked them, Sycom smirked. "Don't thank us yet, kids. We've an issue. You see," he pointed between he and Vex, "we're looking for escaped criminals and corrupt SFA employees. I made a tracking device that locks onto purium signatures and the supernatural. For some odd reason, your readings -- your auras -- keep flashing 'supernatural' on my screen. And I can tell, just by looking at you, that you're not the monsters we call 'supernatural.' So I'm flummoxed. Why are my sensors telling me you're a monster when, very obviously, you're human."

Sycom didn't go into detail as to why he was looking for such people though. Truthfully, revealing that he and Vex were being charged with treason and terrorism was a bad idea, especially at this point. Since the fall of the SFA and the issues with the government, the pair had been hunting other purium-infused humans with the hopes of removing their powers. The government sought to turn these purium-humans into weapons of war and that just wouldn't do. To prevent war, they had to turn criminal and hunt those that most would hail as hero, despite being rehabilitated criminals.

Stepping closer, the minty breathed man grabbed Ryker's jaw in his hands. Shining a flashlight, which turned on from the frames of his glasses, he scanned the redhead's eyes. When he was done with Ryker, he did the same thing to Masuyo.

"Yeah, nothing. They've no mutation nor corruption in the lens. I can't figure this one out." Again, he resumed his pacing before dropping both hands on his hips. "Okay, spill. You've supernatural speed. How and where did you get it. Did you illegally extract the genes of a monster? Or salvage purium off a corpse?" Although his tone was friendly, his stance was very demeaning and authoritative.

With a gulp, Ryker scrunched his shoulders. "Honestly, I don't know what you're talking about. What's purium? Who's the SFA?" Looking to his two-toned haired partner, he gave her a perplexed look. "Right now, you two sound crazy."

"Don't toy with us, kid." Sycom peered over his glasses and his eyes glowed a brilliant cyan color. "If you're not going to talk, I'll get the answers from you one way other another."

Frantically waving his hands in front of him, Ryker pleaded for mercy. "No, please, I'm not trying to be difficult. I just... I don't think we're from the same timeline. This is going to sound insane but--" he paused when he felt a hand touch his. Masuyo was shaking her head. "I," he pouted before shrugging; "I don't think we're from this time."

The second the word time rattled off his tongue, Sycom turned toward Vex. Pulling her in, his whispered so only she could hear him. "Time. Not from this time. Do you think it possible that your watch was warped into another era and he brought it back? I mean, the watch has been missing and it could explain the weird anomalies we've been facing."

Peering over his shoulder, he scoffed. "And what makes you think that." Sycom figured he might as well dig deeper before assuming too much.

"Well, Masuyo and I were on the run. We were being hunted. We stumbled upon my old home and while looking for food, we found some old photos. More digging and we found a--" again, Masuyo nudged him.

"What," he muttered beneath his breath. Leaning in, he inquired why she kept cutting him off. "Why can't I tell him we're related or what we found a watch? What's the worst that could happen?"

While the two kids whispered amongst themselves, Sycom returned his gaze to Vex. "Something's fishy. I don't know what it is but we need to keep an eye on them."

blueblackrose 06-04-2015 01:36 AM

“Good.” Vex allowed Sycom to lean against her as much as he needed to. The woman laughed, “I think you’re right.” When he head butted her grin widened. Yup, he was fine.

Like him she too would glance at the couple that sat not far from them. “Well there has to be some kind of explanation. If they aren’t part of the SFA, then who are they and how do they have powers?” Her words were whispered.

Vex caught Sycom’s smirk when he began to speak to the girl. “He’s right.” While he spoke to the two her eyes scanned the area around them. They would be fine here for a while longer. She gave her beloved a warning glare as she didn’t wish for him to reveal more than what he needed.

Masuyo stiffened a bit at the word monster. That term she hated it. Every time she heard it memories from her past came back to haunt her.

