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ToastedWhiskers 12-15-2007 03:40 PM

|OPEN| [//G limmer {of} Death;;]] |ACCEPTING|

  • [list:f4d32a9aa5][X]Creator;; ToastedWhiskers
    Out Of Character Thread;; Here
    Character Profiles;; Here

Welcome to my thread, [//G limmer {of} Death;;]]- an effort by ToastedWhiskers to bring to you, Menewshans, an intricate tale of sickness, love, lust, and trickery, with a dash of humor to lighten the mood. But of course, it is not simply a tale- it’s an interactive roleplay, where you take part in deciding what happens and who does what. Before you continue on reading, I must warn you that this roleplay is, indeed, intended for mature audiences, as it contains plagues, death, heartache, religion, and thievery. However, if you think you would be interested, please continue. This is considered to be a ‘literate’ thread [but don’t worry, I’m not horribly picky~]. And lastly, if you have any questions or comments, please leave them on the OOC or send me a message! I’m always open, and I’ll get back to you as soon as humanly possible.[/list:u:f4d32a9aa5]

ToastedWhiskers 12-15-2007 04:24 PM

  • [list:a4794f6d64][list:a4794f6d64][list:a4794f6d64][list:a4794f6d64][list:a4794f6d64][//N avigation;;]]

  • [//I ntro;;]]
    [//N avigation;;]]
    [//S tory;;]]
    [//R ules;;]]
    [//C haracters;;]]
    [//C haracterProfile;;]]
    [//Q &&A’s;;]]
    [//W hite&&Black;;]]
    [//W hoWantsWho;;]]
    [//P rofilesSubmitted;;]]
    [//C haractersTaken;;]]
    [//B anners;;]]
    [//G hostPost;;]]
    [//R eserved;;]]
    [//R eserved;;]]

ToastedWhiskers 12-15-2007 04:29 PM

  • [list:3295bda356][list:3295bda356][list:3295bda356][list:3295bda356][list:3295bda356][//S tory;;]]

  • The year is 1351 Anna Domina. The Black Death has spread across Europe like the plague that it is, wreaking havoc and destruction. Men and women make pilgrimages and then flay themselves to prove to the Lord that they have atoned for whatever sins they have committed, peasants live in constant fear of the disease spreading to them, Jews are blamed and accused of poisoning the wells. No one is safe, no one is sane. Among it all, though, one glimmer of hope remains.

    As people abandon themselves to ‘live in the moment’, for fear of the next being their last, rumors fly of a mysterious man traveling from place to place. No one knows who he is. No one knows where he will show up next, or who will see him. All that is known is that there is an air about him of knowledge and that he, against all odds and logic, is said to hold the cure to the plague, that which can protect against the illness and bring back those who have already started to decay from the disease.

    There is a small town, just this side of Warsaw, which has not yet been hit by the Black Death. The inhabitants live relatively peaceful lives, though there is always the undercurrent of fear. But it is not only from the plague- these villagers have secrets that they wish no one to know, and should anyone find out, the entire existence of their peaceful little town could simply unravel and fall apart. We follow the lives of ten of these villagers- daughters, fathers, lovers, friends- as they try to live to the next day, unaware of the ticking clock of Death awaiting them in its halls.

    And through it all, there lies the mystery- who is this mysterious traveling man, and does he really hold the cure?

ToastedWhiskers 12-15-2007 04:40 PM

  • [list:edc548bb00][list:edc548bb00][list:edc548bb00][list:edc548bb00][list:edc548bb00][//R ules;;]]

  • This is a literate roleplay. That does not mean you have to have a million and one paragraphs per post, as I much prefer quality over quantity. I ask at least 3 paragraphs, however, with few to no spelling errors [typos happen, but you can always go back and fix them] or grammer mistakes. If you have writer’s block, which is completely understandable, make it a really, really good 2 paragraphs at least. When posting, please use a font size from 9 to 11, and a color that won’t make my cornea rupture.

  • Obviously there will be death, some foul language [appropriate to the time period], and romance in this roleplay. But please, for the sake of not getting us shut down, do not do anything that would get us in trouble. No cybering, swearing every three words, or the like. Don’t get carried away with the Romance, either. As there are already vaguely established relationships, there is no real worry about love at first sight, but please try to keep the relationships realistic.

  • Be mature. If you’re going to have a spat, don’t do it in the IC. Don’t even do it in the OOC. Do it somewhere else. In fact, better yet, don’t do it at all. Resolve your problems like responsible young adults, not immature, bratty children. You should be able to tolerate ideals other than your own and not be judgmental about someone else’s decisions. Respect others, and hey, just maybe they’ll respect you back.

  • Post your applications in the OOC thread. If you message them to me, unless we have talked about it or there is some special case, I will not read it. I will delete it without looking at it. Yes, I am that evil. [Well, not really.] And I don’t want to see cardboard characters, otherwise known as mary-sues and gary-stues. No one’s that depressingly perfect, nor can they all have horrid lives. It really doesn’t work.

