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Himiko Lamprouge 07-21-2011 03:30 AM

Apartment Life (Take Two!)
List of apartments occupied by characters in this RP:
First Floor:
Apt# 1A -
Apt# 1B - Charlotte Hawkins
Apt# 1B - Joshua Hawkins

Second Floor:
Apt# 2A - Lexi Cross
Apt# 2B -
Apt# 2C -
Apt# 2D -
Apt# 2E -

Third Floor:
Apt# 3A - Anastasia Elizabeth Meridian
Apt# 3B -
Apt# 3C - Arian Fang
Apt# 3D - Murjanah

The Apartment building is located in New York. This gives everyone a variety of stuff to do with characters! And no, you don't have to know N.Y inside and out to place. Just list a random place and its all good to us ^_^

(Taken from Original with a slight change)
When you walk in the main entrance directly to the right is the stairway that leads to the upper floors and down to the basement. Each floor is a mirror of the one below it (with the exception of the basement which only has laundry facilities and the gym.) Each floor contains a long straight hallway with apartments across from each other to the right and left.

All apartments have the typical kitchen, dinning room, etc. However they all have two bedrooms. 1 room is larger next to the bathroom. While the smaller room is on the other side of the apartment by the kitchen. You can still fit a full size bed in the small room, but it wouldn't allow a ton of floor space.

There is a laundry facility in the basement (half a dozen washer and dryers line the walls of the claustrophobic room. Make sure to bring lots of quarters because these machines eat them greedily.)

There is a "State-of-the-Art" Fitness Facility (With two treadmills, a set of free weights, and a few other ancient pieces of exercise equipment, this doesn't exactly live up to the state-of-the-art facility they advertised.)

The roof is the best part. It has a small grass area, and a tented area for hanging out, and a small grill pit.

Antagonist 07-21-2011 04:29 AM


Arian woke with a start. For a few moments, he floundered around in confusion, not fully awake yet. Then he fell over off his bed and hit the ground with a dull thud. Blinking, he slowly looked around him, taking in the barren room and the boxes stacked randomly across the floor. One of the boxes had fallen off, creating the crash that had woke him up. Its contents, some random items like a coffee maker and some cups and plates, were spilled across the floor.

The events from yesterday came back to him at the sight of the room. His parents had kicked him out, but had at least rented him a small apartment room beforehand, or he'd probably be sleeping on the streets. They'd also allowed him to bring along some of his belongings, such as his computer, a refrigerator, and two dressing cabinets. He had to spend several hours persuading them before his parents allowed him to bring his collection of rings, bracelets, and necklaces, which he simply refused to leave behind.

Now fully awake, despite the early hour, he sighed and got up from the floor, walking over to the bathroom. His parents didn't trust him to live with another person, so he'd gotten the entire apartment room to himself. Arian had decided that he would use the smaller bedroom as his workroom, since his job as a doujinshi artist did not require him to leave his home most of the time. Still, he'd need to find the time to buy a new desk and a couple of chairs or he'd have to resort to working on the floor. Right now, he needed to shave and tidy up his appearance, making a mental note to get a desk later. And pick up the mess from the fallen box. And unpack. He groaned.

Neko Ninja 07-21-2011 04:40 AM

Lexi carried the last box up to her second story apartment. She was in 2A. She opened to door when she arrived, not bothering to lock it if she was going to keep going in and out. Her brothers were helping her, but they all left just a few moments ago. And now she was completely alone for the first time. This was something she was definitely going to have to get used to.

She carried the box back to her bedroom and set in on the bed before opening it. Inside were her favorite mangas. She set them up on the bookshelf by her bed. Then went out and sat down on the couch. Almost everything she had was new. Her father wanted for her to have the best things available if she wasn't going to be home with him.

Himiko Lamprouge 07-21-2011 05:01 AM

"No, No, NO! I'm not having this!" Charlotte shouted as Joshua started throwing boxes in her apartment. The moving truck was outside, and the guys who ran it were complaining about Charlotte. Her voice was way to loud and high pitched for this early in the morning. Although it wasn't exactly her fault for being mad, it was her parents.

"look, get over it because this is happening." Joshua told her bluntly as he continued to move his stuff into her spare room. Which at the time was full of random craft times, and her extra clothing. It was obvious she would have to move everything, but right now. Joshua just wanted to get the movers on their way so they wouldn't have to hear Charlotte complain anymore. Her screaming was enough to drive any man to their breaking point.

Charlotte sat down on her couch watching her brother and the movers cover her house in hideous cardboard boxes. She was just glad there wasn't as much stuff as when she moved in a year ago. Watching the boy going back and forth for what seemed like an hour she soon found herself drifting off on the couch. It would be better if she slept threw the move; it would keep the guys from trying to kill her, and she wouldn't have to watch her apartment being destroyed. At least in her opinion.

