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Inspiration 05-23-2016 11:16 PM

Inspirations group DnD OoC

Background InfoX


Kangrash is a country on the northern hemisphere of the planet Rumari. Your party have arrived in the city of Bangrala, the capital of the Grand Duchy of Karmaiko, from previous adventures that you had done solo, and had agreed to return to after a year. One of you discovered a cache of scroll papers where you adventured, but sadly a sudden rainstorm soaked the entire cache.
Asking around Bangrala you discovered that none of the papers were magical, but as strong vellum paper is still good paper for spell research for any magic user, you decide to dry them out by a fire to save their usefulness while you all catch up.
Much to everyones surprise, writing appears on several of the pages. The heat had brought out secret writing on several pages of parchment.

Basic background on other parts of Kangrash so that you may create your own backgrounds.

Grand Duchy of Karmaiko: This part of the continent is governed over by Duchess Scarlet karmaiko. In reality though she has very little power over most of her lands, as large areas are overrun with monsters and hostile humanoids, and are wild and mostly unsettled.

Gasopala Archipelago: About 1000 miles from the coast of the main continent, is this cluster of island covered in active volcanoes. What little knowledge available about Gasopala comes in the form of rumors. Tall tales that have buried the archipelago in myth and superstition.

Kingdom of Renova: The trading ships of Renova rival those of the neighboring empire of Thom. Star attraction of the kingdom is a magnificent royal palace carved from pure white coral. The King and Queen of the land are figure heads that are chosen by being popular adventurer-heroes; the actual ruling powers rests in the hands of certain aristocratic families (making Renova an oligarchy)

Mason Guilds: The Masons island cluster is a syndicracy; the government is run by the heads of the various trading guilds. Masons is closely allied to Thom.

Empire of Thom: The empire of Thom is an autocracy run by an emperor who holds absolute power, However his decisions must account for the desires and ever changing tastes of powerful nobles and to keep down or eliminate on mob riots from the lower caste because of unfavorable laws. The main city of Thom is built as a trading center; placed conveniently beside a large canal that separates the southern peninsula from the mainland.

The Seven Shires: The seven shires are the homeland of the halflings and the kender. The area is ruled by a council of seven sheriffs who each control a shire and than meet up once a quarter to make decisions for shirewide laws. The sheriffs meet at a great feast and with much celebrating take votes on ideas for new shirewide laws.

Emitrate of Rumania: Anya desert is controlled by the Emir of Rumania and his royal family.The grand city of Rumania built in the middle of the largest oasis is the center of caravan routes crossing from north to south, and from east to west.

Elunore: In the middle of the grand forest of Shavarion is the home of the elves, ruled by an Elven King. The Elunore elves tend Shavarion, and as a result is has grown far larger than a forest in the area naturally could have. The city of Kindaro pays the elves so that thier trade caravans may safely pass through the forest to Camello a city on the border of the Anya desert.

Republic of Kindaro: The republic is centered around the capital, Kindaro. Its wealth is based on trade from four main trade routes: across Lake Belems (The largest inland lake) to Solieka in the west, the Steel river leading to the cursed highlands in the north, the eastern caravan route through the forest of Shavarion, and sea trade passing through the Nayerbi Swamp towards the seven shires in the south. Kindaro is a plutocracy ruled by the wealthiest merchant families.

Nytfehil Clans: All the villagers claim to be descended from the ancient heroine Nytfehil,so tensions run high between the various small villages, but if threatened by war from the outside they will unite under a temporarily elected leader from one of the villages.The land itself is a large grassy plateau leading down a hilly slope to Lake Belems in the north, and a hilly forest to the south of the plateau leading to the ocean. The villagers themselves are herders, hunters, and fisherman, leading an almost nomadic way of life.

Iron Mountain: Iron Mountain is the homeland of the dwarves and is actually a serious of mountains that stretches throughout the northern Cren Tips mountain range. The dwarves have built and maintain a road through Iron Mountain that avoids the volcanoes for the various caravans that pass their way, but they charge a toll for all who pass.

