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Lunna Dea 02-15-2014 09:56 PM

In My Sights (private LunnaXArc Angel)
At the Height of the Jazz age music and drink flowed from the doors of speak easy. The Cops dance the whim of the Don's as they raid the speak easy of the rival Don's to theirs. the sounds of guns in the streets is not so uncommon, people sneak into the crime scenes taking tokens of the crime. smokey voices are heard on the radio as people slowly dance to the smooth sounds of the bands. coins click in dark back rooms, the rich gamble away their inhabitants to the Don's. This is the age of fast cars, lose women, and bootlegs booze.

The party has been going on for over an hour, the last of the Don's arrived with a beautiful radio star on his arm. her sleep eyes scan the room and a smile slowly crawls acrossed her face as the hired band starts up on her famous number. people turn to see who had caused the band to change their tune and smile. everyone seems to love her and they flock around her, allowing her escort to slip off into the back room.

Sighing Sam pulled at the bow tie wrapped around his neck as he offers another rich lady all dolled up a drink. you would think that they would have better things to be doing then drinking their lives away. his ring clinked against the metal tray as he switched hands to look around again for the young man he was here for. his Green and Black eyes scanned the crowed around him. still no sign of him, Sam could not wait to get this job over, get payed and get out of town before Don Carpi realized who had killed his new song bird.

Arc Angel 02-15-2014 11:29 PM

Hidden away in a small room back behind the stage from which the band now played, Amory sat, tapping his fingers anxiously upon the table in front of him. His aquamarine eyes stared into the mirror fixed to the table top, but he felt disconnected to the reflection he found there. Normally on nights like these in the speak easy, he would have come to sing in his everyday clothing. Slacks, button-up, vest. That is always how things had been under his previous Don, and that's how he was comfortable. Don Carpi's flashy party tonight, however, meant that he had to find a way to actually try fitting into the star-studded crowd. He still had not been expecting to find himself man-handled into this attire by the stagehands when he arrived.

Part of the reason Carpi requested him to "sing 'em a little number" tonight was so promote his talent, which was truly more than Amory could have asked for. It was the whole reason he had been strung into working in the speak easy to begin with-- he needed the funds, and he had the voice, he just needed to start up a reputation to make a living. He had not expected things to play out as they had, of course... Sighing, he rubbed his temples and stood as he heard the hired band's music begin to dwindle down.

"Show time," he hummed anxiously to himself, casually jogging out of his small dressing room and to the side of the stage, waiting in the shadows as the last song from the band rang its last few chords. Mild applause and laughter rose up from the crowd, mostly settled in now around the tightly-packed tables, from which puffs of smoke and the smell of liquor drifted up. Heart thumping, a small smile flickered onto his face. He may feel stuck in general, living in the situations he was given, but the adrenaline of the performance kept him going strong. A barhand hopped up onto the stage, taking the mic into hand as the lights in the room were dimmed.

"Ladies an' gents, now we've got a little man from our side of town that's got something sweet for ya. Amory, take her away!" The barhand spoke, then took his exit as Amory walked out of the shadows, up to the mic, and flashed a quick, but sweet smile to those in the crowd. His Don had him dressed well enough to fit in with the stars of the crowd, with a freshly cleaned high-end suit in a deep grey fitted well to his form, shined dress shoes, a light blue tie to match his eyes, and cream button-up shirt underneath that complimented it all wonderfully. His blonde hair and clothing had been manicured well by the assistants hired for the night, and it all suited his smooth stage appearance rather well, regardless of his low level of comfort.

Rich blues music rose up from behind him, and he hummed gently into the mic along with it, in a light velvety voice. The crowd's dull hum of conversation died down and he smiled in appreciation.


"I hate to see that evening sun go down/
Cause my baby, he's gone left this town..."
He began, his voice a unique range of tenor that was surely a man's, but gave him the appeal of a feminine touch as he sang.

( Song originally by Louis Armstrong. I picture more of this version, though : )

Lunna Dea 02-16-2014 12:24 AM

When the Bar hand called out Amory's name Sam kicked himself mentally. he could not get over there to the stage and get an order of a drink to him. The Don had said he was going to be with the crowed not Entertaining the crowed. His whole plan had hinged on him being able to slip the poison into Amory's drink as the man moved about the room. Smiling to the woman who was taking the last glass on his tray he started to turn, only to be stopped by her hand on his arm."cheer up young man you did well." with a wink she stuffed a bill into his shirt pocket as Amory started to sing. Sam's heart skipped a beat as the young mans voice seemed to wrap around him and sink in. the woman patted his hand as he closed his eyes. she did not understand why the young man in front of her now looked like pained. "everything will be alright young man." trying to smile he turned away from her and walked back to the bar, not looking at Amory. that voice was enough to make him question if he should kill this man. damn it Sam, get over this you cant be getting soft at your age.

Reaching the bar he set his tray down and sighed. "I know," the bar tender said looking over at Sam. the mans eyes quickly dropped back to the glass he was cleaning as he continued. "he has a voice like an angel, and to think the Don got him away from his last lover with just an offer of a better type of speak easy to sing in. although I would not be surprised if he pushes his radio contacts to get him on there as well." the Bar tender looked out over the people there caught by Amory's golden voice. Closing his eyes Sam sighed trying to hold back the tears he could feel threatening. Why had he accepted this job, he knew Don's were trouble and this just screamed death for him. If he turned down the job now Don Giuseppe would have him killed but if he did the job Don Carpi would have his head. "hay you feeling ok?" the hand came out of nowhere caused him to jump his hands going to one of many of the blades hidden about his person. sighing he looked up at the bar tender who had touched him.

"yah doing swell mac, just swell." still trying to avoid a look at his target he shook his head. that turned into a bad idea as he caught view of Amory in the mirror behind the bar. his heart caught in his throat, blond, the singer was blond and handsome beyond anything he had seen in some time. "I think I need a smoke." he said offhandedly to the bar tender as he pushed away from the bar and walked down the rows of tables to the side door by the stage. he was allowed through here as were most of the other waiters, no one thought about how he had not once come this way before as he passed them by. the back stage area was frantic with activity as they readied for the next singer to be going on. she stood not far from him tapping out the tune that Amory was bringing to an end. "good luck lady, with his voice he is going to be a hard act to fallow." Sam said as he passed her by and slipped into the dressing room with Amory's name on it. no matter what happened he had to talk to this guy. Running his hands through his short black curly hair he sighed. Damn he was in the boiling pot for sure.

Arc Angel 02-16-2014 01:00 AM

Amory thoroughly enjoyed the performance, despite his prior pangs of anxiety. Throughout he maintained his composure well, keeping a straight, almost sorrowful facial expression to suit the atmosphere of the rich blues he sang to. On his higher notes, he received a group of welcome whistles, which he allowed to momentarily draw a smile to his face, but aside from that he did not allow a break in character until he had softly let out the last few notes of the song.


"That man's got a heart like a rock cast in the sea/
Or else he wouldn't have gone so far from me."
Once he let the last, low note part his lips, he drew in a deep breath and finally released a smile as applause rose up. "Yah too kind," he spoke humbly, sweetly into the mic before curtly nodding his head and waving at them. He then took his exit promptly, allowing the announcer back on stage to announce the woman to sing after him. Breathing more easily now, Amory lingered behind the stage as he was rushed a glass of ice water, which he took appreciatively. "Still got it, kid, and to think all the big names heard it!" The older man spoke up cheerfully and slapped him across the back, as if proud of him.

