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MoodyBats 07-17-2010 02:30 PM

Another Day~{HappyDeath + Demi}
Name:Steven Miyamoto
Personality:Steven is very stubborn at times and can be rude.She comes off as rude because she is normally offended or embarrassed.She can be very over protective of others and rather risk her life than someone she cares about. Demon Form

happydeath 07-17-2010 10:27 PM

Name: Akio Daishi
Age: 17
Personality: Akio is a bit of a carefree person, he never really believed in demons or angels since he always hated going to churches; he never realized through his entire life that he was born a demon himself though. He does seem to care a lot for people who are either hurt or in pain. The chinese letters on his side were carved into his skin when he was a baby, saying that it was supposed to mean that he was going to be protected from anything that was "unholy".
Demon Form:

MoodyBats 07-17-2010 11:29 PM

It was currently night time and Steven was walking home late at night due to she had worked a few hours more than she had planned onto.Steven looked at her watch seeing that it was almost midnight.
I am so dead!Step mother is definietly going to have my head! Steven said as she picked the speed up in her walking.

Steven lived with both of her step parents.Steven's biological father was no where to be found.He had been locked up in the basement when Steven was six.Though he had somehow escaped and was never to be found leaving his youngest daughter behind.Steven did miss her father but she was scared if she found out why he escaped it would leave consiquences for steven.

Steven sighed.Steven hated both of her current parents.She lived with all of her 4 brothers.She was the only sister of the house since her twin sister lived on her own.I wish i could live on my own. Steven thought in her head as she clenched her long sweater's sleeves into her hands.She knew her parents would yell at her for being late and her brother's would probably tease her like everyday since she was the youngest of the house.

happydeath 07-18-2010 12:26 AM

Akio was walking home from going to night-classes in school as he passed a church on his way home and felt a strange burning sensation inside him making him bite down onto his lower lip as he began to run away from the church as fast as he could. Wh-w-why do I always get that way when i'm near churches?! he thought, still never knowing that he was actually born a demon.
When he had gotten home, he opened the door to his house; slamming it shut behind him and trying to catch his own breath. "Why....Why must my life be...filled with so much pain.." Akio asked himself staring down at his shaking hands. He had lived in his own home since he was 15 so he wasnt really afraid of being alone or really even caring. When he finally caught his breath, he walked into the kitchen as he went over to the sink and began to turn on the water then wash his own face to get the sweat off.

MoodyBats 07-18-2010 01:28 AM

When Steven got home all she heard through her parents were yelling asking where she was though they sent her to her room before she got the chance to speak.While she was in her room she sat on her bed thinking in the dark.While she layed down on her bed thinking she knew she would probaby escape out of the window unless her parents nailed the windows shut.Though meanwhile she was thinking she could hear a vouce in her head,talking to her.You know you'll never get away from this kind of life unless you...kill them.

happydeath 07-18-2010 01:42 AM

After getting cleaned, Akio went upstairs to his room as he didnt bother changing into his pj's and jumped onto his bed staring up at his ceiling. "Whats this feeling I have inside me...." he thought as he let his hand up in the air staring at them with a bit of fear. Why is it everytime I walk by that church...I get into pain...Just what am I?... he thought clentching down onto his fists as hard as he could until his palm began to bleed.

MoodyBats 07-18-2010 03:33 AM

While Steven was hearing the voice in her head she began to feel stranger by the minute.Steven then walked over to her window feeling like if she didn't get any air she would die.Steven then opened the window and her demon form had fully appeared and Steven had flew directly out of the window.why does my body feel this way?Steven asked herself as she was in the sky and landing ontop of a roof of one of the city's tallest buildings.
You can't runaway forever!

happydeath 07-18-2010 04:54 PM

Akio had finally sat up in his bed as he punched the wall behind him until his knuckles began to bleed and cause a hole in the wall. He didnt feel the pain really since the pain of his inner demon trying to escape was already bad enough; now including the fact that he didnt even know he was a partial demon in the first place.
Suddenly while he was trying to stop the pain, the chinese letters on the side of his body began to burn him as he held a hand there, squeezing his own skin to stop the pain. "Why does this hurt so much!?" Akio yelled as loud as he could in his room as his scream had a little bit of a demonic voice overlapping his own.

MoodyBats 07-19-2010 08:51 AM

While she was on the roof all she seemed to be doing was screaming.Anyone could hear her scream from a mile or more away."Shut up!shut up,shut up,SHUT UP!Steven shouted angerly.Steven hated hearing the voice in her head.The voice in her head was her demonic voice.The voice sounded just like steven which scared her.She was scared and everytime the voice spoke to her,Steven would remember all of the trauma she had once already been through.It was painful enough to live with her fake parents and her brothers as they always taunted her constantly reminding her of her past and what not."leave me alone!"Steven said breathing heavily.

