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Tany 07-28-2012 06:54 PM

Attack of the Fan Girls Game
First of all, as a smaller issue, I noticed that there were times where I'd lose life even if none of the girls would get anywhere near the mansion.

Second, after a couple games I managed to get the high score (woohoo!). However, it didn't show up when it went to view the scores...and I didn't even get any gold for it, which was what I was aiming for. [cry]

Edit: I just noticed under "Personal Best" that it doesn't even acknowledge that I played that game.

Has anyone else ever had problems similar to this or is it just me?

Fade 07-29-2012 05:22 AM

I've heard of the fans "teleporting" from lag but I've never encountered it myself.
Did you try playing again to see if it registered your new personal best and gives you the gold?

Tany 07-29-2012 01:50 PM

Hmm, maybe it is just lag then (when I lose life even if they don't reach the mansion).

I did play again and it did something similar... It kinda varies though in what happens. It seems like whenever I get above a certain level (either level 18 or 19), the scores don't show up and I don't get gold for some reason. :/ Must be the little computer gremlins giving me problems or something...

*looks suspiciously at her laptop*

jellysundae 07-29-2012 03:21 PM

This is caused by 2 possible things, here's the official info on it :)


1. Memory issue. You would notice that ghost attacks happen on higher levels. This is because Flash already consumed too much memory used in game computation and in game display. When this happens, Flash will have a hard time rendering the scene and it still has to wait until it releases unused memory. They call it Garbage Collection, the process where flash gathers all unused functions and events and release it again to cpu memory. There is no efficient tool yet to have memory released by the Flash player.

2. Time computations. The speed of the enemies are tied with the game's built in timers. Speed is computed on distances traveled by the enemy on a per second/ millisecond basis. Should there be a game slowdown, the computation will result into large numbers and used as the basis of speed of the enemies. Example, for a normal game, no slowdowns, speeds may vary from .2 to .5. This is a regular notch because distances traveled by the enemy is still constant. On slow down, it may take an enemy to reach point A to point B at larger time intervals - say 3 to 6 seconds. That 3 to 6 seconds will again be used to compute for the speed. The larger the number, the faster the enemy goes. In worst case scenarios, you won't even see the enemy, it will just hit the castle like a ghost.

hummy 07-29-2012 05:01 PM

that has happened to me, before.
it is the lag on my part.

i have also been in the process of completing level twenty-two,
menewsha♥borks and goes down for days.
no goldies!
we need a poutie emoticon, too,*iknowi'llpayforthis*jelly.

Tany 07-29-2012 11:46 PM

[:O] Ah, I see. Well...that explains everything, haha. [:)]

Thanks for your help, everyone who posted.

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