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TheOriginalPyro 08-12-2011 07:14 AM

AHOY THAR! ~ open RP
Many ships sail the seas, but one in particular is different. This is a pirate ship, the most ruthless pirate ship in the water the Dalcassus. They sail and plunder, they war with the guards and police and kill with pleasure. This is Captain Seoras' crew.
Welcome, matey, to the Dalcassus. We hope you survive your trip >:)

NOTE: If you are reported as ignoring your responsibilities (i.e. not posting for a while) you will be keehauled or marooned at the discretion of the crew and will be notified via PM that you have lost that character.
The same goes for causing trouble. Fights are allowed but don't be a jerk.

Don't worry about PM's. Just get a character and a name (picture is optional) and join the conversation.

Captain Seoras
The ruthless leader of the Dalcassus and its crew. Having sailed the seas for many years, he has made a name for himself as a wanted man.


It was early morning. The cool breeze was rolling in off of the sea, smelling of salt. Captain Seoras walked from the hold onto the deck and breathed in deeply. Bliss. It was the start of a new day and a new life. He was wearing long pants, boots and an open chested shirt. He had a belt with multiple maps rolled into slots all around his waist. He went to the top platform and stood next to a table there. A wooden chest was on one side and from it he produced some navigating materials; a sexton, a compass and a telescope. He laid them on the table and looked on his belt for a map. He found it quickly and spread it on the table, placing weights from the chest on the four corners. He bagan to plot a course from his marked position to a nearby town. His next target in his near endless spree of pillaging and plundering. He scratched at his stubble and looked the map over once more before turning to the port side of the ship to look out into the rising sun. He sighed deeply. Relaxing and revelling in the freedom he afforded as a pirate. Then he returned to the deck to hoist the flag. After he had raised it, he went back below deck to check the cargo. He had to sort out what would be sold in town and what would bbe kept so he would have room for the next load of stolen goods.

WherededIGo 08-12-2011 08:12 AM

1 Attachment(s)
{{ Keelhaul!}}

Cameron (Lieutenant) (WherededIGo)

Attachment 201
(Minus the hat :P)

"Tsk. Ber'(t)ey!" Cameron swung the door of the cargo room open. "Whered tha' li'(t)le wretch go? Oh! Cap'n!" She stopped midstride and looked around the room. Berty wasn't there. She pulled of her bandanna and scratched her head, breathing in. "Darn it! Tha scoundrel gets away once again!" she whined, replacing her bandana. She turned her attention to the captain, "Whatchuu doin' anyways Cap'n?" Without waiting for an answer she went over and nudged the captain in the ribcage. "We goin' up for another pilly?".

TheOriginalPyro 08-12-2011 08:34 AM

For sure Cammy. Jus' wouldn' feel right without it. The Captain grinned. His lieutenant was as enthusiastic as ever. Among the few women that would trade ladyship for pirate ships, she was always ready for action. Loyal and insightful, Captain Seoras would be lost without her help.
We head due east until we spot land and then head north along the coast and into Port Rell. We selll off anything we can live without, the trinkets and whatnot siezed from the opportunistic fools who oppose us. We then raid the town, take what we can and leave.
When the rest of the crew awakes we can set sail. Until then, we wait.

WherededIGo 08-12-2011 08:44 AM

"Alrigh'ies Cap'n! But wai'n is no fun!" Cameron licked her lips with an evil gleam in her eyes. "Maybe a few buckets of icy wa'er oughtta help us things move faster?" She winked at Seoras and remember why she came here in the first place. "Say Cap'n, have ya seen Ber'(t)ey around? That wiley rascal broke outta his cage again an' wen' flyin around tha ship! Tha' bird has the brains of a noble man I tell ya." Berty was a young parrot who had the taste of freedom, and despite all of Camerons effort in training him, was determined to live that freedom. Cameron let out a sigh. " He's gonna get left behin' one time. An' tha' will be the en' of him."

TheOriginalPyro 08-12-2011 02:32 PM

Sorry, can't help you Cammy. Haven' seen beak nor tail o' him. And while I would live to soak the crew as much as you do, we must wait until they wake up of their own accord or else we'll get no work from 'em
Seoras then headed back to the deck to retrieve his cutlass which he had left there on his way up. He retrieved it, hooked it to his belt, grabbed his coat and hat from the inside of the door to his quarters and headed to the bow of the ship to look out at the tiny speck of land he could see from their position.

WherededIGo 08-13-2011 01:27 AM

Cameron smirked a little and watched as the captain walked out. She looked around the room again to make sure that Berty wasn't around. He wasn't. Dissatisfied she walked out of the room, locking the door with the key on her belt. With heavy steps she headed towards her cabin at thef far end of the ship. She eyed a bucket then eyed the crews quarters, but resisted the urge under the captains orders. Glanced back to see the Captain on the bow, staring at something. At that exact moment, a flurry of colour landed smack in her face, almost knocking her over. Dazed and out of instinct, she grabbed the feathery mess to get a better look. "Ber'(t)y?" She let out a jolly laugh. With the bird still in her hand, she waved at the captain. "Look! I foun' tha bloomin' scoundrel!" She let out another laugh.