About a year after Ryker, the others and herself had been deemed monsters, the enemy, while on the run she and Ryker came across her family. Well what was left of it. Only her parents and younger brother were still alive. What the young woman thought would be a happy reunion turned into a nightmare. Her family, the family who had supported her in her decision to become an experiment, in her desire to save mankind turned their back on her.

She had snuck off on her own to meet with them. Instead of being greeted with open arms she was greeted with her own flesh and blood calling her demon, monster and devil. The parents who had raised her telling Masuyo they wanted nothing to do with her. She was no longer their child, their sweet little Suyo was dead. If that wasn’t enough her brother threw things at her while continuing to call her a monster. Trying to chase her off like one would try to chase off some stray animal.

Everything, it all tore at her, broke her heart and discouraged her. After being pelted several more times by stones she finally left, wandering off. Little did she know that Ryker had followed her, witnessing it all as it happened. As the woman wandered back off into the forest her hazel eyes were dead. A part of her died that day and if it hadn’t been for Ryker being there by her side it’s hard to tell what would have become of her. He managed to keep her from breaking like she desperately wanted to.

Pale lavender eyes fell onto the pair once more as they were scanned again. “I have no clues either, this is your area not mine Sycom.” A small smile spread across her lips as Sycom took an authoritative stance, questioning the others. While he pushed to get answers she circled around the pair, her eyes mostly staying to the tree line around them.

For now she would let him do the work. Only stepping in if the male and female they had rescued became difficult in one way or another. The woman listened quietly as she continued to circle. Vex appeared to be more like a predator now then she had earlier.

When Sycom grabbed her jaw Masuyo pulled away slightly. His earlier words made her wonder if they were any safer than what they were in that lab. Possibly a little. At least here they had a chance to escape on their own without aid.

Ryker was the first to speak, answering Sycom’s questions. Masuyo looked to the redhead beside her shrugging, looking just as perplexed. “I don’t know either.” The male wouldn’t accept their answers though.

While her partner waved his hands, she scooted closer to him. As he pleaded she touched his hand again, squeezing it while shaking her head. The look in her hazel orbs telling him to stop. “Don’t,” she breathed so no one other than him would hear her.

Vex’s circling stopped once the man sitting on the ground spoke the word time. She stood behind Sycom, who turned to her before pulling her close. Her brow knitted as the man whispered to her. “I suppose it would be possible if they had decided to experiment on my watch. Sycom you know as well as I that if they still had my watch that more than likely I would not be standing here by your side right now. They would have destroyed it by now to kill me after their failed attempt to make me their puppet.” She glanced passed him at the couple. “If that’s the case then that will explain a lot of what we’ve been facing recently. Really I hate to think that my purium is the cause of all of this.”

Looking back to him the look in her lavender eyes was serious. “Either you find out or I will and I don’t think those two will like the way I go about getting the information from them.” Unlike Sycom, Vex wasn’t as patient and she would be nowhere as nice as him. She calmed a bit when he gave her the one look he always gave her when she got this way.

Again Ryker started to explain things to the couple that stood before them. She gave him a nudge and frown. He really did talk too much sometimes.

“I don’t think that it’s a good idea.” Leaning closer she whispered. “This could be a trap. After you tell them they could just kill us like those men tried to do in that lab. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough of almost dying for one day.”

She shook her head lightly. “Plus what if telling them about you being related to them causes some weird time alteration? It’s strange enough that we are here instead of our own time.” Looking into his emerald eyes her frown deepened. “I just don’t want to lose you.”

“I agree. That shouldn’t be a problem, though it would be a lot easier if I had my watch considering Speedy over there.” Vex pulled her gaze away from Sycom momentarily, it falling onto the girl. “We know what his power is, but I’m curious to know what hers is.”

