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PrincessKasumi 01-10-2013 12:37 AM

[Yaoi|Yuri] Lanchester Academy [Closed]
This is our life...


This is Lancaster academy, a perfectly normal school for perfectly normal people. Or at least that's what they think....except the ones that aren't normal. The school houses both normal and special people, those who have some sort of power or other. No one knows they exist, even the others with special powers. Just what will happen to this group of students?


1.) Obey the TOS Rules
2.) This is a semi-lit RP, so at least one hefty paragraph, no text talk. Be descriptive, use " " for speaking. No **'s for actions, actually type out what your character is doing. EX: She walked down the hall to see her friends. "Hey guys!" she said excitedly.
3.) Romance is allowed, no cybering! Keep it PG-13 or take it to the PM's.
4.) No God-moding.
5.) If you are going to be gone for a while, please let us know. It's not fun if you have to wait around for one person to post.
6.) Cursing is allowed, keep it at a minimum. Don't do it every other word.
7.) Fighting is allowed but no killing, unless you have the person consent and you tell me first.

Note: This is a Yaoi/Yuri RP so be warned for those of you who don't like it.

Send profiles to me, thanks!


[CENTER][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="6"]User Behind the Scenes[/ SIZE][/ FONT][/ COLOR]
[insert username]
[COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][SIZE="4"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Reflection in the Mirror...[/ FONT][/ SIZE][/ COLOR]
[insert picture]
[COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][SIZE="4"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I Often Hear...[/ FONT][/ SIZE][/ COLOR]
[insert character name]
[COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][SIZE="4"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I've Seen This Many Candles...[/ FONT][/ SIZE][/ COLOR]
[insert age]
[COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][SIZE="4"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]My Eyes, My Heart is for...[/ FONT][/ SIZE][/ COLOR]
[insert your sexual orientation]
[COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][SIZE="4"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]This Is My Story...[/ FONT][/ SIZE][/ COLOR]
[insert bio]
[color=darkslateblue][size=4][font=comic sans ms]Power?[/ font][/ size][/ color][/ CENTER]
[insert power]

PrincessKasumi 01-10-2013 12:38 AM

Attention people who were interested! :)

Kat Dakuu
~*~ Daisy ~*~ Doodle ~*~

PrincessKasumi 01-17-2013 11:41 PM



User Behind the Scenes
Reflection in the Mirror...
I Often Hear...
Sven Nixon
I've Seen This Many Candles...
My Eyes, My Heart is for...
This Is My Story...
I have a pretty average life you could say, I have my mom, dad and my older brother, oh and the cat. My dad works for a national airline and my mom works for the local police department. My brother is in his sophomore year at collage so he's not home too often so normally it's my parents and me at home. My time at school has been pretty good you could say, I have a good set of friends, my grades are good, B's in everything except an A in art. My brother was the same really but he did football instead, he's given up on that now though. See I'm like any other guy that you may see walking down the street except for one thing. I'm gay. Yep, that's right, I'd rather be with a guy then girl. Not many people know this though. My brother is the only member of my family that knows though, and he's totally cool with it, but because he's never here it's like nobody really knows it. It's funny really because he always want's to talk to me about it when he's home, he supports me with it and all, but he just doesn't want to see anything that's all. If mom and dad knew they'd shit a brick so to speak so I'll be keeping that under wraps for now.


Originally Posted by Kat Dakuu
User Behind the Scenes
Kat Dakuu
Reflection in the Mirror...
I Often Hear...
Josiah Feyn
I've Seen This Many Candles...
My Eyes, My Heart is for...
This Is My Story...
I’m not always the nicest guy, but I don’t do it on purpose. I’ve pretty much always known I’m gay, but I’m not one to publicly date. My parents are religious and I try hard to be as well, but I figure it’s a doomed hope already. I’d never tell them I’ve dated guys before. I have no siblings and my parents both work, so it’s easy enough to keep secrets. Around school, I’m the popular, cold and distant one with straight A’s despite not giving a fuck about school. Sometimes I don’t know if that’s the image I show to others, or the real me.


Originally Posted by Kiyoto
User Behind the Scenes
Reflection in the Mirror...
I Often Hear...
Byren Desmond
I've Seen This Many Candles...
My Eyes, My Heart is for...
This Is My Story...
Byren was an orphan growing up. He never knew his parents, and bounced around from home to home. People never seemed to want him, because he gave them an eerie feeling, and strange things were always happening around him. No one knew why, but it scared them. Even though he kept moving around, he remained a straight A+ student in school, and always showed a lot of potential. He knew he was different then everyone, and never felt the connection to other people or beings. He was a quiet kid around most people, and everyone always made remarks about his moonlight silver eyes. They used to say that him looking at them creeped them out, cause it was like he was looking into their very soul, at all their sins and being.

