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Pistachio_Moustache 10-16-2013 04:05 PM

The Art of Painfully Mastering Health and Fitness *~4.5kg down!~!
Alrighty, to set things on the right foot for my health, I am going to make a journal.
If I feel people are keeping tabs on me, I should get into the habit of making better choices.

Some things about me:

Height: 5'1 (Around 155 cm)
[Start] Weight: 160 lbs (Around 72.5 kg)
[Current] Weight: 150 lbs (Around 68kg) 10 pounds (around 4.5kg) down so far!
Age: 27
Fitness Level: Intermediate
Health Issues: I have cysts in both of my wrists, my right wrist is flaring up (not to mention I have CTS in both wrists as well), I have back problems, knee problems, and I'm a sugar addict.
Goal: 120 lbs (Around 54kg) Hopefully a size 4! (Current size 12/13)

I have a young son, and that keeps me steady with all of the running around I do.
But my sugar addiction also keeps me at my current weight.

I hope to cut my sugar addiction, but cold turkey seems hard.


Pistachio_Moustache 10-16-2013 04:07 PM

Day one of my sugar purge.
I've been alright so far, no shaking yet.
I am really tired, though. Although that could be from only having four hours of sleep.
I am checking to make sure that nothing has sugar. Some things might slip past me, but I'm sure it's a small amount. HOW DOES SALAD DRESSING NOT HAVE A SUGAR FREE VERSION, WTH.
I'm also trying to cut fat out, because I should just.
I'm trying to make healthy recipes for the family, and it's really not that hard once you get over the first hurdle.
I have to hide the vegetables in the food for my son to eat, so far, so good.

I shall take a walk/jog later after my nap...

Edit: I ended up caving and drinking a twelve ounce soda. I was really tired, and needed a pick-me-up. Only sugary thing I have had all day.

Pistachio_Moustache 10-16-2013 04:08 PM

So, yesterday, I caved. I ended up eating two more things with sugar in them. I had a slice of napolean with dulce de leche (all of that is like pure sugar), and some Nestum, with added sugar.
Today though, I've been pretty good. No sugar so far. I've just been drowning myself in water (not literally), eating salad, and doing house chores. I'm raking the yards right now. (Well, I was and I will after this post.)
I'm super hungry. Maybe I can eat the pasta I made that has zucchini and squash in the sauce. Yum yum!

Welp, I have to get back to raking the yards.
The backyard is HUGE! That's going to take a while. Darn pine trees.

Pistachio_Moustache 10-23-2013 09:30 PM

Day two and three went well sugar-less-wise.
Day four I relapsed, day five went well, same with day six. It is now seven of said sugar purge, and I'm doing alright. Day four I started shaking, and was out of energy, so I ended up relapsing, then falling asleep.

My body aches a lot, and I'm regaining the energy my body hasn't used in years because it was running on sugar.
I am finding things to do to keep myself from raiding the fridge.
I am going to make a couple of paintings, hang them, then go for a run.

Oh man, look at the time! I need to make dinner!

Pistachio_Moustache 10-26-2013 02:12 PM

It's been what, ten days now? Sugar purge!
I have been eating and drinking things with sugar, but in moderation. But these things don't have copious amounts of sugar, just trace amounts.

Yesterday, I ran after not running for maybe what, eight years? Since high school?
I was in JROTC in high school, and every Friday we had PT and ran a mile.
But yesterday, the running felt so good! The cool air was nice to my lungs, and I'm so glad I stretched before and after, lol.
I didn't run for very long, because it was late at night.

Let's see what else I can get my body to do!

Pistachio_Moustache 10-30-2013 04:14 PM

I've been extremely stressed lately, so I ended up drinking so much soda. Omg.
I need to let it go.
Yesterday, I went for a walk to clear my head. Hubby got worried because it was almost nine at night when I left.

Pistachio_Moustache 10-31-2013 01:46 PM

Yesterday, I had very little soda, and ate somewhat healthy.

Today, I've only had juice, and I'm going to eat some eggs.
Let's see how today goes!

Pistachio_Moustache 11-01-2013 07:48 PM

Ugh, although I end up caving some days, I have managed to lose five pounds! Wth!

I'm happy, and I'm doing well with my sugar purge now. Even though I get tempted, I can waive it away. Although, I did give in once yesterday. But only once!

