Menewsha Avatar Community

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Melody 04-10-2008 07:55 PM

Going Natural! (an avatar contest)

ToriKat 04-10-2008 07:56 PM

☼ Going Natural! : Introduction

With spring cleaning behind us, it's time to show off your new wardrobe! In celebration of Earth Day, we join you to assemble an outfit following the theme. You may win yourself some awesome prizes! Before we continue, just who is behind this wild little competition...? melody xyelle : Hi everyone! I'm your host. You can call me Melody. I normally spend time in the quest forum during the day while randomly surveying the rest of the site. I love finding the hidden gem avatars around the site. So what better way to showcase them then hosting a contest? O: So show me your best! ToriKat : I'm the co-host! You can find me rummaging throughout the site for conversation. I have hideaways tucked around the site. You can drop in anytime or shoot me a PM. Oh! And I don't eat Fresh Meat - just cookies. So if you're a cookie...well, look out. ;)
I'm constantly amazed by the avatars you all create! Show me what you've got! Good luck!

Melody 04-10-2008 07:57 PM

☼ Going Natural! : Rules ☼

1. Follow Menewsha's Rules and Terms of Service. These apply everywhere on the site to everyone.
2. Be respectful to everyone INCLUDING yourself. Constructive criticism is welcome if those who are entering request it. I don't want to hear any 'Your Avi sucks. or My avi sucks etc.
3. Entries must follow the appropriate requirements. (they will be listed below. Just keep reading) You must fill out the form else your entry will be overlooked.
4. All entries must be turned in by 11:59 PM CST on April 22nd 2008 to ensure that the hosts have enough time to gather all of the entries and judge them. If the posted time reads any time after 11:59 PM, the entry will not be accepted.
5. Please do not complain if you do not win. The judges will take the time to evaluate each entry fairly. This is a friendly competition.
6. ALL entrants whether they win or not will be entered into Tree Huggers raffle. The raffle will be drawn on the last day of the event. so even if you don't win here, you may win there!


NO MAC entries. we want to see how creative you can be with your own inventory.

There will be two categories for the contest. Nature Cloak, and Nature.

Please Host your own avatars on a photo hosting site like photobucket, or tinypic etc.

You MAY enter both categories. <3

NATURE CLOAK all entries in this category MUST be wearing a nature cloak!
Please use the following code for submitting your entries for this section:
Code: I'm Cloaked!
something about it:

NATURE For those of you with out a nature cloak this is for you! Anything and everything nature-y is welcome here! dress up like a flower, birds or bees! er I'll think of something more clever for these later.
Please use this code for entering your entries for this section:
Code: I'm Au Natural!
something about it: 

ToriKat 04-10-2008 08:00 PM

☼ Going Natural! : Prizes ☼

Prizes will be awarded according to category. Each entry will be judged by what the co-hosts find attractive. Below are what will be awarded to winners.

