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Aimless.Wanderer 02-03-2011 12:15 AM

Naruto Group Roleplay! Now Accepting!
Hey everyone! You probably know me from a couple of forums and stuff, but anyway, I'm planning a group RP (Naruto of course) ;). I'm waiting for a couple of replies on my RP request thread, so here's a jist of what its all about:

Its been 15 years since the Akatsuki have been defeated and the demons were 'extermianted' from the ninja world. Naruto is the only Jinchuriki that had survived, having the Nine-Tails taken out of him. He is now the new Hokage, and everything was going well untill a new threat loomed over the ninja world; a new demon that attacked the neighboring sand. The demon destroyed parts of the nation, and only a couple of the ninjas remained, including the Kazakage Gaara and his siblings. The Hokage now sped up the rate that shinobi were trained, fearing that the demon might attack Konohagure and destroy its peace like the Sand. Naruto and his team now reunite after 15 years to train these new young shinobi and lead teams of their own.

Like I said, this is only a foretaste of what I'm planning, so I will edit some things here and there. You will find more details at my RP request thread 'Anyone wanna roleplay?' =3 I am still accepting profiles, but please PLEASE PM me of your character before you put it on the RP thread, just so I know what you are posting. I have some openings for the original Naruto characters and some made-up characters that you have been just DYING to use (I know I have some ;) ) So the profile skeleton is here (only for MADE-UP characters, please!!) I know some people looked on this and saw the deadline, but there really wasn't a deadline. I was only doing that to get the RP started! So please do send in a profile and join in on the fun!! Here's the profile skeleton

If you want to make up you own characters, then please fill out and post this form on the thread:
Physical Description:
Nation/Village (don't make up the names, they must be actual villages):
Picture (optional):

So yeah if you want to join in now, it isn't too late!! Things are only starting to get good, so get those characters in ASAP!! <3 Kiko

happydeath 02-03-2011 07:37 AM

((Hmmm....sounds gwood to me. O.O I'd love to join, thing ish..if me gets to play as either Sasuke or Naruto. I'll play as one of them, but not both of course. :lol: ))

Aimless.Wanderer 02-03-2011 03:41 PM

ok thats great!! Or if want to you can make up a character on your team :D if you have already chosen which one you want to RP

finx15 02-03-2011 03:43 PM

I will be sakura and make a new person. If thats ok.

Aimless.Wanderer 02-03-2011 04:13 PM

thats great!! I might add on some new characters and probably all the Konoha shinobi, like Hinata, Neji, Lee, etc. Of course, they will be leading their own teams, so feel free to create some characters. I've already got mine in mind :P Like I said, this is only the jist of it, and the more complete version is on the RP request thread 'Anyone wanna roleplay?' so you can check that also. ;)

Aimless.Wanderer 02-04-2011 11:23 PM

Ok so I'm pretty much assuming thats it. So I'm going to be posting a deadline for the applications, They are due on February 15, the day after Valentine's Day, so people that really want to roleplay, I am willing to accept them by then. Otherwise there are NO EXCEPTIONS!! So I am closing off rite now. Later!!

Zetsumei Bara. 02-05-2011 02:36 PM

Is there a profile skeleton?

Aimless.Wanderer 02-05-2011 02:50 PM

yes there is its on the RP request thread 'Anyone wanna roleplay?'. I'll paste it on here later for easier access sorry for the inconvenience ^^'

Zetsumei Bara. 02-05-2011 02:51 PM

Oh, it's fine! I was just wondering.[:
This seems pretty interesting.[:

Aimless.Wanderer 02-05-2011 05:11 PM

lolz I'll just post it on here so people dont get confused. I've already go one message for the characters, so please please hurry and send the applications, here it is!!

If you want to make up you own characters, then please fill out and post this form on the thread:
Physical Description:
Nation/Village (don't make up the names, they must be actual villages):
Picture (optional):

Note: DON'T do this for characters that are already in the story, like Naruto, Sakura, etc. I already know their life story :P


This is my character for the story:

Name: Harumi Uchiha
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Physical Description: long wavy dark black hair, dark bluish-puple eyes, fair skin, 5'6, 110 pounds. She wears her shinobi headband like Sakura.

Personality: Unlike her uncle, Sasuke, she is very upbeat and open to others. She can get cocky and have a smart mouth, causing her to get into some undesirable situations. There are also times where is very caring and listens to what others have to say. She is and orphan, but she doesn't take that for granted. She is very smart, and she was born with the Mangekyo sharingan, which is very rare. She doesn't use the Sharingan often, though, because she mastered almost all of her clans techniques at an early age. She has fire chakra, like most of her clan does, and she is now a Genin. Her favorite foods are ramen and sweets, and she has a weakness for plushies. When she gets angry, she tries to stay calm, but it fails. She has gotten into some fights before and beat up some boys. This causes some boys to fear her. She is usually seen as a tomboy by her class, and has many friends.

