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MercyGrim96 07-07-2016 05:19 PM

Pokemon Go!
So it's finally out! The long awaited game to forces shut in geeks and nerds to get out of their houses, and the possible bringer of the apocalypse; Pokemon Go! I'm wondering who out there is using it right now, and what you've caught so far. Also if anyone is having loading errors or bug problems (like I am >:/ ).

(Btw I just read that EVERYONE is having server error problems, man this sucks they really should have been more prepared for this onslaught of people they knew were going to be playing the game. This is just as bad as that one time homestuck broke the website it was on because too many people where trying to watch Cascade at once)

dragoness129 07-07-2016 07:45 PM

I just downloaded it! I tried to get as soon as I got off work, but was having a lot of the server issues. But it worked when I got home! Started with Charmander! A customer said that there were Dratini near my work! I gotta get one as soon as possible! Dragonair is my precious! ♥

Lilianaire 07-07-2016 10:31 PM

I've been having server issues all day, but I've been playing since about this time last night lol

I'm having a lot of fun with it so far, enjoying walking to the pokestops in my neighborhood in the early morning before it gets hot. Hopefully this will encourage me to exercise more xD

Bearzy 07-07-2016 10:37 PM

It doesn't work on my phone very well, it crashed pretty hard. But I'm willing to give it another shot.

RinLin 07-07-2016 10:40 PM

Yeah, the servers have been overloaded most of the day. xD

Alas, I got the game, even if it is not out in Sweden yet, miahahah. :D Going to play tomorrow!

Lilianaire 07-08-2016 12:38 AM

Yeah I technically got the game before it was official in the US, but I downloaded the official version as soon as I could :)

I hate that I have to drive to the nearest gyms :P

Bearzy 07-08-2016 12:45 AM

I live in quite a busy area of my town, so there are pokestops everywhere around me! I can sit in my house and activate the nearest one. It's kind of nice, but I'd like a bit more of a challenge.

SilverKnightHawk 07-08-2016 01:52 AM

I'm loving the game so far!! I've got a charmander, and I've already caught three other pokemon :D

I'm honestly really happy with their trainer customization, I think it's super cute and I'm glad they didn't try to go for taking a real photo and trying to translate it into a cartoony style. The only problem I'm probably going to have is that it's kind of hard for me to make it to where a pokestop is, and I might run out of pokeballs at the rate I use them. I have...well, lets just say that "terrible aim" is putting it lightly.

MercyGrim96 07-08-2016 02:47 AM

I wish I could play the game.... but unfortunately I can't even log in.... It is really frustrating.

dragoness129 07-08-2016 03:07 AM

I need to get data for my phone. I can't wander too far from the Wifi, or I can't get the Pokemon. Luckily, the Walmart here had Wifi and I was able to get some Pokemon from there. :D

midgetGoddess 07-08-2016 04:17 AM

I'm just going to say I'm obsessed. No two ways about it. This is stuff I've dreamed of since Pokemon came out.

Bearzy 07-09-2016 12:06 AM

This is so much fun, I was out with a coworker until 3am today catching pokemon. It's surprisingly social!

Symphony of the Night 07-09-2016 02:29 AM

I have gotten 25 pokemon so far just walking around in my house

dragoness129 07-09-2016 04:14 AM

It doesn't read my movement inside my house, only outside. I wonder of it is the GPS. Though it has given me random encounters while I am sitting around with it open. I found Meowth near my computer yesterday. My work is right near a PokeSpot so I can stock up on items when I get the chance throughout the day.

The Wandering Poet 07-09-2016 05:31 AM

I have barely progressed so far... but here's to hoping I can manage to catch stuff in my limited movements

Bearzy 07-09-2016 07:20 AM

I think the general idea is to increase your movements Poet [lol] but fair enough.

RinLin 07-09-2016 08:06 AM

It says it can't find GPS for me, and I always have the location thingie on... :(

Symphony of the Night 07-10-2016 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by The Wandering Poet (Post 1773676138)
I have barely progressed so far... but here's to hoping I can manage to catch stuff in my limited movements


Originally Posted by Bearzy (Post 1773676153)
I think the general idea is to increase your movements Poet [lol] but fair enough.

Haha I giggled out loud at this

Xogizmoox 07-10-2016 04:14 AM

Gizzie is royally frustrated at the whole thing I want to desperately play this but my Samsung is apparently to old to play it and my new cell is a droid and not compatible either (app store on both say not compatible) then my tablet is a droid also BUT I WAS ABLE TO DOWNLOAD IT ON THE TABLET but I can open the game select a trainer hit submit after designing the trainer and then POOF app closed that is as far as I am allowed to play it ;( I opened app again it makes me redo the trainer and then close again I am so sad that I can't play because I am out and about A LOT so I would be great at catching them >.<

Bearzy 07-10-2016 04:24 AM

That is frustrating as heck Gizzie! I just hit level seven today, and I caught a Ghastly and a Clefairy this afternoon.

midgetGoddess 07-10-2016 04:50 AM

I wonder if we'll ever get an option to trade somehow. Especially considering pokemon are generated based on your geographical area. It really is difficult to get grassy and aquatic pokemon in the middle of a desert.

Bearzy 07-10-2016 04:57 AM

Yeah I can't really get fire type because I'm by the ocean.

MercyGrim96 07-10-2016 10:22 PM

I caught a bunch of water types while I was near a lake selling art an art show today. Got myself a goldeen, and a dratini, and a staryu. I'm pleased. (I've also caught a bunch of others, but was really concerns me is that onna my highest CP pokemon is freak psyduck, like what's up with that?)

Shadowfflur 07-11-2016 02:43 AM

Hatched my first egg today and it was a Pikachu!!! It was only a 2 km too. DH was totally jealous. XD

RinLin 07-11-2016 10:11 AM

I need to charge my power bank for this! :D

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