Soon her gaze returned to him. “Like I said, you find out or I will. If they have my watch…” She didn’t even need to finish her thought as Sycom gave her a knowing look. He knew she would get it back by whatever means necessary. That watch meant life and death to her and it was best kept in her own hands instead of someone else’s.

Xavirne 06-19-2015 05:40 PM

"I know," Sycom grimaced. "But it's definitely a possibility. And if they are using the watch, it could explain the speed. Perhaps he has an ability the reverses affects so rather than rewinding time, he speeds it up." His glance shifted to the couple. "Yeah, I'm curious as to what hers is too. I am getting a reading on her so she must have some kind of ability. I wonder if it too is related to the watch." Then Sycom paused. "Or it could be worse. They two could be experiments done outside the SFA and are unrelated to the watch."

The redhead pulled himself away from Vex and merely stood to look over the kids. They seemed, harmless. Still, it was unwise to let one's guard down. Who knew if this was all just a ploy. Sycom's face was famous. Vex's face was famous. Bringing either one of them in would yield a reward more worthwhile than imaginable.

"All right, spill it. Who are you two and how did you end up in there?" Crossing his arms over his chest, Sycom glared down at Ryker and Masuyo.

Ryker, taking Masuyo' hints at a possible time paradox incident... thing, decided to play it safe--completely leaving out the relative piece.

"I'm Ryker and this is my partner, Masuyo." He smiled up at the redhead, reassuring him that neither meant him any danger. "And as far as getting in there. We were scavenging a shop. It was a shop that used to be owned by my family. We were completely lost in the moment when something hit us. Next thing we know, we're on those cold tables about to be dissected."

Sycom's orbs flickered to Masuyo, almost asking her to confirm or tell her side of the story.

blueblackrose 06-29-2015 05:12 AM

Vex considered his hypothesis of how the couple could be using the watch. “That could be it." It was an interesting thought. “To find out we need to get these two birdies to talk.” She glanced at the couple.

“That could also be true. If they were experimented on…” The woman shook her head slightly. She said nothing else as Sycom pulled away from her. Again she began to do her own pacing, circling the couple, along with Sycom her eyes trained on the perimeter. They couldn’t let their guard down.

A small smile crossed Vex’s lips when her husband started to interrogate Ryker and Masuyo again. They would do well to just answer his questions. If they didn't start talking or she didn’t like their answers Sycom wouldn’t be able to stop her from taking over. The woman hoped it wouldn’t come to that, but she was low on patience.

Masuyo was glad that Ryker took her hint. Playing it safe was the best thing for them to do right now.

When Sycom looked at her she nodded to confirm Ryker’s story. “That’s right. We were simply looking around and something hit us. What happened between then and when we woke up is a mystery.” She shivered slightly at remembering what had happened not so long ago.

Her hand squeezed Ryker’s. So far she was doing well at not letting her powers take over like they sometimes did when she was stressed or in a possible life threatening situation. Things would get even more stranger if Masuyo disappeared before Sycom’s and Vex’s eyes.

Xavirne 06-30-2015 07:31 PM

"Do you honestly think we would believe that load of horse shit?" Sycom's teal orbs seemed to shrink as the rage within swelled. "Do you even know who we are and what we're capable of doing?" Just as Sycom uttered those words, a looming gray storm cloud rolled in and began to crack. Thunder shook the earth and seconds later, a bolt of lightning struck in the distance.

Now most would assume that Sycom could control the weather at this point. Ryker, being a decedent of the man, knew such was not the case. Instead, he just merely smirked at the sheer irony of it all.

"Yes, I'm well aware of who you are. You're Sycom and you're Vex. You're heroes as far as the world is concerned. You fight for equality and seek to repair the damage caused by unforeseen enemies." Ryker's voice was every bit not afraid. As he spoke, he did so boldly and with confidence. If he recalled anything from the stories, Sycom was the kind of man that enjoyed someone with balls and the will-power to back a play.

