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Eldweena 10-01-2017 01:27 PM

Does anyone else enjoy writing prompts to get their creative juices flowing?

I think they can be a lot of fun. I subscribe to Reedsy, which sends you a weekly prompt list by email. And they hold weekly contests so if you submit your prompt response you have a chance to win $50 and be published in their magazine.

You can find prompt apps for your phone, too! I've tried a few but didn't find one I really liked. My favorite was very repetitive because it didn't have much of a prompt bank but the interface was nice.

I have dozens of prompt books, too. "Writers' Book of Matches" is a neat one. The prompts are unique, but they're so detailed they're basically giving you a full plot so it's hard to think outside of the box. Some prompt books are picture/photo books, too, not just text!

Kat Dakuu 10-02-2017 06:55 PM

I have an app called 'creative writing' I'm pretty sure that has a few things. The generators for situation and character can have their uses, but it doesn't really do prompts. I've used a few sites and generators, but I have enough ideas without finding more usually. XD

I know quote a few prompt type things that I learned in some creative writing classes like using random pictures, or writing character information on slips of paper and having the whole class pick at random. Basically a homemade generator, just with people you know making the prompts. Usually I just let prompts come to me rather than look for them.

I may look into this Reedsy thing though.

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