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DancerDoll 10-03-2009 06:06 PM

~*Kuiyeowo Sarang/Cute Love*~ A Modern Romance RP {ADV LIT}{1 Male Open}

This is a story of eleven regulars of a small café
in Seoul that is known as 귀여워 사랑 (Kuiyeowo
Sarang), or Cute Love, and the crazy owner. They
have different lives, pasts, and stories, but they all
come every morning (and whenever they're having
problems) to 귀여워 사랑 to have a warm mug of the
house specialty, Sarang Mocha, a glass of Thai-pulled
tea, a slice of cherry clafouti, a colorful passionfruit
and mango Boba Tea, or maybe even to find love...

OOC Board

DancerDoll 10-03-2009 06:10 PM


DancerDoll, Rise Up, Faiyth, and Cohedros are law.
Got it memorized?

:heart: No God-Moding or Power-Playing.
It's very uncool. D :

:heart: Four to five posts a week,
please & thanks?

:heart: Tell us if you're going to be gone, okay? I'll be very sad if you don't,
'cause I won't know if
you're sick or dead or abducted by aliens... D;

:heart: Make any OoC recognizable, so nobody
gets all confused. Confusion = not really fun.

:heart: Obey all the mods. They are law.
No back talk. That will have you removed.

:heart: No quoting in order to reply ever. It's ugly.

:heart: PM all applications to DancerDoll,

:heart: Romance is encouraged,
but keep it PG-13.

:heart: No automatic relatives or significant others, unless already specified.
If you really feel strongly about it,
PM me (DancerDoll) and I will
contact the other party and work it out.

:heart: Literacy requirement = at least three paragraphs
with six to seven sentences in each paragraph.

:heart: Basic to advanced understanding of grammar/spelling.

:heart: Remember your manners, now. It's polite
to wait for others to return, so try to do that. =3

:heart: Put "Flipper" as the subject title of your PM.

:heart: Have fun~

DancerDoll 10-03-2009 06:15 PM

[________~*The Regulars*~________]

[imgleft][/imgleft] :heart: The characters have premade looks, names, and ages,
but you get to decide the rest! Just copy and paste the blank
fields into a PM, fill it out, and send it to DancerDoll

:heart: The cool thing about this Rp is: You, the RolePlayers,
get to add to the plot.
Does your character have people
coming after them, for one reason or another? If you want,
you can make that part of the plot. Just make sure that
whatever you make up is reasonable. If I reject your plot
idea, it's because I found it unreasonable. No hard feelings.

:heart: Made-ups, by the way, are not allowed in this roleplay.
Sorry, but we already have twelve characters in here,
and it would just be overly crowded and confusing if
we accepted any more than that. Deal with it? <3

Note: Names are written surname first.
Also, characters with the same surname are not necessarily related.


PHP Code:

[b]Played By:[/b]  
b]Blood Type:[/b
b]Favorite Food:[/b]
b]Least Favorite Food:[/b]
b]Romantic Interest(s):[/b]
b]RP Sample:[/b

DancerDoll 10-03-2009 06:23 PM


리 해중
Name: Lee Haejung
Age: 18
Played By: DancerDoll
Blood Type: AB+
Birthdate: January 11
Job: Employee at Play, a nearby music store.
Favorite Food: Hwachae, Bibim Guksu, Patbingsu
Least Favorite Food: Songpyeon
Personality: Haejung has often been likened to a hyper little puppy---cute, bouncy, exciteable and both eager and easy to please. Like anyone, though, she has her ups and downs. She is an optimist and a dreamer. If left a lone too long, her mind will come up with different fantasies of how the day might (or how she wished it might) go. She is quite bipolar in her view of herself. On a good day, she might pass a mirro and think, 'Damn. I look fiiiine~;' on another, 'Omona~ I look so gross! I can't leave the house like this!' She is a bit narcissistic in that she can get distracted by mirrors. She is also affected easily by horror movies even though she loves them. She always checks the shower before she goes to the bathroom, her closet before going to bed, does not like looking at mirrors in the dark, and will not look into the windows of old houses, especially at night.

Haejung is extremely social, and must be in contact with another human being. She can read most people very well unless she wants them to like her. Then, she second guesses herself and can't tell what they are thinking. Haejung tends to trust rather easily. Unless, that is, she gets that creepy-stalker-please-don't-rape-me-k-thanks o the I'm-an-asshole-do-mind-me vibe from someone. She has also been described as a “faucet of love” because she tends to care to deeply about people who most dont quite deserve it.

Haejung loves three things more than anything else boys, shoes, and cute things. She also likes boys. By the way, did I mention she likes boys? A glimpse of a cute face can send Haejung into a hopeless romantic daze. When she has an actual crush, though, she has eyes for no one else. Of course, at Kuiyeowo Sarang, it's so hard to pick just one of the deliciously scrumtrillescent man-sicles that frequent the cafe.

Haejung loves making jokes, though most of them never make it to her lips. She loves making boys flustered and is a nightmare for new staff members at Kuiyeowo Sarang and any guy who comes into Play when she's working the register. She is also a terrible flirt because of this, especially to those she has no interest in, like the subpar(compared to the KS regulars) boys who enter into her realm at Play. What can she say? Making a boy blush and fumble like a school kid with their first crush is both hillarious and exhillarating.

--All in all Haejung tries to live by the philosophy of: Live today, and never worry about tomorrow.
Biography: Haejung had a rather average childhood and life, well until she failed to go to University and was kicked out of her house. Honestly, parents these days. It's not like Haejung really cared about college though, she had other plans. She wanted to sing ever since she was small. Haejung is currently making ends meet at Play, and works on her songs everynight. One day, she'll be the one you're tapping your foot to as you wait for your latte. One day…
Romantic Interest(s): All the boys make her heart flutter like mad, but Taehyun playboy demeanor both interests her and infuriates her in a way that takes up much of her thoughts.
Other: Haejung is a horrible driver, so she walks everywhere, even at night. She lives in an apartment complex not far away. Her usual order? In the morning: A Passion fruit & Mango Boba and a fresh apple pastry. In the afternoon: Patbingsu with tteuk, strawberries, mango, and lychee.


김 소연
Name: Kim Soyeon
Age: 22
Played By: Fuyumi_Saito
Blood Type: O+
Birthdate: February 13
Job: Part-time waitress, and 3rd year college student]
Favorite Food: Strawberry Bavarian, Shrimp
Least Favorite Food: Milk
Personality: Soyeon is often described as quiet and shy. While she is both those things, she's also pretty emotional once you get to know her. She's very empathetic, and cries easily. She's also a bit obsessive compulsive when it comes to cleanliness. She's very sweet once you get used to her.
Biography: Soyeon grew up in a lower class family. She learned the value of hard work very quickly. Her father got a divorce from her mother when Soyeon was 11 years old. He then remarried another women who had children of her own. Soyeon works hard at everything she does. She hates seeing her mother sad. Even though her father visits her every now and again, she doesn't feel that close to him. She has a little brother, who is 13 years old.

Soyeon isn't naturally smart, but she studies a lot. As soon as she graduated from school, she got a part-time job to help support her while she went to university. She currently still lives with her mother, and helps support her and her little brother.

Even though she's 22, Soyeon has only ever dated one person. Her ex was physically and sexually abusive towards her, and has caused her to be very closed off to others. Her expectations are a bit higher than they were when she was younger. She's going to college to become an elementary teacher.
Romantic Interest(s): No one at the moment. She's looking for a nice honest guys who doesn't have a temper.
Other: Soyeon LOVES horror movies, haunted houses, and occasionally dressing up like a vampire or zombie. She's terrified of heights, so don't even try to pick her up or she'll freak out!


중 미히
Name: Jung Mihi
Age: 20
Played By: Rise Up
Blood Type: A+
Birthdate: August 20
Job: Teaches acting classes to children at Keoul Keukjjang, or Mirror Theatre, where "actors reflect the beauty of their art."
Favorite Food: Tteokbokki, Bulgogi, and Ggul tteok
Least Favorite Food: Yukhoe
Personality: Mihi's name means "beauty and joy," and while she really doesn't think herself beautiful, she feels her name's got the joy part down. She tries to live each day to the fullest with lots of fun, laughter, and happiness. It's in her nature to try to spread her blessings around, so she's often overly polite or helpful. Once you get to know her, though, the politeness gives way to spontaneous goofiness and sometimes even an impish troublemaker. She is an actress, and as such, she is very dramatic. Mihi is also often easily excitable, and overly much when it happens. When it comes to sadness and anger, however, she opts to save such emotions for the stage. Having grown up an only child, she's a lone wolf when it comes to dealing with her problems. She doesn't like people to see her cry--unless it's from one of Keoul Keukjjang's cushy theatre seats.
Biography: Her mother, Eunji, and her father, Minho, were never really ready to be parents, in the sense that they were still developing their fledgling careers. Eunji was a struggling actress, constantly reaching for fame and spotlight. Minho was a bank clerk, hoping to make his way up in the ranks to become one of the bigwigs in town. From the time Mihi was a baby until she was eight years old, Eunji brought her daughter to auditions, rehearsals, and even kept her backstage during performances. The family was then too poor to keep her in a daycare center, but it was for the best, for this was when Mihi found her love for the theatre. After that, she refused to go to daycare when they finally had the money. Instead, she wanted acting classes. But that was even more expensive, and she had school to think about. Already stage performance was taking spotlight over academic performance. She was often caught reading playbooks instead of textbooks. She watched dramas to study the actors' techniques instead of did her homework. Often times during tests, she got bored and rushed through it so she could run lines in her head. The guidance counselor told her it was her way of dealing with her parents' imminent divorce. Yes, things were going very wrong with their marriage. Eunji often screamed that Minho and Mihi were holding her back from achieving her dreams. Minho would yell back that her dreams were foolish and unrealistic, and that she should get a real job to bring in some money instead of spending every cent on herself. It wasn't long until the two split. Mihi wanted to go with her mom, but her mom wanted to be famous, and in Eunji's mind, Mihi would only makes things complicated. Eunji even ran off to a different city and changed her name, so she couldn't be tied to any "divorce scandals." So Mihi stayed with her dad. She didn't mind it so much. Her dad was nice, and with Eunji gone, she got the acting lessons she wanted. Still, it was hard for Mihi. For a long time, she cried silently at night, just staring at the wall. She immersed herself in theatre, feeling it was her only connection to her mother. Eventually, she grew up and realized her mother wasn't someone worth missing. She stopped being sad. As a matter of fact, she was glad for what happened. She found the silver linings and moved on. Still, there are times when she's acting out or watching a sentimental mother-daughter moment, and inwardly becomes a little sad, wondering if her mom would be proud of her for blossoming into such a talented local actress.
Romantic Interest(s): She's come to have a huge thing for the cafe owner, Bae Hyunsu! Omo~
Other: Recently she has become interested in making it big, though she's taking her time about it, so it doesn't get to her head like it did with her mother. Her usual order at Kuiyeowo Sarang? Pumpkin Spice Latte with heart-shaped or happy-face whipped cream and Mini Lemon Poppyseed Bundt Cake.


박 순히
Name: Park Sunhee
Age: 19
Played By: LunarPearl
Blood Type: A+
Birthdate: November 12
Job: Salesgirl at Threadbare, a trendy clothing store in the area
Favorite Food: Chapssatlteok, Pyogojeon
Least Favorite Food: Cheongukjan jjigae

Personality: Sunny and upbeat, Sunhee is a relentless optimist no matter what the situation and has a very difficult time saying no. That fact has sometimes led to her downfall, in personal interactions and work opportunities. She has a difficult time displaying her own emotions, but has always been able to put on a brave face and present herself as a calm and cheerful young woman. By no means shy, she is nevertheless gullible almost to a fault. Sunhee makes friends easily but her agent tells her she has to learn to be assertive and forward or she'll never make her dream come true.

