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p o p p e t ♥ 06-13-2014 09:28 PM

Friday the 13th {Open/Accepting}
Friday the 13th

That's right, it's Friday the 13th, and all hell is breaking loose. Our story begins like any other typically cheesy horror movie, on a dark and gloomy Friday evening. You live in a small town in the middle of bad horror movie land nowhere, near the mountains and rocky cliffs by the sea. The town sits surrounded by thick forests. Near here is a summer camp, though currently only renting out cabins to anyone 18 and up, as it isn't summer.

Atop a great hill is an old abandoned mansion, separated from the town by the cemetery. If you look out off the cliffs, you'll see a small island in the distance. You can reach it by boat in less than twenty minutes. Mostly no one goes there but youngsters up to no good and campers/hikers. On the far side of the island is a small resort, though no one really travels that far to notice, and the people who know aren't sure it's even still running. (It is.)

This town, is your typical horror movie town. In fact, Jason, Freddy and all their vampire, werewolf, ghost and other evil friends probably live here, in basements, old condemned homes, caves, etc. The worst kind of horrors though, are the ones you never knew were horrors to begin with... the ones living right next door.

- No Godmodding
- No actual killing of anyone's character without their permission. But you can sure try! [twisted]
- No more than two characters per person (and if you enter two, one must be a protagonist/bad guy)
- No one liners; must post at least two paragraphs of 5 sentences or more
- I will turn you away if we have too many of the gender you're entering, or too many good/bad guys that you're trying to enter
- Be diverse. I will turn you away or ask you to edit if your character is too similar to another
- Characters must be over 18, but you don't have to specify your age in your profile
- PM me with a photo and physical description and personality/history description and then wait for my approval to post.
- Have fun!

Your character can be any type of supernatural or known horror movie villain or similar. Yes they can also be human, of course, and human villains. (Once again, be diverse! And specify race and such in your profile. [yes])

p o p p e t ♥ 06-13-2014 09:29 PM

Accepted Characters

Erin Jay McDobb

Physical description: 5'5", long pale blonde hair, green eyes. A patch of freckles on each shoulder.

Personality description: Erin keeps mostly to herself. She is very nice and friendly, but somehow she always finds herself as the outcast. She's been told it's because people are intimidated by her, though she can't figure out why. This makes her quiet and not particularly outgoing as far as first impressions. She tends to over think absolutely everything. She has four older brothers, rendering somewhat less girly.

History: Erin moved here recently looking for a change of scenery to write a book. She's never actually written anything, this having been a random decision, and needed a place to go for inspiration. She had no idea just how much inspiration she would get in this town.
Alec Robert Hall

Physical description: stands at 6'2", athletic build. Slightly long, brown hair that's usually messy and tends to have two day stubble. Dark blue-gray eyes. Looks in his late 20's. Has a small mole near his mouth.

Personality: He is a rather serious and hard-working man. He may laugh or smile, but it's not often that it reaches Alec's eyes, there you can see how closed off he is. However, he is extremely helpful and kind to everyone and quite gentlemanly. He is responsible and extremely loyal. Back in school, he used to be very popular due to these qualities.
He is intelligent and for some reason, very cautious. He loves to work, in fact, he throws himself in it so there would be as little free time as possible. Very handy man, he runs the local car repair and can also fix just about anything in your home or give it a great makeover.
As mentioned, he is loyal man. The type to never back out of promise, to protect those he cares about with his life if needed. And he is also very, very tired from Cheryl's constant interference in his life and the claim she has laid on him. Still, he loves her too much to be truly harsh to her...

History: Born the heir to one of the founding families, he grew up in a rather strict family that had clear idea what they wanted him to be. Their wealth had dwindled over the years and his father was set on making him the one to bring it all back. He was very angry that Alec always seemed to get in trouble, not realizing that his son was covering Cheryl and taking her blame.
His mother died when he was 14, and it was big hit to both Hall kids. Kayley became even wilder without motherly love to contain her and got into worse and worse habits, although it never really reached their father's ears - Alec made sure it won't, dealing even with police when needed.
When she died in a mysterious accident, he blamed himself and was devastated. He followed in father's laid path for some years and now is the manager of their estate (quite successfully) as Mr. Hall passed away some years ago due to heart attack. But it's not enough work for him, therefor Alec started his car repair and will go about helping townspeople
Cheryl Kayley Hall

Physical description: 5'7", frail looking. It's hard to tell her age somehow, it's like her youthful appearance doesn't entirely match the look in her eyes. A little over shoulder length dark, dark brown hair frame her pale face. Eyes are a strange mix of blue-gray and green. Has some freckles across her nose and a little mole near mouth.

Personality: Cheryl is a mischievous and mean spirit. That's right - she's a ghost. There's little to nothing sweet about her - in life she was queen bee, popular, but horrible and others feared and admired her at the same time. Decisive and cunning, she's bad enemy (and 'friend) to have.
She died due to her rebellious nature and love for thrill and has kept these aspects.
One of the worst things about her is that she's charming and seemingly kind so you find out her true nature only when it's far too late.
She loves only herself and brother and this love smothers Alec, especially now that there is little that Kayley can't do. She is jealous of anyone and anything that takes his attention away from her and acts as if he is her property.

History: From early days, she hated rules imposed on her by father and constantly broke them. Alec always covered his sister and she was just about the perfect daughter. With her charming, but menacing nature she claimed popularity she thought herself deserving. When their mother died, it got worse and even then, Alec always protected her.
And then she died. She never speaks of it, or why she stayed in this world, but is not ashamed to play the guilt trip card out against Robert if needed.
People of the town fear her and also are somewhat afraid to get close, in any way, to her brother, due to her extremely jealous nature. She hates his job and will often meddle with it - or generally anything that makes him go against her every whim.
Samael "Sam" Czernobog
as played by Xavi

Physical~ He's a Cruxim. Cruxim? Well that's just a vampire that hunts vampires. It has black angel-like wings and vampire fangs, only it doesn't bite its victims. No, that's beneath it. Instead, it wills the blood (energy) from the enemy into its system. It should also be noted that Cruxim, or Black Angels, are immune to heat and fire. Regardless, Sam's looks different from that of a usual Cruxim. Losing his wings in a fierce fight, Sam built his own pair of cybernetic wings. His arm was also wounded so he built a second left arm to aid his weaker, original left arm. He is blind, sadly, hence the use of a bind over his eyes. Don't do let that fool you! No, Sam's neck piece (the thing that glows cyan) is actually an all-seeing eye. It gives him his sight and allows him to see in the dark of the night. Sam stands 6-6 and his super skinny. His skin is a nice copper color and his hair is a rusty-red color.

Oh, we mustn't forget his loyal sidekick, Kerberos, named after the three-headed dog that guards Hell. He built Kerb himself.