Continuing on, Ryker stood so that he took looked threatening (it helped that he was tall). Crossing his arms over his chest, the redhead spoke. "And that's the truth. If you don't like it, fine. Don't believe it. But there's no alternative to the story. We're here. And we don't know where here is. Last we knew we were back in the D.C. area by the large shopping mall. And I don't even know how many days ago that was."

Sycom, whose lips pulled back to form a growl, seemed displeased by Ryker's rather cocky display. The kid knew enough to make him dangerous and, much to Sycom's dislike, had a secret to keep and hide.

"Let's say I believe this story of yours. Why would they," he gestured down to the facility, "want you two?"

"You said it yourself," Ryker dropped the haughty pose and his shoulders dropped some in a rather carefree manner. "We've powers. I know the people of D.C. wanted our heads served on a silver platter. We were supposed to help them, save them. Instead, plans went astray and shit hit the fan. Before we knew what happened, we were being run out of the city with shotguns and pitchforks." Pinching the bridge of his nose, the ginger grunted. "Honestly, we had no idea we were walking into an ambush. These monsters, huge, indescribable monsters, came out of nowhere. They're like... beasts from another world. They wiped out our team. If I wasn't as fast as I am, and if Masuyo didn't use her abilities, we'd be dead too."

Giving Sycom a crestfallen glance, he sighed. "Listen, we're not the enemy. We're trying to save this planet just as much as you two. We were given these gifts for a reason. We were given a chance to do something."

As Ryker spoke, Sycom paused to simply look the kid over. Each word forever embedding itself in his brain.

"Look, you don't have to like us. You don't even have to trust us. But please, please know we're not the enemy. We're lost, confused. But we're not evil. We've no interest in hurting either of you--or even anyone for that matter. We just want to get home and try to right the wrongs that were cast upon us."

In silence, Sycom flicked his orbs toward Vex. He said not a word for there was a lot of information to process. And, frankly, he wasn't even sure what to say. Let alone do.

blueblackrose 07-04-2015 03:53 AM

Continuing to circle as she paced the silver haired woman was losing patience with the two that Sycom questioned. Their answers weren’t very believable. A smirk slowly started to spread across her ruby lips as Sycom pressed them further, not believing them as well. The smirk she wore only grew more when the clap of thunder shook the Earth. Sycom’s timing had been perfect. From time to time he did always like the theatrics to get a point across, she thought to herself.

The reaction from the redhead sitting on the ground had been a bit surprising, but mostly expected. There was no doubt in her mind that they were hiding something. A dry laugh came from Vex when he called Sycom and her heroes. They were anything, but heroes. They were criminals, rebels who sought to overthrow the corrupt government and military.

When Ryker stood Vex slowly stopped her circling, coming to a complete stop once she was behind the couple. The way the man was attempting to appear threatening caused her pale lavender eyes to narrow as she watched. While he spoke the woman’s hand moved ever so slightly, pulling something from her belt. With her attention on the red heads she didn’t notice that the young woman had risen to her feet.

Silently the woman moved forward only to find her path blocked by Masuyo. The raven was glaring at her, standing close to her intended target’s back. “Move,” the silver haired woman hissed. Vex was not one bit pleased that her actions had been halted.

Up until now Masuyo had mostly stayed quiet, her gaze moving from the man before them to the woman that circled them. Before she could speak her partner was already talking, answering the new questions thrown at them. She smiled a bit, knowing how stubborn he was at times. Maybe it was best to let him speak freely, it was becoming more evident that the two that had rescued them were going to be tough to convince.

When Ryker moved to stand she reached out to stop him, but let her hand fall. It was useless. The fact that Vex had stopped circling and was standing behind them didn’t go unnoticed. Glancing back she saw the woman pull a metallic object from her belt. Having a bad feeling Masuyo rose to her feet, quickly moving to stand between Ryker and Vex, facing Vex.