Pistachio_Moustache 11-04-2013 12:56 AM

Shania583: PrincessKasumi:

Because I said I would.

On another note, I need to post before and after pictures.

---------- Post added 11-03-2013 at 08:58 PM ----------

I've been good today!
No sugar that I know of! I have not eaten any sweets today!
I weighed myself today, and the scale said 156. But then again, I had eaten just half an hour before. So, I need to weigh myself in the morning. I don't have a scale at home, so I use the ones at the grocery store. xD

Pistachio_Moustache 11-11-2013 03:56 AM

Four days in a row.
That's how many days I have gone outside and ran. The first three days I ran/walked a mile. The fourth day, today, I ran/walked 1.5 miles. I have to stretch really well beforehand, or else my body's like, "Nope!"
I was just tired when I got done.
Tomorrow I'm going to do it again! :D

Pistachio_Moustache 11-15-2013 04:16 AM

On day five of my running, I didn't do much running because it was rather late in the morning when I went. Later that evening, I sprained my toe. (I jumped to see an item on a top shelf, and landed awkwardly.) I took two days off from running and went out today. (I popped my toe back into place and it feels better than it did.)

I decided to play music and run only when the chorus played. So, about thirty seconds of running followed by thirty seconds of rest. I did that for about fourty five minutes.
I hated it at first, but I kept seeing how my quickly my body kept recovering, so I was happy.

My legs have not felt this kind of pain before. It went down to the bone, like wth.
I'm crazy, so I'm going to do it again tomorrow!

Pistachio_Moustache 11-16-2013 11:50 PM

Haha, I made my injury worse by doing that run.
I'm going to look for actual running shoes, because I don't have any.
So far, I'm steady at 155 lbs.
I'm doing some calorie cutting by cooking recipes from Cook This, Not That!
I'm just not going to weigh myself this week. I'll weigh myself next week. I don't need to be stressing myself over this.

hummy 11-19-2013 11:33 AM

I notice when my blood glucose gets really low I shake terribly
I'm awful about just not eating for a really long time and fighting through it
but I have learned a little snack a balanced snack like peanut butter and apple maybe a small slices laughing cow cheese really helps me a lot
now if I can just force myself to do this before I start feeling horrible and shaking I'll be doing okay
good luck kickong the sugar habit it's really hard to do but once you get through like the first week its not that bad

Pistachio_Moustache 11-19-2013 06:36 PM

I was going to buy some beef jerky to snack on, because of the protein, but didn't because of the price. So instead of eating a healthy snack, I had a scoop of ice cream. Fudge. I told myself that I wasn't going to eat it, but I did.

I made a delicious pork stir fry for lunch, I had cereal with sugar for breakfast.

Weighed myself today, 153lbs! I've dropped two more pounds!
Seven pounds down~

Thanks, Hummy! I'll look into those snacks, as well.
I hope all goes well with you~~

Pistachio_Moustache 11-21-2013 07:58 AM

Omg, I didn't. I made a super fatty food, and ate TWO plates of it! Ughughugh
I didn't even weigh myself, because I was going to do it next week. I hope I didn't screw up my good work.
Cream, butter, AND bacon?! Delicious, but so bad.

Also, I'VE BEEN DOING THIS FOR A MONTH?? No way, man! //high fives self xD

Well, I also found some old clothes of mine that I want to fit into, so more motivation!

Nephila 11-21-2013 07:59 AM

It's good hard...around the holidays especially. I'll be makin coolies and treats soon. I must somehow keep my paws off. XD

Pistachio_Moustache 11-21-2013 08:01 AM

I make pumpkin pie every year. I had to give it away today so I wouldn't eat it, lol.

Pistachio_Moustache 11-21-2013 09:04 PM

I was a bad girl this morning. Had a good breakfast sandwich, ruined it by drinking 8oz of Coke.
Stupid commercial. Reminded me we had some.
Almost committed a health crime by gorging on bad food for lunch, but remembered there was pasta and delicious tomato sauce. Ate that instead.

I am baking another pumpkin pie to give away. I make enough for two pies. One pumpkin makes two full pies! Yes, that's right, pumpkin pie from real pumpkin! I even made the pie crust myself this year. Usually, I just get the frozen pie shells, but I wanted to make it myself this year. It was easier than I thought! Plus, no weird ingredients that are terrible for you!