Best Overall : Nature Cloak

Best Nature
Best Nature Cloak

Melody 04-10-2008 08:02 PM

☼ Going Natural! : Entries ☼
all of your awesome entries go here


Originally Posted by Nature Cloak Entries
name: Angelbug
something about it:
I'm a forest spirit. I watch over all the animals to help them live in harmony.
name: Amari Tsuki (Cami)
something about it: I is nature
name: Winterwolfgoddess
something about it: Inspired by the Goddess of the Hunt, Artemis, to a certain extent. xD
name: clock
something about it: I like to secretly use the ragged shirt. :']
name: Roocee
something about it: I just wanted to be dressed for the event.
name: jellysundae
something about it: This has been a favourite outfit of mine for a long time. A woodland princess kind of thing, the release of the horns add another nice touch to it, so I thought I'd enter it here ^.^
name: Vadeil
something about it: well i like the way the dress, skirt and pants look together ^.^
name: nescia
something about it: I'm not a huge fan of the nature cloak personally (-gets shot repeatedly-) so when I do wear it, I like to play up its colorful side.
name: blueblackrose
something about it: I like the mother nature feel this outfit has.
name: CrepsleyKabob
something about it: Sporkan Nature Spirit? xD; I dunno, I just made this avatar to go with the Spork and Nature Stuff, and I decided to reuse it for Earth Day, since I think it fits the theme ^^
name: My Cup Of Chai
avatar: [X]
something about it: I am king of the forest! :3 Or queen...technically. Erm... yeah. xDDD
something about it: It represents a tree with a nest on its top where birdies live <3
name: Snowflower
something about it: This is a dream avi I made with the nature cloak. It's the blended colors of grass, moist soil, flowers, and sunshine. ^^
name: Razor
something about it: Tribal warrior leading his tribe. Armed with sword to protect loyal companions. Prince masked with lover never to see his face much like Eros in Greek times.
name: Blondheart
something about it: [/color] I tried to encompass lots of pretty spring nature colors and elements.
name: sad_girlformat
something about it: Fairy Sasa who has a floaty heart and fixes all things bad in nature. With a flick of her rose, everything becomes better!
name: Siaasgn
something about it: I'm so happy to finally be able to wear my nature cloak. I chose the pink dress to accent the pink flowers in the cloak and head piece and nothing says nature like a lamb and a chick on your head :) I decided to carry the clover instead of flowers because I wanted another visual reminder of the overwhelming green that nature is made up of.
I'm Cloaked![/size]
name: titaneatomoe
something about it:'s my be good to earth or else look XD <3
name: nocturnal miyu
something about it: i don't use the nature cloak much, but i do like green at times... anyways, i feel like i'm an upsidedown or reversed tree... neck-up i'm mostly brown and neck down i'm mostly green... XD
name: Winter Wind


something about it: The halo is the sun, brown is earth/dirt, green is grass, red and a bit of gold are flowers. :]

WHy doesn't the hair match? Dx Sorry, I'm Asian, and I just can't stand any other hair color.
name: Alexis Durem
something about it: The green is to represent the forest and nature, and the gold is to represent all that it's worth. The avatar is based around the lioness theme, as well
name: vmars
something about it: The Loving Spirit of the forest who cares for nature with her Winged Heart that enjoys sitting on the clover and her butterfly friends.


Originally Posted by Nature Themed Entries
Name: Angelbug

something about it:
The newest fashion in "Queen Bee Summer Wear"
*on sale at the "Bee's Knees" fashion mall*
something about it: Wild woman of Menewsha. She hides in the forests of Mene waiting for a foolish person to come by...I'll leave the rest to your imagination.
Name: Eserel
Something about it: 83
I'm just like the colors of the world!
Water is Blue,
Land is Green,
And the atmosphere is Grey!
Go Earth!
Name: Angel Spirit Girl
something about it: A peaceful nature spirit protecting the animals.
Name: Paprika
something about it: Here goes!
Hello my name is paprika! This is my outfit for Earth Day. Now you may be wondering why i chose to wear these items? Well i will tell you!
But first off i need to explain a little something about whats missing from my outfit. You see i have a lot of critter friends like foxxy here and...they all seemed to have taken a liking to different bits of my outfit. ::Sighs:: Originally my outfit was to look like this![] As you can see some things are most definitely missing...well barba seemed to have eaten my Headdress...i even managed to get that from someones wedding reception too! They were throwing out the decorations and i asked if i could have some and fasioned my headpiece out of it. Well i had to find some old horns and vines from someone doing some landscaping to get something new for my head! Now with the pretty little wings, Plucky my little Duckie seemed to think that he could fly with them if he strapped them on himself! Oh my i almost had a heart attack when i saw him jump off the shelf with those on! (But dont worry hes fine i managed to catch him) You see, those were made of old feathers i found on the ground and some clay from the river nearby my little home. Needless to say you cant fly with that! And it fell to little bits with the roughness of him strapping them on and then me catching him! My teddy...thats the part i miss the most, i had it since i was born! But foxxie here confused it with his chewtoy! @@;; he said sorry to me but i forgave him...all my little animal friends felt bad but its ok because i love them all so much <3!
On with the rest! The clover came from the same yard i got the leftover bits of vine from someone doing yard work, i just thought it was so pretty to just be laying there forgotten in a pile, poor thing is already falling apart. :( My necklace came from there too! They seemed to think that these pretty little flowers were WEEDS and WORTHLESS! Any plant is worth something! Even the smallest weed <3 (And these bees seem to think the flowers are nice too!)
My belt is borrowed from some bits i had in the shed, and the pants are actually hand-me-downs! (its why they're so baggy) But i dont need to buy new clothes when these work just fine! It would be a waste to just trash them and that doesnt help nature at all!
Last but not least, my shirt. This is one of the oldest pieces of clothing i own. I've had this shirt for so long and i've even patched it up once too! It covers me up like its supposed to and its warm enough for this nice springy weather.
Oh darn i almost forgot, my lack of shoes! Thats because i like to feel the springy grass, warm dirt and of course the mud! Underneath my feet (or between my toes ;) )