Personality~ Friendly, sweet, caring, kind. Manipulative, vindictive, sinful, evil. Sam is anything but nice. He tortures people and taunts them with cruel truths and harsher realities. Sam's entire life has been hellbent on killing creatures of the night and wreaking havoc on innocent humans. He is not a nice man. Years of war have really done a number on him, vengeance too! As an aside, Sam absolutely loves to get his nails done. He also loves doing to the dentist. Something about being clean just charms him. Dirty? He will hiss and avoid!

Past~ Well over a hundred and some odd years old, Sam doesn't really remember much of his past. He was born a mistake and has had to live with that. He's fought a great many vampires as well as demons. He cares little for life and will gladly kill anyone. There is one night in particular that he thrives on. Friday the Thirteenth. It's the night he lost his sight, arm, and wings. It's the night he lives for. (He really does have an issue with forgiving and forgetting -- way too intent on vengeance, even if it's on poor, unsuspecting souls!)

Bezaleel "Bez" Lorccán
as played by Xavi

Physical~ Fierce green orbs beneath angular eyebrows often give Bez a rather stern yet wild look. His lips, taut and slender, are often without expression, save for the occasional ironic side grin he loves to show. A strong, sharp nose catches scents unlike anything of man's lineage could do. He is often the first to exclaim what that scent is for, once he smells something, he never forgets it. Raven hair loose on top and nearly nonexistent at the base gives Bez a false military-look. Standing an average 5-10, Bez has spent his entire life being the perfect size for all things, namely soccer. His calves are pure bliss, allowing him to run far and fast. His hands, though not used in soccer, have been chiseled to dreamy quality due to his favorite pass-time, sculpting.

Personality~ Much like his looks, Bez has a rather intimidating personality. His pale stare often causes people to pull away. There's something about the look in his eyes that causes lips to worry. Why, if one didn't know better, one might peg Bez as a criminal. He is no criminal, though. He is merely a twenty-seven year old man who works at a desk. He does patent law (mainly the technical writing and legal mumbo jumbo) and rarely interacts with people, save for those who he has to work alongside. To call him cold and shy would be far from the truth. Bez, though seemingly evil by looks, is actually a very nice guy. He enjoys comedy, the arts, and working out. One might also call Bez a hopeless romantic, but that's only those who have been lucky enough to see his lovely, Victorian-style home. Perhaps misunderstood best suits Bez, yes?

Past~ Bez was born the seventh son to a pair of farmers. The youngest of the group, Bez was able to get away with just about anything, mainly because the one before him (Lukas) was a real handful. After him, no one bothered with Bez. It was okay though, for Bez preferred his independence. All his siblings dropped out of high school. Bez? He went onto college. Graduated with a BS/MS in Electromechanical Engineer. Eventually, Bez found a job with Patent Law and IP. He absolutely loves it.

Raina Marie Sochi

Physical Despcription: Standing at 5'2" with blue eyes and dyed hair in three colors. Pink, blue and yellow.

Personality Description: Spunky, friendly and energetic. If you need a party livened up all you gotta do is call Raina, she'll get the job done. Raina can also be abit of a rebel and a punk rolled into one, she respects authority just doesn't like them.

History: Living here all her life, and she has yet to have anything really exciting happen to her.
Drake Jameson aka DJ or Deej

Physical Description: Drake stands at 6' even. He has hazel colored eyes that sometimes look golden, to match his short hair. He is of seemingly average build at first glance, but is muscular under those clothes, fast, agile, and strong. He has four parallel scars across his right bicep.

Personality: DJ is your typical popular jock. He's happy go lucky, positive, funny, fun, attractive, charismatic... He lives in a huge house with his parents in a very happy home. He makes straight A's and can do just about anything asked of him/challenged to him. He's on the swim team, knows karate, practices boxing, and is fluent in three different languages. He can play piano and guitar and can cook better than most restaurant chefs. It's quite.... unbelievable.

History: Drake moved to this town after transferring colleges, due to some, unfortunate accidents at his old school. But that's all anyone knows about him. Of course. He's new after all.

p o p p e t ♥ 06-13-2014 10:44 PM

Erin yawned and put her pen in her notebook, closing it. She looked at her watch. It was almost eleven at night. She could hear the heavy rain as it beat against the windows of the modern styled mansion she was inside. Only a lamp beside the couch she sat on lit a small area of the room. The rest of the house was dark.

Little Jackson's parents would be home from their date night soon, and Erin would be released to go home. She babysat in the evenings and on weekends. Just a side job to keep her afloat while she worked on her book. It would be her first book, and she didn't have any prior writing experience, and no college under her belt. It wasn't like she couldn't go, she was only 19.

Never the less, school just wasn't her thing. She rested her head against the back of the couch and groaned. Maybe writing wasn't her thing either. She had the worst kind of writer's block, and she'd never really written before. It was a very sudden interest. And she was known for being impulsive.

A creaking sound from somewhere in the house, caused her to sit straight. She squinted into the darkness. It must be the house settling, she told herself. She adjusted her ponytail and straightened out her army green tank top, and relaxed, but heard another noise from somewhere else.

Erin slid her notebook off her lap and stood, glancing towards the stairs. Jackson had been asleep for a few hours now and wasn't known to get up in the night. Was her mind playing tricks on her? She padded barefoot into the kitchen and flipped on the light with a very eerie feeling creeping up her spine.

sadrain 06-19-2014 06:46 PM

5 minutes ago.

"Alec, let's do something fuuun," sweet voice spoke up suddenly behind him, a sharp chin settling down on man's shoulder. If he hadn't already gotten used to such things, he would jerk and swerve the car probably right into one of the trees on the roadside. "Cheryl! I told you to not do that! Do you want me to die?" he hissed. "Well, if you didn't stay as boring, might not be so bad!" she laughed lightly and he knew the mischievous sparks danced in her eyes. Although she didn't really mean it, the words didn't become kinder.

"I am tired, sis," he explained in calm tone. "That's because you work too much. You should relax... And that's why I wanna do something fun with you," young woman pulled away and straightened in back seat, arms crossed across her chest. "Fine, but tomorrow. Tonight I need to rest," he gave in with sigh, knowing there was little use to argue with his sister when she was like this.

She pouted. "Fine. But it doesn't mean I won't go to play now." And with that, she was gone, leaving only slightly horrified Alec in the car. He wasn't afraid of what she had done, appear and disappearing out and into blue air, but for what her words implied. Immediately, he hit on brakes and started looking around. There were so many houses here that Cheryl could have picked...


Alec was standing in front of the gates to house of Little Jackson and his family. There was no doubt she had picked here. He had seen how one of the 2nd floor windows lit up suddenly and familiar figure standing there. She had waved at him and then disappeared, probably moving to another room.

"Cheryl!" he called out, pulling jacket tighter about his body in meek attempt to keep rain from soaking him completely. Why out of all houses she had to pick this one? He still had decent relationships with this family, in fact, they had asked him to fix backyard steps just yesterday and he had planned to do that tomorrow. And they had a kid. Man didn't like the thought of his sister scaring some kid senseless. Alec called out again and pushed at the gates, but they were locked. Of course. He rang the bell, mind grasping at reasons why he could have stopped by at this late hour. Well, the adults would understand... They knew the truth.