TheOriginalPyro 08-13-2011 03:34 AM

Aye, the blighter never goes far. Seoras laughed too, seeing Cameron with the bird in her hands. He's a smart bird, that one. Knows we won't be waitin' for him. It was good fortune that Bertey hadn't been left behind countless times before, disappearing over night and then popping up out of no where.

WherededIGo 08-13-2011 06:03 AM

Cameron stroked the parrot's head, down to its back. "I told ya before, he got the brains of a noble man!" Cameron stood up, bird in hand, and continued on her way to her cabin. She pushed open the heavy door and examined the mess of a room. Maps and paper covered her would-be desk, and floor was littered with clothes and other various objects. Minding her step, she made her way over to Bertey's rusted cage. After shoving him in and closing the gate, she padlocked it and fixed up the various holes in the cage. "See ya ge' outta this one" She said tiumphantly, chest puffed out. The bird moved as close as it could to Camerons face, and nodded it's head. Challenge accepted. Cameron frowned, and turned away, storming out of her cabin. She locked her door for good measure and went and stood next to the Seoras on the bow. She stood proudly with her arms folded and a gently smile on her face. Staring at the blue, wide ocean, was better than looking across a gleaming beige grand hall. And smelling the sea breeze was far better than sneezing over all the different perfumes. "Argh, a pirate's life for me".

TheOriginalPyro 08-13-2011 09:35 AM

Are your windows locked? Seoras asked, smiling sarcastically.
Yes, the life of a pirate. A glorious one. Free and full.
Definitey worth the trouble I say. Beats city jobs and empty estates ten to one. I'm sure you agree? He raised an eye brow at Cameron but didn't require an answer. He knew what she thought about this life and her enthusiasm was why he considered her such a good lieutenant.

WherededIGo 08-13-2011 09:56 AM

She smirked. "I have windows? Ah. I've been wonderin' what them patches of dust on my wall were!" She grinned and looked at the captain. "Ci'(t)ies? Jobs? Estates? I'm afraid I don' know whattcha mean. Never knew what them words ment anyways." She stared back at the sea. Seoras was the only captain she had worked under. Only the only captain she'd ever work under. He shared her veiws for most things and earned her respect. Most spend a life time trying to acheive that. "Cap'n? I want a new dirk. Been tryin' get one ah (one of) them for ages."

TheOriginalPyro 08-13-2011 10:13 AM

Seoras cocked his head at her remarks. New dirk aye? I'll see what I can do for ya... He reached down and grabbed a handle protruding from the top of his boot. He produced a long knife and stabbed it into the railing in front of Cameron. Never liked the bloody thing. Too short for my liking, too light. I handle swords better anyway. He smiled. When does that damn cook get up? I'm getting hungry...

haku_yowane 08-13-2011 10:17 AM
Feelixa (Cook) (played by haku yowane)

(imagine an apron if you can ^_^)

Feelixa opens her eyes to see that she has slept through till midday, rubbing her thumping head she see that she is no longer in the bed that is a trouble to find, she could never find anything in the room anyways “Woops, i am thinking i may have slept through breakfast” Unconcerned look is upon face. She looks up to see the ceiling and the picture that she had drawn of the open sea with the very ship she was sailing on in the distance. While looking she can hears the many feet moving above her cabin. “better go see the captain” sad look upon face “he is gonna have a fit of a cow cause i slept in so long...meh, its better than having to live on land with all those land lovers” Everyone on the ship knows that she and the lieutenant hate being ladylike and having to wear big puffy dresses. She leaves room to go and find the captain, hopefully in a good mood.

Door swings open to the room where the captain and the lieutenant are talking . “GOOOOOOOOOD MORRRRRRNIN CAPTAIN” Looks around to see lieutenant also in the room. “HEY CAMMY!!!!! I think your bird is out of its cage again, damn thing is getting smarter each and every day” Thinking face is upon face. “I could bake it into a pie of you wanted me to do???” After all she was the best cook that the captain had ever had. She never really liked that bird anyways, bloomin' scoundrel ,She thinks to herself knowing that the Lieutenant likes the damn thing so much.” So where are we gonna go today”. Adventures smile come upon face.

WherededIGo 08-13-2011 10:24 AM

Cameron slapped the captain on the back. "Speak of tha devil and tha devil will appear!" She chuckled heartily. "Wait... Ber'y's out again?" She looked at the captain. "Maybe I shoulda really locked them windows! Damn bird is smarter than me! I'll be right back!" Cameron grabbed the dirk and ran off to search for the bird again. She waved the dirk backwards. "Thanks cap'n!

TheOriginalPyro 08-13-2011 10:29 AM

Mornin' Feelixa. You sure took your time waking up. His eyes glinted, now he could eat. And I woulldn't be makin' jokes 'bout that bird, now Cammy's got a new knife and all. Now let's go make some food aye?