Antagonist 07-21-2011 05:19 AM

Shortly after he finished making sure his hair wasn't sticking up in the wrong direction and there were no stray stubble on his face, Arian left the bathroom and went into the kitchen, opening up the refrigerator. Only to groan again. He'd forgotten to buy milk. He'd planned on getting a few cartons yesterday afternoon soon after he got all the boxes into his room, but then he'd felt exhausted after finally getting everything inside and he'd just forgotten about it all. Unfortunately, milk was his default breakfast, which he always drank at least one glass of every day.

Sighing and muttering about getting kicked out of his comfortable old home, he grabbed his keys and walked out, intent on getting some shopping done, like the desk, and three weeks' worth of milk. Somewhere down the corridor from the stairway, he could hear other people coming in and out of the building, and the sounds of shifting boxes and grunts. More people moving in...? He knew the apartment was fairly new, so it was possible that it was only just beginning to fill up...

Murjanah 07-21-2011 05:51 AM

Murjanah walked on board if the airplane, the flight attendant checking tickets realized that there had been a mistake, and that Murjanah and another passanger had been placed in the same seat. "You and another passanger have the same assigned seat, so we have to upgrade you to first class if it's not a bother." "A bother you must be kidding it sounds great!" Murjanah walked up to first class and sat down in her new seat.

Once the flight began Murjanah fell asleep and, didn't awake until the first stop, in Alabama. Soon she would be in New York moving into her new apartment, into her new life! Finally the plane took off again. Hours later it landed in New York. Her new boss was there waiting to pick her up. Natile Sherman was the most famous fashion designer in America and was going to be Murjanah's first step on her way to the top.

"Come Come you are already late, and I need my coffee right now!" Murjanah pulled out her writting pad, "What kind of coffee would you like Ma'ma?" "No that will wait I want you to see what kind of an apartment I have gotten you first, you know it's pretty nice."

Natlie walked to her limo outside slid in and rushed the driver to hurry to the new apartment complex. The drive would last for about any hour said Natlie "During this time you will get to knwo me and what I want and ecxpect from you." The driver rolled his eyes while rolling up the divider. Murjanah could tell this was going to be on long ride and she suddenly was missing home.

Himiko Lamprouge 07-21-2011 05:31 PM

Joshua was paying the movers when he heard someone on the stairs. He really hoped it wasn't someone who heard Charlotte throwing her fit. Moving everything, then possibly having to deal with angry tenants really wasn't on his list of things to do. Looking back Joshua saw the last 3 boxes sitting by the door, and signed when he thought of where he was going to put them.

The movers were more than happy to leave, and not stick around for Charlotte to wake up again. Joshua sat down for a second, trying to think of where to put the last few boxes. He didn't want to just throw everything in and then have to play tetris the next few hours while he tried to unpack. Leaning against the door he watched his boxes in the hall of the building while looking into the apartment. It wasn't that he had to much stuff, it was that Charlotte had enough to fill a three person apartment.

"Why did I agree to this?" He asked himself.

Antagonist 07-22-2011 01:40 AM

Arian reached the bottom floor at last, wondering who built the building and didn't even think to have an elevator installed. Probably another one of his parents' plots to 'get him moving' more. He huffed. He didn't need to move around more, it wasn't as though he was overweight or anything. He was just fine the way he was.

So distracted he was, he nearly tripped over a box on the ground. Catching himself, he turned and saw the ground littered with boxes stacked everywhere, and a young man standing by the door looking disgruntled. He had even more stuff than he did, it was no wonder he was annoyed if he had to unpack all those things by himself, Arian thought.

Be social, an annoyingly high voice in his head, which sounded exactly like his mother, chided. Talking to yourself does not count. "...Just moved in?" He asked, just to shut the voice in his head up.

Himiko Lamprouge 07-22-2011 04:27 PM

"Yeah, but I wish I wasn't" Joshua scoffed as he stood up straight in front of the new comer. He really hadn't meant to block the hall way, but he just wasn't sure where to throw them at this point.

"At least I didn't have to haul everything up the stairs." He smiled when he realized how lucky he was. Not that the heavy lifting would be a problem, but it would get annoying after awhile. Even the army didn't ask him to do such mundanely annoying tasks, but this was life and he had to count himself lucky even over the simplest things. Walking over Joshua grabbed the box that almost tripped the boy, and moved it to the door.

"Sorry for the mess man, My sister didn't exactly make room for me" He chucked.