Home life for Sunhee was idyllic, the days passing like a pleasant dream. Her parents were loving and her baby sister a complete doll. Though their home and income was humble, there was always enough of what was necessary and plenty of affection to go around. Her grades were respectable though Sunhee knew she had no desire to enter into a respectable, humdrum career. Acting was the only thing she had ever truly yearned for as long as she could remember. Life was good for a long time. That was until she walked in on the only argument she could ever recall her parents having. Accusing one another of infidelities and general boredom, her father shouted out something he had always suspected. Sunhee was not his daughter. The confession drove a wedge between the three and as more of their story came to light, the deeper the division grew. Sun Ah, her mother, in love with her fiance's brother, Jin Heon, had fallen into something of a love quadrangle with him and her fiance and an old high school friend. In her vulnerable state, she bounced between the three for nearly a month, each a secret from the other, until the inevitable happened. She married the man Sunhee came to call father and nine months later the stork delivered their little bundle of joy. Who's bundle of joy however... remains in debate. Sunhee finished high school and accepted some help from a friend's uncle, allowing him to introduce her to an agent. She moved out the moment it was possible, unable to spend another suffocating minute with her parents and the tense divorce proceedings underway. Everything have fallen apart so quickly, Sunhee still isn't sure how to treat the man who raised her. He still calls and tries to treat her like his little girl but there is an awkwardness between them that never existed before. Sun Ah has all but vanished with her little sister, cutting off all contact with the family in her shame. The only thing Sunhee has left to bolster her is the hope that she can at least bring the one true constant in her life to reality and become a celebrated actress.

Romantic Interest(s):
None for now. She's a bit guarded after her parents' situation and her own disastrous string of relationships after striking out on her own. Still... Sangmin is terribly interesting.

Other: She has a HUGE fear of wriggly things like snakes and worms and whatnot. And, even though she's not afraid of the dark, Sunhee doesn't like sleeping by herself and has to leave some soft music playing in order to mask the quiet. Sunhee is also very nervous that her somewhat nebulous conception will rear up to haunt her if she ever does become a great actress and mire her down in scandal.


최 유리
Name: Choi Yoolee
Age: 18
Played By: Faiyth
Blood Type: B+
Birthdate: December 2nd
Job: Florist's Assistant at The Blooming Lotus, a local flower shop.
Favorite Food: Jeyukbokkeum
Least Favorite Food: Kimbap
Personality: Yoolee is first and foremost, an extremely loyal person. She's always willing to help out a friend in need, regardless of how poor the timing or her own state of mind. Yoolee is guarded with her emotions and prefers to hold things in around people she doesn't know, for fear of looking weak. This often results in an assumed, but false image of shyness. Yoolee is cautious though. She silently weighs the pros and cons of a situation before allowing herself to take part, a direct result of her upbringing. However, Yoolee is also very passionate and upbeat. She never hesitates to return a smile if one is shot her way.
Biography: Yoolee was raised by a strict, overbearing father in a single parent home. Her mother passed away as a result of complications the day Yoolee was born. Following the death of his wife, Yoolee's father became increasingly overprotective and often disapproved of the activities Yoolee wanted to take part in as a child. He wanted his daughter's only focus to be on schoolwork and eventually, a career as a doctor.

As she grew older, Yoolee became more rebellious and resentful of her sheltered upbringing. The single extracurricular activity her father actually approved of her involvement in was martial arts. Taekwondo served as the physical outlet for her vented frustrations from grade school up until the day she graduated. However, she also had another, secret outlet. Flowers. Yoolee adored all flowers and found great joy in the various, delicate shapes of petals and colors they came in. Over the years, Yoolee collected and pressed every flower she got her hands on. She kept her entire collection in a series of three binders that she hid under her bed.

Once she completed high school, Yoolee and her father argued constantly over the course of her future. After a particularly verbal fight, Yoolee hastily packed up her pressed flower collection in a large tote bag. She tossed in what clothes she could stuff within the bag's remaining space and took off, leaving everything else she owned behind. After arriving in Seoul, Yoolee quickly got a job with a prominent, local florist. With the money she makes at work, Yoolee has been able to afford her own apartment. She and her father haven't spoken since she left home.
Romantic Interest(s): Yoolee has occasional crushes, but rarely falls head over heels for anyone. In the back of her mind, she’s always afraid that a boyfriend would just take the place of her father and try to control her life like he did. Though, Jaehwa seems to harvest butterflies from her stomach..
Other: Yoolee is slightly hemophobic, which means she is genuinely terrified of blood in quantities larger than a cut or scratch. She is also rather clumsy and trips over her own feet when she's nervous.


안 숭배
Name:An Sungbae
Age: 21
Played By: Eternalraine323
Blood Type: AB Positive
Birthdate: May 23
Job: Romantic Novelist
Favorite Food: Beef Ramen
Least Favorite Food: Coconut
Personality: Sungbae is pretty high strung. She can be a bit hostile when it comes time for her next novel to be due and she hasn't finished. She does not take well to criticism, especially when it is over her work.
Biography: Sungbae was born into a religious family. Her father is a attendee of the Church of the Virgin Mary. He was a truly strict man, and he wished for his daughter to become a nun. He wished for her to attain a higher sense of self. Sungbae hated the idea, and when she came of age, left home.

Sungbae became a romantic novelist. Her books are popular among the young women, and she is world renowned. Since her first book was published, her father has refused to speak to her. he believes her books are disgusting, and refuses to accept that his daughter "has fallen so far." Sungbae's family has almost completely alienated her. Her mother still likes to see her daughter, but the hostility between An and her father prevents visits.
Romantic Interest(s): The only men Sungbae is interested in are the ones she writes of. Sometimes se believes she has created too high of expectation s for herself.
Other: Despite the fame of her books, Sungbae is not very well off. She isn't rich, and spends plenty of her time doing odd jobs for cash.

Angela Baby Yang*Nicole Jung*Kwon Boa*Keiko Kitagawa*Kim Yoobin (WonderGirls)*Lee Boram

DancerDoll 10-03-2009 06:27 PM

[__________~*The Guys*~__________]


중 대휸
Name: Jung Daehyun
Age: 22
Played By: Cohedros
Blood Type: O negative
Birthdate: May 16
Job: European History major at the nearby Seoul University; relies on his parents for financial support.
Favorite Food: Watermelon
Least Favorite Food: Anything super spicy
Personality: A slightly-harmless neurotic, who sometimes talks to himself when confronted with difficult decisions. He is surprisingly outgoing for a neurotic, and although he doesn't necessarily understand social clues, he'll eventually get the hint to back off. One thing, though... he really, really likes watermelon.
Biography: He grew up in a house of scholars... no, seriously. His mother is an accomplished microbiologist and his father a surgeon. Daehyun, as a result, spent much of his time indoors, reading. His world as a child revolved around science and physics.

As a result, he found himself growing more and more disinterested in science as he grew older, until he fell utterly, irrevocably in love with the idea of feudalism, especially the idea of the 'genteel' knight. Disinterested in the ways of warfare, he turned away from Oriental feudalism and instead focused on European feudalism during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. He just received an Associate's degree in Medieval European history.

Unfortunately for him, all his time spent studying resulted in time not spent partying. He has only passable social skills, dislikes crowds and prefers not to be bothered. He'd rather stay away from anything remotely dangerous or unsavory. He is, above all things, idealistic, due to his infatuation with the image of the genteel knight and will go out of his way to do just about anything a girl asks him to...even if it's a bit awkward.
Romantic Interest(s): Maybe Yoolee or Soyeon.
Other: He appreciates sunsets and likes to take long walks in the rain. He is prone to making obscure references to knights, and sometimes mixes his words up when talking to women. Hey, nerds get flustered too! He also has absolutely no idea how to operate a computer and will be completely dumbfounded if confronted with one. This will probably lead to a discussion with himself.


리 춘호
Name: Lee Chunho
Age: 19
Played By: Le-Krynn
Blood Type: O
Birthdate: March 18 1990
Job: Waiter at Kuiyeowo Sarang and part time college student. (Art major)
Favorite Food: Bibim-Pap and Black (jachang) noodles
Least Favorite Food: Kim-chi
Personality: Chunho is a very easy person to get along with. He a bit of a social butterfly and is generally an easy person to talk to and get along with. He smiles easily, but he can get a bit full of himself. (Not that he thinks he's the greatest..... all the time.) He enjoys being the center of attention, but doesn't mind too much if he isn't. Other people need to have their time to shine, too, right?

He really loves painting and drawing and could probably talk for hours about different drawing or painting techniques and which ones would work better for which type of painting or still life or portrait. (It'd probably be a good idea to not get him started on this.)

He keeps a blog updated with what's going on in his life, but tends to over exaggerate everything he types there. It's really not meant for anyone he knows to read, but some of his friends have found it anyways.

In general, he's the type that gets teased, but plays along with and teases back. He's an easy going artist through and through. But... Of course there's more to him than just this, right? Everyone has a part of themselves that they don't want others to see.

Biography: Throughout his life, Chunho has spent most of his time by himself. Both of his parents worked so, naturally, he was used to being by himself. What's worse is they didn't have a t.v. or any video games in his house! His parents didn't want him to have any distractions from his studies. And if he did have distractions, then they'd be educational distractions.

His mother stayed home with him for a few years, but then ended up going back to work when he was three. (He very vaguely remembers this.) So, until he reached middle school, he had a nanny that helped take care of him. The nanny was actually more of a baby-sitter, though. She was a student at a local high school whose mother was friend's with Chunho's mother. They would read and draw and talk together and they still keep in touch through letters and emails. He, of course, calls her "Noona" and only thinks of her as his big sister.

When he graduated from elementary school and from having a 'nanny' his parents got him a dog so he wouldn't be too lonely. He named his puppy Rex (after his favourite dinosaur).

For a while, he had a hard time getting along with the other kids in school simply because they didn't really have anything in common to talk about. While the other kids watched their favourite cartoons and played video games, he was at home doing his homework, reading, or drawing. But, because of all the talking and socializing he did with his Noona and the occasional friend she would bring along with her, he had no problem getting along with people.

Over all, Chunho had a normal life, barely knowing his parents and is a freshman attending college for art. He has always made good grades because of his life without a t.v. but is also easily distracted from things.

At this point, he's only going to college part time. He doesn't really know what he wants to do, but right now he's an art major. He would love if he could be a professional artist, but wants to think of a back up plan for in case that doesn't work. While being a dreamer comes naturally to him, it's often easy to forget where the ground is and come crashing back down to earth. (He's experienced this a couple of times, so this time he's trying to be a bit more prepared.)

Romantic Interest(s): Paints and Charcoal. And maybe.... YooLee. But, he's not too sure since he's never seen her outside of the coffee shop... And it's not like they've really had that much of a conversation.... yet....

Other: Just because he's never had a girl-friend doesn't mean he's gay! Being an artist doesn't really help his image, either. So what if he likes to paint and draw those adorable pictures in coffee? He's just a bit different... And who cares if he wore a skirt once!? It's only because he lost a bet!

Secretly plays the violin and, not so secretly, the piano. (But, he's better with the violin.)


