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Count Klavien 01-04-2011 11:42 PM

☪ A Thief in the Night: Charity and Masquerade ☪ [[GRAND RE-OPENING!!!]]

[Banner Pending]

Count Klavien: "Lords and ladies, commoners and fish mongers,
welcome to my humble abode. Here, dreams are made reality, and you need
only wish for a change in circumstances to make it so. Here you may step
away from the dismal, the despair, the constant monotonous shuffle of
every day life, and dance the night away, keeping time with your dreams."


The count gestures for you to follow him.

You do so and enter the ballroom of the lavish manor house.
All around you, gold peeks out from corners, shimmering
under the light thrown from a crystal chandelier that hangs overhead.
Already, a slew of dancers are making their way across the
dance floor, keeping time with a lively tune.


"Now, you may join in the festivities and have free reign of the estate, provided you follow a few simple guidelines."


He hands you a brief list of rules and smiles at you knowingly.
They read as follows:

Follow Menewsha's Terms of Service.

Those that beg and whinge will find that there dreams shall remain just that, forevermore.

Avoid visiting the Count's private quarters without first knocking and gaining express permission to enter from Count Klavien himself.

Gifts are meant to be enjoyed. If earning gold for a precious item is your way of fully enjoying it, the feel free to do so. Count Klavien is not likely to be offended.

Be smart, be safe, do not leave the manor house alone after dark.

Gifts are not likely to be bestowed upon complete strangers, so do stop by frequently so that the Count might get to know you a little better.
(Donations will not be given to those who have not posted in the thread at least 35 times.)

Multiple gifts may be given to those whom the count deems worthy of such things.

Guidelines are subject to chance as is necessary.

Enjoy the festivities!

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Count Klavien 01-04-2011 11:59 PM

`meet your host!


Name: Laurent Alexander Klavien
Rank: Count
Occupation(s): | Head of the Klavien Family
Age: 24
Birthday: February 3rd
Mini Bio: [Pending]


`current funds!

Gold: 600 gold
Commons: 30
CIs: 8
EIs: 78
SNGs: 4

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Count Klavien 01-05-2011 12:01 AM

`page prizes!

A randomly generated number will determine the poster who wins the prizes listed for each page.

Page 25 - Hallopop - Eastriel:
Page 50 - Fun with Tinsel - Arechi:
Page 75 - White Heartface Fox Slippers broadway_princessxo34:
Page 100 - Black Heartface Fox Slippers neller:
Page 125 - Chocolate Bunny Hairpin
Page 150 - Lunar Staff

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Count Klavien 01-05-2011 12:16 AM

`gift acquisition form

PHP Code:

[B][SIZE="6"]`hey [URL=][I]Count Klavien[/I][/URL]:![/SIZE][/B]

[b]Number of Posts:[/b] (in this thread)
[b]Quest:[/b] (item you're questing and/or a link to your quest thread)
[b]You Say:[/b] (say a little something to the count. He rather enjoys chatting with his guests.)[/size] 

Note: You may hint to the Count that you want a gift at any time once you have become known to him
(made 35+ posts in the thread), but do be subtle about it, and be sure to submit your request via the
proper channels (in the thread), he isn't a fan of those who whinge, after all.


`gifts given

"A thief in the night; this is what they call me. Though, I hardly think of myself as a crook; the title suggests that I may be unlawfully obtaining that which I bestow upon you, I assure you that this is not so. You have my gentleman’s promise that none of these items will lead to my (or your) least, I hope that nothing of that sort will come to pass."


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Count Klavien 01-05-2011 12:19 AM

`an outfit fit for a count
(an avatar contest)


Count Klavien is quite the trend setter and, as such, he is always seeking out new and interesting fashions.
Unfortunately, the man who usually designs his clothing is on a month long holiday.
That's where you come in! The count has invited all of his guests to design a snazzy new outfit
for him to wear at an upcoming event, something that folks will be talking about for months.

End/Due date: January 24th


Only one contest entry may be submitted per user.
(If we find that you have submitted an entry on both your mule and your main,
you will be banned from future charity contest and events.)

All images must be linked/hosted elsewhere.
(photobucket, tinypic, imageshack, etc.)

All entries are to be submitted, via PM, to Count Klavien with
the title `an outfit fit for a count.

