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Turquoise Heart 05-15-2017 10:18 AM

Guys are mean
the ones I know are.they always take and never give they make you wait forever they take to long to text as in days they don't show up when you invite them out and no they ain't busy. One day they like you the next day they don't what gives idk it's very time consuming a waste of time when you get all dolled up from head to toe then get stood up so is waiting for calls texts and all the other stuff you have high hopes for its not my cup of tea in this day and age it's not hard to do. T.T

Has anyone ever waited or been stood up more than once ?
Do you give second chances?
Is it worth it ? No.

monstahh` 05-18-2017 09:46 AM

I'm lucky I *usually* don't get stood up. But sometimes it happens. :(
But I also very rarely make plans to leave my house, so if people want to see me they just come to my place.
If they don't show up, its probably no big deal because I was probably playing a video game waiting for them.

If they do it a lot though I stop asking them to hangout.

The Wandering Poet 05-23-2017 03:14 AM

I've found guys in general can be like that... but girls can be just as mean. It seems in order to find someone who will actually show up when they say they will you need someone conceived through unnatural means.

Vela 05-31-2017 02:27 PM

When I was with my ex, the very first time we were supposed to go out I didn't realize we weren't until the day of the outing. I almost got all dolled up just to get stood up. He was just sitting at home doing nothing, planning to go to some park...telling me he didn't have any money so the outing was off. Nice to know at the last minute *sarcasm* Lol I'm still salty about it even though it was a year ago.

And I agree. I gave a second chance and it wasn't really worth it. Oh well.

It does seem hard af to find people who can actually deliver...well, thank goodness for Pizza Hut :D

The Wandering Poet 05-31-2017 07:47 PM

Pizza hut won't deliver to my house either

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