박 상민
Name: Park Sangmin
Age: 23
Played By: Moxie
Blood Type: B-
Birthdate: 10 October
Job: Model turned Fashion Designer
Favorite Food: Kongjang, Mandu
Least Favorite Food: Myulchibokkeum
Personality: Sangmin is described as eccentric by his friends. Those who aren't his friends are not quite as nice with their descriptions. He is outgoing, flippant, fickle and gregarious. He is creative and bright. He loves to read and watch TV- getting great inspiration from both the classics and the latest trends. He loves antiques, but has a pension for following all the latest fads (and even creates some). At heart he is a romantic, but few people hold his interests long enough for him to get really attached to. In his life, there are "best friends" and then everyone else. If you are an everyone else, you are either a soon to be "best friend" or beneath notice.
Biography: Sangmin's father directs daytime dramas on television. His mother was a teen idol in her hay day. Sangmin basically followed in his parent's artistic footsteps. When he turned 12, he began his modeling career. A few years later, he was doing cameos on TV- but he never really had a deep interest in acting. After only a couple years of floating in an out of the latest and greatest dramas for guest appearances, he quit doing that all together. Despite their careers, his parents were actually quite loving and provided a warm, open home. They make it a point to eat together at least once a day.

Several years ago, Sangmin started studying fashion design in college at his father's encouragement. At first Sangmin was resistant to the idea, but it didn't take him long to embrace it. After a time, he slowly made the transition from modeling to designing. He has an eye for color and flow. When he graduated from college, he started to work for Byon Ae Sook- a well known fashion designer on the modeling scene. He has quickly become one of her top designers.

In the last year, he moved out of his parent's home into his own apartment near Kuiyeowo Sarang. When he's not working in Ae Sook's studio, he spends a lot of his time there- sometimes with his pencils and markers working on his design sketches.
Romantic Interest(s): Sangmin is always on the lookout for his true love- or at least someone to hold his interest longer than a few weeks.
Other: Sangmin secretly reads romance novels and women's magazines. He also watches all of his father's dramas- recording them if he doesn't catch them when they're on.


김 태휸
Name: Kim Taehyun
Age: 20
Played By: LunarPearl
Blood Type: O
Birthdate: May 18
Job: Unemployed
Favorite Food: Coffee, Chocolate
Least Favorite Food: Peanut Butter

: Taehyun gets his way. He always has and can't see a reason why he won't continue to do so for the rest of his natural years. Those who are lucky enough to meet him call him the physical embodiment of every girl's dream. A real Prince Charming. Boy, can he be charming. His personality is somewhat amorphous, varying slightly to suit the situation and thus, maintain the upper hand. People who know him though, are well aware of his flaws. Taehyun is selfish and easily bored. He has a tendency to anger swiftly and react quickly, but he doesn't hold grudges unless the matter is some sort of personal affront. Underneath it all, he is still human. It's those moments of genuine tenderness that make the female set flock to him. The flashes of clarity that often accompany them however, make Taehyun hate himself.

Biography: Though he grew up with some measure of privilege, Taehyun has never known happiness. His father runs a moderately successful shipping business but a stringent schedule often keeps him from home for weeks at a time. It has never a bother to his mother, who married his father in a match arranged for financial gain. Both adults were quite pleased with the arrangement, each indulging in their respective interests. For Father it was making money and exotic women. For Mother it was clothes and the society page. When he came of age, he moved into a swank loft his father gave him for his birthday and promptly began to do the things he knew his parents did best, spending money and dating beautiful women. You'll never catch Taehyun calling himself poor little rich boy though. He won't bat an eye when he tells you about how great it was to have no limits, though he can recall no lonelier time than his childhood. Taehyun is in no hurry to figure out his life path, filling all his emptiness with parties and excess. In reality however, his favorite times are those spent quietly sipping coffee at the nearby cafe, watching people smile.

Romantic Interest(s): Cute girls with hot legs.
Other: Taehyun has a real weakness for coffee and chocolate. They are not just his favorite foods they are the ULTIMATE foods.


정 재화
Name: Jeong Jaehwa
Age: 21

Lee Donghae(Super Junior)*Kim Heechul(Super Junior)*Sakamoto Takahashi (Saga/Alice Nine)*Park Yoochun (Micky/DBSK)*Jung Yunho (U KNOW/DBSK)

DancerDoll 10-03-2009 06:32 PM

[__________~*The Crazy Owner*~__________]

So when we said "crazy" owner we mean like Brian Joo acts.
Think Shigure from Fruits Basket. And if you haven't seen that,
well... here are several clips of his crazy-pervy-funny antics:



배 현수
Name: Bae Hyunsu
Played By: Cohedros
Blood Type: AB+
Birthdate:March 2
Job: Cafe owner
Favorite Food: If it's edible, he'll probably eat it at least twice.
Least Favorite Food: Eel, but he'd eat that too, if someone else was paying!
Personality: Obnoxiously loud in a goofy manner. He enjoys singing loudly, speaking loudly and chopping strawberries in halves and quarters dramatically with a large cleaver while yelling "HA-CHAA!" at the top of his lungs. He also thought that strawberries and assorted vegetables were out to get him and deserved their deaths for the tastey goodness of mankind. He views food as the ultimate in awesomesauce and will openly say such. His cafe is his life but he's more amused by the drama of his patrons than aggravated. His open personality is probably based in just a touch of psychosis, but it's fun. Really.
Biography:Hyunsu truly is the definition of "living in your own world"--he sees the things around him as something completely different than what everyone else sees. He thinks that he is the one who sees reality, and that he is somehow destined to lead all the others who live in a 'fake dimension' into his own 'dimension'. In reality, it is all in his mind, but that didn't stop him from opening up the Kuiyeowo Sarang Cafe. He found his passion for food and drink at a young age due to his mother's famous concoctions at home. Then, when he took home economics in high school, he became even more interested in creating his own works of art. Hyunsu soon discovered that his food drew people toward him, bringing him both friends as well as money. When he realized that he was destined to 'save all of humanity', he opened up the restaurant to offer up to the people a 'new heaven'--his own 'dimension', thus implying the idea that by stepping into his cafe his customers enter his own mind's eye.
Romantic Interest(s):Yes, yes, yes, sweet, sweet pretties, sweet, sweet pretties . . .
He actually fancies all the women regulars at the cafe--he sees them as radiant, majestic beauties who are striving to cross over into 'his dimension', thus making them appear to be very noble in his eyes.
Other: His favorite drink is the newest drink he's created on the menu. But after he makes a new one (which is practically every day) he straight out rejects his last invention and strips it off the menu. The employees finally pursuaded him not to put his new drinks on the menu, but instead write them on a magical erasable board that is titled "Today's Special" . . . hmm . . .

Brian Joo (Fly to the Sky)

DancerDoll 10-03-2009 06:36 PM


[imgleft][/imgleft], your character can crush on another
character, but you can't decide if the other character is
crushing on yours or if that character is you character's
boyfriend/girlfriend. You have to ask for permission~ can PM me with a crush at ANY time. Actually,
I encourage it. That way I can keep up with this section. xD; yeah, love triangles = DRAMA.

Haejung :heart: s Boys, boys, boys, & did I mention boys? Esp. Taehyun. >3
Soyeon :heart: s ???
Mihi :heart: s Hyunsu.
Sunhee :heart: s Sangmin.
Yoolee :heart: s Jaehwa.
Sungbae :heart: s an ideal.

Daehyun :heart: s Yoolee & Soyeon.
Chunho :heart: s himself Yoolee.
Sangmin :heart: s fashion.
Taehyun :heart: s sex.
Jaehwa :heart: s ???
Hyunsu :heart: s ???

-none yet-

♥Crush Map♥
-coming soon-

DancerDoll 10-03-2009 06:38 PM

[_________~*Story Time*~_________]

[imgleft][/imgleft]Please, please, PLEASE think about what your
character would be doing in a time like this. DON'T
make your character wander around aimlessly
(unless that really is what they'd do). I don't want
you to get bored or feel like you have no part in the
RP. Make sure to INTERACT with other characters
and remember- you can make up a plotline for your
character, if you want! Just make sure you have fun~ The roleplay begins on a clear April morning,
then suddenly it begins to pour so hard you'll swear a cat (or was it a dog) just fell on your head.

DancerDoll 10-05-2009 01:21 PM

[_________~*Tea Time*~_________]

Regular | Decaf
Au lait | Latte | Breve
Americano | Cappuccino
Macchiato | Con Panna | Cubano
Thai Pulled Tea | Oolong Tea
English Breakfast | Green Tea
White Tea | Red Tea
Ask About Our Selection
of Seasonal Teas

Traditional Korean Teas
Insam Cha | Danggwi Cha | Saenggang Cha
Sujeonggwa | Yuja Cha | Hyeonmi Cha

Tea | Milk Tea | Fruit

Ask About Our Selection
of Flavors

Sarang Mocha
Strawberry Razzmatazz

Key Lime Tartlette
Fruit Tart
Apple Gallete
Ask About Our Daily Tart

Made Fresh Daily
Ask Your Waiter
For a Slice of Today's Cake

Chocolate Chip Raspberry
Coconut Almond

Pat Bing Su
Homemade Ice Cream

Strawberry Barvarian
Matcha Cheese Cake
Strawberry Cheese Cake Triffle

A Selection of Both
Eastern & Western
Custards & Puddings

Devilled Egg | Seafood | Cucumber
Turkey | Chicken | BLT
Mushrooom | Ham
A Selection of Cheeses

Cooked Anyway You Like!
Subs; Paninis; Wraps; Anything!

Apple & Gorgonzola | Strawberry | Cobb
Spring Greens | House | Ceasar | Greek

Vegetable | Miso | Chicken Noodle
Clam Chowder | Corn Chowder | Baked Potato
Autumn Mushroom | Butternut Squash | Mandoo Guk

Mandoo | Kimbap | Kimchi Bokkeum Bap
Bibimbap | Japchae | Ddeokbokee | Pajeon

DancerDoll 10-06-2009 04:01 AM

~ * L e e H a e j u n g * ~

Five hundred twenty-five thousandsix hundred minutes,
Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes;
How do you measure, measure a year?


-------The sky was a gorgeous aqua with a splash of cerulean here and there, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Haejung couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised at its beauty, and also at the fact that she had made it twelve whole days without another loss in her epic war with gravity on the way down the ladder to her bunk. In fact, she was about to add that to her tally of victories when she face-planted on her floor. You see; Haejung was probably the biggest klutz that you'd ever know. One of her greatest achievements in the realm of klutzonomy was the ability to trip over a single well-placed strand of hair and sometimes even air. After several more battles with gravity while trying to stand, Haejung picked herself off the floor and, with a stretch, went to go get ready for the day. In no more than twelve hours–well, maybe that's a stretch–two hours, Haejung left her apartment and began her half-mile trip to Kuiyeowo Sarang for breakfast. As per usual, Haejung had her mp3 player blasting DBSK and Big Bang through huge black Skullcandy headphones. Sometimes she wondered if she should wear her earplug headphones instead of risking the ruin of the curls she woke up early to perfectly style, but she just liked having big DJ style headphones, especially in a world where people hide their love of music with tiny concealable headphones. It is also much easier to offend someone with earplug headphones, because many times, it's hard to tell when someone is listening to music with earplug headphones in. There's also the hearing damage those little buggers cause, and there was no way the aspiring songstress could afford to damage her hearing.