If you wish to switch or change your submission in any way,
please send a pm to Count Klavien entitled, avatar submission edit
and it will be altered accordingly.



☪ 1st place: Nalin's Hibiscus Bloom
☪ 2nd place: 1,500 gold
☪ 3rd place: a common of your choice worth up to 500 gold.


neller 1st
Marguerite Blakeney
Estrella 3rd
bloodstainedwings 2nd

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Count Klavien 01-05-2011 12:20 AM

--shadow hide thee--

How to play: When the game begins, each player will be given a target and a key word. Your goal is to make the target use that key word in a post, and send me a link to the post in question as proof (you may also submit a screenshot in case you fear that your target might alter their post). Do note that only posts that have been made after the game has started (one week from today) will posts count for potential kills. This means you can't look through several weeks or months worth of your targets posts in order to find the keyword. You must make them say it after the round has begun.

Keep in mind: Each player will be required to post in this thread at least 10 times a day, every day, for the duration (week of) the game.

The game has begun.


`the deceased!
Dear Lelie

__________________________________________________ _______________________________________
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Count Klavien 01-05-2011 12:20 AM

`reserved for contests & games as well

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Count Klavien 01-05-2011 12:21 AM

`gracious benefactors

Gold and items whenever she can.

Nalin Sun
Yellow Jingle Bow (x4), Gingerbread House left (x4), Gingerbread House Right (x2), Eggplant Hibiscus Bloom (x3),
Striped Bee Scarf (x4),Red Poinsettia Wrist Corsage (x2), Shamrock Yellow Sash (x2), Pink Scarf (x2), Starry Belt (x3),
Gray and White Argyle Socks (x2)

Candy and Flowers, Bone Belt, Passing Soul's Coffin, Halloween Lanterns, Halloween Goodie Bag,
Easter Basket, Carrot Wand, Bunnies, Chocolate Bunny Hairpin, Chicky Flock.

Halloween 2010 EI set, Hallopop, Pumpkin Candy Holder, The Black Widow's Pin, & 250g.

Deep Pink Egg, Small Medicine Filled Syringe, Epidemic Sized Syringe, Green Egg, Grey Egg, Marshmallow Egg, Night Cloak, Night Gown.

Steampunk Buggie, Frozen Warmth, Chilled Beauty, Fancy Cool Boots, Snow Flakes, Frost Belt,
Team Sprocket Shovel Set, Team Sprocket Wrench Set, Team Sprocket Hammer Set, full set of Winter Nights 2010 caroling items.

Drawing Room, Heartface Fox Slippers, Black Heartface Fox Slippers, Romance Isn't Dead
Hairpin, Blankie, Fluffy Pillow, Midas Touch, Yin Yang, Yumeh Birthday Scarf.

Ire of Naias, Robes of Healing, Mystic Faun, Halloween Goodie Bag - Green.

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Count Klavien 01-05-2011 12:22 AM


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Count Klavien 01-05-2011 12:23 AM


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Count Klavien 01-05-2011 12:32 AM

The count beckons you inside.

You are now free to post!

Mobsy 01-05-2011 12:38 AM

FIRST! <3 Okay, that's mean-- I shouldn't be post stealing 'round these parts.

Liztress 01-05-2011 12:39 AM

You stole my first post. ;_;

At least, I'm dressed for the occasion. ^_^

Mobsy 01-05-2011 12:39 AM

*Covers self* Ack! I'm indecent! </3

Liztress 01-05-2011 12:40 AM

You're decent. :lol:

Mobsy 01-05-2011 12:41 AM

I have one eye and a dead stuffed animal--- I'm FAR from it. xD

Liztress 01-05-2011 12:41 AM

You got clothes on though.

Mobsy 01-05-2011 12:44 AM

:lol: I guess you're right.

Liztress 01-05-2011 12:44 AM

Of course I am. *beams*

Mobsy 01-05-2011 12:45 AM

:ninja: I'm going to get revenge on you, somehow.

Liztress 01-05-2011 12:46 AM

Smother me in luffs?

Mobsy 01-05-2011 12:49 AM

Maaaaybe? :ninja:

Count Klavien: Check yer' trades before I do. :illgetu:

Liztress 01-05-2011 12:54 AM

I'll only accept luff smothering.

Mobsy 01-05-2011 12:54 AM

That's what you say... ;)

Liztress 01-05-2011 12:55 AM

You must want me to cry...

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