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poet`s playground 08-10-2011 04:53 AM

The Ruby Room - I Don't Know What I'm Doing Here...
Hullo! The Ruby Room is a traditional hangout for me to create. It's been a long time since I've been here at Menewsha. I have a lot going on in my life, but at any rate, I'm here now! Of course, I don't know what I'm doing in this event, or when it is going to end, but at the very least... I'm here.

And I need some place to chat. So come in! Have fun - have a seat - have a drink! Earn currencies.

Bearzy 08-10-2011 05:06 AM

Hullo Poet!

I hope you enjoy the event. I sure am!

poet`s playground 08-10-2011 05:24 AM

Hullo! Thank you :). I haven't really gotten my feet wet yet, that's the only post I've made - and now this one, of course!

Bearzy 08-10-2011 05:27 AM

You've been throwing cheesecake though, right?

poet`s playground 08-10-2011 05:33 AM

Yes ; how often can you do it?

Bearzy 08-10-2011 05:36 AM

Every fifteen minutes as far as I know. :)

poet`s playground 08-10-2011 05:37 AM

Okay, cool ; glad I didn't miss too many opportunities then xD. (I mean since I've been online)

Bearzy 08-10-2011 05:51 AM

Yeah :) I'm off for now, but I might talk to you later.

The Enchanted Tiara 08-10-2011 05:53 AM

Hello. Your thread title is silly to me!

poet`s playground 08-10-2011 06:10 AM

Aw Tiara - What's so silly about it? ;)

Aerinn 08-10-2011 10:19 PM

I think the thread title sounds pretty. *images a room made out of rubies* :sweat:

Jeannesha 08-10-2011 10:25 PM

What's wrong with the thread name?

Sounds nice to me!
It caught my eye...

Aerinn 08-10-2011 10:26 PM

Me too! That's why I had to reply. :yes:

Jeannesha 08-10-2011 10:27 PM

These events can be kinda tricky sometimes...

Aerinn 08-10-2011 10:29 PM

Hm? How so? :o

Jeannesha 08-10-2011 10:32 PM

Oh, I was just referring to the thread's title...

"I don't know what I'm doing"..

Pearl 08-10-2011 10:34 PM

I reckon that's a lyric in the title.
Or she's questioning why she's on Mene at all!

Aerinn 08-11-2011 12:41 AM

Who knows~

poet`s playground 08-11-2011 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Pearl (Post 1769742617)
I reckon that's a lyric in the title.
Or she's questioning why she's on Mene at all!

Yeah, it's the second one xP. Good guess about the lyric, though; that is a strong tendency of mine, to use song lyrics. And welcome :).

Hullo everyone ! :). Welcome to the Ruby Room! No, no - it isn't a room full of rubies. That sounds a bit... gaudy to me. It's traditional for me, because it is the name of a song, by the side project of my favorite band ever, and I thought it sounded like a good hangout. The song is about a neighborhood bar, so that's the kind of environment I try to portray :).

Spring`Tyme Fresh 08-11-2011 11:08 AM

Hey, Poet! :)
I recognise your name from way back when I first started. You have a Green Day thread somewhere, don't you? I'm sure that's you. :P
Anywho, welcome back and enjoy the event!

poet`s playground 08-11-2011 11:28 AM

That is most definitely me! I remember you from that thread at the very least :). My presence on Mene has for quite some time been... sporadic. I think owing to frustrations in the clothing department, regarding which items are fully wearable by both avatar bases (male and female). It's one thing for not everything to be fully unisex - while that is ideal, it is not always practical - but what's frustrating is that with a female avatar, I can't see what's available to the male avatars, and vice versa. have you ever switched and discovered the massive disparity in item quantity?!

Aerinn 08-11-2011 11:37 AM

Darn, well I don't mean to think of a ruby-filled room as gaudy. x_x

poet`s playground 08-11-2011 11:46 AM

Oh, I know, don't worry - I was just giving you a hard time ;). Maybe you could picture it like a mine or some such XD. At any rate, for obvious reasons, it is a common thing that people come in here thinking it is a room full of rubies!

Spring`Tyme Fresh 08-11-2011 11:59 AM

I never have taken a look at the male clothing ... I don't know why, but maybe I should one day! I know that you can glitch the items, though. For example, buy a male shirt and equip it, and then change the gender, but I guess that could get frustrating. :sweat:

poet`s playground 08-11-2011 12:20 PM

Even if it is deliberately allowed, glitching =/= unisex in any way... If I were to go the men's clothing section in a store (which I do), and buy something from there (which I do), it isn't going to change my body shape - I'm still a woman! But it does open up my wardrobe options. See the difference? This is what ultimately frustrates me when I return to Menewsha; I don't know what's what, so I just give up on trying to earn gold because I don't know what's available to buy anyway.

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