Having been in the middle of taking a drink, Amory opened his eyes, surprised, then swallowed carefully and chuckled. He was glad to not have spilled anything on his suit, be it water or otherwise. "Yeah," he began, thoughts adrift as he remembered of all the stars in the crowd. If he were lucky... maybe something he sung would have reached them. Maybe they would at least remember his name. He did not have high hopes, however, whether or not he was Carpi's prized songbird. He was still stuck; he still needed to do what was asked of him for now. "Thank ya, Joe. I think I'm headed back now, gotta clean up, then see where the big man has me seated out there." He replied in a friendly tone, grinning as the older man nodded and went off to serve the other drinks he held.

Running a hand up through his well-combed hair, Amory walked back to his dressing room, slipping his suit jacket off along the way. This left him in a button-up and the matching grey vest he wore beneath the suit, as he was comfortable, by the time he was stepping into the small room again. He walked through the door casually, hung the jacket up on the coat hanger beside the entrance, then looked up at the man that was already there. Blinking in surprise, he did not recall ever having met him, but from the way he dressed, he figured him to be someone that also worked there. Had to be. "Crazy night, eh? The place is filled to the brim with people - the most luxurious people... "He began, still a bit starstruck fro the crowd he had just performed in front of, and figuring that a coworker of his might be feeling similarly. Amory sat down, curious gaze still locked onto the stranger, not an ounce of suspicion in his expression. He really mustn't of seen this guy before-- he was sure he would've remembered him. There was something appealing in those curls that Amory wished to downright deny. He did not let himself look at men as he'd like to. He had gotten himself into trouble that way. Any involvement with them was just asking for more. It made things difficult for him, especially with the rumors going about.

Lunna Dea 02-16-2014 01:50 AM

When he had walked into the dressing room he had been all set to warn this young man that he had upset the wrong people yet as he sat down other thoughts floated to his mind. what good would it do to warn the man about the danger he was in if he had no answer to how to save them both. Pacing back and forth in the room a few times during the song he started to leave only to turn back around. dame it sam, you have stuck your foot in it this time. here you are debating with yourself about what to do and he is going to come in here any second and see you. May even think your a rabid fan trying to get a bit of flash to show off to his friends. Turning back towards the door to leave he almost ran into Amory. moving back quickly he sat down on one of the two stools in the room. it would only fit if he throw a fit now like most divas. some strange man in his dressing room.

sighing he took in the young mans outfit. the suit jacket was off and in his hands as he had come in. that could be used to distracted him about why Sam was here. he looked more relaxed then he had on stage, suit or nerves?Sam wondered. he looked better without the jacket, more like a singer Sam was used to then the what the upper crust hoty toty types liked. Not really built like a fighter, maybe never even seen a fight. Easy kill, if I was still... he saw the surprise in Amory face as he finely noticed him. Good not expecting me, no one here is really his friend yet so he was not warned. All his observations took only second for him to process as he came face to face with Amory.

"yes it is a really crazy night, have not see this joint hopping this much since the last songbird disappeared in the night." good way to try to warn him yet not really telling him why your here. taking out a slim case and popping it open he offered Amory a cigaret as he stuck one on his lips. "sorry thought this room was unclaimed tonight needed a smoke." looking up at Amory he took the one out of his mouth and put them back away. "Again sorry, your a singer you probably dont want to mess with your voice when you have another set." As Sam smiled it really did not reach his cold unnerving eyes. "I should probable find some other place to light up. well good luck." standing he let his fingers tips just barely brush acrossed Amory's jaw as he passed him by.

there was no way that the rumors of this guy being with the Don were true with his reaction to one of the waiter staff being in his dressing room. Sam thought as he walked out of the room. if he was stepping out with the Don he would have treated me like I had to do what he wanted, not like a fellow performer. Sam's suit was clearly borrowed or new and did not fit him fully. running his fingers though his hair Sam pulled out his case again, slipping one between his lips he leaned on a wall not to far from Amory's door. no would would complain with him smoking here just had to watch the feet. Smiling a cold smile he thought of all the times he had snuck in as a kid dressed just right to get to see everything from back stage. now his disguise placed him as some one that could be there but did not need to do any work to be there.

Arc Angel 02-16-2014 03:01 AM

At first Amory did not note the touch of a warning in the other's words, but as he sat there and adjusted the cuffed sleeves of his buttoned shirt, he slowly digested the words. The last songbird disappeared... Not really a surprise in these parts, but what's this guy's point? Eyebrows furrowing just a tad to display his mixture of confusion and newfound hesitation towards the man, he ceased fidgeting for a moment to again look over at him. Him and those cold, mismatched eyes, with their odd coloring. A little shiver rolled down his spine as his eye contact suddenly broke with his again, his aquamarine gaze instead moving with uncertainty down to the pair of freshly-shined shoes on his feet. They were his normal stage shoes, but something about them was so pristine tonight that they made him uncomfortable. He flexed his toes as he stared down at them thoughtfully. "Yah, don' worry about it. With the crowd it's hard to think, let alone catch a smoke." He spoke with a grin, lifting his gaze again as he was offered a smoke. Shaking his head once, he denied it. Amory never had caught on to that habit, even as popular as it was. Can't go about ruining the only thing he's got to make his living.

"Ya got me, there." He admitted after the other pegged that he didn't want to hurt his voice, letting out a small, somewhat musical laugh and allowing himself to relax a bit again. Has a weird way of talkin', and there's something unsettling in his eyes, but he hasn't done me nothin'. Probably just another new guy. He guessed, from the odd way his suit fit, and by the fact that he didn't recall meeting him before. "Hey, thanks, you have a good one," he replied with a small smile as the other left, but something else caught his attention. He felt the tingle of the other's fingertips brushing his jaw, bringing his attention directly to them for a few short seconds.

After he passed and had walked out, Amory sat still there for a few moments. Clearing his throat a little, he rose one of his hands to brush his cheek where the other's fingertips had brushed it. He knew it to be an accident- or that was how he comprehended it - but it stilled and calmed him for the moment. He heard the announcer's voice rise from the stage beyond his door once more, and he broke from the momentary trance to stand to put his jacket on again. Adjusting and buttoning it, he hummed a little bit of the song the band had just begun to play, his thoughts lulling over where he should be sitting out there. He would just have to find the Don. He would want me nearby, so that'd make sense anyways. Looking into his mirror for a moment to fix a strand of hair, he headed back out past the stage at a brisk walk, not even noting the presence of Sam there as he scanned the crowd for Don Carpi.

Lunna Dea 02-16-2014 03:59 AM

"I just ant used to being around the entertainment, so used to the other staff that I offered it out of habit." tapping his finger on his case Sam noticed Amory's fidgeting. must be worried about something but probable is not going to tell me what is on his mind. Amory laugh seemed to play up and down Sam's spine as he laughed. did the young man know what his voice and laugh can do to a human. this was not attraction like you would expect with lust. this was a fly in the web being pulled down into the darkness that was soon to be its death but still it was happy to go.

As he leaned against the wall outside Amory's room he slowly brought his fingers up taking in the musky sent with a hint of flowers to it. Closing his eyes he locked the sent into his memory only for a stronger whiff of the sent struck him in the face. looking up from his fingers he watched as Amory pass him going towards the door out into the main room. hummmmm I wounder where he is going? dont most singers not like to be out among their fans when they have more sets to preform later? then he realized that the other man had not completely said he had another set, sam had just assumed it. Mental kicking himself for that blunder he pulled off his bow tie and slipped on a simple black one he had hidden in his pocket. a tie tack and a borrowed top hat completed his look to pass as one of those rich men invited into the club and not one of the waiters. he tweaked his jacket just a bit and it sat perfectly, the tailoring just short of perfect. slipping into Amory's dressing room he pulled out the shoulder pads that had made it look ill fitting. while I am in here I better make sure. walking over to the dressing table he slowly lifted each of the bottles there and sniffed them. most were face creams and make ups that were needed to make one look alive on stage but the last one he found confirmed it. that flowery scent was from Amory it was not something that some one else had spilled on him.

