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keres corvax 04-09-2012 01:20 AM

Winners have been chossen
Charity thread.

Pages Now that you have to get to:
first on page 8 gets the pink-blue egg
first on page 12 gets an egg of there choice from the event

I bought two of the blue-pink eggs by accident.
So I am giving away one, to the first person who post on page 8 in this thread.

and, I am also going to give away one more egg of your chose on page 12 to the first poster(This will give me enough time to come up with the tokens :D)

So post away everyone :) tell me how your day has been

hummy 04-09-2012 02:03 AM

good luck!

keres corvax 04-09-2012 02:05 AM

Thank you ^.^ I already have enough to get that egg of choice now :)

and thank you for pushing my post up as well :)

hummy 04-09-2012 02:06 AM

you're welcome.

keres corvax 04-09-2012 02:08 AM

:) I hope people come in and chat so i can give these away :)

hummy 04-09-2012 02:10 AM

they will.

keres corvax 04-09-2012 02:11 AM

Yeah, just a matter for time :D

hummy 04-09-2012 02:12 AM

want me to ping people?

keres corvax 04-09-2012 02:15 AM

Sure :) if you'd like to. and what is a ping? sorry new to the term

hummy 04-09-2012 02:17 AM

Damia Flagg:

you use the @ hummy; with no spaces.

keres corvax 04-09-2012 02:20 AM

so is a ping, the same thing as a tag?


hummy 04-09-2012 02:21 AM

it's like a pm that lets a person know you are wanting them to come to your thread.
Jeannesha:~~wanna post with us?

keres corvax 04-09-2012 02:21 AM

woo, i got it to work this time :)

by the way, that's an awesome thing, the ping feature

hummy 04-09-2012 02:22 AM

it is, isn't it?

Venya 04-09-2012 02:25 AM

Hey people I made it!! Thanks for the link I'll try to talk here if I can as well as the post I made.

Jeannesha 04-09-2012 02:26 AM

Yea, sure...thank, hummy!

I has been pinged!

keres corvax 04-09-2012 02:26 AM

Welcome Venya :) Your most welcome, and I'll help by posting in your thread as well.

welcome jeannesha, :D you has been pined :D

KilalaBlue: would you like to come chat with us and maybe win an egg?

Jeannesha 04-09-2012 02:29 AM

I'm happy to chat!

I don't care about winning an egg...

hummy 04-09-2012 02:30 AM

thanks, Jeannie.

keres corvax 04-09-2012 02:31 AM

:) thank you Jeannesha, and I will keep that in mind :) how has your easter been going.

hummy 04-09-2012 02:32 AM

PapillonCameo:~~wanna chat with us?

PapillonCameo 04-09-2012 02:33 AM

Sure, why not? haha

Jeannesha 04-09-2012 02:33 AM

Slow and quiet.
I've spent most time online I guess...

PapillonCameo 04-09-2012 02:34 AM

hehe Hi again Jean!

How's it going everyone?

keres corvax 04-09-2012 02:35 AM

welcome Papillon, how has your easter day been going??

@Jeannesha - yeah, I've had holidays like that. it was slow here for the most part too, except for like 3 hours it was crazy with lots of people here. now it's nice and quite again.

Other than my soar throat, pretty darn good :)

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