-------More than anything, Haejung wanted to sing. She wanted to make others feel the way she did when she heard a beautiful song. To feel as though the soul has been uplifted even if the lyrics are in an unknown language. The first time Haejung felt this, she was ten and she heard the American song "Reflection" by Christina Aguilera. The emotions the were brought to her through the combination of sounds brought such a catharsis in her that, even though she had no idea what the song was about, she decided she wanted to sing one day. Instead of bringing negative emotion with her music, she wanted to bring peace and happiness to a person's heart. That was her dream, to soothe the savage earth.

-------Halfway to her destination, Haejung sat down on a bench in a park she passed through every morning on her way to work, and stretched her ankles. Today was not a good day to have worn stilettos; then again, no day is good for stilettos when you walk everywhere. Even more than she was a klutz, Haejung was a terrible driver. There was no denying it. Still though, she couldn't keep herself from wearing them. They made her feel beautiful, and, well, beauty is pain, isn't it? Yes. Yes, it is, and these stilettos were hot. That's all that really matters, isn't it? Ah, what she wouldn't do for five pairs of strappy stilettos–a single purple pair just wouldn't do–because you know what? She rock in stilettos, 'ho!

-------With a sigh at her own, very obvious, failure at life, Haejung picked herself off of the soon to be lonely park bench and smoothed out her stone grey skinny jeans. After adjusting her hair and changing the song streaming through her headphones to a more favorable one–"Choosy Lover," a Japanese song by Dong Bang Shin Ki (If there was one thing she had been naturally good at it was language. In her mind she had even adjusted the beginning English of the song to "Ooh. Hey TVXQ. Sexy. You're sexy. It's sexytime; CHIKACHIKA bed-now." Oh buddy, those were five of the sexiest pieces of man-flesh she had ever laid eyes on. What are you talking about, Haejung didn't have ulterior motives for choosing SM Entertainment as the company she wanted to be a part of. Of course not. What kind of girl do you take her for?)–Haejung made one last check to make sure her purple paisley silk baby-doll dress was not hiked up in the back, and then set off for Kuiyeowo Sarang again.

-------Haejung almost skipped her way to the café. Almost because she couldn't really do so in stilettos, but there was a hop in her step. Now, this might have been because of the cheerful beat coursing through her body from her headphones, or because of the thoughts of the deliciously scrumtrillescent hunks of man-flesh who serenaded her soul. Curiously, it was because of a delicious slice of man-flesh heaven a little more local and available than the musical gods that invaded her ear canal. Taehyun was all sorts of delicious with an extra helping of bowchikawawow and a side order of DAYUM-I'd-like-to-tap-that. Of course, Haejung would never say that out loud. That would just be tacky, and of course, Haejung was the epitome of not-tacky. Not to mention, Haejung would often joke of sexual related things, but, true to herself, Haejung planned on remaining a virgin until she was completely sure that the man she is with is the one for her. Unfortunately, she was not currently "with someone," but she was hoping that would change soon. And by hoping, I mean yearning. And by yearning, I mean that every now and then when she is sure nobody is looking, she'll peer up at the heavens and shout, no, scream:

-------"WHY?" But man, that Taehyun was a QT-Q; one smile of his could send her into euphoria for the entire day and there was no denying that even with her morals about sex, she wouldn't mind it all that much if he pushed her against a wall somewhere out of the blue and forcibly violated her mouth with his own. No, she wouldn't mind that one bit.

-------Actually, that would be amazing. Could you get on that, god? Please and thanks.' She smiled internally at the thought. She stopped for a moment at a shop window and eyed a pair of bright orange pumps. Why hello there,' she thought. I will be coming back for you on my break. Most definately.' Whoever said 'diamonds are a girls best friend' was an idiot. Shoes are a girls best friend; lots of shoes, her secret lover. Seeecccreeet llooooveeers~ [[OOC: Highlight the blank space for a secret message from Haejung.]

-------As she neared the café, Haejung took her headphones off of her ears, letting them lay comfortably around her neck as she lowered the volume to where it was audible to her only. She took a deep breath and entered the café. Putting on her biggest smile, Haejung greeted every one in the café with a cheerful:

-------"Annyeonhaseyo!" Haejung was surprised though, that she had made it here sooner than most of the other regulars. This was especially surprising due to the fact that Haejung was habitually late to everything. 'I wonder where everyone is,' she thought to herself as she took her normal seat on the black couch in front of the window overlooking the street. She peered out the window and noticed a few dark clouds had began to cover the sky she had admired that morning for being crystal clear and majestic and frowned as if mother nature was mocking her. She hoped that no one else had failed to check the weather this morning and left their umbrella at home. Haejung sighed once again and leaned back on the couch as she awaited her waiter to take her order.

In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights

In cups of coffee

In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.


[imgleft][/imgleft]_I dig causing commotion . . ._____________________________________________
__________________________________________________ ____________________________I CAN'T HELP BUT MAKE A SCENE♥♥♥

For Jung Mihi, the day started much earlier.

Nothing special; just her daily routine. Every morning she awoke to her cell phone blasting out "So Hot" by the Wonder Girls at full volume. What better way to start off the day than a conceited pop song to make you feel sexy? As Mihi did every other day, she ate a banana and took her vitamin supplements with a glass of milk. Then it was time for a two-hour workout: one hour cardio, the other strength training. Hey, she had to be in good shape to perform at her best on stage, right? Usually she would zone out into a mode of deep concentration and focus, but today she was in an extremely good mood--almost even giddy. So, Mihi spent the entire time daydreaming of her favorite cafe and its hunky nice... unique owner.

Ah, you caught her. Mihi has a huge crush on the cafe owner of Kuiyeowo Sarang, Bae Hyunsu. She can't really explain it. Maybe it's because he's so weird different mysterious... er... unique. Then again the fact that she glimpsed his abs one time when he was reaching for something might have also been an factor. In any case, she developed a thing for Hyunsu. It's actually a very bipolar sort of 'thing.' One minute Mihi is pumped and confident and set out to make him notice her, the next she remembers the age gap and sinks into a near-inconsolable state of melancholy. And since the cafe is the place she goes when she's feeling down, the whole thing repeats. It's a vicious cycle.

Anyway, this would be one of those times when she was extremely hyper because of him. When she was finally finished with the strength training, she hopped in the shower to get all the nasty sweat off and make her skin smell like Bath & Body Works Sakura Blossom Body Soap. Then it was out of the shower and into some clothes!

"Hmm... should I go for sexy today?" Mihi pondered aloud, tugging on the smooth fabric of a purple dress that hung in her closet. She eyed it, tempted, but then pouted. "But maybe he doesn't like sexy. Or maybe I'll look like I'm overdoing it. Hm." Her eyes lingered a few seconds more before she flicked the dress back into place. "Eh. I have to rehearse today, anyway. Sexy would just be a nuisance. Cute and casual, possibly?" She fingered through her clothes and finally smiled, pulling out a few items. Thirty minutes later, she was fully dressed, her hair was straightened, her teeth brushed meticulously, and her face made up with a little mascara and clear lipgloss. She smiled at herself in the mirror once before grabbing her Bambi purse, playbook, and a book of monologues for women.

Mihi set out walking. Normally, she took some form of public transportation to go anywhere, be it the bus, subway, or even a cab. She lived relatively close to everything; she just usually didn't want to waste her acting energy on walking. But because she felt so darn energetic, she decided it would be best to let some of it out with extra exercise.

And this is where her day went wrong.

She was halfway to the cafe when it started to get cloudy out. Mihi really didn't take notice; she wasn't very observant about things like the weather. She's been known to hear rain pouring and think it's her A/C being unusually loud, only to walk outside and find everything wet. Mihi, being a girl who doesn't really watch the news or weather channel, was completely unprepared for the spontaneous downpour that suddenly came. And--would you believe it?--for a moment she actually looked up, thinking someone dumped a bucket of water over her head. It was raining just that hard, and had been just that sudden.

Upon seeing no evil little pranksters or unwitting old person with a bucket and only dark skies, she broke out into a run for the cafe. It was rather awkward-looking, considering her duffel bag was unwieldy to run with and her heels made her overly careful about how she stepped. She made a slight whining noise at how soaked she was getting, but that frown quickly righted into a beaming smile as she reached out her hand to push past the door and...

"I made i-" Her exclamation of triumph was cut short when her foot connected with the floor of the cafe. Her heels were now wet and slick, with her momentum propelling her forward and the smooth floor providing little to no friction, she went careening to the ground with a loud yelp of surprise. She fell flat on her back, and boy, did she fall hard. She saw stars blink in and out of her vision and she couldn't breathe for a full five seconds. When she finally sat up and put a hand to her head, she tasted blood in her mouth and realized she bit her tongue in the process.

Mihi laughed once. It was a small, nervous laugh. One of those, "I-cannot-believe-I-just-did-that-please-God-kill-me-now-or-give-me-the-power-to-go-back-and-time-and-stop-that-from-happening" laughs. She stood up and looked down to see if there was any dirt or something on her, and gasped. Not only did she probably look like a total dork, but as she looked down, Mihi realized that she also probably looked like a hooker, too. Her dress was made of that material. You know the one: the kind that is soft like cotton but slinky and heavy somehow so it fits a woman's curves, but when it gets wet... it falls. Considerably. Her white-and-pink polkadotted bra was exposed for the world to see, and she gave a cry of embarrassment as she grabbed the bust of her dress and pulled it back up, only to have it sag a little and let just a little of her bra continue to peek out, as if to mock her. Mihi stood a little ways to the side of the doorway a bit longer, trying three times to get her dress neckline to stop being traitorous and stay where it should. It didn't work.

Finally she opted to cross her arms over her chest and walk to the counter, a rosy flush coming into her cheeks as she neared. "Hyunsu-ssi*? Do you have a towel?" Mihi called. She paused, thinking, before she added, "And maybe a safety pin or two?" As she waited for a response, she nodded in greeting to Haejung, her expression somewhere between a friendly smile and an embarrassed grimace.

[*-ssi = Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss in Korean]

Jung Mihi What's it gonna be tonight? Come hit me up~ come hit me up~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
___________________________________babybaby . . . just a little moreWALK TO ME . . . TALK TO ME . . . HANDLE ME RIGHT

fuyumi_saito 10-06-2009 04:40 AM

A loud beeping noise woke Soyeon up from her vivid dream about owning a pet zombie. She mumbled as she hit the alarm by her bed, and began to get ready for school. Looking at her closet, she grabbed a cute lacy yellow cami, and a black unbuttoned shirt over it. she slipped into a pair of cream colored capris, and took a look at herself in the mirror. She gently smoothed out the wrinkles in her shirt with her hands as her eyes trailed up and down herself as she looked in the mirror.

Turning, she took her comb and brushed her long brown hair. She ended up braiding it on the right side of her head, so some of the strand of hair hung loose on the left side. She quickly applied her make up, and grabbed her school bag.

"Time to go!" Soyeon said to herself, smiling. She was headed toKuiyeowo Sarang Café.

"I'm leaving now!" The brunette called out as she ran toward the door and slipped on her black flats. Grabbing her purse and rain jacket. she checked her necklace, which she never took off because it was a watch, and then ran out the door. Soyeon was on schedule, but she always liked to be early, plus a little exercise never hurt!

She really wanted some Sujeonggwa tea. Just the idea of it made her mouth water. The delicious taste of sweetness and Cinnamon. She knew she had no special reason to be drinking it, but she really wanted someone. Should she really spoil herself this way? Yes, no, maybe? Of course, Soyeon was one of those people that didn't notice things like the sky clouding up as she walked towards the café, because she was too distracted as to weather she should get Sujeonggwa tea or not.