Anyways my outfit is more of a symbol of how you can recycle and reuse just about anything to make it work and help out nature at the same time! Thats all from me for now, and all my little critter friends saygoodbye as well. :)
Name: Hand_made_bear
something about it: Although most people feel nature comes to like in summer, i find its best in winter, although cold it celebrates closeness of things, the hibernations of many animals....and the pure cleanliness of snow....
Name - Zweres

Avatar -

Something about it - This species of bee is known as the elusive Panda Bee. While many classify this rare and exotic animal as a panda, it is actually a monochrome Bee, with specs of red on it. Such an elusive Bee only comes out of the flowers during Earth Week, to celebrate Earth Day with the islanders of Menewsha, to give green tips to the islanders as well as to raise awareness.
Name: Blondheart
something about it:
I am dressed like a nature fairy. She cares about the environment and has a watch in her hair to remind us if we don't take better care of the planet our time is running out.
Name: CK
something about it: My avatar is styled off of the Roman demi-goddess Fauna - the daughter of Faunus the satyr. While technically Fauna herself has little or nothing to do with the Earth, her father did. X3 I added the chickie on my head to assist with the nature theme. Andit'scute.
Name: Twizted Child Eve
something about it: I think it's a mixture of bees, birds and nature themed items. The fox is there as a companion.
Name: nescia
something about it: I'm a wild nature beast! Fear me!
Name: Majinkoz!
something about it: I wanted to try and do something different. In short, I created an avi that is all black and white except for one piece (the carni hairpin) I wanted it to symbolize how nature can sometimes be destroyed and become completely lifeless, but if there is at least one seed of any kind of plant left, that life can still grow. ^^
Name: Rebekah!
something about it: An Islander princess, with leather punky boots XD?
Name: Winter Wind


something about it: Doesn't it remind of you of winter? The light blues and snowflakes for snow, the dark blues for rivers that are frozen. :]
Name: Caroline

something about it: This avatar was inspired by a small town where I used to live, appropriately named Pacific Grove. A perfect blend of forests and nature by the ocean.
something about it: I wanted to give it a try and see what I could come up with.. :3 I like this look, although it's a bit naked, but that's all natural, right? xD
Name: Arkeyla

something about it: The gold stands for the riches all around us, the white for purity of nature, and green is pretty obvious. *grin* Oh, and I haven't taken a brush to my avvy hair in weeks!
Name: Sizzla
Something about it: It's just something I put together for the event. I have a nature cloak, but it makes it way too obvious what to put with it, so I decided on a naturey theme without rocking the cloak. :D
Name: Anthony Darkyn
something about it: "And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;
And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,
And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted - nevermore!" - Edgar Allan Poe

