Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   -   Skull & Bones with Utopia & Inspiration:Raffles!Awesome Prizes! and MORE pirzes!! (

Inspiration 08-25-2017 03:14 AM

Skull & Bones with Utopia & Inspiration:Raffles!Awesome Prizes! and MORE pirzes!!

Inspiration 08-25-2017 03:15 AM
The Gravedigger

The gravedigger is looking for skulls and offering prizes to those that find some and turn them in. Complete a task for Utopia and you get a bonus chance here. Which grave to bury the skulls in though hmmmm? Which one shall it be? Limited space in each grave though so you best be fast if a particular grave looks... appealing to you.

  • Complete 5 skulls for Utopia OR
  • Post 50 times in the thread

HTML Code:

[B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][size=5]I want to bury my skulls![/size][/COLOR][size=5][/size][/B][size=5][/size]
[B]Task Completed:[/B]
[B]Grave Number:[/B]
Ping me!

I want to bury my skulls!
Username: Shadami
Task Completed: Thread set up
Grave Number: 10

Grave 3 - Dragoness129
Grave 4 - *hime*
grave 7 - *hime*
Grave 8 - Dragoness129

Utopia 09-05-2017 08:24 AM
Utopia's Crypt

Posting Contest
You must have 100 posts in this thread by the end of the event to qualify for the following prizes.
Warning: Please be aware that trades are not working properly for some, so prizes may be delayed. Nevertheless, you will get your items, once everything is back up and running efficiently again. Thank you.

Top Poster


2nd Top Poster

3rd Top Poster

4th Top Poster

Over 100 posts
Gold, CI or EI

Last to post

Complete each task, gain your coloured skulls & Reap the rewards!

Instructions & Guidelines
There is a list below which will contain 20 Different coloured skulls.
For each skull, there is a task you must complete.
Some are easy, some may be hard & will take the entire event to complete.
Use the claim form below to claim each skull when you complete a task - I prefer that you claim your skulls in bulk once you've finished for the day. Rather then ping me for each individual one just FYI.
Your skull will be added to your collection on the front page. Once the information is confirmed as correct & completed.
At the end of the event if you have collected enough skulls you will be rewarded the corresponding prizes (see prizes below).
You do not need to collect the skulls in order, just do the ones you can!
Do not cheat! I've designed this game, so you must complete the tasks yourself!
Everything must be new so no using old posts, dice rolls etc. It must be from the start of the event only.
Once you have finished collecting All 20 skulls.
Use the form called -
"I am burying these b*tches"
Once all stars (20) are updated to your name.
I may add the special task skulls. We will see how the event pans out.
I have the right to add or change rules if i see fit.
Ping these forms to Utopia or Roachi

Skull Claim Form
Task you have completed:
Task you have completed:
Task you have completed:
Task you have completed:
(Add more if you need to claim more)
Links to evidence:

I am burying these b*tches - Completed collection
Stars have been updated to front page as complete:
Completed the special star tasks:
(If for some reason, collections cannot be completed,
prizes will go to the people with the most skulls.)

To win the corresponding prizes the minimum amount of skulls collected must be 10. In the event, nobody finishes all 20.

1st to finish skull collection
2nd to finish skull collection

3rd to finish skull collection

4th to finish skull collection

5th to finish skull collection

⚝ 1st Closest to 20 collected skulls
Over 10 skulls collected
Random CI & EI

Over 15 skulls collected
Random CI, EI & 2k

Utopia 09-05-2017 08:25 AM


Remember - New posts only since the beginning of the event

Gain 25 posts in this thread
Roll a 100 dice & get one of these numbers: 2, 11, 77, 98
Post 20 times in another event thread
Gain 30 posts in this thread >>>
Gain 100 posts in this thread
Post 20 times in this thread >>>
Go to the welcome lounge, and welcome 3 newbies to mene
Get 1 newbie to ask for some clothes from Utopia's Welcome Packages thread >>> - Legit newbies only please!

Make a donation to someone who deserves it!
Roll a 250 dice, and get one of these numbers - 5, 13, 22, 111, 123, 130, 144, 189, 200, 205, 222, 249
Gain 250 posts in this thread
Nominate 3 people for Users Pick >>>
Post 10 times in a new thread you've never posted in before out in the mene universe.
☠Gain 250 posts in this thread
Roll a 100 Dice and get a 35
Gain 350 posts in this thread
Post 10 times in a Staff run thread
Post 10 times in someone's quest thread - One you haven't posted in before
To be updated
To be updated
To be updated

Last Updated: 30th Oct 17 2:32PM NZ

dragoness 129 -

Inspiration 09-17-2017 05:01 PM
The Gravedigger's Task

Some shiny new commons are out and aren't they spooktacular. You want to earn some yes? All you have to do is post and maybe a few side tasks for me and I will happily go off and buy you some commons. Each task will amount to a certain cost in commons. Of course, once all the commons are released are when you may start redeeming, but feel free to get a headstart even before than.

Post and get a common! Yes the common game is that simple this year, think of it as a special treat. But what's the trick? Well I, inspiration couldn't think of a single one , I guess it's just that you have to check your post number occasionally to see how many posts you have.