'Just go for it, Soyeon. No one cares except for you.' She told herself as she made her way towards the café. By now, the young woman had already passed the dreaded bridge. Smiling, she couldn't wait to see what sorta things went on at the café today. She loved sitting there, and watching everyone. They had the most amusing people stopped by at Kuiyeowo Sarang Café.

'What? Oh rain. Well I'm glad I brought my jacket' Soyeon took a rain jacket out of her purse, and quickly put if over her clothes. She was a little wet, and her feet would probably get soaked, but oh well.

Needless to say, she couldn't turn around and go back home. She was already almost to the café. Soyeon had seen someone else enter it just a few minutes before her. Maybe someone kind with an umbrella could walk her home maybe? Soyeon couldn't help but allow a small smile slowly appear on her face as she saw the familiar exterior of the building.

"Hello?" Soyeon called, sounding a bit like a question as she looked around. Her brown eyes glancing at the puddles on the floor as she found a place to sit. She shivered, 'I think I will perhaps get some Sujeonggwa tea.'

Cohedros 10-06-2009 05:25 AM

Unlike Soyeon, Daehyun actually had checked the news on the television in his dorm. He liked rain! Truthfully, he didn't really like super-sunny days. So, he'd gotten up early that morning and taken a walk. He walked down the street, past The Blooming Lotus, wondering if that cute girl was working today... what was her name? Li-something. Yu-ling? Maybe, but he didn't think so. Yoolee? Yes, that was it!

The scholar, thin and slightly paled from being indoors too much, paused outside the shop. He wondered whether it was open this early, then decided it probably wasn't. Maybe he could make something up, buy something for his mother if she was? But that would require talking to her.... nah. He didn't really want to talk to her... What if she wasn't nice? Or, worse, if his knightly do-good deeds didn't impress her! No, he didn't want to think about that at all. "But she might like me. I haven't talked to her yet. I only know her name from the tag she wears when she's working... But, what if she thinks I'm creepy? I mean, I only walk by here every morning and wave." A sigh escaped him as he walked on by.

It was then that the wrath of a pissed-off God descended on him from above, in the form of raindrops falling harder than the swords of angels thrown from on high. Of course, Daehyun liked rain, so it wasn't that big a bummer, and he'd known it was coming, so it wasn't any kind of massive surprise. Still, the force with which his skull was bombarded forced him to reconsider the idea of a morning walk through the torrential downpour of death. Once that was taken into account, his plans for the day changed drastically. He remembered the Kuiyeowo Sarang was conveniently nearby, and besides, didn't Yoolee hang out there? And that other girl, the one who reminded him of beans... Soyeon! Yeah, her. She was cute too, but probably out of his league. Sometimes he thought it was good that he stuck to his history... Really, who cared about the political nuances of the fifteenth century but him? He sighed, walking slowly to the cafe with a slightly distracted stride.

It was because of that fact in particular that Dae arrived soaked to the bone and shivering slightly. He opened the door to the cafe and sat down at a booth, currently having no desire in particular for anything but warmth. When the conveniently NPC server came to take his order, he chose an Americano coffee and leaned back into the seat, a thoughtful look on his face. He pushed the hair plastered on his face out of the way and waited quietly. Suddenly, he realized that he'd forgotten his history texts, but maybe that wasn't such a bad thing, since the doors of heaven had opened and God had decided to flood the world once more. He was glad for his rare good fortune.

It was then that he noticed Mihi's graceful descent to her bottom on the floor, standing up. Walking to stand beside Mihi and giving her a little smile, he spoke. "I think I have an extra shirt in my bag." Huzzah for being a student and carrying all kinds of baggage everywhere! "It might be a little big, but it'll cover everything." The scholar gave her a little shrug. "But I don't mean to bother you. If you want the shirt, I'm over there." He pointed to where his bag sat at his booth. "I'll, uh, go sit down now..." Shy guy is shy. He began to turn, intending to walk back to his previously chosen seat, although if Mihi chose to speak to him he'd surely stop.

Faiyth 10-06-2009 06:02 AM

♥Choi Yoolee♥

I [believe] in only you and me
Never gonna give up, we can see
Happiness and sadness, together
[We are gonna double take it!]

Yoolee tiptoed about the apartment she shared with Sunhee in the wee hours of the morning. She set her alarm clock for five, but in actuality sat awake for an hour, truly getting up at six. She was afraid of accidently waking her roommate so early and potentially upsetting her. Though the neon pink socks on her feet made sure that every move she made was a terribly clumsy one that announced to the world her presence. After a particularly loud dish mishap in the kitchen, Yoolee paused, held onto the nearest granite countertop and sucked in a deep breath. She waited silently for a minute, watching the second hand idly tick away on a small, traditional clock that hung on an adjacent wall just inches from her face. “That was close.” Yoolee whispered once she determined it was safe to move again.

Yoolee slid across the kitchen floor, through the hallway, and directly into the bathroom. She wouldn’t emerge from this convenient room for a solid hour. Once the door finally creaked open a bright-eyed and refreshed looking Yoolee stepped out. Her dark was pin straight and tied back in the typically work-appropriate ponytail fashion. Two obnoxiously colored bobby pins, one green and its neighbor purple, kept her bangs from straying into her eyes and her line of vision. She wore a teal colored tank top, which had a slight silver sheen to it, layered over a white, lace camisole. A pair of dark-wash denim, skinny jeans covered her legs and the high-top part of her pink converse. Hey, working at a florist’s shop isn’t easy. I mean, heels are cute and all, just not too practical for a job where you’re standing on your feet all freakin’ day. Yoolee made her way as quietly as she could past Sunhee's room. She scribbled a quick note on the 'community' notepad by the front door to make sure her roomie was aware of her intentions to drop by the Cafe before she headed to work.

Yoolee slipped outside the door and checked it twice to make sure it was locked. As soon as she was sure her sleeping friend was safe from robbers, she headed out on her way. However, she immediately was blinded by the misleading sunlight outside her cool, dark living quarters. "Sometimes I wonder if the Sun is out to get me.." Yoolee mumbled, shielding her eyes from the glare with her right hand while she decended the apartment complex's stairs and exited out onto the street. The walk to Kuiyeowo Sarang wasn't a long one, but just minutes after she set out the strangest thing happened. At first, it was a slight drizzle, no big deal. By 'at first' I mean for a split second. After that, the previously mentioned 'slight' drizzle transformed into a ridiculous downpour. Her legs carried her faster than she had originally planned. Her eyes scanned the different, abundant business signs to her right as she ran by. That's when she saw it. Yoolee smiled widely as her hand reached out instinctively and yanked the cafe's door open. She let out a soft sigh of relief at the immediate loss of water pressure on her scalp, but wasn't too pleased with the cool, numbing effect the air-conditioning had on her exposed skin. Yoolee hesitated slightly, but went ahead and sat at her usual spot, a small table in the far corner. She was oblivious to the puddles she trailed across the floor.

Even the pain can be [beautiful]
Only when the feeling is for you
Future will be always on my side
[I am gonna double take it!]

LunarPearl 10-06-2009 06:42 AM

Sunhee was not one to wage war with the alarm clock on days like this. Today was her little sister Heejin's birthday and she had no idea where she was. Her expression was unusually somber as she went through her morning routine; a mile or two to jog around the park and after that a long shower. It took a bit of time to get her hair styled but it was easily the longest part of her regimen. Minimal make-up and simple clothing pieces made for quick dressing. Today she chose a flowing teal dress that hit just above her knee and strappy canvas wedges. Perfect for the balmy weather. This morning her movements held no enthusiasm however, Sunhee's usual zeal lost in the significance of the date. She reached for her phone, intending to call her agent, Hyunsook, surprised when it rang as soon as her fingers touched it.


The word flashed at her from the screen and she made a face, her eyes filling with tears. Don't cry. Don't cry. He'll hear it in your voice. Sunhee pressed the button and held the speaker to her ear.

"Sunny?" her father asked, using her childhood nickname. "Good morning. I'm sorry if I woke you sweetheart."

"Not at all. I've been awake for a little while. How are you?" They made small talk for a while, skirting painful subjects with some measure of tact and a few awkward silences. Father was pretending he was simply calling because he missed her but both were well aware of the truth. He was calling because of Heejin. Because today she was ten and he could not put his arms around her and sing Happy Birthday in her ear. He wouldn't be able to flatter Mother by lauding the fruits of her womb, complimenting her on all her good work in raising two fine daughters. When they hung up, there was a loaded pause as each waited for the other to say the words they desperately wanted to hear. He managed to stumble over his I love you and hung up quickly. Sunhee nodded to herself, answering once the line had gone quiet. "Love you too."

To take her mind off their conversation, she busied herself with straightening the apartment. Sunhee moved as silently as possible lest she wake a possibly still sleeping Yoolee. It was only after she had scrubbed the fridge that her nerves were steady enough to speak to Hyunsook. He gave her a list of audition dates and advised her to take a sweater and an umbrella. Apparently the forecaster predicted a sudden change in weather sometime today and the last thing her agent wanted was a sick actress when casting for winter dramas was going to begin. Sunhee did as she was told and consulted her watch. There was still time to spend an hour or two at the cafe before work. Time for some pulled tea and something... apple.

No sooner had she walked a block than the sky began a re-enactment of Noah's flood. She darted into a covered door way and fumbled with her umbrella, glad for Hyunsook's mothering. Sunhee made it to Kuiyeowo Sarang dryer than most, her legs dripping but her hairstyle still intact. And her clothing for that matter. Taking one look at Mihi, she marched over and tapped her on the shoulder, offering the soft gray cardigan she had brought. "Do you want to use this?" It might help cover up her... assets.

Park Sunhee


The night before was a blur of color and light, rich in sound but lacking in substance. A sour taste in his mouth and the compressed feeling of his skull speaking of a long night with alcohol. Taehyun yawned and looked to his left, realizing he had a bedmate. She was still sleeping, lying prone beside him with her arms crossed above her head. Blonde. At least it was a good dye job. He pulled gingerly at the tangled sheets, catching a pleasant eyeful of the girl. Maybe it was silly fear but he had a habit of making certain he had not allowed something... less than desirable into his home. After all, if he had a really good time, he often did not remember just how good it had been. Smooth porcelain skin and mile-long legs made Taehyun grin. Of course, how could he have doubted his own good taste? Her pert little bottom screamed at him for a squeeze or a smack. Perhaps Tae could get away with just a tiny pinch. No, no. The absolute last thing he wanted was some clingy club brat batting her lashes in an attempt to be coy and wanting 'together' time. It would be terribly awkward when he told her to get dressed and go. Not bothering to look for his pants, or even his underwear, Taehyun left the large bed and padded across the apartment toward the bathroom.

His home's austere, modern lines suited his taste but the sleek blue cocktail dress puddled beside the chair was not his idea of an appropriate rug. Taehyun kicked it over to her shoes, cursing when the slinky material caught on his foot and refused to let go. It was like some horrible metaphor for women in general. Clingy, needy creatures that constantly wanted him to give up the things that made him happy. Had anyone peered into his wide windows, they would have been surprised by the show he was putting on, hopping around in the buff with a scowl on his handsome face. At last, he managed to fling the dress aside, giving the bed a nervous glance.