Walking out he passed through the back stage area he nodded to the main stage hands completely avoiding eye contact with any of them. it was not that uncommon for a well dressed man to come see a singer or dancer, as there were a few here. but his eyes would make them remember him, and this time he did not want to be remembered. the sound of the band and the people seemed different as he stepped out into the club again. the sound was more cutting, false, cold then it had been before, or was it just how he not felt with what he had learned. Looking around he noticed a few of the Don's had returned from the back room and seemed to be in a jovial mood, sighing he avoided the eye of his employer as he fallowed Amory as the young man walked through the crowds.

Don Carpi smiled and waved Amory over to his table where two other Don's and their wives sat. "Amory! come here and meet your adoring fans." tuning to one of the smoke girls ((cant recall the proper name for them, they have the trays)) he whispered to her to get another chair for Amory. "I was just telling them about how you have agreed to join my humble band and add some class to my joint." His smile grew bigger as the young lady brought a chair up. "thanks sweety." he said as he patted her bottom as she turned to go.

taking a chair at a nearby table Sam watched the Don and his flirting with the woman. definitely not sleeping with Amory, not even sure that he thinks of his songbird that way. as a waiter came up he quickly made his order and handed the man a few extras to not come back any time soon after delivering the drinks.

Arc Angel 02-16-2014 04:40 AM

Spotting the group of three Dons out in the crowd, Amory took a deep breath before scooting out from the shadowy cover of the stage and past the array of dancing bodies that huddled up close in front of the stage. He could feel the heaviness in the air, with the harsher brass music, the excitement murmur of chatter, the abundance of smoke clouds, and a variety of different perfumed and alcoholic scents all intermingling as he weaved through tables and brushed past both familiar and unfamiliar faces. A few recognized him and would try coaxing him to sit, or would just say some kind words, but none of them truly kept Amory's attention. They were just fans of his set; which was sweet, really, but in this heavy air with so many people around, his thoughts spun and he only thought to look for his Don. He wasn't fond of having to slip through a crowd that all seemed to know him. He wasn't built for this busy of an atmosphere, even if he had honed his on-stage skills. He did manage quite the smooth smiles and genuinely polite replies along his way, however.

Upon approaching the table of the Dons and their wives, Amory let the ghost of a warm smile overtake his features. Was he genuinely happy to see them? No, but he was certainly relieved to finally have reached his destination after crossing the bustling room full of people. Even if this night was partially for his own promotion, he didn't fancy trying to mingle himself into the famous crowd. He would only get the turn-out from them that he wished if they ended up liking his talent... and is talent was not small talk. As flirtatious as ever, I see. A hint of amusement glinted his eyes as he greeted first Carpi, then the other Dons. "Pleasure, gentlemen," he spoke formally, though in a casual enough tone.

He took the seat he was granted, quietly thanking the smoke girl briefly, then his don for the offer of the seat. "What can I say? It was an offer I couldn't refuse," he replied at first, chuckling a little, then grinning humbly. "Have to say, it was probly' this joint that brought the class outta me. One of the nicest in these parts," he complimented, quick to shift the attention off of him and onto his Don. Amory thought it was true, and was never too quick to give compliments, but that was his manner around these men. Good behavior can get me through things safely. He reminded himself, relaxing his arms at his sides, yet not quite so comfortable to lean back in the chair there.

Lunna Dea 02-16-2014 05:31 AM

Sam watched as Amory greeted every one with equal cheer as he had done of the room at large. there was a bit more to his greeting to his don but then that was to be expected of him. one would not want to upset the man that just gave you a good job. something about the way he moved through the crowd made Sam feel that Amory did not feel comfortable with the attention he was getting from his fans. A drink appered at his table as the waiter walked by, the Golden liquid in it teetered almost spilling as the man walked on. looking over the drink with care he took a sip and waited. anything that was in the drink would be a quick reacting poison if some one was trying to do it to him. he would have known the moment he tasted it if it was a slow working one, he had memorized all the flavors of those poisons.

Smiling Don Carpi introduced the other two don's and their wives telling a little bit about each one before going on. they were all low lever don's that only had their power because they were related to a bigger crime family who wanted them out of the way but not dead. "you do a fine job up there tonight, Amory. will you be gracing the stage again tonight?" Carpi's voice cracked from a life time habit of smoking. his pipe never to far from his fingers weather it was lit or not. his fingers always seeming to need its comforting touch. he laughed at Amory's comment of an offer before waving down a waiter. "nonsense, you liven up this joint. without your sultry voice to draw in the crowds we would be serving the local dock workers the best Gin around." this drew laughter from the other don's and their wives.

"I heard you at Don Giuseppe club and you were quite good there. I would only say that this place has given you a touch of refinement." the younger of the two Don's said as he offered his wife a cherry on the stem. Leaning forward she slowly took it between her lips while watching Amory, trying to get a reaction from him. "so are your plans to get this Lark onto the Radio next?" he leaned forward to look at Don Carpi as he asked.

"now that would be counting my eggs before they hatched, I am content with him singing here for now and if one of my friends happen to hear him and want to put him on the radio that is beyond my control." Don Carpi said with a wink and a touch of the nose. it was clear that he was not going to let this chance get away because Fate did not want to play the right cards. he was going to make sure that one of those friends heard this young man and got him on the radio.

taking another sip Sam sighed, how he can stand this I dont understand. to have men fawning over him in one moment and then in the next to talk about him like a side of beef. shivering Sam looked out at the dance floor. "and I see the song bird is still alive and you here on your larals." the deep gruff voice cut through his thoughts of taking a turn around the floor with a young lady or gent. looking up he sighed. Don Giuseppe's wide gerth seemed to fill his whole view as he tired to look up at the man. "when can I expect results, I want to be able to move quickly on this." slowly he lowered himself down into the chair opposite of Sam.

"you said it would be perfect here, well its not perfect for what your wanting. if I killed him now they would all think that you did it." Slipping the ring off his finger he popped it open and dropped the tiny pill onto the table. "there was no way this would have worked for getting him. Now do you trust me to do the job you hired me for or shall I call off the contract?" Please just call it off, I have no want to kill that song bird. I can see why you wanted to keep him to yourself but its not going to stay that way. He could see the Don thinking about what it would mean to call off the bargain.

"no, your right. your not telling me how to run my men so I should not have told you how to do yours. just keep me up to date." with that he pushed himself up out of the chair, his hand crushing the pill into the table cloth. wiping his hand on his handkerchief he smiled at Sam. "just remember, keep me apprised of the job." nodding Sam watched him waddled off, part of him wishing that he would use that handkerchief on his face soon.

Arc Angel 02-16-2014 06:30 AM

Regardless of how many Dons he had met and had to exchange pleasantries with, each was a new experience that always put Amory just a bit on edge. He knew all to well that they truly held all of the power, and he was merely one of the many heads feeding from their hands. In this instance, Carpi's, though he did know to show them all respect. He just tended towards adding a bit of a better finesse to the words he exchanged with his own Don; better to let them feel that they hold a better sense of loyalty and respect with him. Even so, he felt as though he was still learning the ropes in circumstances like these. "Thank you, sir. I'm looking to have one more set after the doll currently in charge," he replied casually, referring to the young lady that was presently singing on stage. The crowd didn't seem to hesitate to speak over her voice some, a hum among the room that was not present during his own performance. Amory didn't pay particular attention to this, however, he instead glanced up at her for a moment to clear his thoughts, and found that he did find her voice enjoyable, to an extent. The song was just not speaking to him. Shrugging it off a bit, he let his full attention drift back to the table's talk, and the compliment Carpi dealt him.