Meanwhile, creaking continued throughout the house. And the doors down the corridor opened and then fell shut. Oh, she was just getting warmed up. The little, new mouse had to be coerced into playing, you see. Because Cheryl knew what her brother didn't - that someone completely unaware of this town's qualities was here tonight. Somewhere, something heavy fell and light bulb by coach flickered.

Xavirne 06-19-2014 07:28 PM

"I know exactly what I want and who I want to be. I know exactly why I walk and talk like a machine. I'm now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy! Oh, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh~!"

The lyrics to Marina and The Diamond's song "Oh No!" was more than appealing during this downpour. Why was he jogging in this? Wasn't it a) cold and b) late at night? Sure, but that was besides the point! Bezaleel Lorccán, or Bez as he preferred, just needed to do something. Having a desk job, he was often trapped inside. Prior to taking up his Patent Law position, Bez was busy with sports in college. He was MVP for the soccer team five-years in a row. If he wasn't moving around at least once a day, he would die of stiffness.

Shorts clinging to the spandex below them, he just kept chugging forward. Hair matted, the skin-tight neon green shirt told those who dared drive in the night that he was there. The silver stripes on the back of his shirt as well as neon green sneakers was another dead giveaway that someone was moving. Well, out running like an idiot.

A Ke$ha song popped onto his phone. He wasn't in the mood for her, so he skipped the track and settled for "Antidote" by Swedish House Mafia and Knife Party. It was the perfect jam for picking up the pace. Taking high-knees with his sprint, he reeled around a corner and sprinted down the straight-away.

For just over six-minutes, he ran while trying to keep his knees high. It was a brutal workout, causing his body to grow wetter from the perspiration. Still, he pressed on, only slowing to a jog when the song flipped again.

"Ugh," he grunted and pulled his eyes from his path. Flipping the song off T-Swift then Ellie Goulding then Lady Gaga, he finally opted for Dada Life's "Kick Out the Epic Motherf**ker."

Irony had a funny way of finding Bez for the moment the song began, Bez was plowing into someone. Literally kicking them and now somersaulting into the iron fence, the world became nothing but a blur of black and rain.

Head throbbing, his hands wrapped around the gate as he tried to force his way up. Something stung and he winced to spy what it was. In seconds, he saw the nice scrap on his calf. With grit teeth, he pulled away and shifted all his focus on the man he took down with him.

"I am so sorry, bro," he said. This green eyes of his looking rather eerie thanks to the reflective green shirt. "I should know better than to run with my head in my phone."

Offering out a hand, he tried to smile. Hair still matted all about his face, Bez probably looked like one slimy hobo. With abs. A hobo with abs? And really expensive taste. And was that the new HTC M8? No way this guy was a hobo. Just a mess due to sweat and rain.

p o p p e t ♥ 06-19-2014 07:35 PM

Erin nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the double doors at the other end of the house slam. Her heart pounded hard. That hadn't been the house settling at all. "Jackson?" she whispered, peeking back into the living room as the lamp flickered. Just flickering from the storm... she told herself.

Erin exited the kitchen. "Jackson?" she asked again, a little louder. Something heavy fell. Did the Weir's have a cat she didn't know about? "Mr. and Mrs. Weir?" she called. She received no response. She was almost terrified into being unable to move. She looked towards the stairs.

She was certain, someone was in here, aside from her and Jackson. It was her job to protect him, and she wanted to get him out of the house now. She'd seen scary movies, and she wasn't going to sit here and wait for some creep to hack them up. Even if it was just her mind, better safe than sorry.

Erin would never hear the buzzer bell from the gates down the long driveway. For some reason, the bell suddenly wasn't working tonight. She grabbed the poker from the fireplace, and crept silently and carefully up the stairs towards Jackson's room.

sadrain 06-19-2014 08:10 PM

When things came to Cheryl, Alec's sight became narrow and pointed only at her. Or so it used to be, when they were kids. As they grew, he learned to expand his vision so he saw the consequences her actions would cause and had time to find ways to smooth them down. He had failed her just once and she herself had became his life-long punishment for this mistake. By now, his role wasn't just to be her protector, but to also protect others from her.

And as he focused so utterly on trouble brewing in the cold rain, calling her name and ringing the bell impatiently, something slipped by his notice completely until body came crashing into him. The impact was so unexpected that he lost his footing and heavily crashed forward into fence, most likely tearing up denim jacket's arm and scraping skin underneath. He sucked in breath and, if not for his proper upbringing, it sure would have come out as a curse word.

Alec turned around, rubbing his arm and his eyes locked with pair of green ones. Although this man dressed in what he recognized to be special uniform or something like that, was shorter than him, he clearly had just about as much strength as he did. Was he out running? Weird. Although, out of all people, he had no rights to judge. "Hey, it's no problem, I should have been more careful, too, not just standing in middle of sidewalk like some idiot," he replied with a smile and accepted the outstretched hand.

"You alright?" he inquired, looking the other over. At this moment, street lamps flickered and dimmed, leaving everything in thin shadows. "Oh God, no..." Alec breathed, turning to face mansion, his hands clutching the gate. He pressed button again, but knew that it probably went unheard. His expression remained still, perhaps too still, but desperation was climbing up his spine. How was he to get in there when there was another guy?

Lies. Lies were his only option. And how he hated him! But being Kayley's brother had forced him into being somewhat fluent in them. He brushed wet strands of hair out of his face and looked back at the stranger. "I'm Alec Hall, by the way. I do repairs around the houses and respond to emergencies and, right now, there is one at Weir's," he motioned at the building. If this guy hadn't moved here yesterday, he would recognize the name most likely. If there wasn't so much crap going down, Alec would probably manage to recall where had seen this guy before, too.

"Serious one. But they're not opening the gate. I have to fix it and check if someone's got hurt or something," This wasn't even lying, just adjusting the truth. Cheryl on the loose was indeed a serious emergency. Man eyed the fence as well as he could in the darkness. He could jump-climb it if needed. And that was what he would. Alec retreated, preparing for the run and jump.

Ah, she could so clearly picture Alec panicking at the gates. Knowing him, he'd do something crazy to get inside. She loved how she could bring out that daring, senseless side in her brother. This would be so fun. Mentally, she reached out, dimming the street lamps. It would send him into a frenzy, for sure. The fear flowing from babysitter empowered her, urged to go further. Invisible, she descended the staircase about halfway through. Slow, nearly concealed and creeping steps approached Erin. And then they disappeared as suddenly as they had started, right before she would have seen the walker, if there was someone.

Cold breeze passed blonde woman and somewhere in the 2nd floor corridor, open window rattled, letting rain in. The steps were now passing Jackson's room, but if the kid woke and tried to exit, the door wouldn't budge even in the slightest. In fact, neither would any doors that Erin approached, but steps would lead her further and further into the mansion.