Nation/Village: Konoha a.k.a Leaf Village

Zetsumei Bara. 02-06-2011 04:31 AM

Can I make a girl have a crush on Naruto-kun, to make it interesting?[;

Aimless.Wanderer 02-06-2011 04:34 AM

Its doesn't matter to me :D

Aimless.Wanderer 02-08-2011 02:21 AM

Ok people I don't want to sound like a broken record, but the applications are due on the 15th of February!! I really want some more people to join in the RP! So please please hurry and submit them if you want to RP becuase after that there will be no more applications I will be accepting :P so hurry and submit them!

Phoenix of the Immortal 02-16-2011 04:21 AM

This sounds it possible for me to join in?

Aimless.Wanderer 02-19-2011 02:18 AM

yesh but plz send the application asap!! Actually its about time for me to start so... LETS START!!! :P (feel free to hop in when you want to)

Harumi woke up to the sound of her alarm clock. Stupid alarm, she thought, wonder what time it woke me up at? She checked her clock and her jaw hit the floor. It said 8:45, and she had to be at the academy by 9:15. OH SHIT I"M GOING TO BE LATE!!!! she shouted, scrambling out of bed and into her clothes. As she was hurriedly brushing her teeth, she got a cell phone call from Aiko, her best friend. She picked it up and answered.
"Goddangit Harumi! Where are you? I've been waiting for you for 15 minutes."
"Sorry Ai, long story, I'll tell you later. Love you no homo."
She hung up and tied the shinobi headband around her head, brushed her hair, and sprinted out the door like a maniac. She checked her watch. 9:00. Shoot, Ai-chan is going to leave me stranded, she thought. She crashed into a tall, scary looking jonin. He had a headband with a symbol on it, but she couldn't tell where he was from. She got up, and quickly said "Sorry, sir." and sprinted all the way to her and Aiko's rendevouz point.

Zetsumei Bara. 02-19-2011 04:59 PM

[[To make things easier, I am going to make it around the Chu-Nin Exam time for the kids, and the Jounin you bumped into, my character.]]

Chi-chan walked around the academy. She hated it. All the small children she had to talk to about the "Rules of the Chu-Nin Exams." She didn't hate the kids, she could never hate kids. After all, she was one. Chi-chan, real name Ai, graduated from the Academy at eleven years old. She became an official Jounin at age thirteen. She remembered meeting Naruto, when she was fifteen, after transferring to Konohagakure. It was love at first sight, for her at least. She never shows it, only getting a huge blush when -thinking- about him. She shook her head quickly, staring at the clock. '9:03...' she groaned. She only had twelve more minutes of free time, then three hours of explaining.

Yasu stared at the girl, watching her fall. "Manners would be nice," he called out to her as she ran away. He was going up to see the Hokage, to talk to him about this one trouble-maker in someone's class. Yawning as he walked, he watched all the kids running towards the academy. Yasu wasn't a part of this village, but everyone knew of Yasushi-sensei. They avoided him, at all costs. He was here every year for the Exams, and he actually had the duty of transforming into giant beetles, and other people, even, battling the powerful students that need a good challenge. He made his way up to the Hokage's office, and knocked loudly.

Phoenix of the Immortal 02-19-2011 05:14 PM

Hanako was surprised that her sensei had nominated their team for the Chunin Exams so early in their career...she didn't think she was ready, but apparently their sensei, Hyuuga Neji, thought otherwise. She was glad that she got a strict sensei...but she wasn't sure how her teammates would fare in the Exams...she would just have to wait and see.

happydeath 02-19-2011 07:10 PM

Sasuke at this point was actually in his home, within the leaf village once more. Throughout most of his life he had been searching for revenge on his brother's true reason of death; Most of his team that was meant to destroy Konoha had separated due to the fact that they had knew how serious Sasuke was about getting revenge, so much that he had nearly killed one of his own members in his team just to finish off an enemy. After so long of trying to get revenge, when Sasuke had ended up clashing with Naruto; everything changed from hearing the words that Naruto spoke to him and finally figuring out that he had the same type of pain of losing his only parents when he was still so young. For some time, Sasuke had to endure staying in a prison since he had betrayed Konoha in his earlier years and joined the Akatsuki to try to get revenge easier. Now, that he was out of jail and once again a member of the Village Hidden In the Leaves, he was now a Jonin himself though, he didn't get his own team just yet since the hokage hadn't set him up with one just yet.