"More than happy to oblige," he responded humbly to compliment, smiling once more as he took a look about the table to maintain the eye contact he was being paid. Seems the deal went down smoothly, everyone here seems in good spirits. He noted, finding some measure of relief in that. His attention next turned to the other Don's words, but his wife seemed to have other ideas. She did not seem to be following the conversation, to say the least. Amory was unsure of why she would choose to do this while sitting beside her husband, but he found it unappealing and unnecessary. Yet, he knew better than to be rude. He caught eye contact with her, and allowed one side of his mouth to tweak up just the slightest bit, as if he had enjoyed the little display. This, of course, in the subtlest way he could manage, so as not to draw attention to himself from the Dons. Their eyes are still all on Carpi... Safe. He decided, then allowing his facial expression to become blank once more as the others exchanged thoughts on his performance and what should be done with him next. I am a bit of a sideshow here, but so long as I can balance their attention, this is going smoothly.

After a bit more of the Dons' intermingling, the woman on stage had finished another two songs and left with a short goodbye to the crowd. Amory picked up on this and stood, kindly excusing himself and thanking the group for their praise, particularly Carpi, then proceeded to head on up to the stage as the same stagehand hopped back up to re-introduce him for what would be the last time that night. Amory smoothly hopped up onto the stage from the side as he finished and exited, leaving him in the darkness of the stage of another musical number began.

This one began in a more up-beat manner, with Amory snapping along to the first few moments, earning some happy calls from the crowd and leading him into smiling slyly. This was the attitude befitting the next number of his, a song meant for dancing along with as he began with a higher, yet louder tone.


"Blue skies/
Smiling at me/
Nothing but blue skies/
Do I see..."
( Ella Fitzgerald - Blue Skies Lyrics )

Lunna Dea 02-16-2014 07:45 AM

Picking up the thread of the conversation Sam raised an eyebrow at the thought of what Don Carpi was planning to make sure his Lark made it to the Radio. there was going to be some really stiff competition with the other don's to make sure he did not get on the radio. he wondered how much was going to be payed to make sure he did get on the radio. should Sam even allow it to get that far? if he did not make his move soon he was going to have to deal with other who might be hired by the don when he did not complete the job soon.

Watching Amory try to work the table without seeming to work it sam smiled. no wounder he is wanting Amory dead, he is really good at making others love him. as the singer wound down Sam stood and walked off into one of the shadows not wanting Amory to see him around. As he passed one of the tables a young woman reached out to touch his hand. looking down he smiled into her beautiful dreamy green eyes. "dance with me love?" her voice while not the best it had a sweet tone. taking her hand he smiled and pulled her up and off to the dance floor.

"as you wish dear lady." he had not learned most of the more resent dances but he knew a few moves to hide what he did not know. they danced a few rounds before he bowed to her and she was taken away by another partner, seeming a bit happier about it. the sound slowly died as the young lady came to the end of the set. turning he clapped as she bowed, she had been good to dance to but he had not found the words of any interest. then the tone picked up and Amory was back on stage his voice drawing all to stop talking and just listen. there were a few people who clapped and greeted his appearance with joy. moving to the side of the stage sam leaned on the wall and smiled his eyes closed as he was lost in Amory's voice. he would have to move quickly if he wanted to fallow Amory home or stop him, yet his voice locked him in place.

it was only by luck a man had bumped him that he was broken from the trance before Amory was done with his set. turning he smiled to the man. "there is nothing to say sorry about good man. I got lost in the music and it is a good thing you did bump me." the man smiled and walked away glancing back with a worried look a few times before disappearing into the crowds. Sam laughed silently as he turned into the back stage area and disappeared into the shadows waiting for Amory to come off the stage.

Arc Angel 02-16-2014 08:06 AM

The end of this performance consisted of Amory's high notes cutting off quickly to allow for some heavy-hitting brass tones, to which he smiled and did a little bit of casual dancing to. Applause rose up and Amory genuinely smiled now, pleased with himself and how the crowd had reacted to his second song. This time, he took a moment to speak into the mic in a humble, friendly manner in place of the stagehand's announcing. "Thank you for a fabulous night, ladies an' gents, it has been my pleasure to be here with you all," he spoke sincerely, a warm facial expression as he took a few moments for the hired band to set themselves back up, "Take it away, boys!" He then added enthusiastically, the band starting up as he then took his leave and slipped backstage.

As he passed by the woman that had performed between his songs, she piped up, "Where ya off to, hot shot?" She asked in a voice more sultry than the one with which she sung. Raising an eyebrow at her, a curious expression to the place of his smile. "Headed home, Fiona, it's been a long night. You have a good one now, ya hear?" He spoke in a friendly manner, though he knew he was brushing her off to say the least. "Amory!" She called after, her voice coming out as more of a whine, but made no move to follow as he briskly went for his dressing room.

Once inside, he sat down and sighed, removing his suit jacket and tie and running his hands up through his hair. He let himself relax, relish the peace, until he heard a knock at the door. There were a few stagehands, asking him about tomorrow's set already and getting him allotted into their timeframes. His discussions with them were quick, and once they were gone, he would stand and stretch. Standing up and replacing the jacket with a long, deep brown coat, he also grabbed a fedora from off a nearby hanger and proceeded to head outside through the back alley exit, down the same hall his dressing room was in. The evening was wet and cool, a mixture he wasn't all too fond of, but he had had a good night, so his thoughts buzzed about in a whir distracting enough to last him the walk home to his small studio apartment.

Lunna Dea 02-16-2014 09:00 AM

the sounds of the house band picking up a fast dance number set Sam's toes to tapping in the shadows. sighing he looked down at his hands and the scars that wrote the story of his life acrossed them. he had seen many jobs where things did not go as he planed but he always had fixed them but this time he wondered if he would be able to fix it. he had done so well all these years fighting to be the best there was out there. he could find his way into a locked safe to kill the man that was hidden there and yet this one man that walked openly through this building was the one man he could not kill. looking up at the sound of the female singers voice Sam saw Amory walk into his room. now was the time to deal with him, now was... he feet did not move as he willed himself forward.

moments later he was glad that he had not fallowed him into his room as the stage manager and two of the stage hands went in to talk with him. the singer, Fiona, moved swiftly through the back stage area her wings a bit scorched from Amory's rejection. her skirts swishing in defiance to his words. Smiling a vindictive smile Sam flipped a throwing dagger and cut the line to one of the sandbags near her. its landing drawing a shriek from her that she promptly looked around to see if any had seen her fear. finding no one around her she straitened her dress and walked off in a huff. silly Diva, I did see you and your fear of the Ghost. every since the release of La Phantom of la Opera stage hands had been playing jokes on the performers calming that it was the Ghost that did them.