Her hazel eyes glared at the woman before her. “I won’t. You’re not going to touch him.” Her tone was harsh. The raven took a defensive stance. “Let those two talk it out.”

To Vex’s displeasure it seemed that the little raven wasn’t going to listen to her. Her grip tightened on the knife she concealed. “Seems this little bird has found its voice.” Her smirk faded as she moved forward until she was only about a foot away from the other woman. “Dear little bird if I let them talk it out then we will be here for hours. Hours we don’t have. He has already confirmed that you know who we are. Since you two have that knowledge it’s hard to believe your story. So why don’t you just come clean now?” The raven had earned a few points with her, but lost more by standing in her way. Did these two really intend to test her patience?

Masuyo gave the woman in front of her a frustrated look. “That he may have, but like he said from where and when we are from you two are heroes. What we say is true. We are lost and have no clue how are got here. We were betrayed by the people we tried to save, attacked by monsters and lost our team. We barely survived that. All we want is to get back home, to right the wrongs cast on us and to be able to survive.”

The young woman didn’t give an inch as she stared back at the silver haired vixen. The stress along with the mix of emotions she was feeling started to cause her abilities to kick into self-defiance mode. Masuyo didn’t notice the change as her feet and lower legs became transparent.

Vex growled in displeasure. How stubborn. “Don’t make me laugh. Heroes? Most people don’t see us as that.” Taking another step forward she stared at the woman right in the eyes. “Do really think we are going to believe this bullshit about time travel? I think you two know how you ended up here, even if you did come from another place in time.”

A sickly sweet smile formed on her lips as she raised her hand, pressing the cold steel of the knife in her hand against Masuyo’s neck. Vex made sure to force the raven to back up until her back was pressed against Ryker’s. She would have no escape and no one to save her if the silver hair woman didn’t like her answers, attitude or just wanted to dispose of her. “Now answer me bitch. I’m getting tired of this run around. Spill it. How did you get here if you’re from another time? What are you hiding?” Her tone was low and threatening as if holding a knife to the woman’s throat and having her corner wasn’t going to be enough to get her to talk.

It quickly became apparent that her interrogation techniques were much different from Sycom’s. Vex was much more threatening and hands on then her partner. If Ryker and Masuyo cared to look into it further it might have even appeared to them that Sycom and Vex liked to play ‘good cop’ and ‘bad cop’.

Neither of the women paid attention to what Ryker was saying to Sycom, though at times what Masuyo said echoed her partner’s words as she spoke to Vex. They were still arguing, Vex pressing for answers. While she pursued answers the silver haired woman hadn’t even noticed that Masuyo’s body from her waist down had become transparent.

Masuyo swallowed hard when she felt the cold steel of the knife in Vex’s hand nip at her neck. Still her gaze remained unwavering. The silver haired woman forced her to move backwards until her back bumped against Ryker’s. There was nowhere to go now. With narrowed hazel eyes she found her voice again. “I’m the bitch? I already answered you. We were searching through the shop Ryker’s family use to own. While shifting through some antiques we were hit by something and the next thing we knew we were going to be science experiments. How and why? I have no clue.”

The woman sighed as she closed her eyes. She could feel the edge of the blade biting at her neck. Opening her eyes again she frowned. “We aren’t hiding anything. We just want to figure this out and get back home.” By now most of her body had become transparent except her upper arms, chest and head.

“Why can’t you just believe us?” The look the young woman gave Vex was one of stubbornness and unwillingness to yield. “We aren’t your enemy. We don’t want to hurt or cause harm to anyone. The only thing we wish for is understand what’s going on and go home.” For some reason she couldn’t shake the feeling that Vex was serious and would kill her if they couldn’t come to an understanding soon. Even so she wasn’t about to back down just yet. If she could give Ryker more time to talk with Sycom then maybe things would turn out ok.