Xavirne 06-19-2014 08:48 PM

"Yeah, I'm fine. Years of soccer have hardened me. You okay?" Bez looked the guy over and noticed that he, too, was a little beat up. Nothing serious, but he should probably owe the guy a cup of coffee or something; it was really the least he could do for causing a bother. And then he got to thinking, why the hell was this guy stalking the Weir mansion. Something was fishy. But how to go about getting onto that topic?

"Eh, everything al-" the guy spoke, as if right on cue. It eased Bez's mind, for he didn't need to ask the awkward question of 'What the hell are you doing here in the first place.'

"Ah, pleased to meet you Mr. Hall. Bez Lorccán," he said with a bit of a foreign sounding tone. The joys of funny surnames and, in his case, first names too!

Eyes pulling from Alec to the mansion, he snickered. All that alarm and worry immediately vanished. There was something warm and familiar about this man. In fact, they had waved to each other before. Even said hello.

"You know, I think I've seen you around here before. Yeah... fixing a fence?" A hand reached up to scratch his head, but really only sprayed water down and outward instead. He was just a mess of water and seemed to only make this worse with his nervous gestures.

"God this weather is horrid," he muttered before the other guy spoke again.

"Power outages have a way of ruining things." A bit of gloating followed, but not on purpose. "I'm an electromechanical engineer. Need a hand?" He pulled out his phone, which was protected in a nice little sleeve. Shaking it lightly, he smiled. "I'm sure our phones still work so we can communicate that way to get things fixed. Besides, with how eerie this night feels, no one should be left outside in the dark alone."

Maybe he shouldn't have leaned in to whisper. But it just felt right. "You know what they say about nights like this. The creeps come out."

Pulling away, Bez laughed. "I only kid. But if you would like a hand, I'm more than willing to help. I tinker with this kind of stuff all the time. Did all the lighting in my place and," he gave a side grin, "I did it to code with LEDs." His rolling up to the heavens, he scoffed. "That outta show them not to make me pay high electric bills! I'll throw my money elsewhere."

Bez closed his lips and waiting Alec's lead. If he wanted him to follow, he would. Of course, Bez found himself wondering how this guy would get in. Hopping the fence seemed like the only option. Even if he waved him away, Bez would stick around to see the guy attempt to do that. Then, in a showoffy fashion, parkour over the wall as if it were nothing.

sadrain 06-19-2014 09:36 PM

Bez! Right. The strange name had embedded itself in a corner of his memory although they hadn't really met more than the regular hi and wave that Alec gave everyone. It was a relief that he didn't seem too suspicious of him. Last thing he needed was to have police called on him. "Nice to meet you, too, and, please, just call me Alec," he smiled slightly forced, although it was probably lost in the dim light. But the sentiment was genuine. This soccer player seemed like a nice guy. Under other circumstances, he'd strike up small chat, perhaps invite to have coffee or beer together sometimes. Alec's life lacked close friends, Cheryl made sure none stuck around.

Just like now she was reason he couldn't have a casual talk with Bez. Not that this was best situation for it anyway. "Yeah, houses like these require lot of maintenance," he nodded at fence commentary. Especially if things like Cheryl kept messing them up. And by God, she wasn't only one. "You can say that again," he chuckled in agreement about weather and then quirked eyebrow when other man told of his profession: "Niice."

At mention of phone, he patted his jacket's pocket, but didn't find the familiar square there and although he looked around, trying to make out its shape on ground and even checked in car, Alec knew it was futile. Of course she'd take or hide it to stress him out even further. "Looks like I've lost mine, probably fell out in the tumble," taller man said apologetically. "But I remember Mr. Weir's number." If either of them dialed it, there'd be no response however - and why would there be, since they were out on a date, sure that they had left their child and home in safe hands?

It only helped to fuel Alec's anxiety and at Bez's mention about creep he internally sighed. If only this guy knew... Or maybe he did? After all, this was probably not first time he was running during, judging by his get-up. It was nearly impossible he hadn't noticed anything at all... No time to ponder it, however. "Looks like I'll have to do it the old way," he said as a joke, but voice was a bit too grim. He considered the help offer and then accepted it: "Extra pair of hands and good head might be just what the doctor ordered."

Of course, having another person could cause some issues, since it'd be harder to talk with Cheryl, but if someone was hurt in there, he'd need someone to stay with Weirs. His height and strength was his advantage and he easily pulled himself up, grabbing into fence and threw himself over it in one quick move. Muddy ground that expected him on the other side wasn't good for landing, but he managed to keep his footing. He offered hand to help his 'partner in crime', but the guy handled himself professionally.

And then he started sprinting towards mansion. From here, he could see that now light was lit in at least five rooms, but it kept flickering as they approached and then went out completely, leaving whole building in complete dark. "Cheryl, what are you up to..." he breathed out as he stopped at the large, sturdy main doors. Grabbing the knocker that looked like hand (creepy!), he banged heavily. Again and again. "Maybe the old servant doors on right are open," Alec mused out loud. The back doors he needed to fix stairs for most likely would be unlocked, but it'd take a while to get all around the building. However, if they split up, he could try to call his sister out.

p o p p e t ♥ 06-19-2014 10:48 PM

Erin was moving slowly up the stairs, green eyes scanning as much as she could in the dimly lit house. Suddenly, someone was climbing the steps behind her! Erin gasped and turned around quickly with the poker clutched tightly in her hands! But the sound of someone ascending the stairs after her, stopped, and no one was there.

Her heart was racing. This damned place is haunted... she told herself, trying to calm her nerve. Then there were more footsteps, up the stairs and down the hall. Then she heard a sudden rattling and the shutters in the far room banging against the house. "Damn," she breathed, and hurried up the stairs, and down the hall. If she didn't close that window and some of the Weir's things were ruined it would be her fault.

She flicked the light on in the room as she entered. It was a large room, the master maybe, or perhaps just a large guest room. Erin couldn't be sure. All the rooms here were huge. She crossed the floor quickly, setting her poker down as she leaned out into the rain to grab the shutters.

That proved harder than it should have in the storm. The wind blew them aggressively. Eventually she slammed each shutter against the house to stop it, before running her hands to the sides and pulling them closed along with the window, then locking it.

While less dry than wet now, Erin wasn't soaked. The large house provided bits of shield from the rain, and her shirt and hair would dry quickly enough. She searched this bedroom's bathroom for a towel, and made quick work of the water that had made it inside, patting dry her arms, face and chest when she was done.

Just as she finished, the light in the room went out. Erin froze. She had convinced herself that someone was here. Then she'd concluded that it had to be a ghost or something. She really didn't believe in things like that. But nothing else made sense. She wasn't crazy.

Green eyes squinted in the darkness, trying to adjust, but there was only blackness. With the storm outside, and the mansion huge, the only light provided came from the sudden and irregular strikes of lightening. She could almost hear her own heartbeat, concluding that the power was out completely. No steady humming from the a/c or various electronics and appliances around the mansion, just an eerie quiet.

