Menewsha Avatar Community

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avi 01-24-2013 01:50 AM

Why Hello There Menec:

I'm not sure why I decided to drop by but since I did I wanted to try an auction...

What you will get: waist shot colored
`samples: [1] [2] [3]
Check out my DA

Start Bid: 2k
Highest Bid: Tachigami-- 4k
Bid History:
Tachigami 4k
Hadsvich 2k

Will/ will not guide:
+simple is best
+boys are preferred
-no nudes/ half nudes
-no mecha/ anthro plz
-zero tolerance for cluttered avi's

Auction Ends: Feb. 10th

Have fun guys! c:

Hadsvich 01-26-2013 05:17 AM

Oh! I'm glad you dropped by!~ ; w;
How come I didn't see this earlier? > 3<
I'll start you off with 2k. o uo

Tachigami 01-26-2013 05:15 PM

Oh, avi's art! Some of the best on Mene, methinks.

Well, I'm in a pretty weak state for now, but I'll hold out as much as I can... I'll bid 4k

Worth a shot...

avi 01-27-2013 01:51 AM

asdfghj ohmygod there's people here owo

Thanks for the bids guys 8D
Highest bidder is Tachigami ~

Why has it become so lonely here in the art threads ;w;;

Hadsvich 01-27-2013 03:07 AM

Probably because most artists like other avatar communities more. ; 3;

There are a few artists I met here that I see on other sites now..
I wish they'd come back.
> 3<

Tachigami 01-27-2013 03:16 AM

Seems I'm a thread killer. I post and a couple more come along, then nothing. That, or I have horrid luck with artists. They come around, I get a slot, then they're gone. Either without anyone getting a result or they reach me and vanish.

I've kind of learned to take things in stride, that way. If it happens, it happens now.

avi 01-28-2013 12:44 AM

I don't blame them though
They make more gold off of other sites since the currency here has dropped so low too
I bounce from mene and ernya =w=

I'm sure it's not your fault =w=
It's just the artist that isn't stepping up to what they offered
I must say though, I'm guilty of this too ;w;; /runs

Tachigami 01-28-2013 01:47 AM

Avi---Well it's happened elsewhere too. I just accept and embrace the fact that more often than not I'm a raging thread-murderer and no one's caught me to put me in prison yet!
Although yes, I did have to look back to see where I saw your name before. But it's okay. Things happen, you forget, you get busy.

avi 01-29-2013 01:29 AM

You can't be on the run forever, you'll get caught eventually >w> You must revert back before it's too late!

I'm not even sure why I left in the first place
but I guess avatar sites just don't interest me as much anymore
though, they're a nice place to visit every once and a while

Tachigami 01-29-2013 01:50 AM

Avi---I wish someone would catch me! I'm tired of being a killer.

I came back only about six or so months ago. I don't know why I left, but I know I don't care about the avatar so much as the people I meet here. The amazing artists and the RP partners I've found and befriended. I always look forward to spending Internet-time with certain people and at the same time working on RPs with them. That's mainly what keeps me here.

avi 01-29-2013 02:28 AM

@tachigami:: Well in that case, if no one's gonna catch you someone must teach you how to keep thread alive

Well yeah, I see what you mean
I know there cool people out there c:
But I've always kind of stuck to the art thread like no matter what, except when there was an event
So I guess I left once the events started to tone down from what they used to be
I really liked it when they changed the entire layout of the event thread ;w;;
Basically I'm afraid of the other forums =w= /runs

Tachigami 01-29-2013 03:19 AM

Avi----Yes! Teach me your secrets, O' master! I wish to know how not to murder a thread before it's even had a chance to live!

I usually play around the RP forum, Art forum, Lit forum, and sometimes the General Discussion. Should you like to teach me to keep threads alive, perhaps I can teach you the other 'artistic' threads such as the writing threads! No need to be afraid, after all! That is, if you like to write. I've found that there are times when people are good at drawing, they're bad at writing, and vice versa. Well, it's true for me at least. I'm horrible at drawing, but can write wonderfully.

avi 01-29-2013 03:43 AM

Ha well I'd love to teach you, but I'm not necessarily the best person to have in a thread either
plus I'm not really around the forums much anymore so I don't really... remember how to talk to people =w=

I feel like we've had a conversation like this before
but I somehow disappeared in this ;A;;
I'd be awesome if we could trade secrets but I have nothing to trade for T^T

Tachigami 01-29-2013 03:48 AM

Avi---Well, I once had a thread in Nations that was pretty good. Made it over fifty pages before it fell away and never came back.
Remember how to talk to people? I talk to them like I would if I were face to face and not forced to endure crippling social phobias. As if it's a normal conversation in which you can think about your responses for a few minutes.

We have? Where? I have a terrible memory when it comes to that sort of thing. Ahh...
Still... It would be, wouldn't it? One thing I do need is... an artist. I mean, someone I can go to and say "Can you draw 'this' for me in exchange for 'this much'? A good artist that can feed off my Mene income and need for art of these particular characters for the fledgling novel they're in.

Risque 01-30-2013 08:21 AM

avi, you are so talented! o wo

Hadsvich 02-10-2013 03:39 AM

Ah! Almost forgot about this. > 3>

Could I possibly get two waist shots if I were to bid 10k? o:
If I may, I'd like to bid that much~

Tachigami 02-10-2013 04:34 AM


Ugh... Never mind. Was worth a shot anyway---I'm backing down.

Good luck, and all that.

avi 02-11-2013 09:44 AM

I forgot about this thread ;A;;

I don't consider 10k to be enough for two waist shots
sorry ;w;;;

Hadsvich 02-11-2013 06:32 PM

How much would you consider for 2 then? o:

avi 02-15-2013 11:19 AM

I'm not really sure how the currency works in mene but since this is an auction I'd be looking at at least 20k

Hadsvich 02-15-2013 02:45 PM

Ah, then never mind~

Kite 03-25-2013 04:31 AM

omg, is this still going..or? Would you take gold + items?

SilentRedemption 07-05-2013 11:19 PM

:3 I'd like to Bid 6k

The Kit-Kat Project 07-10-2013 08:27 PM

I saw this earlier but I didn't bid at the time unfortunately. I can't tell if it's still going though.

M i r o 08-26-2013 05:17 PM

She's prolly too busy. You could always avi:

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