  • This is a fairly large roleplay, and intricate, so I realize that it will not be incredibly quick. But I’d like a post per day at the least- that means at least one person posts each day. Ideally, anyways. Don’t procrastinate because of writer’s block- if you have a valid reason, then send me a message or post in the OOC, but otherwise, ask for help. There will be people willing to help you come up with ideas for your post, including me.

  • This isn’t slavery. You aren’t being forced to do this. It’s supposed to be fun. I may sound strict, but you’ll find that I’m incredibly lazy and laid-back. I don’t carry a whip and rod [usually]. I’m not known for biting people’s heads off if they’re less than perfection itself. Have fun! :mrgreen:

ToastedWhiskers 12-15-2007 04:45 PM

  • [list:238af85939][list:238af85939][list:238af85939][list:238af85939][list:238af85939][//C haracters;;]]


  • Character: Adolescent Boy
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    General Personality: Innocent, Adorable, Chivalrous
    Fun Facts: Is engaged to the Baker’s Daughter.

    Character: Farmer
    Age: 29
    Gender: Male
    General Personality: Sturdy, Stubborn, Lonely
    Fun Facts: His wife is ill, He’s having an affair with the Baker’s Daughter.

    Character: Baker
    Age: 37
    Gender: Male
    General Personality: Nervous, Weary, Desperate
    Fun Facts: He secretly sells poisons to the Assassin Brother.

    Character: Lord
    Age: 42
    Gender: Male
    General Personality: Stern, Intimidating, Cold
    Fun Facts: Has taken the Assassin Brother as his consort, is secretly infertile and hates women.

    Character: Assassin Brother
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    General Personality: Cocky, Vain, Power-hungry
    Fun Facts: Has been hired to kill the Lord, but getting in a little too deep for his liking.


  • Character: Farmer’s Daughter
    Age: 10
    Gender: Female
    General Personality: Sweet, Gullible, Innocent
    Fun Facts: Has a crush on the Magician, takes care of Mother.

    Character: Baker’s Daughter
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    General Personality: Kind, Naïve, Ditzy
    Fun Facts: Is in love with the Farmer, but is engaged with the Adolescent Boy.

    Character: Noblewoman
    Age: 32
    Gender: Female
    General Personality: Quiet, Subservient, Jumpy
    Fun Facts: Is infatuated with the Lord, Husband is a drunkard.

    Character: Lady
    Age: 38
    Gender: Female
    General Personality: Pushy, Overbearing, Self-assured
    Fun Facts: Is manipulating the Noblewoman with blackmail to get her to sleep with her.

    Character: Assassin Sister
    Age: 22
    Gender: Female
    General Personality: Controlled, Crafty, Ruthless
    Fun Facts: Works as a maid in the Noblewoman’s house, and has been paid to find and kill the Magician.

ToastedWhiskers 12-15-2007 05:32 PM

  • [list:eacb4aa455][list:eacb4aa455][list:eacb4aa455][list:eacb4aa455][//C haracterProfile;;]]

These are to be, once again, submitted to the OOC. Please put at the top which character [Adolescent Boy, Baker's Daughter, Etc] it's meant to be.


Originally Posted by Insert Character Here {AKA, Adolescent Boy, Baker's Daughter}

  • Pulling the Strings;; {Username}
    Showing my Colors;; {font color}


  • Not too loudly now;; {Name- Keep the time period in mind, please. No Kellys or Shannons, please.}
    Better known to the public;; {Nickname, if there is one- or, if they’re called by just their title, put that down.}
    Revolutions around the Earth;; {Age}
    I have T-H-E-S-E parts;; {Gender}
    But you know it’s like this;; {Orientation, because yes, same-sex relationships did happen.}
    Reaching for the stars;; {Height}
    Measures on the Richter scale;; {Weight- Remember, the wealthier you were, the more you had to eat; the more you had to eat, the bigger you were. And vice-versa. Don’t be vain about this.}
    Mirror Mirror on the wall;; {What do they look like? No lists here. One paragraph minimum.}

    Call it my façade;; {What do they act like? By themselves? Around others? One to two paragraphs minimum.}[list:eacb4aa455][list:eacb4aa455]*Love it;; {Likes- mental, social, physical, etc.}
    *Hate it;; {Dislikes- mental, social, physical, etc.}

N e r v o u s;; {Habits- what they do, consciously or not. EX- biting nails, playing with hair, wearing too many ribbons.}
Gotta love it;; {Above all favorite things- food, drink, activity, time of day, season.}

Pulling out the records;; {History time~ Tell us what your character’s been through, how he/she grew up. Two paragraphs minimum.}

Keep my secrets;; {The fun facts- what aren’t they telling people, what do they not want found out?}
Shine on bright-eyes;; {Wishes, goals, dreams, hopes.}
Don’t quote me on this;; {Quotes, sayings.}
Dance to this beat;; {‘Theme song’, link to lyrics/song online if possible. Optional}[/list:u:eacb4aa455]