The rain beat steadily against the side of the house, and thunder rumbled. The room lit up and she gauged how many steps there might be from here to the door. Where had her poker gone? She didn't know. But she also assumed it wouldn't help against something intangible. She sighed. Maybe she was crazy.

Her plan was to get to Jackson's room now and check on him. She'd wait there until the power came back on or until the Weir's came home. Whichever came first. She crept slowly with her arms outstretched to keep her from bumping into walls or furniture. Lightning lit the hall and Erin stopped. Had there been something there, in the shadows? Her heart thudded heavily in her chest.

She ran her hand along the hall walls, over each door, counting them. When she got to Jackson's, she reached down to twist the knob, but it wouldn't turn. She tried harder. When it wouldn't budge, Erin began to really panic. "Jackson," she said, a little above a whisper. "Jackson?" she called, louder, turning at the door handle frantically, shaking it.

Somewhere in the madness, she may have heard a knocking at the front door. But over the slamming shutters and thunder, it was unlikely that she would register that, especially since she knew no one could get through the gate, and the Weirs wouldn't have knocked.

Xavirne 06-20-2014 01:35 PM

Bez hadn't spoken much since Alec said it was okay to join him on the repair end of the deal. Again, it was odd to Bez that the couple wasn't hope but, then again, who liked having a repair man over when you were to be home, alone. Often ruined the night. Besides, it's not like they foresaw this rain. Odds were, the gutters were overflowing and causing interference somewhere. Power outage was possible too, for the lights did fall black, which left the two standing in the murky light of the moon, which was hardly enough to see in as the clouds blocked it out.

This man had height and easily maneuvered over the fence. Bez, using his training, easily kicked and flipped his way to the top and right on over. Mud splashed up and coated him more than he expected. Forehead down to his nose painted black with the dark mud, Bez cleaned just enough away to see with his eyes.

Splashing after Alec, the raven only raised his brow once when the man spoke aloud. Clearly this dude didn't think Bez could hear him, right? It was pouring out and the wind was just loud enough to make hearing impossible, especially with him being upwind instead of down.

Now at the front door, Bez cocked a brow. Servant's door? It was getting awfully creepy, and fast.

"I feel like we're in a horror film. We're the poor unsuspecting bastards that die as heroes." His expression lightened some, though it was hardly noticeable. "Shall we pretend we're saving a fair maiden from a ruthless, child ghost who was wrongly murdered and now haunts this eerie mansion?"

It truly was an odd thing to say, but it reminded Bez of all those horror movies he loved to watch. Not to mention, inwardly, Bez was questioning whether Alec was really a man of if he were a vampire. Though the realization that he worked during the day disproved that. Guess he's human, Bez joked to himself.

"Sorry," he rubbed his neck. "I've been on a horror movie spree lately. Zombies were before that."

sadrain 06-20-2014 04:38 PM

Despite tense situation, Alec couldn't avoid laughing at the horror movie reference. It was kind of bitter laugh, though, since Bez had seemingly no idea that the whole town could be basis for whole set of horror movies and not some measly, cliche ones. Or that they were indeed closer - already in - experiencing horror that wasn't fiction in the slightest. "I'd say 'this isn't horror movie - don't worry, we won't die', but that would be challenging fate. Still, we've got far too little screen time to worry about our immediate demise just yet... So, fair maiden's rescue it is!"

Only they were rescuing a child and his parents from a fair maiden. Reality had a fun way of twisting things around. Although, he did sincerely wish he could save his sister form her corrupt self. With his last words, he had moved away from porch and decisively ran down the paved path towards where he recalled old servant doors to be. Alec was glad he had a good memory and therefor could recall plans of most mansions and houses that he 'tended to'.

Of course, the servant doors were also locked, but he wasn't going to let it stop him. While front doors could be forced open only with ram, Alec had a feeling he could bust these open. He'd do any repairs for free after all this was over... Or pay for them, if Weirs didn't want to see him ever again after this night. And with this thought, man turned around and back-kicked the spot under door knob. The doors did give in with a wail and he sighed with relief. "Before you ask - to know how to fix something proficiently, it pays off to know how the damage can be done," he explained to Bez as they entered the house. Hopefully, he wouldn't think th

Out of habit, he reached for light switch and pressed it, however instead of much needed light, he had to cover his face from tiny shards of glass as light bulb exploded. Alec suppressed a groan. Cheryl was going too far, in his opinion. "I guess we will have to feel our way through most of the time..." he sighed, moving down the narrow hallway. Soon, they came in kitchen and he narrowed his eyes, trying to make out silhouettes of items. "Unless we find matches or lighter here. I don't dare to hope for emergency flashlight." He shook his hair, water droplets going everywhere, like a dog would do.

This blondie was rather easy to scare and Cheryl wasn't sure if she liked that or felt disappointed. Then again, she hadn't been a big fan of horror movies in her time, so she wasn't always entirely sure what a ghost was 'supposed' to do. She felt that she was very limited in her actions at times, since she couldn't hurt Jackson or blondie seriously. Alec would not let such a thing slide and there was no way she was letting him pull off the leash just because she couldn't keep a lid on her urges to kill. Although they had been growing stronger and stronger over past few years as she gained more and more power with nothing to use it for.

Neither did she want to reveal her face, actual or disfigured. No, she had better plans for this babysitter once this was all over. Many sweet plans. As Cheryl pondered this, her victim had managed to shut the window and was now busy drying off. Hah, like that was biggest of her worries! To remind seriousness of this situation, she worked her little magic and the electricity said bye-bye. In first moments of darkness, she also snatched away the poker. Not because it was dangerous against her, but to stimulate fear and helplessness.

She let blondie rush ahead a little, dealing with another matter on third floor. It didn't take long, though, and she was back right in time to spook in shadows when lightning flashed. Ah, the weather was just lovely, as if set on aiding her little game. And as babysitter called out her charges name, rattling the doorknob, Cheryl moved further away let out a pained wail. Next moment, wet drop landed on Erin's head, then another and another...

Upcoming lightning would reveal wet marks on floor, leading around the corner and another pained sound echoed through 2nd floor. Time between each drop from ceiling grew shorter and looking up during lightning, she would be able to make out a darker spot. Strangely, as Cheryl played further, it was not amusement, but anger that bubbled up in her. She looked at all these paintings and pretty things, photographs and trinkets that were marks of happy family and seethed that all of this was denied to her. And she could sense that Alec hadn't arrived alone! Why did she have to tolerate these things? Why did she have to tolerate more people in HER GAME? With one sweep, the items were sent flying off mantle piece somewhere in mansion, sound probably reaching Erin's ear and another wail followed.

p o p p e t ♥ 06-24-2014 12:40 AM

((What!? I never got a notification for this! I thought I was waiting on you Rain! Deerrpp. Next time someone complain at me, lol! Waiting on me for more than a day or two is very unusual.
Also, feel free to invite other people to the play! More characters would be super duper. [yes]))

Erin twisted at the knob, but nothing happened still. "Jackson!" she yelled now. She could hear him stirring in there. "Jackson, come open up the door," she said, trying not to sound panicked. Just then, she heard a wail from somewhere in the house, and it sent a chill up her spine. It hadn't sounded like a real person. It was something else.

