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LiviInLove 07-31-2014 09:24 PM

Livi's Quiet Space - When you need a break from the Festivities
I decided that I would make myself a little space, and y'all are welcome to come join me! Maybe this way I can try to get on more and be active during the event - we'll see if my family will allow me the time to get on. Life's been mental here lately.

How are y'all doing?

Jeannesha 07-31-2014 09:38 PM

Hello Livi!

I love the hat!

LiviInLove 07-31-2014 09:41 PM

Hello Jean!

Thanks! I love it too!
I do know that if I actually had a hat like this, my oldest daughter would steal it and probably not give it back. Haha!

Jeannesha 07-31-2014 09:43 PM

Where is the hat from?
It's totally cool!

LiviInLove 07-31-2014 09:47 PM

It's from Whimsical Bard. :]

Sorry if I disappear - my hubby is complaining that his pain meds aren't working (so I probably should figure out what's going on there) and I know that Becca will be waking up soon, so I may disappear without warning.

Jeannesha 07-31-2014 09:49 PM

That's fine!

I have that CI. I just haven't really looked at it yet.

Cardinal Biggles 07-31-2014 09:50 PM

Thanks for this. I generally do want a quiet space during gatherings.

LiviInLove 07-31-2014 09:50 PM

We'll see how long they all allow me to get on for - I just got the hubs one more of his pain pills as he admitted to me that he only took one earlier - NO WONDER it isn't totally working! UGH! [headdesk] Sorry just a wee bit frustrated with him at the moment.

I got it mainly because I loved the hat, and then I ended up just going to town with it!

---------- Post added 07-31-2014 at 02:51 PM ----------

Biggles: You're most welcome! This is me from my real life right now - I just need a break from it all. Now to figure out how to do that. [lol] How're ya?

VeraDark 07-31-2014 09:55 PM

*crawls in and looks for the hangover remedies*

What a party...

Cardinal Biggles 07-31-2014 09:56 PM

I'm doing okay, thanks. I hope things feel less overwhelming for you soon.

LiviInLove 07-31-2014 09:57 PM

Vera: Sorry hon, I really don't have any of those here, as I don't drink (like ever - I've learned the hard way what it can do to a family, even if your family isn't the one who was the person who was drinking) so I didn't think to get any. [sweat]

Biggles: That's good to hear! :] Thanks! Me too! My hubby injured himself (stupid boy... but I love him despite his stupidity), and it's causing me to have to work more than normal, as I'm now taking care of him on top of the girls, and the dogs. O.o I should be doing stuff right now, but I need a break, so I am putting off doing the laundry - bad me! But I needed the time to me for a tiny bit before our oldest wakes up which should be soon.

Jeannesha 07-31-2014 09:58 PM

I don't drink either, Livi.

LiviInLove 07-31-2014 09:59 PM

Yeah, drinking is what took my brother from me. I've not touched a drop since.
But we're not talking about that - that only drags me down. No adding sadness.

Jeannesha 07-31-2014 10:01 PM

I just like to choose my carbs.
I have to limit them cuz of my diabetes. I think I prefer potatoes to alcohol...

LiviInLove 07-31-2014 10:03 PM

Ah, got ya. Potatoes are good though. [yes]

VeraDark 07-31-2014 10:05 PM


Potato chips...


LiviInLove 07-31-2014 10:06 PM

Y'all are making me hungry for potatoes! And we don't have any! I think it's time to head back to the shops. Gotta find time to fit that in!

Jeannesha 07-31-2014 10:11 PM

Sour cream and onion potato chips...

LiviInLove 07-31-2014 10:22 PM

Y'all are evil! [lol] I love the Cheddar and Sour Cream Pringles myself. [drool] I don't allow myself to buy them that often.

Jeannesha 07-31-2014 10:37 PM

Speaking of food...hubby has dinner ready, so I gotta go!

LiviInLove 07-31-2014 10:59 PM

Have a good dinner! I got distracted by my 3 year old running in circles - rather figure 8's around the couch her father is on and myself. lol

Dystopia 07-31-2014 11:06 PM

. Children.

LiviInLove 07-31-2014 11:10 PM

I get that some people don't like them, but they're a huge part of my life, so if you don't like hearing about what they do and the silly things that mine get up to, well mainly my 3 year old - the other one doesn't do much, well she does love to smile at us. :) It's adorable. But I will talk about my kids as that's the majority of what I do during the day - is take care of them, as I'm a stay at home mom. So sorry if you don't like hearing about them, but they're a huge part of my life.

Dystopia 07-31-2014 11:15 PM

Naw, I don't mind hearing about them. I'm not fond of 'em myself, but someone has to like 'em. If we had no more parents, that would be a terrible thing. Tho I hate bad parents even more than I dislike children. @___@;

Elmira Swift 07-31-2014 11:55 PM

I've been struggling to get both kids to stay a bit calm lately. School starts back for my 5yo next week and I hope we can deal with my daughter's computer issues in time to resume homeschooling. Biggest hurdle now is to have both kids back on their usual routine. Neither enjoy going to bed before the adults. Routines are not easy to enact for us, but we tend to manage once everyone adjusts!

Hope you're all well! I will be on as much as possible, so popping my head in here to say hello!

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