It was not that he was afraid of women, Taehyun told himself after one last glowering look at her belongings. He just hated to deal with the tears and the fury and the way they sometimes stalked him. Why couldn't it just be a fun lay? Every star in the heavens received his ardent prayers when he came across sensible women like that, tears of joy filling his eyes while he carefully recorded phone numbers for future use. Taehyun took a hot shower and crossed his fingers the blonde in his bed was that sort. Kind of hard to tell when she was not yet conscious... He was actually becoming a tad concerned for her health until she muttered something and rolled over. Keeping his eyes on her, he dressed in dark jeans and a gray tee emblazoned with silver foiled graphics. Tae's kind gesture for the stranger in his bed was a note on the nightstand beside a glass of water and a pair of aspirin tablets.

I'm afraid I had an early morning. Thanks for a great night. The aspirin and water are for you. You'll probably need them after the tab we ran up at Toxic. Leave me your number and please let yourself out.

He did not bother signing it. It wouldn't matter if she remembered who he was or cared to know. In fact, cute as she was, he'd lose no sleep if he never saw her again. Maybe it was time to get himself a girlfriend for a little while instead of tiptoeing around his own home in the wee hours of the morning. Taehyun sighed and left, heading for his favorite haunt. He usually spent a good deal of the day Kuiyeowo Sarang and a cup of strong black coffee was his customary drink after a hard night. And why not? It was a quiet place with good atmosphere and pretty girls, though he was loathe to date any of them. The absolute last thing Taehyung wanted was to ruin the one spot he felt truly at ease outside of his own home. Even the short walk there was somewhat cathartic.

Still... some of the regulars were real babes. The one named Haejung had the most delectable lips he'd seen in a long time. Before his thoughts could wander into more scandalous territory, the sky released a deluge, effectively cooling down his raging hormones. Taehyun ran the last leg of his walk, shaking himself off as he entered the cafe and offering other soaked patrons a congenial smile. "It's practically biblical out there," he said, ruffling his short, dark hair. Hopefully it didn't keep up all day, Tae thought as he sank into an empty seat and ordered plain black coffee.

Kim Taehyun

Moxie 10-06-2009 01:31 PM

Sangmin's eyes hurt. His neck hurt. His back hurt.

He looked at the mannequin and adjusted the fabrics again, adding a few more stitches. He looked at the sketches Ae Sook had left, then back to the mannequin. Her words rang in his mind from the evening before. The temperamental old woman had fired two of her designers- Hyun Ok and Nam Kyu. She fired them with only four days left until their next show. Sure Nam Kyu was clumsy and his stitches looked like a child did them when he wasn't using the sewing machines, but he worked and always brought tea for the people around. His work was passable so long as he just followed the patterns and stuck to the machines. Hyun Ok was horrible though.

Okay, so she had been Sangmin's bosom buddy last month- but that was last month. Last month they went to that little shop downtown where they sold the purple plastic bracelets. They were great. They really perked up any outfit. But now everyone had them- and they also came in yellow. Yellow! Really now- so few people can get away with wearing yellow. But anyway, this month she was horrid. She had decided to adopt cutesy girl fashion- pigtails, lots of lace, teddy bears. And the voice. The voice. That little-kid wanna be voice. He cringed at the very thought of it.

On top of that, she had totally stolen his last design. He had shown her his notebook at lunch one day when everyone was together. Sure, she hadn't taken the one he was planning on using for the show, but she still took one. Uncreative little snot. Of course, he might have said she could borrow elements of it. But that was just to be nice if anything. He hadn't expected her to actually steal his whole design. Also, she had totally taken his mandoo last week. He had gotten a to-go order from Kuiyeowo Sarang and planned on eating it that evening. He caught her with it at lunch that day. It pleased Sangmin that she was gone now- or it would have if he hadn't had to finish all her work.

Now he slaved over the final details of the fashions, alone. Was that the sun rising?

He looked at the mannequin again. Something didn't seem right. It hung funny. That just wouldn't do. He ran his hands over the fabric. "Ah!" he winced out as his hand caught on a series of pins still holding part of it. That was why it was hanging funny.

It was also a sign he needed coffee. Maybe sleep. But first, definitely coffee. This week he loved Café Au Lait. It was like milk tea, but stronger. Lovely. Of course he was still fond of the Breve, but he wanted something a little different right now.

He pulled out the pins and stuck them into the pin cushion on his bench. The fabric loosened and fell into place. "Perfection," he said aloud. "With the right accessories this will be perfect." He tossed his needles haphazardly on the bench along with some extra buttons, beads and wooden toggles. He'd return this evening for the first fitting anyway.

Sangmin stretched his arms above his head, the middle of his back giving a luxurious crack. He picked up the empty noodle bowl at his bench and tossed it in the bin on his way out of the studio. It was early. The sun was just lighting the sky.

'Hmm, maybe sleep would be good.' Sangmin mused, looking at the beginnings of the day. He put on his helmet and started his scooter up. It was only a short ride back to his apartment. If anything, he needed a shower. He couldn't let people see him like this. He didn't have on any accessories and only a t-shirt and jeans. Sure, he made it look good, but for public consumption it was plain out. He had an image to maintain. He was still stopped on the street from time to time by fangirls.

By the time he made it home, the sun had lit up the sky. His apartment was still sparsely furnished- a couch, a small table a few chairs at the breakfast nook. He looked over to his crowning glory- the entertainment center: large flat screen television, dvd player, tivo- even a laser disc. He turned on the tv and flipped through the guide. He smiled and hit the record button as he noticed his father's name on one of the shows. "Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me" was his father's latest show. It wasn't bad, but a little unrealistic in places. The actress they had chosen to play the main character- a professional assassin- couldn't fake fight to save her life. Still, the romantic bits were good and the dialogue was fun.

Sangmin fluttered to his bedroom and undressed on his way to the shower, dropping his clothes into the laundry basket by the door. After a gloriously hot shower, he spent the next hour primping. Skin exfoliate, moisturizer, skin tightening rub, cuticle crème, nail buff, etc etc etc. By the time he was ready to slip into bed, he was wired; far too wired to even contemplate sleep. So, instead he got dressed. He put on an old 8Eight T-shirt that had splashes of purple and black. Over that he layered on a light purple button up shirt that he buttoned artistically. He wore a pair of new jeans that were made to look worn. His belt was black leather with silver studs. It matched his boots. He grabbed a grey jacket as well, slipping that on for a third layer. He contemplated his accessories and opted for a few rings, a long burnished silver chain with a couple of beads linked into it and (after much debate) his Chunky Purple, as he liked to call his purple plastic bracelet.

As he stepped out of his room and looked at himself in the full length mirror hanging on his door, he heard the rain pattering on his window. He looked at his carefully arranged hair and frowned. 'Rain is never good for keeping your hair stylish,' he thought with a frown. So, just in case, he grabbed a grey fedora that matched the color of his jacket. He carried that and an umbrella as he left his apartment.

He rode the elevator down building from his apartment. Waving to the doorman on his way out, he quickly made his way the block and a half to Kuiyeowo Sarang, trying to protect himself with his umbrella from the angry sky. He shook out the umbrella under the awning out front before making his way inside. He had survived the rain reasonably well. Entering the café, he looked around and smiled. It was a home away from home.

He walked over to one of the comfortable chairs near the couch Haejung occupied. It took him a moment to recall her name- it had been a long night afterall. "Hey there Haejung, mind if I join you?" He looked her up and down with a discerning eye. "Great outfit today. Seems like it was a purple and grey day all around." His eyes flicked to the shoes and he nodded approvingly. He wouldn't mention the shoes aloud lest he sound a bit more flaming than he really was. But he was a fashion designer and he noticed these things though it definitely didn't stop him from liking girls. At least until they got boring anyway.

Ceal Thyme 10-06-2009 10:14 PM

Idk how to erase it completly

EternalRaine323 10-07-2009 11:43 PM

The sun shone in brightly through Sungbae's window. It splashed over her face to remind her the world was turning without her. She pressed a pillow firmly over her face and attempted more sleep. After a few restless minutes of laying in bed hoping sleep would take hold, Sungbae removed the pillow from her face and threw it across the room. Once again she would be up before she wanted to. Making a mental note to put up darker curtains in her bedroom, she stretched her arms over her head. Blinking a couple of times to adjust to the lighting, she threw the covers off and stepped onto the rugged seventies shag carpet. Pushing from the bed she lifted herself to a stand.

The folding doors of Sungbae's closet swung open to reveal the modest amount of clothing that the girl could afford to fill it with. She pulled some dark washed jeans and her favorite metal band t-shirt from their hangers. The soft cotton-poly of her pajamas slid off smoothly. Unbuttoning the fly of her jeans and sliding the zipper down, Sungbae pulled the pants on with no problem. Then she pulled the t-shirt over head head. Turning around to face her bed, she spotted her denim jacket hanging over the bed post. Slipping this on, she was now dressed and in search of her shoes. Her black sneakers with a pink stripe running across them laid under her bed. She slipped these on without untying them.

On her way out of her apartment, Sungbae grabbed her silver laptop. The red light on her answering machine was not flashing as usual. The only person who ever called her was her mother, and even those were rare. There had not been much communication between her family since she had told her father she did not wish to be a part of the church. This infuriated the man, but he tried his best to change her mind. When he discovered her new profession as a romantic novelist, he disowned the girl claiming she needed to reconstruct her priorities. However, Sungbae loved to write the 'smut' her father disapproved of. Since then their relationship has been a bit strained.

Sungbae covered her mouth as she yawned. She was not a morning person, but this early start gave her plenty of time to work on her next novel. Keys jingled as she picked them up and left the apartment, only turning around to lock the door. As she lightly trotted down the steps and out of the apartment complex, she felt the beat of the sun against her skin. The warmth of the sun woke her up. Now she was on her way to Kuiyeowo Sarang for her daily cup of coffee. today she would just show up earlier than usual.

It was only a block or two to the cafe, so Sungbae walked. With all the new ideas she had thought up the night before, she was eager to get typing. Her hand slipped inside her jacket to make sure she her Zune was still in there. With the laptop perfectly balanced under one arm, Sungbae unraveled the ear buds from the mp3 player. She adjusted them into her ears and cranked the volume on her Microsoft made music player. Loud screams and guitar solos blared into her eardrums as she strutted her way to the cafe. Her lips shaped the words that were coming through the head phones.

The cafe came into view as the song came to an end. Sungbae pushed open the door and stepped in. A chime rang from the above door which she never heard. She popped one of her ears buds out as she headed for the booth in the back of the place. That was her favorite seat for two reasons. The first reason was someone had to go out of their way to other her. The second reason was there was there was a electrical outlet under the table which she could plug her laptop charger in to. This allowed her to stay for longer than her two hour battery allotted.

A waitress in the uniform apron came to stand by Sungbae. The gir llooked a little younger than Sungbae. Perhaps she was a student needing some extra money after school. Sungbae had written a book on that once. It sold fairly well. "What can I get you?" the waitress recited as she had done so many times before. Without looking up from the lit screen, Sungbae said,"Your strongest coffee. Black." The waitress wrote down the order and went to get it. Usually she would ask if the customer wanted anything else, but she knew Sungbae, and the girl never ordered anything but her coffee.

Loud music and the click as her fingers pressed down on keys were the only sounds welcome to Sungbae. She did not even look up when the waitress set down her coffee. Her eyes followed the words as they formed on the screen in front of her. Line by line, paragraph by paragraph, Sungbae wrote on as time went on without her. If it was a good day she might even stay until closing. Today was one of those good days. She lifted her coffee from its coaster and sipped. Her concentration never left the words on the screen.