Had the Weirs known their house was haunted? Why the hell would they stay here? They couldn't deal with stuff like this on a regular basis, there was just no way. Something dripped into her hair, and she reached up to run a hand over her ponytail. She thought nothing of it at first, until she got a second drop, and a third.

She looked up, but could see nothing in the darkness. "Jackson!" she yelled again. "Erin?" he finally responded, sounding drowsy. A boom of thunder and flash of lightning shook and lit the house enough for Erin to see something streaked down the hall. It was dark again so quickly, she couldn't be sure what it was she'd seen. Had it been water? Water from someone's boots?

Her heart raced. Maybe it was, blood? But then, what was dripping... on her..... All she could imagine was some awful Ring child on the ceiling staring down at her, and she held her breath, just as Jackson opened the door.

Erin let out a breath of relief, while pushing him back inside and squeezing through the gap. She slammed the door behind her quickly. "Erin, what's happening?" Jackson asked her. "My door was unlocked," he added. She stared at him in the darkness, not actually seeing him. That was impossible. The door was absolutely locked, or jammed...

She had knelt down to Jackson's level, holding onto his arm. "Everything is alright," she said, "But we need to leave, okay?" She tried to steady her breath and voice, but Jackson knew better. Thunder boomed and lightning flashed again and Jackson wrapped his arms around her. "Erin, I'm scared!" he exclaimed. "Why do we have to go?"

"The power went out in the storm," she said. "We're just going to go down the street until the power comes back on at your house. No big deal." She sounded more confident this time, but while wondering what might be outside the door, she was feeling a lot less than that inside. "Are you ready?" she asked him. She felt him nod.

Erin picked him up, holding him close. She held her breath, and opened up the door. Now was not the time to freeze in fear. She needed to get Jackson out of here. She needed to get out of here. Erin stepped out into the hall. They had a ways to go. Halls, stairs, the entire lower level of the maze of a house to the side door where her car was parked.

And then they heard the sound of crashing items and another wail. "Erin!" Jackson wailed. "What was that!?" He was scared, and so was she. They both held each other tighter. "There must be a window open down there, blowing things around," she lied. "And a cat. It was a howling cat, that's all." She headed for the stairs slowly, with one hand out.

"No reason to be afraid," she said, seemingly to Jackson, though more to herself. I just need to get outside. If I can just get us outside.... She stepped in something wet with her bare feet. The puddles in the hall. Water? Blood....? Keep it together Erin, she told herself. Erin maneuvered rather quickly down the stairs once she'd found them.

Now would be the hardest part. Maneuvering through a house she'd never even fully been all through, that was a mansion, in the dark, carrying a small child, with a great possibility that someone else was in here toying with them, just waiting around the corner...

sadrain 06-24-2014 02:19 AM

She was losing the grip - over her emotions and over the house. Usually, presence of Alec empowered her in ways she couldn't quite explain, perhaps it was the simple thrill of pushing him further and further from frames he had so devotedly set up. But now rage and pain was filling her up, and if there was something Cheryl wasn't used to feeling, then it was pain. She always simply took what she needed to sooth it or destroyed what caused it. However now she couldn't pinpoint the cause, other than resentment about things denied to her, some that she didn't admit wanting to herself often, and towards her brother who was worried about people of this house not how SHE felt. SHE had to be the sole focus of his worries, he had to come pleading her to stop and when she would finally show with lazy smirk, wrap her up in a hug, tell her that it will all be alright. And she really needed it right now... '

Her hands balled in fists by her sides and she kicked the items on the ground before returning to observing the hallway. During her small slip-up of emotions, the doors had opened and blondie was together with the kid. Lying through her teeth, too, such a noble soul she was. Kayley smirked. Yes, she'd let them go calmly, for a little bit. And then play babysitter against her jerk of a brother who had dared to involve another in their little game, break the unwritten rules. The thought that he may have not had another choice didn't occur to the spirit.

Meanwhile, on the first floor, Alec had tensed up considerably. "Did you hear that?" he asked Bez, now even more vigorously looking for some sort of light source, regarding the distant wail. He grabbed onto matches and a candle - how old school - and lit it in a hurry. "It came from upstairs. Normally, I'd say let's split up so we can cover more ground, but that's how bad things go down in horror movies, don't they?" He tried to crack a joke, but there wasn't an ounce of amusement in him right now. Something was definitely wrong. And not just regular wrong, but some kind of deeper wrong with Cheryl.

Maybe taking Bez along hadn't been a good idea after all. He couldn't openly look for Cheryl now, not even with their little code-name. Man moved out in the hall, towards staircases. "Mr. and Mrs. Weir? Jackson?" he called out. At this moment, his candle was blown out, leaving Alec in complete darkness again. And there were steps down the staircase. He moved towards them, squinting in darkness. Light, hurried steps - not quite fit for the tall Mr. Weir. "Mrs. Weir? It's me, Alec Hall!" he called out.

Something tripped him, hard, and tall 'repairman' fell with a heavy thud. Few inches more and his head would've hit one of the stair's steps. "Kayryl, no..." he muttered, trying to get up, but something held him down for a bit and then released, meanwhile something strongly pushed Erin, wherever she was, but preferably right into Alec.

PrincessKasumi 06-25-2014 09:57 PM

Raina ordered a Cinnamon Toast Latte from the local Starbucks. As she waited for her latte at the counter, all she could think about was how spooky this town was but how ordinary everything just was. And not only that, she was also thinking of the delicious sweet latte that was about to pass her lips the moment the mug touched the counter. When it finally did, Rain couldn't help but pick up the mug and taking a sip before paying what she owed to the cashier.

Once Raina was done paying she took a sit by the window so she could observe bystanders, Starbucks' visitors and cars outside. Raina took her time with her Cinnamon Toast Latte. She wanted to savor every last drop. To pass sometime, Raina pulled out her laptop from her bag and opened it up, followed by promptly turning it on. she waited several minutes until it was all booted and ready to go. Raina opened up her browser and started browsing the web for random things. Books, clothes, free items, forums and Facebook.

When Rain was done with her Latte, she closed up her laptop and dumped the plastic coffee mug in the trash can. She made sure she had everything on her, before she left Starbucks and got into her her Dodge Charger. Raina started up her car, and backed out. She was on her way to work, and she just had to have her Latte to start off her day.


Later that day after work Raina drove home, and she was pooped. Extremely tired, so much so not far from her home she accidentally ran a red light and next thing she knew was a loud noise and being flipped over repeatedly. Her body although in a seat beat thankfully, her body was jerked sideways in everywhere which way. She had no control of anything. Raina's head hit her side driver window and made a crack in the window. Thankfully it didn't knock her out.