Watching the stage hands leave Sam sighed and moved slowly down the hall wondering if there was going to be more people to disturb him. he was almost to the door when Amory walked out of the room and turned down the back hall. he liked the look of the jacket on him, it looked more comfortable then the suit he had been stuck in most of the night. removing the top hat he placed it on a table and pulled out a newsboy cap to slip over his. the second thing he shed was the suit jacket which he hung over his arm till he had a chance to put it some where safe where he could collect it latter. he hoped that Amory would be going passed the drug store on third so he could stash it and get his jacket. it was not as cold as Sam had expected it to be but the weather was very clear for rain. it was on nights like these he wished he had one of the automobiles that all the rich people were jetting around in. it would have made his live so much simpler but then it also would have caused complications later on. he did not need some one to be able to track him through his car, and if he had a car it would need work and that involved to many people to keep it secret.

should I stop him now and tell him, let him go home and have good little dreams before waking him? or should I just watch for a time? each one had an advantage but he knew that time was going to be tight to get anywhere out of town once the deed was done. pulling his cap down to hide his eyes, he lengthened his stride to catch Amory next to a brick wall. his jacket tucked into a nearby fence he moved quickly. between one second and the next he had Amory pinned face first to the wall. "get out of town little bird, the Don called a hit out on you and he got the best." he pitched his voice low making rather gruff as he placed a knife along Amory spine. if he could spook the singer into fleeing the city then the don would give up on the hit and he could fallow Amory and protect him. before Amory could move or say anything he was running down a nearby alleyway. he did not go far before picking up Amory's trail again. it was kind of hard for him to with Amory's sent thick in his nose.

Arc Angel 02-16-2014 07:16 PM

Amory was only pulled from his thoughts as the sound of nearby footsteps caught his attention, putting him on guard, for he hadn't recalled seeing anyone else out on the streets. However, just a second or so after he heard the footsteps, it was too late. He hadn't caught on soon enough. A gasp flew from his lips as he was pushed face-first into a lock against the brick wall, the material cold on his skin. Closing his eyes, he braced himself; he had expected far worse than what actually occurred. This is a warning...? Since when does the mob bother? Nevertheless, the mixture of the cool brick pressing to him, the hot breath of the owner of this gruff voice, and the feel of the knife pressing to his back were enough to distract him from trying to speak. He wasn't even sure that was the right thing for him to do in this situation anyways.

Before he knew it, he was released, and alone in the cool night air once again as he heard the footsteps retreating swiftly. Scolding himself for not even having put a word into that situation, he turned on his heel to catch the last glimpse of the anonymous man. "H-Hey!" he called out after him weakly, then shook his head and ran a hand up through his hair in an attempt to straighten up his nerves. I have to get out of the streets. Swallowing hard, he readjusted his coat around himself and found the rest of the way to his apartment at an accelerated pace.

A Don... A Don... He repeated to himself as he entered his apartment, quick to close the door behind him as he removed his jacket and tossed it across his small dining table. His own wouldn't want him offed, so that made no sense. The next best bet was Don Giuseppe. Pausing where he stood, Amory felt a shiver run through him, and cursed under his breath. I was in a good place. I got myself out of there, started making good contacts, was serving Carpi well, and now... He inhaled sharply, then brought his fist down hard onto the flat top of his dining room table, causing the poor wooden structure to wobble a bit under the stress. His own hand pained him more so than the table had been dealt any damage; that had been stupid. Still, he kept his fist there for a moment as he felt himself beginning to unravel at the seams. Amory's stage face could only last him so long. Hot tears welled in his eyes, but he didn't let them fall. Giuseppe. His mind hummed at the name, making his insides flip as he recalled his time spent under the Don. That bastard.

He pulled himself together just enough so to lift his fist from the tabletop, his left hand now holding the other that would soon be bruising as he considered his options. He could leave town, and probably get out without a problem so long as he moved quickly, but the problem with that was funds. He had little to nothing still, despite his hard work in the past years. Living in the city had been rough on him, and if he left now, he saw himself turning to the same sorts of people for work. "I can't leave..." He decided, quietly, aching at the thought of leaving behind his hard work to start where he had years back somewhere else. He didn't doubt just the same could happen to him there. It could really happen to anyone, anywhere if they angered the right people.

I don't know what I'll do. I can't make good with him... I'll have to just... He slumped down on his couch, exhausted as his thoughts brimmed. I'll have to just... Rubbing his temples, he leaned over, resting there and letting his nerves unwind a bit. I just need some sleep for now.

Lunna Dea 02-16-2014 10:22 PM

Each movement that Amory did Sam wanted to know its feel. He wanted to be the one that adjusted his coat to keep him warm. His fingers itched to be the ones to fix Amory's hair as he tried to straiten it. He felt bad for doing what he did but it was the only way he could see that would get Amory to flee the city and go somewhere he could protect him. by now he knew that there was no way he could do as he had been hired to now. all thoughts of this little bird dead in a pool of blood sent shivers up his back. For the rest of the walk to Amory's home Sam made sure to always keep him in sight but far enough back that the sounds of his footsteps would not be heard. it would be bad if Amory guessed he was being tailed still.

As they reached the building that he lived in Sam counted out the windows to find where Amory's was. he had known the lay out of the place, he had been there earlier in the day and found that his room was on the back side where the fire escape was. moving quickly now Sam slipped up the fire escape and perched just out of view so he could watch Amory pack. but as the time passed he not only did not pack he seemed to become determined not to leave. Sam's hand ached in sympathy of Amory's own when he punched the table. Sam watched as tears, yet not of pain, quivered on the edge of Amory's eyes never to fall. The pain pulled at Sam's heart, his eyes drawing echoing tears. Blinking he rubbed the tears away from his eyes, he could not let this get to him.

Sam wanted to scream, to howl, to grab Amory and shake him a good one when he read the words 'I can't leave' on his lips. leaning back on the bricks of the wall between the fire escape stairs and Amory's apartment Sam tried to control his anger. it had been years since he had felt this much, let alone for some one he had just met. why did Amory effect him so, why did he want this man.

The last time he had felt anything for another human being had been near the beginning of his training and that had been another man who had been his 'partner'. Sam had liked the man who had been a bit older then him. Shaking his head Sam tried to drive away those memory's yet they seemed to know want to leave him. Valnetino "Fate" Delacroix, had been a genital man, one that you would not think wanted to kill but he did, and he did a damn fine job of it too. they had had one night in bed and then they had realized that they never could be together again. It was months later when last he had seen Fate and they had been at each others knife point. they had both been hired to kill the same man. Sam had killed the employer in the end for the betrayal of trying to avoid paying the full price of the kill.

Beating his hand on the wall Sam let the tears fall for the lose of all that he had wanted, all that his make wanted but never would get if the Don had his way about it. The threatening rain seemed to answer his pain as the skies opened up and buckets of rain fell down. shivering Sam sat there in the rain trying to let all the feelings and memory's wash away with the rain that soaked him to the skin. every single one of his knives visible through the thin white shirt Sams face turned up eyes closed.

After a time Sam slowly pushed open the window and slipped in, his wet jacket hiding the white of his shirt as he slowly walked over to where Amory was laying on the couch. The part of him that had been trained for years to be the killer screamed for him to do the job and just get out, but the part that had fallen for the song birds beautiful voice was stronger this time. kneeling near Amorys head Sam bowed his head sicked by what he was about to do. "Do you want Don Giuseppe dead?" his voice was soft and low. the only way he could get out of killing Amory now was to take a job to kill the Don. But to openly approached some one to give you a job to kill you employ was against the code. "it is he that has hired the killer, do you want him dead?"

Arc Angel 02-17-2014 07:36 AM

At this point, Amory was slowly falling victim to sleep, though his troubling thoughts still plagued him in his dream-like state. Why was someone provoked enough to kill him? What should he do? How could he possibly even dream of leaving town, of starting his life all over again? Curled up on his side, he stirred as Sam approached him, but did not actually take any notice to his being there. He would have been way too far gone to comprehend what his presence meant, even if he had noticed the man entering the room. Instead, arms wrapped loosely around himself, eyes closed lightly, he was dazing off. His eyebrows were still slightly furrowed, an indication that his thoughts carried over into his sleep, but for the most part his rest was rather peaceful.