Le-Krynn 10-08-2009 01:18 AM

Chunho woke up feeling refreshed, if not a bit stiff. He sat up in his chair and stretched…. A small thought crept into his head Did I… fall asleep at my desk…? A sense of horror struck him when he looked down at the 18 by 24 inch page laid out in front of him on his study desk. Not only had he passed out while trying to finish his project, but he had used the beautiful charcoal drawing that he had stayed up all night working on as a pillow.
The drawing was horribly smeared and smudged from his face and arms. A now frantic Chunho ran to the bathroom, as though to confirm that, yes, the drawing really was ruined, and yes, he would have to start over. When he saw the charcoal on his cheek, he almost cried.

The next shock came as he slowly left the bathroom, head hanging down with his exhaustion and now depression. He slowly made his way across the room and sat back down at his desk to look at once had been a beautiful still life of some flowers he had bought the day before. It had been so perfect… Or, he thought it had looked great before he passed out… He couldn’t look anymore. Chunho absolutely had to avert his eyes from this terror. He sighed and glanced at the clock. No. NO! THIS CAN’T BE!! He dove to the bed, where he had plopped his cell before getting to work on his drawing. The time was the same. His eyes widened in shock and horror.
Lee Chunho was late. To class? No, much worse than that. Late to work. Work at a small café fairly close to his home. It wouldn’t take long to get there. But he was still wearing his clothes from the day before! He couldn’t get away with wearing them again, either. He rushed to the closet, changing clothes as quickly as he could, putting on whatever clean articles he saw to replace the dirty ones. He ended up wearing a pair of paint covered jeans and a t-shirt with a girly looking art nouveau design.

Teeth! I have to brush my teeth! He looked back at the clock, groaning to himself, "no time for teeeeeth!" Instead, he ended up digging a pack of gum out of a back pack. Who cared how old it was? It would cover up the bad smell of his un-brushed teeth. He rushed out the door… And then back inside, hurrying around the room and gathering up his wallet, keys, and backpack with his sketchbooks and pencils… Along with his uniform. And then he heard thunder. Chunho let out a small whine. How could today even get any worse? He grabbed an umbrella while rushing out the door and slamming it shut, he quickly locked the door, then opened up the umbrella and hopped on his bicycle. Chunho tried to position the umbrella so that it would do its job while he rode the bike.

He made it out onto the street and pedaled as fast as he could to get himself to work hopefully before the boss showed up. Who knew what his punishment would be if the boss knew he was this late!?
When he made the turn into the café’s small driveway, his bike skidded out from underneath him. The now dazed Chunhoo quickly got up to his feet, not quite sure what happened, but definitely feeling whatever it was along his chin, left arm, and knee. He gathered up the fallen bike and his umbrella, putting it back over his head. It didn’t do him much good, though. He was already wet. And now sort of muddy. Thankfully, the part of the pavement that had broken his fall wasn’t too dirty.

Now he was running. He practically threw his bike to its place along the side of the building and ran inside (closing up the umbrella on his way in), using the front door instead of the back (like he was supposed to)… He yelled out a quick “Annyeonhaseyo!” and “jwesonghamnida!” to the café’s patrons on his way to the changing room. Once he got there he realized two things: First: he never cleaned the charcoal off of his face. And second: his chin was all scratched up and bleeding a little bit. “What could make this any wooorse??” He complained to himself as he changed into the comfortable black slacks and short sleeved white button up shirt, finding more scratches and blood along his arm and on his knee.

Chunho was sure to clean himself up and get some band-aids before going back out to help take orders and chat with the customers. He pulled a simple black apron on over his head and tied it in the back around his waist. It had his name tag on the right and two small notebooks in its pockets. (One for orders and one for sketching…. If he ever had the time.)

As he left the back, he made his way around the café area, asking everyone who didn’t already have coffee what they wanted to drink and writing it down in his notebook while chatting casually. But, he was also sure to tell them that he didn’t know how to make the coffees. Unless they wanted instant coffee, then they would have to wait for Hyunsu to arrive. He would then mention, more to himself, that he wasn’t allowed to even clean the coffee making stuff.

When he made it to Yoolee’s usual table, he tried to make the conversation last a bit longer, starting out with a simple, “Hey Yoolee, how’re you today? Do you want your usual or something new? If you like, I can get you some Hwachae. If you don’t like it, then we’ll just make it on the house,” he smiled, “Just… don’t tell my boss…” the smile was every bit as nervous as his tone at the mention of his boss. He had sure enough made a scene running into the café and then trying not to run into anything or anyone… Hopefully the boss was running late, too..?

Faiyth 10-08-2009 02:14 AM

♥Choi Yoolee♥

I [believe] in only you and me
Never gonna give up, we can see
Happiness and sadness, together
[We are gonna double take it!]


Yoolee's head bobbed as she shivered. Where did Hyunsu think they lived anyway? The desert? She folded her arms across her chest, consistently rubbing her forearms to promote at least some blood flow. Water dripped from her hair occasionally, removing all hopes of a dry patch on her clothing. The bobby pins that had kept her face bang-free were now hanging loose and disheveled, allowing a few of the rebellious strands of damp hair to cling to her forehead. 'What a way to start off the day.. So help me God, if I find the thermostat..' She thought to herself as her bottom lip quivered from the cold.

“Hey Yoolee, how’re you today? Do you want your usual or something new?--"

Yoolee jumped initially in surprise. She had been so focused on her lowering body temperature that she didn't notice Chunho arrive late, let alone walk up to her table. Her chair sounded loudly throughout the cafe as gravity brought it back down to meet with the floor. "Oh! S-Sorry!" She spoke up, her cheeks burning softly. Well, at least her face wasn't numb, right? "H-Hwachae sounds great, Chunho. Thank you." She answered with a reassuring nod. Having only heard bits and pieces of what he had said to her, she didn't remember to tack on an update of her well-being.

Yoolee's eyes wandered, examining his features quietly. Her nostrils had picked up on the pungent scent of iron before her eyes found the odor's origin on Chunho's chin. She swallowed and mentally began chanting generic phrases such as, 'It's only a small cut Yoolee, no big deal.' or 'What're you so afraid of? You do realize your body contains blood too, right?' Without consulting her distracted brain first, her hand instinctively slipped a paper napkin from the container on the table and brushed the red liquid from his face softly, dabbing until all traces of the offensive liquid were solely on the napkin. "Are you okay, Chunho? You're bleeding, you know," Yoolee lifted the stained piece of evidence to show him. It didn't occur to her at that moment that she probably had violated his personal space by cleaning it off his face.

Even the pain can be [beautiful]
Only when the feeling is for you
Future will be always on my side
[I am gonna double take it!]

Cohedros 10-08-2009 04:14 AM


The cafe owner was up bright and early, yes indeedy! He was hunting the evil-but-oh-my-god-so-delicious red beasties with a passion, as usual. He rotated a massive cleaver in his hand as he HACHAA'D! his way through a swiftly diminishing pile of whole strawberries to his right, halving and quartering them into two separate piles, respective of each. "OH I'VE GOT A LOVELY BUNCH OF COCONUTS...." came from his mouth as he worked, between HA-CHA!'s. "THERE THEY ARE-A...HA-CHA! STANDING IN HA-CHA! THE ROAD..."

All of this occured prior and up to everyone else's entry into the cafe; he was not interested in them yet! And then Mihi took her tumble to her bottom. "Where did it go?" He hopped the counter behind which he stood easily, setting the cleaver on the counter before doing so. "Miss Mihi! You saw it, where did it go?" Oh no, he would not let the gremlin get away this time! "No one saw a goblin mucking about?" The owner looked around at everyone, his eyes stopping at Chunho. Surely his favored employee could assist him in his quest to debrain the evil gobberins that annihilated all balance in his lovely girls! "CHUNHO!" He roared, then blinked, taking in his charcoal-covered face. A realization dawned on him. "CHOCOLATE! I NEED CHOCOLATE AND FUDGE!"

Obviously, his search for the goblin was done. It was only now that Mihi's question sunk into his slightly-psychotic-but-in-a-fun-way brain. "AND TOWELS. SOMEONE GET HER A TOWEL! AND SAFETY PINS!" He turned towards Mihi with a goofy grin on his face. "You like chocolate and fudge, yes? Everyone likes chocolate and fudge. Chunho, you give me a wonderful idea!" He hopped on the balls of his feet, clapping his hands once, loudly. "And might I add you look lovely today Mihi!" Never mind that she looked like a slightly beaten hooker, he thought she looked lovely. He thought all of them looked lovely. "And he wears nice shirts. You should wear his shirt." Hyunsu gave her another grin. "One day we will destroy that meddling goblin.... But CHUNHO! SAFETY PINS!" Apparently he enjoyed shouting. Well, duh. "And get Mihi whatever she wants free. Such unfortunate luck!" He hopped back over the counter, looking for chocolate and fudge. "RAIN RAIN GO AWAY...." He hummed as he searched, oblivious to most things at the moment.

Le-Krynn 10-08-2009 05:18 AM

Chunho was fairly dumbfounded when he saw Hyunsu right upon entering the building. Thoughts of being fired for being late swarmed around his head. But, no! He wasn’t going to lose his job! He had to get chocolate and fudge! Goblins must have struck again. So, now, it was up to Chunho to find safety pins for Mihi! The poor girl was all exposed on the ground… Truthfully, Chunho wouldn’t have even really noticed her if Hyunsu hadn’t stopped him and demanded that he get the safety pins for her.Those were significantly easier to find than chocolate and fudge, too. “I’ll go get them~!” he called out cheerfully, but still fairly dazed.

Before changing into his work uniform and cleaning up, he delivered the safety pins to Mihi while sort of trying to hide his charcoal cheek and bloodied chin. “uh, I’m gonna go change, okay, boss? I’ll be back out in a moment!”

Once he had changed, given the orders for the coffees to Hyunsu, and offered Yoolee some Hwachae, he was trying to think of something else to talk about with her. But, not something completely off the wall and random… Truthfully there wasn’t much he could say other than, ‘alright, I’ll get that to you in just a moment’ that wouldn’t be pretty random. But, then Yoolee reached up with a napkin and wiped his chin off. His eyes widened and his face flushed with colour.
He really wasn’t sure what to do, it was just so out of the blue!

"Are you okay, Chunho? You're bleeding, you know," He had been watching her, confused out of his mind until he saw the blood on the napkin. When he did, it all clicked. He smiled, and half laughing said, “Yeah, I’m fine. I just slipped earlier and fell off my bike.” This was deeefinately going to be in his blog. But, not like this. It’d be better in his journal.
More like:

'She wiped some blood off of my face, “oh,” I said, “Don’t you think that—“ she cut me off, “You’re bleeding!” She was so sweet, but at the same time, it was… too much for my heart to handle. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I backed away, holding my arms protectively in front of my face, “I… I’m sorry. We’re… too close. We can’t keep doing things like this!” (Even if this is the first time something like this has happened…) I said before running to the back to get her drink ready. When I came back, she was still sitting there. I don’t know, though. Something was weird about the whole atmosphere. And there was that napkin, all covered in my blood, just kind of sitting on the table. “I’ll go throw that away,” I said to her softly as I set her drink down in front of her. She didn’t really say much in response, so I took it and threw it away. But, then I surprised her! I brought her a key lime tartelette because I really like those and I thought that she might, too…But I gave it to her, she said that she hated those!! I was hurt! I had just been trying to lighten the mood! And she haaaates them!!!'