10 posts = pick a common from this list
After-party pumps = 69
Party Pumps = 69
Improper Cravat =99
Corpse Breath Sprig =115
Blood/Mess items = 130
After Party Shoes 2 x10 = 20

25 posts = pick a common from this list
Corpse Dress = 165
Baby’s Breath Circlet = 174
Lunar Shadow Horns =225
Cocktail Dress = 246
Improper Skirt =250
Improper Blouse = 255
Krampus Horns =275
Prom Dress = 287
Improper Long Skirt =300
Trench Coat =325

*I haven't checked male items yet

Inspiration 09-17-2017 05:02 PM
Post Redemption

HTML Code:

[B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][size=5]Redeeming my posts for commons![/size][/COLOR][size=5][/size][/B][size=5][/size]
[B]Post turn in Number:[/B]
[B]Item name:[/B]
Ping me please !

Redeeming my posts for commons!
Post turn in Number: 25
Item name: That one pretty horrific skull item with this name: NAME

Username-Posts RedeemedX

Shadami - 0
Dragoness129 -140

Utopia 09-20-2017 10:02 AM

Important Information

Please refer to the rules located below
Make sure you know them well!
Anyone not adhering to them, will be ignored or disqualified.
Below are some important rules....

All bids must be done using the form below.
Please check back previous pages to make sure you are the HB;
As the front page will not be updated till Utopia is available to get online.
Anyone not doing this, bids will be ignored.

You may only bid on 2 items at one time.
No mules.
Increments of 100g only

Auction Lots #001 - Gold Clover Hairpin
Lot #002 - Gold Claddagh Belt, Gold & Silver St Pats Hats

Lot #003 - Barba the lamb & Plucky the ducky

Lot #004 - Halloween Lot 2007 - 2009 Sets ;
Lot #005 - Mystery Box ???
(Box of random CIs/Mennies x10 pcs = 20k+ Value)

(Please make sure you are monitoring peoples posts when you bid)

As in, actually going back to see who bid on your selected item last.
I am not always going to be here to update bids, asap!

Post only in the thread, do not PM or ping me.

Lot #:
Lot name:
Current Bid:

Your Bid:

Utopia 09-20-2017 10:03 AM

bloodstainedwings 10-28-2017 10:47 AM

is this set up and may we bid and post?

Utopia 10-28-2017 12:49 PM

Sorry not yet BSW, feel free to post though.
I think sha's stuff is ready just not utopia's yet... Working on it now xx

bloodstainedwings 10-28-2017 12:52 PM

ok, ill wait! [heart]

xoxoAngiexoxo 10-28-2017 01:24 PM

Are you open for posting?

Utopia 10-28-2017 01:39 PM

Yesss post away! I am almost done :)

xoxoAngiexoxo 10-28-2017 01:43 PM

Yay posting

---------- Post added 10-28-2017 at 08:43 AM ----------

I was waiting I didnt wanna post last night didnt know if it was ready

Utopia 10-28-2017 01:54 PM

Yeah i'm perplexed. Was their an email??? If so i didn't get it.

---------- Post added 10-29-2017 at 02:54 AM ----------

Anyway i am done, so ya'll can participate now! Sorry for the delay!

xoxoAngiexoxo 10-28-2017 01:55 PM

I didnt get an email but then again I never get the email

Utopia 10-28-2017 01:56 PM

Hmm yeah they always say that they'll send out an email a week before. But nothing... So was not expecting it to start this weekend.

---------- Post added 10-29-2017 at 02:56 AM ----------

Hence the delay in getting things sorted xD

xoxoAngiexoxo 10-28-2017 01:59 PM

I been watching for it I kinda figured it would start before Halloween and events usually start on fridays

Roachi 10-28-2017 02:02 PM

Yeah i thought it would too. But a staff member literally said only days ago, we'd get an email first.
So i was like oh sweet, i have some time...
Anyway not a big deal now. But sad i've lost a day!

xoxoAngiexoxo 10-28-2017 02:03 PM

I never get the email

---------- Post added 10-28-2017 at 09:04 AM ----------

It was slow yesterday so you didnt miss much

Roachi 10-28-2017 02:05 PM

Ahh sweet. I hope it picks up! Possibly this is the reason that hardly anyone is on?

xoxoAngiexoxo 10-28-2017 02:05 PM

Let me know towards the end of event if you will want extra ei sets and how many so I make sure I get enough

---------- Post added 10-28-2017 at 09:05 AM ----------

Maybe so hopefully they start coming in today

Roachi 10-28-2017 02:09 PM

Oh yes please. At least 5 sets. See what they come out with first :P
Thank you xx

---------- Post added 10-29-2017 at 03:13 AM ----------

I'm gonna pop off to bed now, it's late! Will be back tomorrow <3
Well today... Lol

xoxoAngiexoxo 10-28-2017 02:13 PM

Lol OK no problem I'm at 968 tokens now gotta love rollover

Roachi 10-28-2017 02:14 PM

WOW lol
I've never had that many hahaha

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