When he was spoke to, Amory had no immediate reaction. Instead, he remained still for quite a few moments after his initial shifts. Then, slowly, he moved his arms closer around himself. "He was once... Not so bad..." He murmured quietly, some part of him still awake, though not enough so to realize the situation here. "Killer... Why'd the hired one, he--" he paused, eyebrows drawing further together in confusion as his bruised hand balled itself into a fist. The skin there was already bruising, the hit he sent at the table having damaged him more so than it had damaged it. Amory was not a fighter; his skin was too soft, and his muscles not quite toned enough. He also simply didn't have the heart for it. Working with the mob at times was too much for this reason.

"Giuseppe wants me dead... His man warned me. His man did... Giuseppe," Again, his arms pulled closer around him, and his body tensed, the images beneath his lids reminding him of his past relations with his ex-Don. He was more of an ex-lover in some ways, but in none that Amory had truly desired. "I am stuck here," he then whispered quietly, sadly, but resigned to it in the way that many of those working in similar careers seemed to be. "He'll off me."

Lunna Dea 02-17-2014 08:07 AM

the knife was out before Sam even realized it, second latter it thonked into the frame of the window near by. "damn you Amory." Sam's voice was a harsh whisper as he pushed himself up trying no to lash out at anything more. He wanted so bad just to kill the Don and be done with it but he could not do that. If he did those that set up the jobs would black list him, there would be no more money coming in. Running his hands through his hair he pulled at it in frustration turning away from Amory. What can I do? Amory wont hire me to kill his Don and I cant back down from a contract without a good reason. Looking back at Amory his face grimised in frustration. If I could find a reason to turn down the job then he would only hire another and then I would have to kill them. It would be a never ending cycle of me killing and him hiring. Turning fully back around he leaned on the wall acrossed from the couch Amory lay upon. he could only see this going three ways, one the Don dies, two He dies defending Amory, and three Amory dies and He kills the Don for it. Each of them had their ups and downs, the best he could see would be to kill Don Giuseppe but that could not be done now. "why could not just say yes." The whisper was almost pleading as he held out his hand in a begging jester.

turning towards the window he had come in he went on in the whisper. "I want to save you, your voice so every one can hear it. yet your making it hard for me to even do that. If you would just say yes I could have him out of your life in less then an hour." He knew it would take a little more then an hour to get there and get in but what did the sleeping from of Amory need to know about the time. "you could be happy with your new don, no worries about some one in the shadows to kill you. You would like not to have the fear of who was going to attack you next, right? Just give me the word, say yes you want him dead, and I will do it for you, no charge." turning he looked back at the form of Amory on the couch.

((I see this seen very much like the end of the Labyrinth if you have ever seen it. and sorry about misspellings))

Arc Angel 02-17-2014 08:34 AM

As Sam continued to request answers of him, Amory lulled in his sleep, but seemed automatically inclined to keep himself fro stirring in his sleep. He was so exhausted, and both the couch and this state of rest were comforts his body was not going to allow him to simply forfeit. Still, his senses were enticed by the voice coaxing his own out, and something in his conscious stirred as he heard the knife dig into the frame of his window. Amory could not put a face to the voice nor an action to the sounds he heard in this state, but they were certainly beginning to draw more of an affect from him. At the second mention of Amory hiring him, his fingers shifted to gently clutch at his shirt. He was becoming more aware of what the conversation was about, but was still in a state of sleep.

"I don't want anyone to die," he murmured in response, earnestly, then shook his head fervently, "I don't want... I couldn't." Amory's speech was clearing itself up to be more comprehensible at this point, his facial expressions more telling of his concern. "Giuseppe won't let me free," he then added, as if to argue with himself, voice a bit choked up in his throat. "I will never be free." His hands tensed once more and balled into fists, now ignoring the dull pain in his right hand, as he wasn't paying conscious attention to it anymore. "I don't know what to do anymore. I won't be his again. I won't let him..." Amory's face contorted into an expression of pain, his lips barely parting to let out the softest sob as eyes again watered. This time, without him paying the attention he needed to maintain his composure, they a few actually fell from his sleeping eyes.

Lunna Dea 02-17-2014 08:53 AM

As Amory clutched at his shirt sam swiftly moved back to him thinking that maybe he was awake enough to be preswaed to go ahead with the hit. sitting down on the edge of the couch he leaned over so he could see Amory's face. "I know you dont want any one to die but its you or him, one of you has to die and I have no power over this untill you ask me." his eyebrows drew together in cold furie at the choked sound as Amory spoke next. something was not right with the way he was speaking of Giuseppe. "but you can be free of him, free for good just tell me you want him gone. I will remove him from your life, never to be seen again by you." Maybe if he went about this as if he was just taking Giuseppe away from the city Amory would agree with the hit, granted it was a weak argument when it came to the higher ups but it would work. then Amory's last words hit him like a sucker punch to the gut. what had Giuseppe done to this young man that even the thought of him brought pain to his face. "what did he do to you?" his voice was cold, distant. the longing that had been there for Amory to give him the ok was gone, in its place was a cold avenging angel ready to strike the man that had hurt this beautiful song bird. reaching out, barely touching Amory skin he wiped the tears away. "Let me fix your hurt, let me give you peace. "the last was said so gently you would not believe it was the same man who had spoken before.

Arc Angel 02-17-2014 09:23 AM

Amory lay still there for a few moments of quiet, only a few soft, choked sobs rising from his form as the memories flashing before his eyelids drew on his slow tears. At the feel of the other brushing them away, however, something in him changed. He hardly felt Sam's fingertips just then, but the smallest brush of them against his cheek drew his tears to stop. He could feel someone there. Amory was now not only processing the conversation, but the voice and the idea of his presence were now swirling through the vortex of his clouded, shaken mind. He knew someone was there, but he also seemed to intuitively trust the presence. It was something Amory would have never simply allowed had he been awake enough.

Reaching in front of him, fingertips stretching slowly, sleepily, he would make his weak attempt to grab ahold of Sam, aimed at holding the fabric of his shirt at a place near his chest. With lacking motor skills of course, it was an attempt that could easily be evaded, and was not thought out in any manner. He just sought the feel of the other person, in some sense. "Someone's warning me..." He decided, not believing he was talking to someone in a sort of dream, "Who is it...?" His question was earnest, confusion clear as he worried of their intentions. Of who they were and why they cared.

Then, his thoughts drifting back to the voice's request, he let a small shiver run through him. He refused to answer on behalf of what damage had been done. The fully alert Amory would never attest to it, but neither would his sleeping form even betray his wishes to hide his past. What his reaction did amount to was a shift in attitude. His tears stopped, his eyebrows unfurrowing a bit as he gained some sense of certainty. The Don would kill him given any opportunity. That was simply that, and there was no way of escaping it. Oh, how he wished for an escape. The only one presented here, however, was highly unsavory. It was the mob's business. It was something Amory did not have the heart for in usual terms, but he could not help but allow his feelings to speak for him. "I want Giuseppe gone." When he spoke, gone was his broken voice, his gentle obliviousness; Amory had been offered a clear way out of his misery and he was taking it.