It seemed as though the story wasn’t going to change. It was frustrating. Vex growled in frustration. Ryker had fallen silent and Sycom wasn’t saying anything. Glancing around the pair that stood between them she caught Sycom’s gaze as his eyes flickered towards her. Even though she had only caught half of what Ryker had said she too wasn’t entirely sure about what was going on. That’s partly why she was pressing the woman.

Her pale lavender orbs moved back to Masuyo before blinking in confusion. The knife pressed more firmly against the woman’s neck, the tip drawing a drop of blood. “Nothing to hide? Then what’s this? Over half of your body is invisible.” Vex hissed at the raven. It was bad enough that the man was fast, but the woman being able to disappear, that was even worse. If they weren’t who they claimed then how was she supposed to protect Sycom from them?

Xavirne 07-06-2015 02:50 PM

As Sycom's eyes started to really absorb what was happening between Vex and the other woman, Ryker began to take an interest in what was transpiring behind his back. Much to his surprise, Masuyo was facing a knife to the neck, which instantly set Ryker off.

Before Sycom could make a call, Ryker was gone and had reversed the situation. Masuyo was now alone and Vex was in his arms. Blade to her neck, his green orbs narrowed on her. "I don't get what your angle is, but I don't appreciate it when someone threats my girl." His voice was laced with malice, a surefire sign that he wasn't going to let Vex pull one of those stunts again.

Still, not wanting to create a bigger shit-show, Ryker dropped the knife and immediately zoomed to Masuyo's side. "From where I'm standing, you two hardly seem like the friendly type. You're demanding answers from us--and threatening us!" He stepped backwards to keep the couple in view. He refused to let either sneak around to their backsides again.

"You have to understand," Sycom began, "we've met plenty of people like you. Claiming things and then just being lies. Our caution comes with valid rationalization."

"Ha, like we should even trust you. How about your start proving your names and titles. If you're truly the cunning yet loyal Vex and you're the brilliant strategist Sycom, show it. Or," he glanced at Masuyo, "we're done playing nice. You want to threaten us? We'll fight back. And we won't hold back."

At this comment, Sycom shot Vex a look. It was one of those 'thus far they haven't really posed a threat, maybe we should let them off the hook' looks. It was a look he used a few times before, namely for their ex-comrade Reino. Reino wanted to walk a bit of a darker path, mowing down anyone who dared betray him. Not wanting to walk such a bloody path, he and Vex tried to give off that aura of hostility. Granted, it usually failed as Sycom didn't have a true mean bone in him.

With a sigh, he ran a hand in his hair. "I suppose you're right." He knew Vex would call him out on caving too soon, but he didn't care. "We'll refrain from threatening until we can prove you guilty."

Ryker, who was still holding in his breath, slowly let it out. He sighed, almost identical to the way Sycom did. "Good." His orbs flicked to Vex. "Now, can someone please tell us what is going on?"

"We started a war." Sycom crossed his arms over his chest. "We began with pure intentions but then the government swooped in and stole everything. They seek to use my creations against the unarmed man. They want to enslave humanity and force people into a predetermined lifestyle. I refuse to accept defeat so Vex and I have been trying to," his voice dropped, making it impossible to catch what he said, "those with powers. We need to ensure the government doesn't get their hands on an army of them or else the world we once knew will cease to exist."

blueblackrose 07-11-2015 05:51 AM

Masuyo growled back at Vex. “This is your fault. I don’t always have control of my power.” When the tip of the blade bit more at her neck, she did her best to stay calm. Before she could spit a few choice words at the silver haired woman or attempt to fight back Ryker had come to her rescue. She was no long against his back, instead her partner held Vex with the same knife she used against Masuyo to her throat. The raven shook her head slightly, but there was the hint of a smile on her lips due to the scene before her.

Able to relax a bit the raven took control of her powers to start making herself visible again. As she did so she touched her neck where the blade had bit into it to reveal a small amount of blood. It seemed that the vixen hadn’t been playing around. Watching her eyes narrowed, letting Ryker do the talking for now.