I wont leave you alone until i have my revenge and make you suffer mor than you are!Your nothing but a spoiled brat so why don't you give up!?you know nothing good will ever happen so whats the point in living?

happydeath 07-19-2010 02:28 PM

Akio had basically fallen into a deep sleep this time as his demonic side finally beat the seal changing him into his demon form. He crawled over toward his window and jumped out running all over the town without a concious this time. While he ran in the night, everytime a human would look at him strangely, he'd run over and maul the man or woman till they died. Since his concious was gone, Akio didnt know what he was doing so he had no mercy, for anything, adults, or babies; he killed them all. When he reached the middle of the town, he looked up at a large building seeing a little dot on the roof not knowing it was Steven as he hissed at it.

MoodyBats 07-19-2010 09:39 PM

When Steven felt another demon's presence nearby,it shot her human mind and body to go into a deep sleep,it felt like something or someone peircing her soul.Once steven's human mind and body were in a deep sleep it was letting her demon out completely.Steven's demon took a deep breath in acknowledging the surroundings.

Steven's demonic black charcol skin was revealed as well as her white hair was.Steven licked her lips as she smelt all kinds of humans.Though she licked her sharp fangs when she smelt and sensed a demon nearby."This should be interesting."She said as hr bright yellow eyes flared.Almost anyone could see her bright yellow eyes.
Within minutes it began raining hard with thunder and lightning.She almost seemed like the devil himself.Maybe it was because she and the devil had a contract.

When she spotted the male demon,she jumped from the roof top directly as if she were falling.Once she landed she was right in front of the male demon with a smirk on her face."Hi there."She said in a seductive tone trying to sway him into liking her as she began placing her long finger nail under his chin.

happydeath 07-20-2010 02:42 AM

When Akio's demon form saw Steven's demon, he shook his head leaning down as he looked more like a four legged creature as he got onto his hands and feet. Since Akio wasnt too used to his demon ever coming out, he wasnt in control at all since this was the first time ever, that it had gotten out into public so it was more into a primal instinct. "Who are you?....." he asked her with a demonic tone overlapping his own at this point. "get away from me...or I'll rip you to shreds..."

MoodyBats 09-20-2010 11:07 PM

"You can't even rip me into shreds.Your not fully in control and you know it."She said with a smirk."Im steven and you are....?"She asked having her hands onto her hips and watching him closely.She was very curious about Akio and his demon.This is going to be fun....Her demon thought in her head with a snicker and her smirk grew even wider."I bet you want to kill someone or something just as badly as i do.."She said with a laugh.

happydeath 09-20-2010 11:27 PM

Akio stayed on the ground as he stared up at Steven. He gave a hiss to her without even answering any of her questions. He didnt even know her, so why in the world should he answer anything she asked him? "Thats none of your business who I am!!" he yelled with his demonic side still in complete control; whether or not the demon knew it or not; deep down within its so-called 'heart' Akio was actually trying to regain control. "But yes...your right...I do want to kill...something..and someone.." he said with a little grin appearing onto his face as he looked around the area. "But it looks like...your the only thing thats arent you?"

MoodyBats 09-20-2010 11:33 PM

She smirked."Yes i am".But your going to have to catch me."She said with a chuckle and flew up into the sky."try to catch me.If you catch me im yours if you don't you have to do whatever i tell you got it?"She asked."Let the fun begin.Come and get me!"She said almost taunting him so he would chase her and not bail on her.She even taunted him by using her most seductive movements of her body.

happydeath 09-20-2010 11:54 PM

Akio glared up at Steven flying away as he sighed and fly after her, he always did like trying to catch his prey. Well at least his demonic side liked that; when Akio was normal he never went after anyone since he usually kept to himself. "Get back here!" he yelled, everytime he'd seem to get close enough to grab her, he seemed to miss due to his inner human self fighting back and interfering with his movements. It was quite confusing, to him though when he saw how Steven was moving in such a way, it didnt look like she was really trying to run away to him; more like she was just playing with him. How dare she!...

MoodyBats 09-21-2010 12:12 AM

She giggled."Aw are you tired already?"She teased with a laugh and began flying away again.At one point she snuck behind him,tapped his shoulder then headed in the oppisite direction.Steven was unpredictable."Come on and get me."She said moving in a more sexy way than she was earlier."If you want any of this you have to work hard at it.I don't come free."She snickered and grinned at him.She wasn't even working a sweat.She was full of energy.

happydeath 09-21-2010 12:32 AM

Akio kept getting more annoyed when he finally figured out and confirmed that Steven was playing with him. "How dare you!! Stop playing around!!" he yelled as his anger rose inside him, slowly without realizing it, his eyes began to burn like the flames of hell as he glared back at her and bolted toward her even faster than ever before. With his anger risen basically to its limit; the inner Akio couldnt fight back anymore and had to give up for the moment. How do I get my body back at this rate?!...wh..what is this thing?.. he thought within his head as Akio basically glomped Steven within the air and forced her down onto the ground with a snarl.

