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Mene Switchboard 01-25-2009 09:50 AM

Lunar New Year Hangout thread~!

Like, whoa. We're actually celebrating Lunar New Year this year. I mean we always do, but this is the first time I've actually seen it be turn into a huge party. Li Mei has the coolest parties. So awesome!

And those Whalecows are SOOOOOO adorable!! *squeal* BUT! Not as cute as the Kaze-ten (which is what I am!). Vicky was all heartbroken cause she realized she was born in the Year of the Kaze-ten too and not the Year of the Heartshape Fox. Seriously, how do those foxes see? Do they even have eyes?

At least she ended up in the Year of the Kaze-ten and not something else. I mean they can look scary, but they're still cute in a "I-have-sharp-claws" way. I like them! Way better luck then Li Mei. Poor girl, she's born in the Year of Basilisk. Snakes are not cute at all! Lance and Lapis are Basilisks too. Such a shame. *shakes head* I bet Fatima would have loved being born in that year. After all she adores Zea, her pet snake. Actually... I wonder if she was born in one of those years. She never did tell us her age...

Oh right! Getting off track here. Anyways! Since Li Mei is busy handing Red Packets to everyone, she asked me to be the host of the party. So pretty much, introduce yourselves, post what sign are you, discuss, umm what's the word oh right mingle, have fun. You know, make friends! Let's party!

Mene Switchboard 01-25-2009 09:50 AM

Tee hee~ Here's some spiffy banners you can put in your signatures to show off your zodiac in style!

Zodiac artwork by PlatinumChild.
Red Packet artwork by CK.
Zodiac banners put together by Ferra.

Winter Wind 01-26-2009 08:37 AM

Psh, Kaze-ten?

Phoenix-es are better. ;'D <3

I went to a Chinese New Year banquet yesterday.
It wasn't all that great. x-o
But my family did win the raffle.
Two times in a row. :'D

Seito 01-26-2009 08:50 AM

*mourns* I'm still end up being a snake.

ChibiTotoro222 01-26-2009 08:54 AM

Heyyy, It's the only zodiac where I'm *not* a ram! 8D
Yay Kirin! xD;

Chexala 01-26-2009 08:54 AM

Yiii, Lunar New Year! I didn't know that we celebrated that here on the islands. I love zodiac stuff, so I'm super excited to read about all the signs. ^__^

I'm amused that I'm a dragon either way. No getting out of that. :lol:

CK 01-26-2009 09:18 AM

I'm an Octi by the Chain Zodiac. XD

I still can't really get over it. LOL. I'm not saying that the description is not me-ish, I just identify about as closely with the animal "Octi" as I do with the Chinese Zodiac's "Monkey". XD

But like the Monkey, I don't actually dislike the Octi. I just would have chosen something else for myself if I'd been able to. XD It's the whole "charismatic animal" thing. XD

Seito 01-26-2009 09:20 AM

Ahaha I got Bolt Junior!

Insane Cricket 01-26-2009 10:40 AM

Heeey. Aimiee, that's not nice. D: I'm a basilisk and it's awesome. Snakes are an awesome sign to be. And I've seen some pretty adorable snakes. You know, the ones that are so small they can only eat bugs. Those are cute.

But the bigger rat/rabbit eating snakes are... Ick. -Shrugs- I has invaded your party. =D

DistortedBrwain 01-26-2009 11:49 AM

lol I acidentilly posted this in the request a red package thread, how stupid can I be haha

so now I will post it at the right place lol

I always thought I was a Rat, well I am but here it's called Kaze-ten. Sounds way cooler that way hehe

*reads the info on Wiki* OMG Hitler was born in the year of the rat? X_X That's just great. ><

It says peope with the rat sign love to eat; pork and peas? lol that is so not right haha peas and pork are yuck. ><

And all those treats described, half of them are incorrect lol but I guess it is pretty normal to not have all of them apply to one person.

Oh and I am Wood Rat, according to the site. Would that explain my love for nature and forests? ^^

Tamerthanthou 01-26-2009 12:18 PM

I'm a Kirin, apparently.
I've never even heard of kirin...

CK 01-26-2009 12:40 PM

Kirin are one of my favorite mythological beasties. :3 You may know it as the "Chinese unicorn"...?

Tamerthanthou 01-26-2009 12:42 PM

Can't say that I do xD
I just Googled some pictures though...

Edit: Oooh
They are nice!

Felicity 01-26-2009 02:02 PM

Oooh, those are beautiful! :o I had no idea that was their name. Congrats on being such a glorious animal, Tamerthanthou!
I'm proud of being a bunnyfish, myself. ^^ It's a fun way to be.

Happy year of the Whalecow, everyone.

Melody 01-26-2009 02:46 PM

Happy Year of the Whalecow~! *celebrates*

I'm a Lion-Dog. >.> *needs to look up an image*

Jennifer 01-26-2009 02:52 PM

I love snakes! Used to have one a long time ago. Father won't let me get another one. Maybe when I'm on my own again I'll get another one. Must have a room mate to scare though. :3

Some Random Randomness 01-26-2009 04:11 PM


Aimee, I'm a Basilisk.
SOOOO much better than Kaze-ten. :talk2hand:

And basilisks are so much better than snakes.

Insane Cricket 01-26-2009 04:16 PM

Well, technically, in the Chinese zodiac, we're snakes. XD But yeah, the basilisk is way better than the Kaze-ten.

;;>.>... Can I nom you, Random?

Some Random Randomness 01-26-2009 04:23 PM

Yea. I love them both, but basilisks can KILL! >D

And uh...why'd you want to. O.o
I taste mundanely human.

Insane Cricket 01-26-2009 04:24 PM

Snakes can kill too. ;;>.>... Some can squeeze you to death, and others will just poison you. -Nodnod-

But, I like the taste of human! =D -Noms on your shoulder- :drool:

Some Random Randomness 01-26-2009 04:29 PM

Yea, but they cannot kill by staring, which I'm good at. :}

And I'm laced with arsenic.

Insane Cricket 01-26-2009 04:46 PM

I'm good at staring, too. Especially glaring. -Nodnod-

And that's okay, I took the antidote for arsenic before I started noming on you, just in case. X3

Mingnon 01-26-2009 05:28 PM

I am a Hippocamp o3o

Ferra 01-26-2009 05:54 PM

I'm so close to being a Dragon since I was born on the first day of the Year of the Snake. XD But woe is me, I'm a Basilisk. At least that's pretty cool though. :3

GangsterGlam 01-26-2009 06:06 PM

This whole thing was so unexpected. o.o
But this looks like a lot of fun!

I'm an Octi, it seems.

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