The reaction from Ryker was an expected one. Vex was quite calm despite having been so easily disarmed and now being the one held with a knife to her throat. It seemed a little funny how one of her own weapons was being used against her. “Ah so the quiet little bird is yours, how sweet.”

Sycom would have easily picked up on the calculating look within those pale lavender orbs of hers as she gave him a reassuring glance. A sly grin formed on her lips as Ryker spoke. “Angle? Darling my angle is merely to find out the truth.” She had already made it quite clear that unlike her partner she would do so by whatever means she deemed necessary.

Once released Vex moved to pick up her knife. Pale lavender orbs never leaving the couple that stood before her. There was still a hint of the grin she had earlier still on her features. So far the redhead was proving to be an interesting fellow and she was sure that there was more to the quiet little raven as well. The silver haired woman moved closer to Sycom, her movements intentional to show she didn’t pose a threat at the moment.

When Ryker returned to her side Masuyo stayed close to him. “I have to agree. You save us only to do this? What the hell?” Again the woman was mostly visible where she stood. Her hazel eyes moved back and forth between Sycom and Vex. “You’re not the only ones that want answers or can make threats.”

Sycom’s words made sense, but still how did they know they could really trust these two? Masuyo met Ryker’s glance and nodded. “Yes, prove it.” She took a step forward so that she was standing directly in front of her partner. “We’re both growing tired of playing games, of being treated unjustly and threatened. We will fight back.”

The look that Sycom shot Vex caused her to sigh. She knew that look even though he had only used it a few times. Hesitantly she returned his look with one of her own. It was one of those 'yes, but we shouldn’t let our guard down'. It was times like this that made her realize why she hadn’t followed the same path as their ex-comrade Reino. If she had there was no telling what fate would have befallen her partner since he usually failed at giving off an aura of hostility or making some of the harder decisions. That’s what he had her for though, to do what he could not.

Just as he suspected Vex did start to call him out on caving too soon. “Sycom, I don’t think…” The woman fell silent when she seen the look in his eyes. He already knew what she was going to say so there was no need to say more. “Fine, we’ll do it your way.” It was clear she wasn’t happy with the decision he made.

The silver haired woman gave Ryker a cold look when his eyes flickered to her. In her own subtle way it was a threat to let him know she wasn’t going to be as nice about things as Sycom. “Go ahead,” she sighed, knowing full well that the man would start to tell their story at least the short version of it, skipping most of how they got to this point.

While Sycom explained Vex went back to scanning the area a bit, this time staying where she stood. She chuckled a bit. The way he said things made it sound almost heroic and noble. At times she questioned what they did, but usually it only took one little reminder of the hell she’d been through to know what they were doing was right.

Masuyo watched and listened. She chuckled lightly at how the two redheads sighed almost identical to each other. “So that’s where you get that from,” she whispered mostly to herself. Her attention mostly stayed on Sycom as he spoke. The silver haired woman didn’t seem as interested as she had before. Maybe because she had been refrained from using force?

“Wait…you started a war against who or what? Also what do you mean by your creations? Do you mean people with powers…like experiments?” The raven wasn’t quite sure she understood correctly. Of course history had never been one of her strongest subjects. For a moment she glanced at Ryker. She was sure that Ryker understood more than her, especially since he was descendant from those two. “Basically what you’re saying is that you’re rebelling against the government to save humanity, right?”

Lavender eyes fell onto Masuyo as she questioned what Sycom had said. "Experiments...that might almost be putting it nicely. Yes, they were experiments in a way. Sycom's creations do I put this. They were to be used to keep those who didn't want to get their hands dirty from getting their hands dirty. Seemed like a good enough idea since those chosen were criminals according to the Threat Level system. Expendable guinea pigs." Her expression grew more distant. "Those experiments started out as innocent, as something to do good, but unfortunately evil was at the very beginning that cause the creations to be made to begin with. In the end we were all just puppets doing what the government wanted without even knowing it until it was almost too late."