Antagonist 07-23-2011 07:38 AM

"Oh, so you live with your sister?" He supposed that the boxes were a bit TOO many for just one guy... "Good thing whichever moving company my parents hired for me helped with my stuff. I'd never be able to get them all up onto the third floor by myself." He shook his head and held out a hand, (since that's what people did when they met for the first time, right?) "I'm Arian, by the way, Arian Fang."

Himiko Lamprouge 07-23-2011 08:22 PM

Joshua took his hand firmly with a slight smile.
"Joshua Hawkins." he replied. It hard to be forever since he shook someones hand. He just had to get use to civilian life, but it shouldn't be to hard. Taking his hand back he grabbed a box from by the door. He was just going to have to fill Charlotte's Living room till he could organize everything.

"This is actually all my stuff, my sister has been here for some time now." He admitted as he made his way inside. Charlotte was still curled up on the couch. It was better that way, it meant she would be biting his head off while he moved her things around. For her to sleep so soundly indicated to Joshua she'd been out late. Trying not to worry about what his sister has been doing while he's been gone wasn't easy. Joshua was just going to have to deal with the fact she wasn't a child anymore.

Neko Ninja 07-23-2011 08:30 PM

Sighing, Lexi stood up. She knew that she should probably start unpacking. But it was just to much work to be doing right now. She figured that she can just do it tomorrow since she's already got what she needed unpacked already.

Stretching, she left her apartment and locked the door behind her before turning and heading down the stairs. Might as well get some fresh air. That was always a good thing. Hearing people talking though, she froze. She never was good at talking to people. Though she knew that she needed to move past that. She was an adult now. She could handle this. Except for the fact that she couldn't get her feet to move, that is.

Antagonist 07-25-2011 03:44 AM

"Ah...I see..." Arian poked a head inside the room, but didn't enter. His parents always told him it was impolite and often dangerous to enter strangers' rooms when alone. He saw a young woman curled up on the couch, her even breathing indicating that she was asleep. "I suppose I'll let you carry on, I need to get out and buy food and a desk anyway. Mom wanted to get me one, but dad..." He shrugged, and gave Joshua a wave, turning around to leave...only to stop, pause, and turn around to see another young woman standing half-way on the stairs with a frozen look on her face. He blinked.


Neko Ninja 07-25-2011 03:56 AM

Lexi felt her heart skip a beat when the man spoke to her. It wasn't something she was expecting. And it took her a moment to find her voice again. "H-Hi." she said, stuttering a bit. That didn't sound very confident at all!Now it was just going to leave him with a terrible first impression. Not something she wanted to happen.

Himiko Lamprouge 07-29-2011 12:51 AM

Joshua watched him act as if he wasn't permitted into the apartment. It seemed strange since they had been talking to casually he wouldn't follow in, but seeing his nationality he started to come together. He was being proper, most likely because he was brought up that way.

"Parents never make a whole lot of sense" He replied as Arian slipped out of sight, and back to the hallway. peering at the door for a moment he thought he would come back, but he didn't. Strange how he just slipped away, but Joshua did have a lot of work to do. Talking would only make him more sluggish in his activities. Joshua didn't even call back ' catch you later' or something friendly like that to indicate he'd like to hang out again. It was sad how unsociable he'd become.

"I miss the company." Joshua said to himself with a soft sigh. His company were the guys he worked with over seas; most of which he also went threw basic training with. Those guys seemed so much easier to be around simply because they were all unsociable like he was.

Antagonist 07-29-2011 01:32 PM

The girl appeared to be quite shy, Arian thought. It was a nice change from those noisy women his parents always invited home for 'get togethers' for their businesses. They were always chattering, always laughing at things that weren't funny. Fake. He didn't like them. The girl on the stairs appeared to be much nicer.

"What're you doing up there?" He asked, his good mood making him feel more social than usual. Usually his parents had to practically order him to talk to others...he tend to hate speaking face to face with other people, they always ask so many questions. He preferred the screen of his computer.

Neko Ninja 07-29-2011 02:07 PM

Lexi took a few deep breaths, trying to calm her racing heart. She was finding it hard to believe that someone was talking to her for once! This was great! At least it will be when he heart calms down. After a few minutes, it finally did.

"I-I was just h-heading out for some a-air." she stuttered. It wasn't to bad, but in still made her mentally wince. She has got to stop doing that!

Antagonist 07-29-2011 02:17 PM

The girl, whoever she was, reminded him of one of those anime girls, Arian decided. Shy, stuttering when Hyuuga Hinata from Naruto. She had the long dark hair like the character, even if the hair was less even than the white-eyed female...He was particularly reminded of the character because he had a commission for a Naruto x Hinata doujinshi that has an approaching deadline in two weeks. He quickly shook his head to clear those thoughts; he needed to focus on the conversation. He tended to space out way too much.