This post would really need some work before I put it up on my page. But, it would be something like that. And smilies! There would be lots of smilies. Chunho laughed to himself at the jokes he was making and decided to jot some of this down somewhere so he could put it online later. Luckily he laughed just a little bit after saying he fell of the bike, so it looked more like he was laughing at that statement than at some private joke he had running through his mind. His smile became more sincere, “I’m sorry you had to see that. But, Thank you,” he reached out his hand, “Here, I’ll throw out the napkin. And next time I come back, I’ll bring you your Hwachae and an Apple Gallete as my thanks.” He began to walk away, then turned and added with a goofier smile, “And no blood this time!”

Chunho walked back into the back, making sure the bloodied napkin made it into a trash can. He leaned against a wall and let out a small sigh. He wanted to play his violin. Piano would be okay, but with the violin, he could really express how he was feeling. He made sure his face was clean again (and no longer bleeding…) before giving the orders he had taken to Hyunsu, and saying with a hopeful smile, “Hey, boss, we should get a baby grand piano in here, right? We could play for the customers and then, if they wanted to, they could play, too! It’d get a lot of use and grand pianos sound great! Much better than the stand up ones.” Chunho could have kept on talking about pianos for a while, but decided to stop there. Hopefully they could get one. He really wanted one… No, not just for himself! It was for the café! People would like that!

DancerDoll 10-08-2009 11:01 PM

-----"I want what I can't have.
-----The farther away it is, the more I want it.
-----Can't you see through my heart?
-----Just looking at you makes me happy.
-----I want to feel you, but I am not that person…"

-----The near silent music pouring out of the Skullcandy headphones around Haejung's neck had gone from TVXQ's "Try my Love" to Big Bang's "Act Like Nothing's Wrong" and back to TVXQ for their cover of Australian boy band Mercury4's "Get me Some" as she watched the regulars pour into the café. She was glad when the café began to fill. She hated an empty room. Ah! But poor Mihi! As if the slip hadn't been embarrassing enough for her, her dress was so far down it was halfway to America. Haejung was about to rise up and help her, but she had risen up on her own. It Mihi went over to ask Hyunsu-ssi for something and gave Haejung an embarrassed nod of greeting to which Haejung responded with a girl-don't-worry-I-completely-understand-I'm-a-super-klutz greeting. Wait, what? What would that even look like? Your guess is as good as hers, because she had no idea even what that expression looked like, but she was sure anyone who saw it would understand.

-----Meanwhile, back at the ranch, several people had trotted in and Hyunsu-ssi was being a sexy little freak again. Now, in describing the hotness that was Taehyun, Haejung had failed to describe the OMG I NEED TO CHANGE MY PANTS sensation caused by Bae Hyunsu's perfectly sculpted abs. It really was a shame that that man was COMPLETELY off his rocker. Seriously, no matter how DAYUM FINE his body was, if he came at her in an alley way, she would run, fast and far, screaming all the way: "I SWEAR, I HAVEN'T HIDDEN THE RED BEASTIES!" At some point while Haejung was distracted by Hyunsu-ssi's physical blessings, Taehyun had entered unnoticed. Too bad she hadn’t; Haejung was feeling unusually flirty this morning, and she'd enjoy setting her sights on what she considered the perfect victim. Not that she’d ever be able to. It would probably come out more of a ‘n-n-n-nice weather.’ Oh~ How she'd like to be his victim.

-----"Hey there Haejung, mind if I join you?"

-----Haejung looked up to see another gorgeous piece of man-flesh. ‘Why hello there,’ she thought.

-----Not at all. Have a seat, “ she said with a smile.

-----"Great outfit today. Seems like it was a purple and grey day all around."

-----God damn it. He’s gay. Haejung’s mood lowered.

-----So it seems,” she laughed. “A little more grey than I had expected.” She motioned to the raid outside the window. ‘Why are all the cute ones gay?’ She prayed inside her mind that Taehyun didn’t fit that bill also. As she thought, another voice piped up.

-----"What can I get you, miss?" She heard the waiter ask from behind her. Turning around, Haejung cheerfully replied.

-----"My usual please!" Her lips held her usual bubbly smile. The waiter looked confused and somewhat awkward. Haejung took a better look at the boys face and realised she didn't recognize him. Poor dear must be new. She giggled. Aw, how cute. (Was he blushing maybe?)

-----"Sorry, my usual is…" Haejung began to list a rather complicated set of directions for a drink that didn't even make sense with the cutest voice she could muster. When she finished and watched the boys face as she added, "Did you get all that?" She giggled inside and then added, dispelling the overly cute voice for her normal one:

-----"I'm just kidding, I'll have a passion fruit boba with a fresh apple pastry," she said with a smile. "Watch out for Hyunsu-ssi, kay. He can be a bit frightening, and watch out for some of the other regulars they can be a bit more terrible than me." Haejung giggled, and the boy muttered something and then ran off to the kitchen to get her order. So, Haejung liked to play with the newbies, what could she say? She loved getting people flustered. It only worked on the newbies though, after a week working here, it seemed the workers gained their confidence. Haejung just liked to get them on their guard for Hyunsu-ssi early. Sure; yeah; let's go with that. Haejung really was a kind person though. She wasn't being intentionally mean, she was just playfully teasing the boy. Haejung was always a perfect doll for every worker's second day at Kuiyeowo Sarang.

Moxie 10-09-2009 12:10 AM

Sangmin grinned and plopped himself down on the chair near the couch. Ahhh...sweet bliss and comfort. This was a huge change from the stool at his work bench. Sangmin turned his attention to Haejung, she was pretty and had a good sense of fashion. She would look good in the outfit he had been working on. He nodded his head absently to himself. He loved the paisley she was wearing- not many could pull off paisley. He sure couldn't.

He wan't terribly interested in the other regulars at the moment. Truly, he was mostly interested in the very comfortable chair and trying to relax the crick from his neck. But, by happy circumstance, Haejung was there, wearing a most excellent ensemble. She was cute too, which didn't hurt. Sangmin was used to being around models, so cute was a nice change from sexy and enticing. This girl could bring something to fashion that many of the model couldn't. She seemed to have a certain freshness about her. He mused over an idea, but let it go before it became to prominent.

The waiter arrived, pestering the girl across from him for her order. Sangmin fought not to gape as she rattled off the complicated order. 'Oohhh... high maintenance... At least she knows what she...oh.' his thought was immediate, but cut off at Haejung's giggle.

Sangmin chuckles, setting his hat on his bag with a panache that not many can muster. His movements are practiced and somewhat enticing- but natural, second nature. His training as a model flared, he wasn't quite posing- he seemed natural, but it was eye catching. He waved a hand to the Waiter before he meandered away, his Chunky Purple dangling fashionably on his wrist. "I'd like a Cafe au Lait," he paused, suddenly hungry. Starving in fact at the mere mention of food. He licked his lips, not pausing long as he envisioned a meal- sure it was early, but he hadn't slept, it was okay. "...And Mandoo Guk with an Apple and Gorgonzola salad." He paused, mulling for a moment. He came here often enough that he trusted the food, but he asked anyway, "What is the tart of the day?" He waved his hand eccentrically, "No matter, bring me one of those as well."

He looked the waiter up and down. "Oh wait, strike that, maybe I'll just have the Cake of the day instead. No- I'll go with the tart. At least I can pretend that's good for me." He grinned, "She's right you know, watch out for Hyunsu, he's positively a man eater. Well, and lady killer. He's not really all that picky. I, of course, am the ideal patron- except for when I'm not." He laughed, shaking his head a bit. "I can be quite unforgiving to those who burn my mandoo." Sangmin laughed. It sounded nice, warm and inviting, like he meant it, not like it was an affectation. It was a manly laugh and full, but not ridiculous.

Eventually, he turned his attention to Haejung, no longer interested in the waiter. His eyes flashed to the Skullcandy headphones and he smiled, "What are you listening to?"

LunarPearl 10-10-2009 07:01 PM

Despite the slight smile that touched Taehyun's lips at the sight of Hyunsu's antics, he wished his coffee would come sooner. Taehyun had bristled at the sight of Sangmin so near his designated target. It was not that he had anything against the guy. He was just territorial. Taehyun had already decided he wanted a taste of Haejung and would suffer no other man's interference. He had been raised on his own after all. Sharing was not something that anyone had taken the trouble to instill in him and seeing Haejung smile for someone else right now... My toy, he thought possessively. The problem was how to insinuate himself without being too obvious about his displeasure. The place was starting to fill up with regulars and passersby trying to escape the downpour, so when his steaming mug arrived, Taehyun moved himself over to Haejung's sofa. He strode over with an easy confidence that had been developed over years of never having heard the word no. He eased down beside her and took a sip from his coffee. For a moment, he merely held the delicious liquid in his mouth, savoring the heat and fragrance before at last swallowing. Ahhh... Coffee.

"Looks like you guys were better prepared than the rest of us," he said to Haejung and Sangmin with an amiable grin, intruding on their conversation as casually as he could. His expression suddenly fell as he looked to Haejung. "You don't mind if I sit next to you do you? I don't want to break up any talk."

Of course she wouldn't mind. What woman in her right mind would? He was handsome and polite and well off, even if the wealth was not his own. Sangmin... Well, he might not mind either if first impressions meant anything. Taehyun seemed to suddenly remember his shirt was still quite damp. "Oh no! I'm sorry, Haejung. I'm going to ruin your lovely outfit like this. Of course, beautiful women like you would look flawless in even a burlap sack," he flattered in the most nonchalant voice he could muster, patting at himself with a napkin. "Still, I apologize if I've already made a mess. That was incredibly thoughtless of me."

A burlap sack? Yeah, she was the sort that could get away with things like that. Haejung would probably look even better in nothing but her skin and his bedsheets however. He'd been right about her lips too. They were positively mesmerizing. Regardless, it took all his willpower to keep his eyes trained on just Sangmin and Haejung. There were so many pretty girls filing in... Taehyun had the fear, a justifiably real fear, that he was going to start salivating.

fuyumi_saito 10-11-2009 12:56 AM

Soyeon watched the scene in front of her. Watching Daehyun give Mihi a shirt he had, made Soyeon smile. She quickly hid that smile, by raising her hand slightly in front of her face. ‘He seems like a nice guy, kind of cute too…But then again… Why is he carrying around all that stuff?’

She placed her hand down after her smile went away, and pulled a text book out of her purse. She opened it, and found the homework papers she had left in there. Soyeon was suppose to interview three people. So far she had interviewed only one. That meant she needed two more. The homework wasn’t due for a few days, but Soyeon figured that she should get it done as soon as possible. The only problem was that she was running out of ideas on who to ask. . Really the survey was quite simple. She had to know the person’s name, gender, age, and career. Then she had to ask about their time in elementary school. One of the questions was if they thought they learned a lot in school. Another was if they had a favorite teacher. ‘I need to branch out more. It’s just so difficult to meet new people some times.’

So after asking one of her friends, she decided to try and ask some of the people here. She was here a lot, so she didn’t think it was too awkward. Plus she had spoken to a few people before, and they all seemed nice. The first person she was going to ask, was Hyunsu. He was a bit strange, perverse, and crazy…but he was also very nice! She wasn’t really afraid of him, because in her mind crazy meant harmless. I hope he doesn’t freak out by me asking him.’

Taking a few sips of her tea, Soyeon glanced over at Hyunsu. He was doing a lot of things all at once, as usual. She was sure he wouldn’t mind her interrupting him. Getting up, Soyeon walked over to the counter. She leaned over it, trying to get Hyunsu‘s attention.

“Mr. Bae…” She said, her voice started out quiet, and then ended loudly. Her face reddened a little “Umm… I need to survey three people for school, and I was wondering if you would mind answering some questions for me?”

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