                                        Originally Posted by Insert Character Here {AKA, Adolescent Boy, Baker's Daughter}


  • Pulling the Strings;; {Username}
    Showing my Colors;; {font color}


  • Not too loudly now;; {Name- Keep the time period in mind, please. No Kellys or Shannons, please.}
    Better known to the public;; {Nickname, if there is one- or, if they’re called by just their title, put that down.}
    Revolutions around the Earth;; {Age}
    I have T-H-E-S-E parts;; {Gender}
    But you know it’s like this;; {Orientation, because yes, same-sex relationships did happen.}
    Reaching for the stars;; {Height}
    Measures on the Richter scale;; {Weight- Remember, the wealthier you were, the more you had to eat; the more you had to eat, the bigger you were. And vice-versa. Don’t be vain about this.}
    Mirror Mirror on the wall;; {What do they look like? No lists here. One paragraph minimum.}

    Call it my façade;; {What do they act like? By themselves? Around others?  One to two paragraphs minimum.}
      • *Love it;; {Likes- mental, social, physical, etc.}
        *Hate it;; {Dislikes- mental, social, physical, etc.}

    N e r v o u s;; {Habits- what they do, consciously or not. EX- biting nails, playing with hair, wearing too many ribbons.}
    Gotta love it;; {Above all favorite things- food, drink, activity, time of day, season.}

    Pulling out the records;; {History time~ Tell us what your character’s been through, how he/she grew up. Two paragraphs minimum.}

    Keep my secrets;; {The fun facts- what aren’t they telling people, what do they not want found out?}
    Shine on bright-eyes;; {Wishes, goals, dreams, hopes.}
    Don’t quote me on this;; {Quotes, sayings.}
    Dance to this beat;; {‘Theme song’, link to lyrics/song online if possible. Optional}



ToastedWhiskers 12-15-2007 05:36 PM

  • [list:56e5a9b399][list:56e5a9b399][list:56e5a9b399][list:56e5a9b399][list:56e5a9b399][//Q &&A's;;]]

[Hey, I applied for this character! Why is it still open?]
  • Well, just because you applied for the spot doesn't mean you'll get it. This isn't a first-come-first-serve roleplay- If you want a character, then apply, but there's no guarantee you'll get it. I choose who I think will do best in the spot. But don't worry about being booted out- once I've confirmed that the spot is yours, no one else can take it from you, unless you get kicked out for disobeying the rules.

[I can't decide which character I want... Can I have two?]
  • Stick with just one, at first. If there are still spaces open later and no one seems to be willing to fill them, then feel free to apply for them. But give everyone a chance to have a character first.

[Why did you kick me out? I didn't do anything!]
  • Don't worry about this. I will never kick you out without warning you a few times first. There can a few reasons for being booted. One of the main ones, though, would probably be if you've isolated your character or aren't approaching anyone, and then whining in the OOC about the fact that no one's interacting with your character.

ToastedWhiskers 12-15-2007 05:41 PM

  • [list:1c60f787f3][list:1c60f787f3][list:1c60f787f3][list:1c60f787f3][//W hite&&Black;;]]

[Those Who Are Awesome]
  • ToastedWhiskers- For finally getting this done. XD

[Those Who Are Not]
  • No one! Yay!

ToastedWhiskers 12-15-2007 05:46 PM

  • [list:67c9c56344][list:67c9c56344][list:67c9c56344][list:67c9c56344][//W hoWantsWho;;]]

  • Adolescent Boy;;
    Assassin Brother;;

  • Farmer's Daughter;;
    Baker's Daughter;;
    Assassin Sister;;

ToastedWhiskers 12-15-2007 05:57 PM

  • [list:4c3cc6fb67][list:4c3cc6fb67][list:4c3cc6fb67][list:4c3cc6fb67][//P rofilesSubmitted;;]]

ToastedWhiskers 12-15-2007 05:59 PM

  • [list:93becf370d][list:93becf370d][list:93becf370d][list:93becf370d][//C haractersTaken;;]]

ToastedWhiskers 12-15-2007 06:01 PM

  • [list:25b559e1ff][list:25b559e1ff][list:25b559e1ff][list:25b559e1ff][list:25b559e1ff][//B anners;;]]

ToastedWhiskers 12-15-2007 06:23 PM

  • [list:475b07c576][list:475b07c576][list:475b07c576][list:475b07c576][list:475b07c576][//G hostPost;;]]

ToastedWhiskers 12-15-2007 06:25 PM

  • [list:5180cf9dd1][list:5180cf9dd1][list:5180cf9dd1][list:5180cf9dd1][list:5180cf9dd1][//R eserved;;]]

ToastedWhiskers 12-15-2007 06:27 PM

  • [list:89b33a572a][list:89b33a572a][list:89b33a572a][list:89b33a572a][list:89b33a572a][//R eserved;;]]

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