Growing up, Byren would sit in the darkness of his room for hours and seemingly talk to himself. No one knew why, or what he was doing, this was part of the reason why it frightened them. He would say things that happened and about people that no one else knew, and that he normally shouldn't possibly know. When asked how he did know them, he would reply "The dark ones told me." It wouldn't be long after that he was sent away. At the age of five, he began seeing a psychologist that was supposed to help with his seemingly unstable mind. The doctor diagnosed it as a way for him to cope with being an orphan, and moving around a lot to the point where he had practically no one. He said it was a show of his fear to get close to people, and his attempt to drive them away. He perscribed medication, and continued to see Byren.

Over the next few years, the incidents lessened and lessened due to the drugs he was being perscribed, and his doctor trying to convince it was all in his head. Before, there had been instances of things moving around in the houses, or odd sounds, and even feelings of being watched. Byren would tell them again it was the dark ones, but the doctor came to convince him and his guardians that the things going on that could not be explained before were really him, and an attempt to reach out and get attention. He lost the will to do much, and seemed to move through life for awhile as nothing more then a zombie, going through the motions. It wasn't until he was thirteen, that he discovered there was more to all of what was going on then he had ever imagined.

He was adopted by a man name Ellis Desmond, who began to teach him about his powers, and about the world outside of the things he had ever known. Byren began to reconnect with the world and people, as well as gain a better understanding of it as well. Ellis Desmond was a very rich and powerful man, and since he never had an heir, Byren became it. When his adoptive father died when Byren was fifteen, he inherited everything, the money, estate, everything. He also inherited his buisiness, which helped others like Byren behind the scenes, but was also a multibillion tecnological company. Byren began attending the school after deciding to come back out of being tutored at the home. He had talked to Lord Desmond about it, but had never really gotten into it. In honor of his adoptive father, he decided to give schools a chance.
Darkness Manipulation


Originally Posted by Kat Dakuu
User Behind the Scenes
Kat Dakuu
Reflection in the Mirror...
I Often Hear...
Misty Julson
I've Seen This Many Candles...
My Eyes, My Heart is for...
Open- currently experimenting
This Is My Story...
Misty is a freshman that just moved to the city. she has a happy family and no siblings, nothing really to make her stand apart from others except a slight air of country girl about her- boots, plaid, braids. Her passion is music. She has dated only once before and after breaking up with him, she doesn't know how she feels about the experience.
Misty has hyper sensitivity to detail. She’ll notice things like when something has been moved, if a singer goes a little off key, or what the dry erase board said before it was poorly erased.

User Behind the Scenes
Reflection in the Mirror...
I Often Hear...
Alice Linden
I've Seen This Many Candles...
My Eyes, My Heart is for...
Everyone :]
This Is My Story...
Alice lives in a family of four, shes your basic rich girl. Without out the snobby I think I'm better and prettier then thou attitude. She's not as selfish as others think she is and she may come off as spoiled even though she technically is.. she doesn't act like it. But despite this more than half her friends, aren't really her friends. They're just there partly to mooch off of her and make her miserable. With this is mind, it was hard for her to find someone who liked her for her. Eventually she transferred to Lanchester Academy to start anew.



Originally Posted by blueblackrose
User Behind the Scenes
Reflection in the Mirror...
I Often Hear...
Tabea Klein
I've Seen This Many Candles...
My Eyes, My Heart is for...
My dear, this heart of mine does not discriminate.
This Is My Story...
My parents and I live with my mom’s parents. I get along with my grandparents pretty well and I’m their favorite grandchild, lol. I could listen to my grandfather’s stories about when he was growing up all day. I was always my dad’s little girl. As for my mom, her and I have never really gotten along. That’s beside the point I guess. For the most part I’m just a normal girl from a lower middle class family. I can’t stand people that think they are better than everyone else. I don’t really have any close friends and I try not to let people get too close because it just causes problems. Besides who would want to be try trusting people when you’ve been called evil and other things before? Personally I really don’t care how others see me. If they can’t accept me for who I am I’m not able to pretend to be someone that I’m not just to get them to accept me.
Powers you ask? Well I guess it would be ok to share this with you unless you’re going to make fun of me. Anyway where to start? I guess I will start with the fact that I am able to transfer energy in the form of heat which I’m still working on being able to control this. I am also able to heal and take away people’s pain by transferring my energy to them. Of course doing this comes with a price. When I heal or take away pain while I transfer energy to the person their pain and/or injury transfer to me. I have control over this ability except for family or people that I’m very close to. When they get hurt I sometimes end up with the pain and/or injury myself even if I’m nowhere close to them or I can unconsciously take away their pain if I’m near them. Due to this I have passed out from either transferring too much energy or because the person’s pain was too much for me.