Grasping her head, she realized she was upside down along with her car. She was in shock so much that she couldn't hear anything, almost as if she was deaf and the world around her was going in slow motion. Raina looked out driver's window and saw another car heading over her way. Sounds of screeching tires of a car trying to stop. She raised up her hand as if that would stop what was going to happen.

Xavirne 06-27-2014 07:43 PM

This cannot be happening, Bez told himself. They were literally in a B-horror movie. Everything was clique and far too cheesy to be true. Seriously, the door not working. The lights being out. Oh and now the candle blown out. The noises. The thrashing. The shiver down his spine. Yeah, it wasn't his kind of fun.

Hesitantly, Bez moved forward toward where he presumed the other to be. Of course, the sound of... people falling down the stairs?

He stepped back and blinked into the blackness.

"Ugh, I'm retarded," he mused before pulling out her phone. Instantly, a bright, blinding light lit up the floor and the bodies sprawled along it.

"I would offer you all a hand, but I'm afraid this falls in your quart," Bez said while stepping back to give the pile of people some space.

Glancing at his phone, he grinned at the battery life he still had left. About 40%! Perks of charging before you go out for a run. Though, using the flashlight was draining it fast. Granted, turning it off now would just be rude. Besides, maybe this woman? Who the heck was she? Eh, either way, maybe she knew where some lights were.

His mind raced back a bit. How did Alec get here. Was he running? He didn't seem soaked like he. Had he drove? With any luck, he did, and they could all just drive away from this freak-show. Maybe go to Dunkin Donuts or something? They were 24-hours, right? Or CVS. It looked like Tylenol was in need.

"Uhh, I'm Bez. Happened to be out jogging when I ran into, literally, your handyman. Offered to help and, well, here I am." He figured it might as well get the awkwardness out of the way. Although, he probably should have handled it better. Oh well. Too late now, right?

p o p p e t ♥ 06-27-2014 08:19 PM

Someone down the stairs was calling out, but she couldn't hear the words. Not over her own heartbeat and breathing. Plus that rush of adrenaline that sounded like rushing water in her ears.

Erin clutched Jackson tightly, but the moment her feet found the lower level of the house, someone shoved her. She let out a surprised yelp, and tried to catch herself. It was impossible with Jackson, and her feet hit something.

She crashed to the ground, landing hard on top of something, of someone! Jackson had landed near the couch, pulling himself up, shaking. "Erin!" he called out, causing her to realize the body she squashed wasn't Jackson's.

Erin screeched and tried moving away, kneeing and kicking and pushing at the person. Someone else spoke and then instantly there was light on them. She had moved away from the person on the floor, and when Jackson could see her, he rushed back into her arms. She held him tightly.

Were these the people who had been scaring them? "Who are you?" she demanded to know. The one with the phone introduced himself and explained the situation. "You were out running, in this?" she asked, referring to the storm. Likely story...

She glanced back to the man she'd pummeled into the floor. Their handyman? "No one here called for a handyman," she said, still very very suspicious. She pulled herself up, and pushed Jackson behind her. Normally a fall like that would have hurt her. Her knees, hands, something. But the boy on the ground had taken the worst of it for her, cushioning the fall. She would feel really bad about that later.

Her heart still raced. This pair was probably the cause of all that had gone on so far tonight. There were two men, and her and a child. She needed to think quickly. Too bad she didn't know this house well enough. "The Weirs will be home any second," she blurted. "And- I've called the police already," she lied, trying to scare them off.

((PrincessK - I'm thinking about what other character to add, who will save you. *nods* But only to give a false reassurance. He'll be a total baddie.))

p o p p e t ♥ 06-28-2014 08:22 PM

The storm was really howling out there, outside of the college gym building. Drake pulled himself out of the pool, and watched out the windows as the rain fell heavily. He was in the gym past closing time, but the coaches allowed it. They didn't care how long he practiced as long as he won them their competitions. But he was bored.

Drake pushed himself to his feet and padded to the locker room, where he dried off, and dressed. He wore an old t-shirt with the sleeves ripped off, and a pair of basketball shorts. He slipped his feet into tennis shoes, grabbed a backpack with his water and other various things inside, and headed out to his car.

He didn't bother shielding himself from the downpour, he loved the feeling of the rain and the electric currents buzzing in the air around him. When he got to his car he wrenched the already unlocked doors open and tossed his backpack inside. Then Drake climbed in, started the car up, and screeched out of the parking lot.

A few minutes later he was driving down the main road of the town, windshield wipers frantically trying to keep the rain of the glass... When he came around a curve in the road to see another car, upside down. He slammed on the breaks.

The car locked up and began to hydroplane towards the upside down vehicle. Drake couldn't stop it. The car began to turn sideways, and he knew he was going to collide with the other vehicle. He braced himself, but the impact never came.

Drake's car had stopped but only three feet away from the driver side of Raina's car. Quickly, he pushed his door open and dropped to his knees beside the window of the upside down car. There was someone in there. "Cover your eyes!" he yelled, moments before busting out the window.

"Hang on okay?" he told the girl. "I need to get you out of here and out of the road, before we both get hit." He looked her over. She seemed to be understanding well enough, and that was a good sign. All that blood, however, probably meant she had a concussion, at the very least. He needed to get her to a hospital.

He reached in and unbuckled her seat belt, with minimal trouble, keeping his arm up to keep her from falling on her face into the broken glass and debris of the car. "Here," he said, offering her strong hands to gently pull her from the window. "Come on, I've got you."

By now, he was completely soaked to the bone. Water dripped from his hair and nose. He peeked into the other windows to be sure no one else was in the car. He would wait now and see how she was feeling, before calling the police, putting her in his car, or whatever the next step was.

PrincessKasumi 06-28-2014 08:52 PM

But the impact never came. There was no sound of metal giving or glass shattering. It was just silence and the sound of rain. Raina sighed and began to cry for relief that was okay and still alive! She tried to assess the situation and found out there was blood drops on the roof above her head, but where was the blood coming from, was it hers? Raina senses slowly came back to her and she felt something warm on forhead. Raina wiped her forhead and winced from the sudden discomfort that was close to being painful. She looked at her hand and noticed it was red. Don't freak out, you're okay. You are going to be okay. She told herself as she looked out the drivers side window see someones feet.

"Cover your eyes!"

She didn't have time to process why they would say that, but she covered her head and turned away as much as she could. Thats when she heard glass shatter. Raina lowered her arms and looked over to whoever was there. It was amazing, the guy looked like Angel to her with his golden hair and eyes. She immediately became trusting of the stranger and nodded. She tensed up when the young man reached into the car to get her seat belt and braced herself for impact with the roof but it didn't quite happen. As the guy had his arm supporting her to lower he safely down upon the broken glass. Soon she was being pulled out of the car.