Even as she answered Vex fought back painful memories and the hatred she still held deep within her for the government and even herself for what happened when they brainwashed her. That was something she would never forget or forgive. "They may have started all of this, but we will finish it." She paused, her gaze moving back to the couple. “Now can you understand our demanding? We need to know who and what you are.”

“Plus I want to know more about this time travel. We only know of one person with that kind of ability…” Vex glanced to Sycom before saying more. None, other than herself and Sycom knew her watch was still missing and without it she wasn’t able to use her Purium’s powers. “So how did you do it? How did you get here from another time if that’s what really happened to you?”

Xavirne 01-23-2016 02:21 AM

"Basically," he said while Vex finished up talking to the strangers, "we're trying to right the wrongs I started unknowingly. Had I know all my hard work was going to create an army, I never would have signed up for this. But," he slammed his fist into the palm of his hand, "I will make this right."

He looked over to Vex and gave her a solid nod. "We're looking to get recruits on our side. To stand with us. A friend of ours, Reino, is going to oppose the current tyrants. Once he gets enough people, we'll launch our attack. Reino's the face of the rebellion and we need to make sure we provide legitimate soldiers; not fakes."

With this new found knowledge, Ryker wrapped a hand around his chin. "So you're, like she said, saving humanity?"

"Exactly. If we let these, let's just call them experiments, fall into the wrong hands, the world will fall into utter chaos. We're banding together to put an end to their madness."

A wry grin grew on Ryker's face. "Sounds fun. Sign me up." The furrowing of Sycom's brows caused Ryker to grimace. "What? Don't think we have what it takes? I think we've proved that we're legit."

Then it hit him, they never answered Vex's question. "About the time travel... it kind of just happened. We were looking for food. Stumbled into a room. It was dark. Our hands hit something and... well, here we are now. We traveled to the past, your past. If I were a betting man, I would guess it's because you need us. Fate has a funny way of making things work out for the better. We failed in the future. Perhaps we're not meant to save the future. Perhaps we need to help you save the past. And, by saving the past, we can save our future."

The idea was crazy, but Sycom could see logic behind it. With a lazy shrug he shoot Vex a cheesy grin. "Whelp, I don't see any issues with them. If you're okay with it, I'd like them to join us. We both know we could use an extra set of hands. Hell, an extra set of eyes would be fantastic."

blueblackrose 01-23-2016 08:38 PM

She listened as the couple explained further. Masuyo looked up at Ryker, giving a little nod. She had an idea of what he was thinking. After all what else did they have to do here in this strange time and place right?

“I’m in too. Not that this guy would give me much choice.” She elbowed Ryker teasingly. Her teasing was cut short by Sycom’s brow furrowing at them and her friend’s grimace.

“I have to agree with him. I refuse to believe there is no way for us to save the future and fate always finds a way to lead us in the right direction. Let us help you, we are here for a reason even if we don’t know what that reason is yet.” Masuyo took Ryker’s hand and squeezed it, looking from Sycom to Vex.

Vex remained quiet was the Sycom talked with the other two. A skeptical look crossed her features when they said they were in, wondering if they really understood. “Well…” The woman let her thought trail off since Ryker was finally answering her question about the time travel.

“Interesting. I won’t deny that fate does have a way of leading us in the right direction.” Though sometimes that came with learning painful lessons. Vex caught Sycom’s cheesy grin and rolled her eyes, giving a light sigh. It seemed her husband had made up his mind. Despite their story and the discussion they were having Vex was still a little wary of the strangers. “I’m ok with it, with my reservation of course.” Her gaze fell onto Ryker and Masuyo. “I will only warn you once. If you try to betray us in any way it will not end pretty for you because I will make you suffer.” Again she was putting off a threatening air. She could only imagine the look that Sycom was giving her right now.

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