Let’s see what else is there? Oh, I can sense spirits and usually hear them. I also sometimes see them as well. There are times that I have dreams or visions of the future, but they aren’t totally accurate. I have sensitive hearing, which is probably my body’s way of making up for my poor eyesight. Umm, is there anything else to tell you…well I don’t know if it’s related to my gifts/curse or not, but more than anything I hate to get angry. I can’t tell you why. I just hate it and I’m afraid to get too upset or angry. How to explain…I dunno I just feel like something really bad is going to happen if I get really angry or upset and that I might hurt someone. Well that should be everything. I guess I’m just a really strange human, huh?

PrincessKasumi 02-16-2013 08:46 PM

Open!! :D

Grumman_Goose 02-16-2013 09:33 PM

Sven stepped off of the bus waiting to start his Junior year, he repositioned his bag on his shoulder and walked towards the entrance of the school. He had packed the night before so he wasn’t in a mad dash this morning, he wasn’t a golden student, he just like to be organised and on time. Soon he would be able to drive to school, but he needed to convince his dad that he needed a car, he had one picked out, and he had the money for it, he just needed his dad to let him have it. He walked across the walkway surrounded by freshly cut lawns still moist from being watered by the sprinklers. Despite it being the end of summer it was quite cloudy today even though for the last few days there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Sven didn’t think anything of it and just shrugged his shoulders, he knew that it would be a bit colder today, but it wouldn’t be that noticeable, he was glad that he put an extra layer on, just to keep him that little bit warmer, he walked across the pavement hearing various conversations from all the different groups of people talking about their summer. He enjoyed hearing the snippets as he made his way, hearing the many different perspectives that people had experienced their summer, some travelled, some stayed at home, some worked their way through the summer, Sven spent his just enjoying the weather, photographing scenes only to paint them later on, chilling with his brother and just enjoying the freedom that he was granted. He couldn't wait to hear what his friends had done with their summer, he stopped and looked around for them.

Kat Dakuu 02-21-2013 11:38 PM

Misty woke up too early as usual. She never could wait for her alarm, especially on the first day of school. The extra time wasn't an issue really and though she could hardly sit still with excitement, she braided her hair and did a dash of makeup. The majority of her morning was devoted to figuring out just what to wear. really, what did high schoolers wear? It wouldn't be this bad if she weren't a freshman and new to the city at that. Her family had moved to the area only a couple months before. Misty had failed to make friends in that time. Her mom said it would be easy once school started, but she was as nervous as excited about that. Finally she settled on a a plaid ribbony t-shirt with a sweater type jacket, jeans, and her usual boots. Despite all her worrying, she ended up putting on her usual wardrobe.

Misty was twitchy the entire time on the bus. When she finally arrived at the school, she found herself standing on the damp grass just standing and staring. The whole place was bigger than she expected and she didn't even know which direction to walk first. She wanted to explore, but she also wanted to hurry and get to her class.

blueblackrose 02-22-2013 12:12 AM

Tabea yawned, watching the scenery pass by as she rode the bus. Like usual she sat in a sit by herself, not paying attention to those around her. In her opinion things were too noisy with people happily chatting about what they did over the summer or already starting to get into fights. When the bus arrived at the school she was thankful. At least now she could get away from the noise and hopefully find some peace and quiet before class began. Just stay invisible and this year will go by just as quickly as the last two, she thought to herself as she exited the bus.

This was Tabea’s Junior year, which she found a little amusing since she had just turned 16 a few weeks prior, making her one of the youngest in her class. Even with it being her Junior year she had little hope of things changing or anything exciting happening to her. The girl paused in the grass and looked to the sky, her thoughts shifting to more trivial matters, like how the cloudy weather was nice and it would be even better if it was storming or at the very least raining. She smiled to herself, adjusting her messenger bag. Should I go on to class or stick around out here for a bit?

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