Shortly after I purchased the dress, this poem popped into my head. So I stuck with it, figuring a Raven was a good host for an Earth Day Event. :3 Thusly, it is also my entry: The Raven.
Name: woohoohelloppl
Something about it: It's supposed to represent the sun and water. The gold represents the sun while the blue represents the water. It's like a walk on the beach on a sunny day.
Name: Tetsumiro
something about it: The protector of a sacred forest that hides a valuable treasure <3Name: Thoth Star
something about it: My character is part cat, part human and also happens to be a fox trainer! With my staff of night and staff of healing, I can help my fox friends! :3
Name: CrepsleyKabob
something about it: Uhmm... too tired to think of a decent description for it right now *shot* It's basically just a revamp of an old avatar I had that I really liked, so I added more green to it to make it fit the 'nature/earth' theme.
Name: Sakura_Madison
something about it: I am the Queen Bee of the Honey Hive 777. I breed, with an iron fist, laying about 2,000 eggs a day, during the spring. Very well taken care of my needs. Also, the mother of many drones and worker bees. I had to survive to take on my role, competing with other queen bees. Even though I am a Queen Bee, I do not directly control the hive. My sole function is to serve as the reproducer and will be doing this for the remaining 2-7 years of my life.
Name: crunky
something about it: I may not have many items yet but I am going for the "all natural" look XD Some may call it poor but I call it economical! Plus I think this is the only event I can participate it so I didn't want to miss out.
Name: Heartagram
something about it: I am slightly (and by slightly, I mean majorly) in love with bumblebee-related things, and I think this avatar just about illustrates my love! ^.^
Name: vmars
something about it: The love of nature during the cool of winter.
Name: smolder
something about it: Though simple, my avatars bright colors reminds me of the sun and the fireflies never fail to make me think of the coming of summer.
Name: blueblackrose
something about it: I wanted to play with color and make a vibrant avatar that represents the colors of Spring.
something about it:
A cat who wanders in the night surrounded by nature... <3
cat ears = cat
birdies = animals of nature
hair = flowing water
any green or brown or plant (rose, lattern) = earth
dress = night sky
halo = stars
moon clip = the moon
sash = northern lights...
Name: Fox Paw
something about it: I am the Seasons keeper. I hold the seasons and let them out at the right time of year. Snowflakes for winter, a newborn lamb and a sprouting clover for winter, the dress of a bee for summer, and the wings of the migrating geese for fall.
Name: RoyalSquishy
something about it: Well, it incorporates dirt and grass (or in other words, the natural brown and green colors) The bunny signifies those little critters out there and the splash of pink and red symbolizes the colors of pink flowers

ToriKat 04-10-2008 08:03 PM

☼ Going Natural! : Winners List ☼

Winners will be posted here.

Melody 04-10-2008 08:05 PM

Angelbug 04-19-2008 05:21 PM I'm Cloaked!
name: Angelbug

something about it:
I'm a forest spirit. I watch over all the animals to help them live in harmony.

Melody 04-19-2008 05:23 PM

woot! our first entry <3 It's lovely.

x-cutie-x-pie-x 04-19-2008 05:24 PM

I must agree melody.
Even if the animals don't fit the colours, the story helps you understand. <3

Angelbug 04-19-2008 05:26 PM

*grins* My photoshop is gone but I had to find a way to get involved anyway! <3 <3

sad_girlformat 04-19-2008 05:26 PM

wOOt for first entry! XD
I must get myself working when I'm online again!

Cami 04-19-2008 05:31 PM

Wow. That was fast. o.o

XD I'm totally entering now. I'm Cloaked!
name: Amari Tsuki (Cami)
something about it: I is nature

Melody 04-19-2008 05:33 PM

lol it looks like the butterfly is attempting to eat your cake hat.

mmmm cake. <33

Paprika 04-19-2008 05:33 PM

Darnit i wish i could enter, but im not even sure my avvie would be allowed with said parameters >> darn you lack of gold!!

Melody 04-19-2008 05:35 PM

<3 you can do it paprika! <3 save save save! and check the exchange for good deals on items XD

Winterwolfgoddess 04-19-2008 05:38 PM I'm Cloaked!
name: Winterwolfgoddess
something about it: Inspired by the Goddess of the Hunt, Artemis, to a certain extent. xD

Paprika 04-19-2008 05:42 PM

XD I dont think i can raise 2.8kish in time @_@ The biggest thing would be buying a cheap white harem headdress rofl but i will still post what i did in mac with my little explanation if i dont have time just so i can show people what i wanted to do for the contest :D

nescia 04-19-2008 05:43 PM

Just double checking, can we only enter one of the categories?

Cami 04-19-2008 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by melody xyelle
lol it looks like the butterfly is attempting to eat your cake hat.

mmmm cake. <33

Well, who wouldn't. XD

If we can enter both, I'm totally going to do it. <<,,

clock 04-19-2008 06:04 PM

I think I'll enter. x3 I'm Cloaked!
name: clock
something about it: I like to secretly use the ragged shirt. :']

Melody 04-19-2008 06:08 PM

XD yes you can enter both <3

Clock- omg! I didn't even see it in there! awesome <3

nescia 04-19-2008 06:10 PM

Oh, good to know!
I'll have to put some outfits together later.

clock 04-19-2008 06:15 PM

Thanks melody. ^--^

Paprika 04-19-2008 06:19 PM

The avvies look really nice so far! :) /posties like crazy must make gold to enter XD;;

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