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maidenroseheart 07-06-2014 05:43 PM

Art Contest: Red, White, and Blue
Hello fellow Menewshians. Ready to get your art on? Time for another maidenroseheart art contest! I have a beautiful picture of a very random person. You are going to take this picture and turn her into... dun dun dun... a superhero!

Not just any superhero. Notice in her hair, there are ribbons that are red, white, and blue. That is the theme! I live in the USA and July 4th just occurred which is a very popular day here. Lots of picnics, fireworks, and general having a good time. So take this very random person and turn her into a patriotic superhero!

Deadline: December 15, 2014
Prizes: I have a prize pool of both commons, EIs, and CIs. I will update information on what is available soon.
Winners: There will be a first, second, and third place. All participants will receive a prize. I will reward very handsomely those who do a very good job.

Details: Place the name "Mindy" somewhere on the picture.

Strike a pose of some sort, preferably action. Superheros don't just stand there looking at their nails.

I'm a huge anime fan and history fan. Extra points for scenery that is familiar (Fairy Tail anyone) and recognizable (Statue of Liberty perhaps?).

Even though this is art, I do have one some requirement. Don't make this rated PG-13 or higher. Some decency required. This also means no over-sized boobs.or butt.

Here is the picture. If you have questions, feel free to ask.

maidenroseheart 07-06-2014 05:45 PM





maidenroseheart 07-06-2014 05:46 PM

Answered Questions

Q: What is Mindy's colors?
A: Red, White, and Blue. Please use all three.

Q: What backgrounds might you like?
A: Fairy Tail (yes, it is spelled correctly), InuYasha, Special A, Macross Frontier, Mermaid Melody, Princess Tutu, Pretear, and Vampire Knight are all anime I love. Death Note is also loved... minus the scary looking death god. NCIS, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, and X-Men Evolution are good shows with some decent backgrounds too.

Q: What powers does Mindy want?
A: That is up to you.

Q: How many entries can I make?
A: As many as you want. However only one entry can receive a first, second, or third place prize.

CosmicFoxKitty 07-09-2014 12:39 AM

I shall chat in here. Hopefully I will get a piece done tonight. I forgot to ask if the entries are limited?

maidenroseheart 07-09-2014 12:42 AM

They are unlimited. However only one piece can win.

CosmicFoxKitty 07-09-2014 12:51 AM

That's understandable :)
How are you?

maidenroseheart 07-09-2014 01:10 AM

A bit stressed. Online class is kicking my butt pretty hard. My teacher doesn't seem to realize that I have a 4-year degree and am no some new kid fresh out of high school. But whatever, it is what it is and really all you can do is shrug it off and keep going.

How about yourself? I like your avatar.

CosmicFoxKitty 07-09-2014 01:15 AM

That would frusterate the crap out of me. I hate when people act like that. I get the same a lot of the tiime... but it might also be because I look like I'm 16 instead of 20 :/

I'm okay I suppose... scared for thursday and friday, I have class all by myself. (I'm a daycare worker.)

Edit; My entry

Well the first I might make more

maidenroseheart 07-09-2014 03:39 AM

What an adorable entry!

CosmicFoxKitty 07-09-2014 11:35 AM

Thank you :) I tried different backgrounds but I couldn't find one that fit :/

maidenroseheart 07-09-2014 04:16 PM

And that is okay :)

CosmicFoxKitty 07-09-2014 07:25 PM

I might enter more but I've been busy with work lately.... I have to be in tomorrow and friday from 7:30 to 5:30 :/

maidenroseheart 07-10-2014 12:52 AM

There is plenty of time. I think I set the due date for December sometime because many artists like to have space to work.

CosmicFoxKitty 07-10-2014 01:11 AM

My art contest is set for Christmas day I believe... is that weird?

maidenroseheart 07-10-2014 01:18 AM

Not really, it is towards the end of the year and makes a good stopping point.

CosmicFoxKitty 07-10-2014 01:33 AM

Yea, I suppose you're right :)

maidenroseheart 07-28-2014 10:39 PM

Just a reminder that I do have some pretty awesome prizes. I tend to collect EIs and CIs as prizes. If I don't, then I use goldies.

CosmicFoxKitty 07-28-2014 10:43 PM

I don't know why more people aren't entering

maidenroseheart 07-28-2014 11:22 PM

It is a little disheartening. I know that there are those who actively check. I can update my signature, but I liked it the way it was.

CosmicFoxKitty 07-28-2014 11:57 PM

Hahaha, it's up to you. I barely got entries for my contest until a while after I started it.

maidenroseheart 07-29-2014 04:51 PM

Love your avatar. Are you cosplay Maleficent?

CosmicFoxKitty 07-29-2014 11:35 PM

Not my intention honestly, just something I came up with xD
Thank you though, I'm glad it looks cool enough to be compared to her.

maidenroseheart 07-30-2014 02:57 PM

lol well she did have her wings cut off which I figured that the blood wings represented ^_^ And then you got the black and the horns.

CosmicFoxKitty 07-30-2014 11:54 PM

Ahhh, yes, I could see that.
*le blush*

maidenroseheart 07-31-2014 04:24 PM

I think it is party time for the coming wedding. Going to change my own avatar to suit :)

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