Principalities of Afrearia: Afrearia is a magocracy; ruled by princes and princessses that are all high level magic users. For the most part they all live in Afrearia City, the exception being that each of their castles are hidden somewhere in the remote wilderness because the royalty live in mistrust of each other in an uneasy truce. Most of the actual ruling is done by the local councils in the cities by the cities elders and the royal stewards left behind because the prince and princessess are more concerned with expanding their magical knowledge. However when the Principlaities are faced with an invasion or rebellion they unite, and sometime in extreme cases will select someone to rule as dictator for a year to control the problem.

Volshingar khanate: The Volshingar are nomadic herders of horses, cattle, and goats. They rarely settle in one place, and even more rarely acquire a strong leader that unites the entire Volshingar people as one strong nation. Usually they are divided into small family clans that raid and quarrel with each other instead of uniting. Once the Khan dies, they seperate back into warring clans.

Duragen Freeholds: The Duragen are a barbaric, fair-haired people who hunt, fish, and raise crops on isolated farms. They are related to the northwestern kingdoms but do no acknowledge any rulers among themselves other than individual household leaders.

Kingdom of Mahdeet, Kingdom of Clestro, and the Hafen Jarls: Each of these northeastern kingdoms are loosely united under one ruler. In Mahdeet and Clestro the chiefs are called "Kings", in Hafen they are known as "jarls". The people in these Kingdoms live mainly by fishing and highly value individualism. Physical strength and prowess in combat also being highly revered often leads to the occasional raids on nearby coastal villages, and keeps their reputation as being fierce warriors. They can often be identified by the wooden longships they sail far and wide in because these people are explorers without equal.

The Cursed Highlands: The cursed highlands are an area of rocky badlands, jagged cliffs shaped by past earthquakes and old volcanic lava beds. The land is extremely wild and dangerous, inhabited mainly by outcasts and monsters that need to avoid dense populations.

This is the info for background stuff from the request thread.

---------- Post added 05-23-2016 at 07:21 PM ----------

Bearzy: will be playing 1 bard, 1 Twosocks Gnome monk
twosocks: 13,18,15,14,15,17
bard: 14,15,19,11,18,16
Kat Dakuu: Human Cleric :D we forgive you.
The Wandering Poet: Level 3 Female Half-elf Ranger Stats: 12,18,20,14,13,16

i decided to make an OOC thread for us to do our rolls in cause shame on me ^^;; and so i can help out teaching and such. and we can start working on developing characters.

I believe we can't actually create the Character BIO thread untill after we have the official RP set up? but i was hoping to get at least a few characters set up first. I have a certain amount of levels i'd love to see you all have across the party before starting. just so i can believe you'll all live :3


like lvl 3 + lvl 4 + Lvl 3 + lvl 7 = 17 level party.
I can proabably re work it for slightly lower party level though if necessary. and I have some more actual story information to throw at you when the starting party is set up.

Links out:
The Campaign
The Character Sheets
Player's Handbook 3.5
D and D wiki website.

Bearzy 05-24-2016 12:30 AM

I will be playing a Bard and a Monk actually Inspo [:)] I'll do my rolls this weekend after my last assignment for the semester is in.

Kat Dakuu 05-24-2016 12:41 AM

I'll still play. So I need to pick a class and do those dice rolls?

And you can always start a thread to link to without starting the actual rp.

Inspiration 05-24-2016 01:12 AM

oh i can do that? like

[Info to be filled out. character rolling in process] type thing?

yes. and a bunch of other stuff. But I'll walk you through it all when you pick a class and race. I'd suggest just going with stuff from the basic handbook as it'll be easier to learn than a special class or race from the advanced books. ^^;;

Stats are :
Strength , Dexterity, Wisdom, Intelligence, Constitution, and Charisma. You'll be rolling a set of 6 stats to distribute into these slots.
(granted i'm a nice DM. i may have mercy on you if your rolls are really lousy :P)

---------- Post added 05-23-2016 at 09:36 PM ----------

Isle of Barbosa Character SheetsLookie what I did :D

Kat Dakuu 05-24-2016 03:31 AM

I mean, a lot of people do small intro posts, even just saying 'rp between x&x', or public and open, that kind of stuff.

Okay. You posted the basic handbook link before right?