Lunna Dea 02-17-2014 10:19 AM

cursing himself Sam allowed himself to be pulled forward into the other mans embrace. he should have been paying better attention to the other mans actions not just his face. Yet he had wanted to see the comfort that his words might bring to the young song bird. sighing he closed his eyes and let the other man take comfort from holding him. "I warned you, I.." his voice caught in his throat, he wanted to tell him yet that would also create another risk. If he woke and realized that his dream was really an assassin and he had told him to kill the man that had hurt him. What trouble would he cause Sam then, what damage could he cause him. "I am your Angel, your protector." there no one would believe a performer if he said the Angel killed for him,as long as he did not use a lasso to kill the man. Sam breath in the sent of Amory as he held his body from crushing him. Sam was so much more muscle then poor Amory that he would have squished him if he allowed him to pull him down fully. "I am sorry I was not there to protect you before but I am here now." bracing himself on the couch he reached up and gently brushed a few hairs out of Amory's face. "I will always be here."

as Amory agreed to have Don Giuseppe gone Sam's heart soared. now he had the way out of the contract that should not be refuted by the higher ups. yes he may have skirted a few lines in getting it but he got a hire from the songbird below him. "You have my word he will never be seen by you again. his last day in this city is tonight, I will see to it personal." his voice was that of a killer as he spoke. all feeling within him frozen as he pulled out of Amory arms. "I will return when the job is done." standing he walked to the window and slipped out, forgetting his knife on his way. shutting it behind him he thought of all the different ways to get at the Don and quickly. "I don't know what you did to him Giuseppe but now the Devil's Debt comes dew." cold unfeeling he walked into the darkness that was his playground.

Hours later he sat down next to the small creek that fed quickly into the river, the last bit of the Don already lost in the larger river. leaning back he wrapped his arms around himself clasping his shoulders his face to the near dawn sky. the rain washed the last of the blood from his simple white undershirt, his button up long gone in pieces down the river. the weight of what seemed like years washed from his shoulders with the rain. soon the newise's would get wind of another gang land murder but that the body was missing. Fingers would be pointed, his body guards would be killed by the next Don to take his place, probably some one New York sent in to take the spot. it did not matter to him, he had done his job and the man he was hired to kill was dead. the Don's car would be found miles from here have way in the other river, the cops would think the killer fled that way. far away from his song birds flat, yet not so far away to throw suspicion on him. not that any one would think about that little song bird getting past his body guards and killing the Don in the bloody attack the room reviled. Sam had enjoyed that part much more then he would have thought he would.

He had first crushed his windpipe and then went on from there making as much of a mess with as little damage to the man as he could. pain was acceptable but he did not want the man to die on him before it was his time. in the end he could see the Don's wish for death plain as he could see his nose. and in the end he had given it to him, but not in the house. oh no he had lead the man deep into the woods around his house, each step sending pain through out the don's body. then had come the easy part, the kill. He had picked out the perfect killing grounds for this, something the Don himself had built to make people fear him. Hidden in those back woods was a set of stones standing tall around a metal circle that gleamed in the light. it was there that he head was left, there in the center of a rite that never would be finished.

getting up he found his way back to the fire escape outside of Anory window. Sleep was calling him but he wanted to be there to see Anory's reaction when he got the news of his old Don's demise. With what all he had found in the house he did not think that Amory had not suffered at that mans hands. Which made it all that sweeter to return the pain before death, and he had told the don before he had died who had taken out the hit on him. Oh yes he had told him in clear detail that Amory wanted him off the face of the earth, gone from all of humanity. how he would never again touch that sweet, soft, tender skin of his, enjoy those sweet mucky kisses that he wanted so much. As he recalled all of what he had done and how he had felt sleep slowly and gently wrapped her arms around him and drew him under. His body flopped over onto the stairs, his legs halfway tucked up towards his chest as his arms lay acrossed his legs. the black jacket pulled tight around him hiding all his weapons and keeping the cold from taking him from this world.

Arc Angel 02-17-2014 05:38 PM

Amory's body was intent to lean into the warmth of the other's, an involuntary effect of his sleep. The mixture of the calming warmth of Sam's body and the sweet words he received coaxed his body into un-tensing itself. He relaxed there, now convinced that this dream of an angel was just that. Amory couldn't have known that it would have any sort of effect on his life, but the idea in itself proved to have a calming sensation wash over him. His facial expression soothed into one of peace, his fingers nimbly curling up into the other's shirt fabric. "Thank you," he whispered in soft reply, the image of the angel beneath his eyelids seeming to fade as Sam removed himself from his grasp. In reaction, Amory stirred again, opening his eyes for but a moment only to find the room already empty. This was, of course, what he expected. "Mmmh," he groaned softly, closing his eyes again and stretching himself out along the couch's length, not quite willing enough to move, much the less break completely from sleep at this point.

Once he did fully wake, he sat up stiffly and yawned, his left hand rising to rub his eyes and run a hand up through his now unruly hair as he inspected the bruising on the other. An angel, huh? Now you're making up stories. Sighing softly, he shook his head as he was only able to recollect bits of his 'dream'. There had been a man, this angel of his, asking about Giuseppe and saying that he would protect him from the Don. With that thought crossing his mind, his jaw tensed. Just what the hell can I do? Frustration renewing itself, he stood from the couch and stretched, thoughts circling back to the same ones he had had last night. This time, however, the calming effect that he experienced in his sleep kept him from overacting too much. Instead, he flicked on the radio and proceeded to get himself cleaned up and showered for the day.

It was only when he was pulling out clean clothing, a towel around his middle, that the woman singing took a break and an announcer came on to speak shortly about the news of the day. The first headline drew Amory into dropping the vest and slacks he had just picked out straight onto the floor. Shaky-handed, he turned to face the radio, in shock. Their first announcement was of Don Giuseppe's untimely death. Enthralled, but still shaken, he moved to sit down and simply listen to the rest of the very few details that the announcer spoke on the subject before moving on. "Murdered," he whispered softly, clearly not thrilled to hear the news, but nor did he mourn the loss in any sort of way. His memories of the man passed through him slowly, his arms involuntarily moving to wrap around himself as he spent a quiet few minutes sitting there, thinking. I'm free.

Ultimately finding great relief in this, though still unsure of how to react to the fact that his freedom came with the price of Giuseppe's death, he ended up standing and humming along to the next tune as he got dressed for the day. Amory did nothing to attribute the death to the angel he had met via dream last night. Instead, he figured it to be either another Don, or a vengeful underling in general. In either case, Don Giuseppe was not a clean-handed man, and it did not surprise Amory that someone would want him dead. He picked up the dark grey vest and matching slacks, pairing them with a white buttoned shirt and the same black dress shoes as per usual. Amory took his time in dressing, then made a small breakfast of toast and cup of coffee before actually moving to head out for the day.

Lunna Dea 02-17-2014 10:02 PM

The sound of the radio woke Sam as he tried to remember what had happened the night before. his body was stiff and sore in so many places yet... then the whole of the night before came flooding back. the fear and anger at the Don, the twisting of Amory to get him to agree to the death of the Don. then how he had killed the man and made sure that questions were asked about what he loved to do to those he had working for him. leaning forward he looked for Amory, not finding him Sam moved to another window. this one a bit passed the fire escape opened to his bedroom, Sam smiled. the song bird had taken a bath and now was in the middle of pulling out some new clothes. he smiled as he leaned on the fire escape rail watching this beautiful man from the corner of his eye. he may not have been muscled as Sam or Fate had been but he did look good. Sam's heart fluttered without him realizing why.

then the announcer broadcasted the new of the day, not sparing any gruesome detail that he had gotten for the Newises. Blood and sex were their stock and trade and Sam had left them a good one this time. The headlines would sell the papers today, more then the young boys would. people would want to know what had happened and who had done it. Yet Sam was not interested in the others reactions to his gift he wanted to see Amory's. worry creased his brows as Amory sat down quickly, fear that he had just broken his song birds heart. last night he had seemed like he needed the freeing but in the light of day Sam now wondered if he truly had done the right thing. He could have staged the death of the song bird, taken him to another state and set him up in a simple house where all he had to ever do was be happy. But he had not thought of that last night. nervously he reached into his jacket and pulled out a smoke and lit it would any real thought of what he was doing. taking a few drags he wished that he could be the arms that held Amory, comforting him. then a sigh of relief as Amory seemed to realize and accept what had happened as good. the young man pulled on the rest of his clothes, reminding Sam that if he was going to watch this man he was going to have to find a way to be near him, and if he were to do that he needed to change to.

moving back to his seat on the stairs he watched as Amory went about his day, getting ready for work. Sam's gut reminded him that he had not eaten in over 12 hours. He never ate before jobs and this one had been longer then he had expected. slipping down the escape before Amory left for the day he went to a nearby luncheonettes along the way to Amory's work. He could watch from here and make sure that no one bothered Amory when he did head out. Content with this he ordered breakfast and sat in a booth that a fine view of the window to the street but was not easily seen from the street. smiling at the waitress but keeping his eyes low he orders an egg sandwich and a coffee. she promptly brought him the coffee and moments later brought him the sandwich. handing a bill over he told her to keep the change and not come back. smiling at such a big tip she walked away, there was no way she was going to complain when she had mouths to feed.