"Who.. who are you?" Raina softly asked as her vision went blurry. Raina tried to move to get a good look at her saviors face one more time before her vision went completely black. Raina's body went limp shortly afterwards.

p o p p e t ♥ 06-28-2014 09:37 PM

He pulled her to her feet, supporting her in a tight grip. "I'm Drake," he said with a smile that was short lived. "You don't look so good," he said, just as her body went limp. He caught her easily, pulling her to his chest before reaching down to sweep her legs out from under her.

Drake carried her to the passenger side of his car, jimmied the door open, and set her gently inside. He went back to her car and grabbed out what he could find that might be important, like her purse and phone. He hurried back to his car and hopped in.

When Raina woke, she would find herself in a dark room. She would be unable to see, though would know she was a bed or couch. The room would smell like old boxes and dust. Her head would probably still be hurting, but the bleeding would have stopped and have been cleaned away from her face.

Her things would be no where near her, and when her eyes finally adjusted, she would realize by the tiny windows at the ceiling, that she was in a basement.

PrincessKasumi 06-28-2014 10:36 PM

The first thing and last thing she remembered was her saviors name when she awoke. Drake. With no last name, that's all she'll ever know him by. Raina experienced a throbbing somewhere on her head, she coudln't pinpoint where exactly. Groaning she gingerly touched her head and noticed there was a bandaged wrapped around her head. that might explain the throbbing if it was wrapped too tightly. That or was her wound with the blood rushing.

Raina noticed the room smelt old, kind of like old boxes and dust and perhaps something else she couldn't quite determine. Opening her eyes slowly, she tried to look around but all she could see was the darkness. Trying not to freak out she calmly took deep breaths and wait for her to adjust to the darkness to see if she discern anything to hint where she might be. Once her eyes came to, she could make out shapes of boxes, a few beams and some tiny windows near the ceiling. It reminded her of a basement.

Wait, I'm in a basement? What, why? Why am I here Raina frantically thought as she sat up and looked around more as her eyes adjusted. She was definitely in a basement. But whose? Raina after slightly panicking only then realized she was on some type of bed of some sort. And her purse was no where to be found nor was her phone. Hell how was her car? Was it completely totalled or would it just cost a shit load to fix? So many questions ran through her head that it made it hurt. Raina slowly raised from the bed being careful not to move too fast and began to slowly wander to the closet window. Sadly she wasn't tall enough to even peek through.

Though from the sound of it, she could tell it was still raining outside. "Is anyone in here with me?" Raina called out as she turned around to look for a light of some sort. All basement have to have a light switch or string of some sort right?

p o p p e t ♥ 06-29-2014 04:09 AM

The basement door shut. Chances were that Raina wouldn't have noticed it open in the first place. No lights were on up stairs, so she couldn't have seen it. But she'd definitely have to have heard the door shut, quietly though, as if someone were sneaking in.

Drake sneaked stealthily down the stairs, each step creaking as he did. He heard nothing, assuming Raina was still asleep. Knowing the basement well, he approached the couch where he had laid her to rest. The sound of knives rubbing together, echoed through the basement, coming from the place where Drake stood, followed by the sound of him setting something on the table.

There was silence for some time, while Drake realized that Raina wasn't on the couch anymore. He didn't know her name, so he didn't know what to call out. That she was silent now, made him wonder, what she was up to. She'd better not be sneaking around too much....

If Raina felt her way around the basement, she might come to a workbench against a wall. If she tried to feel her way past it, she would most certainly find her fingers rubbing against what would feel like noses, mouths, eyes; entire faces, laying perfectly still....

PrincessKasumi 06-29-2014 06:34 PM

A few moments after calling out she heard a door close. What was that? She pondered as she kept walking slowly through the basement feeling her way around. That's when she heard creaking as if weight was put on them. Something told her not call out again so she didn't. Raina heard the sound of metal against each other but she couldn't discern just what it was exactly. She just kept moving along the wall unti she felt some sort of table in front of her. Gingerly feeling the table felt something odd. It almost felt like she was touching something fleshy and cold and stiff even. Curious and grossed out at the stiff coldness she moved her hand around whatever it was. Nose, ears, a mouth...and eyes?

Was this a face? Then why weren't they moving when touched them. And why were they cold and stiff....oh. OH MY GOD Raina freaked out, and swiftly moved away from the table. Not knowing where she was going she bumped into Drake hard, knocking them both to the ground. "Oof!" Raina said as she fell ontop of him. That's when she realized that someone else was in here with her and she just bumped into them. Thinking about the faces, she started to freak out more. What if she was in some deranged killers house?

Just what had happened after she passed out in the arms of Drake. Where is Drake? "...Drake?" She gingerly called out, hoping it was him and not some deranged killer and she was going to be the next victim. And she just bumped into him. Which would mean just made finding her real easy for her killer. At that thought Raina paled, hoping to God it was Drake.

p o p p e t ♥ 06-30-2014 06:51 PM

Drake grunted as he landed on the ground, sandwiched between Raina and the floor. He sat up and came off the floor, pulling Raina up with him. He clutched her arms tightly. Perhaps too tightly.

He began dragging her with one arm across the floor of the basement. He wouldn't let go of her through her struggles. Finally they stopped. He reached up and tugged a long cord above them, and instantly there was light.

Drake looked down at Raina. She looked really frightened. He pulled ear buds from his ears, explaining why he hadn't heard her in the basement or hear her call his name. He released her. "Are you okay?" he asked. "I didn't know you'd be awake so soon," he explained.

"I was upstairs, making food," he gestured to the table in front of the couch, where a tray of food sat. A butter knife and fork explained the metal on metal sound. "I didn't want to turn the light on and bother you," he said. Hazel eyes watched her. "What were you doing anyway?" he asked, suspicious.

PrincessKasumi 07-01-2014 12:15 AM

A moment later, she pushed and then pulled up off the floor by a tight grip that was tad bit too forceful. Raina winced with the slight pain it caused her as she was dragged across the basement. Terrified, she tried to struggle away. It felt like they would never stop as the walk felt like it took hours but it was only moments. Whoever it was had stopped and turned on a light.

Raina blinked rapidly a few times to adjust her eyes to the sudden bright light. Still looking pale she looked up at her assailant only to find it was indeed Drake. she let out a sigh of relief. "I-I'm alright, just afraid of the dark is all." She explained as she looked to where Drake was gesturing. indeed there was foot on a table just out of reach.

Raina started to relax alittle as she let out a big sigh, "Thanks for being concerned abotu bothering me, anyone else wouldn't have cared." She looked away from his eyes for a moment as they seemed to bore into her very soul. It kinda creeped her out. "I saw dim lights coming from the windows, so I tried to see if I could see outside." Raina didn't bother to mention what she felt ontop of table. It could have just been apart of imagination. Yes, that would make sense. It's probably some type of cosplay, puppet or halloween project. Raina giggled at the thought of Drake being a nerd. "Thanks for taking care of me, I really appreciate it."

All times are GMT. The time now is 07:25 AM.