Aimless.Wanderer 02-20-2011 08:59 PM

"AI-CHAN!!!!" Harumi hollered from the other side of the street.
"Haru-chan?! Geez, I was about to leave you stranded when you came. So did you see the wierd guy?"
"Which one? There are too many."
Aiko leaned in and looked both ways and whispered quietly "Yasushi-sensei". Harumi remembered the scary looking Jonin that she collided with on the street earlier. "Oh yeeah, I collided with him a while ago. He doesn't seem that bad..."
"I heard that he was judging for the Chunin exam today. You nervous?"
Harumi grinned "Are you kidding? I've been waiting for this for my whole life. Oh, and I saw Uncle Sasuke yesterday after school, he's doing good after he came back from prison."
Aiko was looking at her skeptically "Shouldn't you have a grudge on him? He was like, gone for most of your life, Harumi."
"Nah, I don't have the time for that crap. Oh look we're here. Oh my gosh, its Chi-chan!"
Harumi ran up to Chi-chan. She was from the Hidden Mist village, but Harumi didn't believe that because she was so kind-hearted.
"Chi-chan! I haven't seen you in forever!! Where did you go??"
Chi-chan smiled and said, "I was on a very important mission. I'll tell you later, its almost time for me to explain the Chunin Exams."
"Okay, I'll se you later. Bye!" Harumi waved goodbye and joined her other classmates to be selected for the Chunin Exams. She saw the Hokage and the scary Jonin talking together about something. She heard her name mentioned and someone named "Jun". Harumi had no idea who that was, unless it was the cute boy that moved in a while ago and sat next to her in class. It was the first time in her life that she had a crush on someone, and she had no idea it would be so nerve-wracking. But she couldn't think about that now. Akira, her little puma kitten that she summoned yesterday would be a good battle companion for her. She was fierce, but was gentle at the same time. Chi-chan walked in, and everyone took their seats. It was time for the Chunin Exams to begin.

Phoenix of the Immortal 02-20-2011 10:09 PM

Hanako smiled lightly as she saw the two friends come into the classroom where the Chunin Exams were to be held. She wanted to give them a quick word of accomplishment as well as good luck. Even though she didn't know them as well as she liked, they were still Konoha kunoichi and as such, deserved at least that much. Taking her seat when the Jounin walked in, she locked both eyes onto the instructor standing in the middle of the room, awaiting instructions for the first portion of the exam.

I'll make you proud of me...okaa-san

Zetsumei Bara. 02-21-2011 12:38 AM

[[Azn; Please do not control my characters. God-modding is one of those things I really. REALLY hate.[: Not trying to be rude...It's just the truth. ]]

Chi stood there and smiled, shooing them away. Just a few more minutes, and she'd be explaining for hours. Looking over, she saw Yasushi and Naruto.




'NARUTO?!' she gasped, then turned away from the two men, waiting for them to walk away. Clicking her tongue, she beckoned her white owl over, Mitsuri, and whispered in her ear, "Tell Sasuke to get his butt here to help me." Giggling, Chi walked to the window, and set her owl away. "Where is everyone?" she asked, looking around. She saw Aiko, and Harumi, and Hanako. She sighed and sat on the edge of her desk. Sasuke was supposed to be there, but something might have been holding him up? 'Oh well...'

Yasu and Naruto walked about, peering into each classroom. "Sir, you know it will not be my fault if I injure the helpless creatures," Yasu explained, causing Naruto to laugh. They walked through the halls, and then Yasu set off to his own class. They were all there, five minutes early, so for a few minutes, he had them practice their own special jutsu. Yasu's was transforming, and controlling, much like Shikamaru Nara's, but he didn't use shadows. He just used a flick of his mere wrist. A minute before he was about to explain, Naruto walked back in, just like Yasu thought, and sat down in the back, waiting to inspect.

[[CAN SOMEONE PLEASE BE NARUTO. Someone that can actually RP him -correctly.- :D ]]

Phoenix of the Immortal 02-21-2011 01:24 AM

[[I can try playing as Naruto, but I'm not sure exactly how you want him portrayed]]

finx15 02-21-2011 01:27 AM

((I miss anything good?))

Zetsumei Bara. 02-21-2011 01:29 AM

[[Just make him like he is in the anime. xD And, finx, not really. The kids are meeting up in their classrooms, awaiting information about the Chu-Nin Exams.]]

happydeath 02-21-2011 01:35 AM

As Sasuke stayed in his room alone in his own home, he had felt as though throughout his entire time in his home and remembering all the old times he had when he was searching for revenge; that there was something he should've been doing this whole time. Shrugging off the thought he continued to relax on his bed for a few more minutes as he suddenly heard a knocking at his window. Sitting up, he glanced over at the window only to see an owl that had a message wrapped around it's leg. Tilting his head in curiosity, Sasuke stood up and approached the window; opening it up and taking the note; he read it thoroughly finally figuring out that he was actually supposed to be at the academy today since it was almost time for the Chunin exam. Nodding, he sent the owl back with a message telling whoever sent it that he would be on his way as soon as possible. Right as soon as the owl went on it's way, he rushed himself to get dressed into his usual black outfit as he than ran into the front entrance putting on his bluish sandles that every ninja seemed to wear whether they were a genin or jounin. After putting all that on, he looked back around his house before noticing he had forgotten his own jonin jacket than slipped that right on real quick. Once he was all dressed up, he hurried out of his house, sprinting his way through town till he finally reached the academy. Since Sasuke was such a bad person for so long, he didn't really have many friends with the community just yet so it didn't really take him that long to make it. Once reaching the academy, he began to pant a little heavily as he walked right on through the doorway, only to see that Naruto had just suddenly walk through a door that lead into another classroom. "Naruto...hmm, who would've thought that clumsy idiot..would truly become hokage one of these days."

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