Arc Angel 02-18-2014 01:06 AM

Just before leaving, he grabbed a fedora to complete his more casual outfit, then grabbed the same coat he wore the night prior from atop his dining room table to wrap himself back into. The Don is dead. He kept repeating in his mind as he stared down his front door quietly instead of leaving right away. I'm free, but why do I still feel my nerves in bundles? He would never own up to it, but he was still rather shaken after having been told there had been a hit placed on him. Giuseppe was that upset with me... Shaking his head, he forced his hands to cease their shaking and walked out of his apartment quickly, before he could convince himself of otherwise. He needed to get his practicing in with the band for the night's set, and that wouldn't happen unless he actually made it there to do so.

The speak easy was a different sight to see during the day time, without the music wafting through the air, no crowds of people huddled around the entrances, the only folks around dressed to work and merely passing on by. It always amazed Amory to see the city transform at night, to come alive with the restlessness of the night and all that the Dons' clubs had to offer. Today, however, he found relief in seeing the normal sights of the daytime business going on. Last night still shook him, and he hadn't been fond of the idea of leaving his apartment again this morning, even if he wasn't in such an emotionally stressed state. That... angel really did the trick. He smiled a little to himself, almost finding it silly that he had felt so relieved after that. At least, he didn't feel so broken after that sleep.

Not many were in the club so far this morning, aside from a few stage hands, a bartender keeping track of their stock, and a couple of musicians that he would play with later on that night. "Amory!" One of them greeted him warmly from across the room, sending him a wave and a smile as he walked up tot he two of them. "Morning, gents," he replied with a warm smile, nodding at the both of them, "Steven, John." Steven, the one to initially wave him down smiled in reply, but the other stood by with an uncertain grin. "Hear the news? Bloody menace that did that work." He commented on the death of Don Giuseppe, seeming wary of it himself. Steven interjected as Amory's eyes merely widened. He still wasn't sure how how to take all of this in. It's strange to think that he'd gone. Amory stood there zoning out, smile still gracing his features, though his thoughts were still muddled within. He ended up missing out on his turn to speak, earning some confusion.

"Hey, kid?" One of them asked, and at that point Amory hadn't been able to realize which it had been. Shaking himself out of it, he chuckled and shook his head. "Sorry boys, getting into the mindset. Ya know?" He quickly covered himself, and they nodded in acceptance of the excuse. Amory again smiled, this time due to the flutter of happiness he felt around musicians that actually knew how that was. "Let's get to it, put on a good show later tonight again," he added to redirect the conversation, the three of them then sitting there to discuss what needed to be coordinated.

Lunna Dea 02-18-2014 02:15 AM

Sam was half way through his sandwich when he saw Amory pass by the window, so his songbird was going to work now? good. grabbing up the paper under the sandwich he wrapped it up as he dashed out the door and to the other side of the street. To any one it would only look like a man late getting to work, someone that had just noticed the time. carefully he shadowed Amory through the streets only ones to stop quickly and buy a bunch of Tulips and violets with one single rose in the middle of it. taking the scrap of paper the lady offered him he scribed a quick note on it. 'my your day bring you joy. Your Angel' it was simple and sweet. no one would think that a man had sent these and this was his ticket to get into the speak easy early. maybe he should try for a stage hand to make sure that Amory was safe. shaking his head he hurried to catch up so he was again acrossed the street from Amory.

when they reached the speak easy Sam smiled, he knew how he was going to be able to keep track of him and not worry about being to busy to save him. it would only take a few dimes to get access and after a time no one would really thing about him being up there. without realizing he had made the job for himself last night. turning at the drugstore before going down the back alley to the stage door he changed his wrinkled jacket for the shirt and vest with coat he had left there the night before. the slaks were not that bad and no one would really think that there was something wrong with a man of his apparent means wearing dress slacks that were a bit ratty looking. knocking on the door he waited for some one to open it. when the stage hand did he held the flowers just high enough that his eyes were not that noticeable. "flowers for a.." fumbling with his coat pocket he pulled out a small pad of paper. "an Amory. where would you like them?" the stage hand seemed a bit flustered at this.

"umm." he said trying to look around the flowers at Sams face. "well I guess you can bring them in to his dressing room." He sounded uncertain about it but held the door open wide for Sam to walk through.

"Which way?" he moved to go the opposite way of Amory's room, this stage hand would only remember a delivery man who was to pushy. he would not recall the man behind the flowers.

"NO not that way, this way." grabbing Sam's elbow the stage hand turned him around and pointed him in the right direction. "its the third door but then his name is on it so don't miss it and don't hang around to gawk at the dance girls." he said sternly as he pushed Sam forward. pretending to stumble a little bit Sam smiled. He would have to be careful who he talked to each day or they were going to remember that he came but never left. but that was for another day to worry about. walking down the Hall he paused to watch Amory through the stage opening as he talked to two other men. so he had not yet made it into the dressing room, good, these would be a nice surprise for him to come into.

As he stepped into the dressing room he almost got run over by one of the ladys that ran the costume department. "Damn you clumsy man!" her screech could be heard through out the whole building as she turned back to the stage manager, who also was coming from Amory's dressing room. "I don't care where you found it I have had enough of this! that had was 13 dollars, do you get that 13! I don't have the money to replace what your stupid stage hands did to it, do you?"

"no Aneta, what do you want me to do?" to Sam the man sounded like he was near the end of his rope with this woman.

"Oh I don't know, tell them to keep their grimy paws off the clothes!" again she ended it in near to a shriek. "I am tired of having to tell the Don why I cant dress the men as well as the ladies. you would think he would understand that with as many sticky fingered men in here that nothing will stay where it needs to be." Sam raised his eyebrow as he found a vase to put the flowers while listening in on this discussion going on outside the dressing room door.

"you know I cant stop them from getting into that room, your girls take them back there all the time." he sounded a bit put out by her demands. "what would you like me to do? Hire a wardrobe master to take care of the men?"

"Yes! exactly! that would be lovely." her hands fluttered all over the air as she talked. A wardrobe master, now there's a thought.

"And where am I to find one of those when all the Don's have grabbed the good ones up?" quickly pulling off his jacket Sam straiten his vest and pulled his tie from his pocket from the night before. maybe not the best first look but if he could get the man to believe him then he would have a job close to Amory, no one would question weather he had a right to be there or not. finishing the final touch on he look he pulled a comb though his hair and stepped forward.

"I can work a Wardrobe," he had transformed from the man they passed by to a young eager young gent that looked the part if a bit shabby. the Stage manager looked him over and then raised an eyebrow to Aneta.

"We will see if he will do." she said quietly and then waved a hand towards her domain.

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