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linapoo 11-02-2011 08:57 PM

SCREAMM it's halloween!


Or at least well it was. :lol: Cheers! I'm Lina and I decided to just make a thread to hang out and stuff.
So what's up guys? Enjoying the event so far?

SO LEGO! Chat and..get candy. +A+ Omnomnom.

+ As usual, art freebies will be given. XD But idk how or when. Just ..randomly.

hummy 11-02-2011 08:58 PM

*in a spookie voice*
'so what's your favorite scary movie?'

linapoo 11-02-2011 09:00 PM

OAO!! -shakes in socks-
Hmm that's a tough one! >A< I actually don't have a scary movie I favor to be honest!
I really like scary movies though...and stuff in general. XD I wouldn't mind watching A Tale of Two Sisters again.
Even though it's not very scary...just interesting! How about you? :heart:

Clair Voyant 11-02-2011 09:11 PM

HEY! What's up? :)

linapoo 11-02-2011 09:17 PM

Hello! I am just being lazy and not doing homework.
On Youtube...watching people play Minecraft. lol. No life.

You?? ^u^

AvengedxxAngel 11-02-2011 09:19 PM

Hello Hello (:
How is everyone today?

hummy 11-02-2011 09:21 PM

hmmm, i think it would have to be 'Psycho' because i watch it almost every time i see it on television.
i still do not take a shower because of the shower scene in 'Psycho.'
i also like 'scream', 'fright night' and 'halloween' for a good movie i can watch without scaring myself to pieces.
i started watching 'paranormal two' but could not finish it.

linapoo 11-02-2011 09:28 PM

Hi! I am doing alright. You? :D

Ah! I've always wanted to watch Psycho. XD
Shower scene...? -youtubes- +A+
So manyy movies needing to be watched! yaay.
Is paranormal two that scary? D8 Or bad?

AvengedxxAngel 11-02-2011 09:47 PM

I am doing quite well, thank you (:
Enjoying the event so far?

linapoo 11-02-2011 09:57 PM

I love the colors in your avatar. ^o^ <3 So cute.

And I haven't been really around. XD I should get out of my thread and stop lurking. -shot-
Have you?

hummy 11-02-2011 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by linapoo (Post 1770027014)
Hi! I am doing alright. You? :D

Ah! I've always wanted to watch Psycho. XD
Shower scene...? -youtubes- +A+
So manyy movies needing to be watched! yaay.
Is paranormal two that scary? D8 Or bad?

yes, the shower scene in 'psycho' is epic!

'paranormal two' is the kind of movie that looks like it is going to be so creepy.....
and then you see a few creeptacular things, like for instance you see under the
brother-in-laws name when he is being introduced, 'six months before his death!'
and i think i saw in the beginning that everyone died, not really totally sure.
and then some more pretty creepy scenes.
so i cut itoff before i got too scared.
be right back, i need to turn on the lights because i am scaring myself!

linapoo 11-02-2011 10:21 PM

ohh woah sounds interesting +A+
and LOL ;m; its ok! -holds you-
I think the scariest thing is imagination orz
I freak myself out when trying to go to bed sometimes lol

meilin 11-02-2011 10:21 PM

[makes camp in Lina's thread] 8D

linapoo 11-02-2011 10:30 PM

Heya Mei! *o* -pins down-

meilin 11-02-2011 10:35 PM

Wee~ 8D

Gah, broken nails are annoying.

linapoo 11-02-2011 10:40 PM

ffff especially hang nails >A< ughhh
darn little things
always hurting and being awkward

meilin 11-02-2011 10:44 PM

Argh! It's so irritating.
It keeps getting caught on blankets and towels. orz

linapoo 11-02-2011 10:46 PM

clip your nails! ;m;

hummy 11-02-2011 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by linapoo (Post 1770027584)
ohh woah sounds interesting +A+
and LOL ;m; its ok! -holds you-
I think the scariest thing is imagination orz
I freak myself out when trying to go to bed sometimes lol

yeppers i have a vivid imagination, which is a gift and a curse.
i scare myself over silly things.

meilin 11-02-2011 10:52 PM

I do! T__T
But it ripped on the door when I tried to close it and completely missed.
Not it's ripped half across along the flesh. I cut it down as much as I could.
But it still has rough parts that catch on things. orz

linapoo 11-02-2011 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1770027972)

yeppers i have a vivid imagination, which is a gift and a curse.
i scare myself over silly things.

double edged sword. XD
so what did you do for halloween?


Originally Posted by meilin (Post 1770028039)
I do! T__T
But it ripped on the door when I tried to close it and completely missed.
Not it's ripped half across along the flesh. I cut it down as much as I could.
But it still has rough parts that catch on things. orz

flaksjdf omg what. D8 band-aid! it'll probably help you not snag on things. >A<

hummy 11-02-2011 10:55 PM

i was sick and sat patiently waiting for the halloweenie event to start.
it was sad, very sad.

meilin 11-02-2011 11:06 PM

But they come off at the slightest bit of water! DX

linapoo 11-02-2011 11:10 PM

flakjsdklf AW ;A; at least its here now! yayyyyy ! :hug:

flkjasdf...true. GLOVES !!! -shot-

meilin 11-02-2011 11:16 PM


Did you have a good Halloween?

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