Inspiration 05-25-2016 05:38 PM

uhhhh i may have, but here it is again just in case...
*waits for the link to load so i can grab the URL*

player's Handbook

Kat Dakuu 05-26-2016 12:42 AM

lol. Thanks. I'll read it over at some point here. Kinda devoting most of my time to making a website for my characters right now.

Inspiration 05-26-2016 01:48 AM

for your rp/story with.. uh.. with.. OH CRAP who was it.. it wasn't poet was it?...

The Wandering Poet 05-31-2016 05:23 PM

What was me?

Anyways first roll posted here as requested.
The 20-sided dice lands on 5
The 6-sided dice lands on 4
The 6-sided dice lands on 6
The 6-sided dice lands on 1
The 6-sided dice lands on 2

I gotta go to work though.

Inspiration 05-31-2016 06:33 PM

who Kat was RPing with. my brain went "i am dead" xD

You get to reroll 2 of the 6 siders, but right now your first stat choice is 6 or 5... :3

The Wandering Poet 06-01-2016 03:03 AM

The 6-sided dice lands on 4
The 6-sided dice lands on 2

I see the 5, where is the 6 from?

Gonna be honest my rolling so far has been very bad [lol]

Bearzy 06-01-2016 03:46 AM

This is quite a different rolling system to what I'm used to? Isn't it supposed to be a roll of four D6, with the lowest number removed and then the others added together?

The Wandering Poet 06-01-2016 03:51 AM

I honestly don't know. I've only rolled one character, and that was a long time ago

Bearzy 06-01-2016 04:01 AM

That would explain where the six came from, now that I think about it though.

The Wandering Poet 06-01-2016 04:10 AM

Oh I see... that makes more sense [yes]

So with my current roll that's a total of 8?

Bearzy 06-01-2016 10:29 AM

Uuuuhhhh, yes. I had to think about that for an embarrassingly long time.

Kat Dakuu 06-01-2016 03:56 PM

Shadami: Wingsy of Writing is probably who you're thinking of. We have a large series, though I put up a whole lot more characters and stories than that, including my novels on the site.

I'm reading through the handbook stuff so I'll pick a class and race today hopefully.

Inspiration 06-01-2016 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by The Wandering Poet (Post 1773658309)
The 6-sided dice lands on 2
The 6-sided dice lands on 2

I see the 5, where is the 6 from?

Gonna be honest my rolling so far has been very bad [lol]

5 and 8 *facepalms* you can still reroll the other 1. all 1s are rerolled . your first stat is turning out to be a butt head though. lol

WIngs of Writing... that would explain how i got wandering poet. oops. my bad.. . [headdesk]
sounds good though Kat. :]

Kat Dakuu 06-02-2016 12:07 AM

I've decided I'll be a human cleric.

yeah, I needed a place to keep all my story info and profiles especially since I can't log into the site I was keeping profiles on before.

Bearzy 06-02-2016 12:18 AM

I'm going to do a gnome monk (shush I made it work in my head) and a bard I haven't raced yet.

The Wandering Poet 06-02-2016 04:46 AM

The 6-sided dice lands on 4
Alright failure fix number 3... 6 + whatever number is above I think?

Inspiration 06-03-2016 10:20 AM

Woohooo a 12! That is much better poet! :D
(if you're confused your d20 was a 5. Your d6's were 6 3 3 2. drop the 2 =12)

i found this indent site i think cause of our new nanowrimo thread :D i'm trying that out.

Gnome monk! Yes.xD this should be amusing.

Funny side note: I'm doing this campaign with my family as well... We have a party of Druid, Rogue, Cleric, Bard... pretty darn similar to the party you guys have picked.

The Wandering Poet 06-03-2016 06:38 PM

Okay so I have to do this 4-5 more times now I believe?

Inspiration 06-03-2016 11:28 PM

5 times. You get 6 stats. and than distribute them among your .. your.. omg i've lost the word.

strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.

The Wandering Poet 06-04-2016 01:18 AM

Okay so my first result is 12.

The 20-sided dice lands on 2
The 6-sided dice lands on 3
The 6-sided dice lands on 1
The 6-sided dice lands on 4
The 6-sided dice lands on 5

So I either pick the d20 or the added up dice right?

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