WherededIGo 08-13-2011 10:44 AM

Cameron stopped running at the mention of food. Her stomach grumbled. "Hay captn! Maybe I'll search for him after I get some grub!" She yelled, running back to where Feelixa and Seoras were standing. "I still can't believe it, tha' cursed wretch." She muttered.

haku_yowane 08-13-2011 10:44 AM

Feelixa looks at the cap'n ‘Order whatever you are craven cap'n, after all i did sleep through all the morning.’ It’s not like any other morning seeming i woke up early this morning. She sees Cammy running back at the mention of food. “ok, that’s breakfast for three then’, Smiles at the site of hungry faces. “Dont worry, food will magical appear after about Half n hour” Walking down the hall she realises that she didn’t change out of her pj pants. What will the cap’n think, after all the captain and lieutenant are both watching her walk down the hall in her pj pants. “ First i am gonna go change out of my pj pants’ Smile appears on face and she turns to run to her room as fast as her feet will take her.

TheOriginalPyro 08-13-2011 10:53 AM

I'll take some biscuits, some meat, an apple and a beer. Remember all that?
He raised an eyebrow at her, smiling. She was a good cook but not the brightest of people at the best of times.
And the same for Cammy. I'm sure she's hungry.

WherededIGo 08-13-2011 10:56 AM

Aye! Nice work Cpa'n! No need to fear for the hungry stomach when yer aroun'! Cameron nodded in amen to the captains words. She waited till Feelixa and gone downstairs again. "Erm, is it jus' me or... was she in her pjs?" she whispered to the captain. She smirked. Only Feelixa would be forgetful enough to do something like that.

TheOriginalPyro 08-13-2011 11:07 AM

Seoras nodded. Didn't want to tell her. She would freak and I wouldn't get breakfast. No harm done. He chuckled. Now we wait for her to find the knifes that are right above her head. Again he chuckled. Only Feelixa could miss an obvious detail as such.

haku_yowane 08-13-2011 11:09 AM

(15mins later) “I is back!!!! So be very thankful because i got what you wanted, Lets see...” Placing some plates on the table. “ Some biscuits....” Soaked in rum. “ Two slices of ham, two apples and three beers”. She looks at their faces as they inspect the food that she had brought out. She looks down at her feet remembering that she had stood before her two best friends in her pjs moments before. “Eat all you want” Taking her own beer and opening it, she cheers. “ TOO FREEDOM!!!!!!!!” she yells out loud that everyone could hear.

WherededIGo 08-13-2011 11:17 AM

"Be a li'(tt)le qui'er! Cap'n will get angry! He wants tha crew ta sleep." Cameron leaned over the table and whispered in Feelixa's ears. But at the same time Cameron voiced her agreeiance to the cheer. Cameron look at the Captain as she sat back down. "Up for another round? I Swear I'll beatcha this time!" Cameron held the beer, ready to skull it. "Feelixa, when you say tha word."

TheOriginalPyro 08-13-2011 11:21 AM

[OOC] I hope you realize that beer those days came in a keg that you poured into tankards. not in cans.]
TO FREEDOM! Bellowed the Captain. He drank a gulp of the beer and grabbed a biscuit. He grunted with approval as he bit into it. We finish breakfast, wait for the crew to wake their lazy butts up and then set sail for Port Rell!
He held his tankard aloft a moment longer and laughed heartily.

haku_yowane 08-13-2011 11:27 AM

Rolling her eyes to what Cammy was saying. “ I will go get 6 more bottles of me best beer’ She was already weak from the first bottle of beer she had, you could see it as she stumbled down the stairs case. “ 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer you take one down you pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall”, sing it with me cammy.....” they would both be unable to hear her now and she was gonna go and have two more...everyone is in trouble when she drinks beer in the morning.

WherededIGo 08-13-2011 11:31 AM

[OOC] Naturally, I didn't want to put haku off though :sweat:, or more over, I hoped no-one would notice....]

"Aww, rats. Yer too scared ta verse meh?"
Cameron laughed. "TA PIRATE SHIPS OVAR LADY SHIP! An' er..... gen'(t)lemanship? erm, Feelixa? I don't thin' you should be swayin' like tha'... Too late, she's gone" She chugged the beer heedlessly and snatched a biscuit from the tray, to have it snatched out of her hand by Berty. "BER'Y!" She attempted to to snatch the biscuit back, but failed and knocked over Seoras's tankard. She watched, frozen, as the beer spread over the table.

[OOC] Haha, just realise the inconvieniance of being a female... Less fights TT_TT]

TheOriginalPyro 08-13-2011 11:42 AM

Seoras stared for a moment as the beer spread across the table and dripped onto the floor. Silently, he turned towards Cameron. He reached out, fingers poised and ready to wrap up in a vice-like grip. But he reached past her, over her shoulder and, instead, grabbed a mop. He hurriedly soaked up the beer and waked outside to the rail where he wringed it out over the edge. Well, the fish ought to have an interesting day. He smiled. It's fine Cammy. Feelixa's gone ta get more of it. And I'll take you up on that drinking challenge if she aint game enough.

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