"Oh, in that case, maybe you'd like to come with me? I'm heading out for some supplies for my room. I just moved in last night." He offered. Then, remembering the 'required etiquette when becoming acquainted with someone new for the first time' that was drilled into his skull via his dear parents, introduced himself. "I'm Arian Fang, by the way."

Neko Ninja 07-29-2011 02:27 PM

Lexi thought about it before nodding. "A-Alright. I-I just moved in myself." she told him, a small smile on her face. "Lexi Cross. Nice to m-meet you." Well, at least she didn't stutter to bad that time. Definitely getting better. Though she knew her father wouldn't be happy to know that the first person she met here was guy. Not that she was going to tell him.

Murjanah 07-29-2011 05:49 PM

Murjanah's face dropped when they pulled up to the apartment complex it was not what she had expected. Natlie told Murjanah her apartment number, gave her the keys, and told hr when to report to work. Murjanah walked up the three flights of stairs to her ner home. Once she walked in she didn't care that the outside was a little under par, the room was wonderful with all new furniture, and appliances. The anger she had about the outside really mealted away when she looked at her new wardrobe, Natlie had fixed up everything in her apartment. There was even vegitarian food in the cabnites.

Murjanah then decided to look the gmy that had gotten great reviews from Natlie. ONce leaving her apratment she heard people talking; she'd like to get in on this conversation, it sounded like fun.

Antagonist 07-31-2011 03:17 PM

Arian smiled, not too wide, but enough to tell that he was feeling happy. One small step in opening my mouth, one giant leap for my (lacking) social interactions. "Great! Let's go...oh." Then he paused, smile slipping off his face. "...I have no idea where people usually go to buy their furniture. And no idea where the nearest supermarket might be." He frowned, trying to remember the map he had glanced at before arriving, to no avail. He looked at Lexi hopefully, his hands automatically slipping into a 'praying' posture in front of his face, something he caught from all those years of manga-studying. "You wouldn't happen to know where we could go to get them around here would you?"

Neko Ninja 07-31-2011 03:36 PM

Lexi thought about it before nodding. "Yeah. T-There's a place near here. Follow me." she told him, smiling slightly before leading the way out of the building and down the street. The place where she got her furniture was nearby, so she figured it would be a good place for Arian to get his stuff as well. Plus, they deliver the furniture to where it needs to be. Have to set it up yourself though. But that's fine. Her brothers did it for her, after all.

Antagonist 07-31-2011 03:43 PM

"Yessiree!" He chirped, following Lexi out the building. "How far is it?" He might have to try and save up for a bike if the supermarket was too far away from the apartment to walk from. His definition of 'far' meaning more than ten minutes' worth of walking distance.

Neko Ninja 07-31-2011 04:08 PM

"Not far." Lexi told him. "Just around the corner." She continued walking and stopped outside the store. "Here we are!" she said, a smile on her face. While she was here, might as well take a look around. Whether she needed something or not.

Himiko Lamprouge 07-31-2011 08:48 PM

Charlotte had woken to find her apartment covered in boxes, and her brother moving all her stuff out of her spare room. She really had hoped to wake up and it was all a dream, but it wasn't meant to be.

"I can't believe you are just moving my stuff around." She snapped at him when she saw all of her clothing, and craft supplies making their way to the kitchen.

Joshua on the other hand didn't even care she was mad.
"I'm making room, everything will be cleaned up soon." He told her sternly as he set her sewing machine on the table. It was going to take some time, but it wasn't like there wouldn't be any place for her things. Joshua just continued on his way cleaning and organizing the house.

"I want it done when I get home." Charlotte replied as she found her bag, and keys.
"I'm going shopping if you need anything call me." swiftly moving out of her cluttered apartment, taking a deep breath, and headed to the store. It took no time at all to walk there since she was so flustered, all her anger was channeled into energy. However walking so fast made her really thirsty, so once to the store she went right for the drinks. Wondering around she started making a list in her head of what she needed at the house. Only thing was she had to think of what Joshua needed now that he was moving in. He wasn't the kind of guy to live off of veggies, so she would have to grab something he'd want.

Joshua was busy unpacking when he began to realize all he had was his bed and one dresser. There was no room for his books, or his computer stuff at that. Guess that was the problem with using furniture that came with his last place. Heading to the kitchen he grabbed a bottle of water, and his keys he'd thrown on the table.

The drive was short, but it was better to drive than end up walking forever. not to mention he was never good at figuring out metro systems. Joshua parked, threw some money in the meter, and headed inside.

All times are GMT. The time now is 04:42 PM.