House chores are helpful to keep me active, so I can avoid running for now. I'm not avoiding it because I want to, it's because I have to. Damn injury.

Hooray! I'm kind of excited to weigh myself next week. I want to see if I lost any more weight.


Pistachio_Moustache 11-24-2013 03:19 PM

Hubby drank the rest of the soda, so no more temptation! Until he buys more, that is. Ugh.
I always end up getting the munchies when I work, so it's kind of bad. I need to find a better snack alternative than Cheetos when I'm at my in-laws. They keep all of the bad, yummy things. I should start carrying almonds or pistachios with me.
Late at night, I get cravings for sweets. So the other night, I decided to squelch it by eating something spicy. I cooked pasta, tossed in a little of olive oil mayo, "doused" it in sriracha, and downed a bunch of milk while eating it. Let's just say, my sinuses were clear, and I didn't feel like eating anything else after that. xD

Lately, the higi station at the grocery store down the road has been being mean, and doesn't connect to the server when I try to sign on. I might just go to Walmart, and use the one they have. It's a different brand, but it does a lot more things! Or I could just spend thirty bucks on a digital scale. I may just spend the money. That way, I don't have to make unneccesary trips to the store and be tempted to buy junk.
Now that I think about it, I should make lasagna. Make my own sauce, and shred some cheese on it, throw in ham and bechamél. Can you tell that I'm a tad hungry? xD

Pistachio_Moustache 11-25-2013 03:59 AM

I have resisted temptation! Our friends came over and one made burgers. He bought ground chuck (//shudders), and brought a TON of soda. Needless to say, I turned it down. One of our other friends has decided to get healthier. We are on the bandwagon for health! I got a little upset at hubby for laughing at him though. I freaking high fived him.

I'm about to make my sriracha pasta dish, cause I'm hungry.

Pistachio_Moustache 11-30-2013 05:42 PM

Ugh, the holidays and the food that comes with it.
Coffee always makes me sick, but I still drink it from time to time. I wonder why it does, though.
I have been eating practically nothing but peanut brittle and tiramisu that I had made for Thanksgiving.
Pure freaking sugar. Although, I did just stop eating peanut brittle for a couple days. A person can only take so much. My body acts weird if I try to act like nothing changed with my sugar intake.
I get sick quicker. I think my tolerance is going down. I'm sure that's a good thing.
I guess.

Pistachio_Moustache 12-05-2013 07:37 PM


I thought I was doing bad and gaining weight, but when I got on the scale, I found I lost two more pounds. So happy!

Pistachio_Moustache 12-06-2013 03:22 PM

I was talking to my friend yesterday, and found out we weigh the same. But he's about 10 cm taller...

I made some really delicious brownies yesterday. Ended up leaving them in the oven for too long, and they weren't as fudgey as I wanted. I should've put it in for twenty minutes, not twenty five. I will post the recipe later. It's good and chocolatey enough, you just want one! Okay two, but self-control!

Ah, btw, it's with imperial measurements.
I'll convert it if you want.

Seriously, where is everyone??

Pistachio_Moustache 12-11-2013 04:41 PM

I ended up making another batch of brownies and baked 'em just right.
They. Were. Freaking. Delicious.
I had to down so much milk yesterday between the brownies and sriracha noodles, lol.
I packed up half of the brownies to give to my brother; I'm making another batch to mail to my best friend, who lives across the country now.

I also made some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and gave them away. One of the people I gave them to wanted two more batches, and wanted to pay for them! Ten bucks for about 45 cookies. I'll be making a 1.20$ profit. I wonder if I should have her try the brownies again. xD

Also, I have gained a little weight because I'm a big fat fatty who loves sweets.
Stupid banana pudding that hubby decided he didn't want, because it was baked. Ended up eating seven serving in two days. Ugh. Overripe baked bananas become sickly sweet. I'll use ripe bananas next time.

I just want to get under 66kg already! Augh!

Pistachio_Moustache 12-16-2013 04:17 PM

I haven't weighed myself lately.
I need to.
I'm scared to, though.
I might have gained the weight back!

My foot is healed now, so I'm going to go for a run later.

But I don't know if it's wise with bronchitis...

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