MoodyBats 09-21-2010 12:42 AM

Steven just giggled."You caught me,lucky you.Not many people can catch me.Now can you get off of me i think im laying on a bunch of sharp rocks."She said with a giggle.She pinched his ear lightly and put her lips near his ear whispering a spell into his ear.Soon his demon would let out the real Akio.She smirked because it was the most powerful spell she and steven knew."wont you play with us?"She said with a smirk

happydeath 09-21-2010 12:54 AM

Hearing the chant from Steven's demon into Akio's demon's ear, he immediatly backed off of her and fell to the ground in front of her screaming in pain and shaking his head. "Wh..what the hell did you do to me?! You bas..bastard!!" he yelled, everything that made him a demon; the wings, spikes, eyes, hair and nails were turning back to normal as the real Akio felt a strong pull against his soul toward the outside world. "Noo!! I wont let you out!! I just got a breath of fresh air!! I wont let you take over again!!" he yelled, as the spell's power became even stronger when the chinese letters on his side began to burn through his skin; finally causing the demon to be surpressed back into Akio's heart.

MoodyBats 09-21-2010 12:58 AM

Steven's demon bacame happy."Now steven i want you to meet a friend of mine."She said giggling and letting steven out.Steven's demon wanted to see if they would get along.When steven was out she looked around in confusion."W-What t-the..?Where am i?"She asked putting her finger to her lips trying to remember.But seeing Akio made her feel a bit un easy."U-Um...."She started off."D-Do you know where i am?"She asked blushing a bit.

happydeath 09-21-2010 03:27 PM

Slowly when Akio regained his normal breathing, he looked up and rubbed the back of his head in pain of having to fight against his own demonic side. He wasnt sure what that other feeling was, the feeling of being pulled toward the outside world felt a bit just like his own demonic energy as well. Was it a spell? At the moment, his clothing was mostly all torn up, espeically his shirt because of all the spikes coming out of his shoulder and the wings coming out of his back. "Man...did you really have to do this?? This was my favorite--" he was immediatly cut off as he heard another Steven's voice. Turning around he saw a human this time, this shocked him since through the whole time he was trapped inside his own body, he had seen the whole fight go on and all he saw was a demonic girl. Is she a half-demon? me?.. he thought, but quickly shaking off the idea; he shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. "I have no clue.." he said, standing up and walking over toward her reaching out toward her with one hand. "C'mon. since your here too..lets go find a way back to town..My name is Akio." he said with a gentle smile on his face, at this point he didnt bother asking her about if she was that demon since it didnt seem like a good idea at the moment; especially after what he just saw happen.

MoodyBats 09-21-2010 05:10 PM

Steven nodded."Okay."She said taking his hand and standing back on her feet.Her clothes had been torn a bit also but not as badly as Akio's.In Steven's clothing,only the back of her shirt was torn and visable to see her scar."Im steven..."She said as she and Akio began to walk."Its very nice to meet you."
Steven was very polite.She had to be because her parents hurt her if she didn't be kind.Especially her step mother.Her step mother was the worst woman in the planet according to steven.
Steven couldn't remember a thing to what happened and she wonde red why.Why couldn't she remember?It only happened a few moments ago.It shouldn't be this hard to remember something so little.

happydeath 09-21-2010 05:25 PM

After helping Steven up to her feet, Akio took back his hand and placed them both into his pockets and began to walk with her side by side. "Nice to meet you too." he said with a little small smile as he contiued to look forward rather than at her face. It was strange to him, how she didnt remember the little chase they had with one another. She didnt seem tired at all after that, yet he was exhausted still from his demon using up all his strength to catch Steven. "So..where do you live?" he asked, finally glancing over toward her. He only asked this to see which direction would they be going and whether or not they'd have to spilt up or not, he was a bit shocked though when he noticed how nice she was being though, no one was usually this nice to a stranger, especially not to Akio.

MoodyBats 09-21-2010 05:40 PM

"I live 4 blocks from that side."She said pointing to the right side.She smiled at him.She was unaware that her back was showing from the back of her shirt being torn because of her wings."I love in a mansion with my dad and my step mom.."She explained."both of them aren't my real parents.They wont tell me the where-abouts where my father is.My mother went missing when i was 4 so i had to live with my step parents plus my brother and my step brothers."She explained.She wasn't entirely sure why she was so nice to people.Especially strangers.Steven was just that kind of person.She was kind to everyone.Even if no one diserved kindness.

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