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Kirin Rosenbaum 02-09-2018 10:06 PM

A Little Bit of Candy
I have candy on the brain. So let's talk about our favorite Valentine's Day treats.

Kirin Rosenbaum 02-09-2018 10:07 PM

@My Friends; Come chat. Just don't quote this post.

monstahh` 02-09-2018 10:10 PM

hello kirin *waves*

Kory 02-09-2018 10:29 PM

Hi Kirin. :D
My favorite Valentines Day treat is...


Kirin Rosenbaum 02-09-2018 10:29 PM

Oh... so you aren't a fan of candy?

---------- Post added 02-09-2018 at 05:30 PM ----------

Mon-Mon what's your favorite candy for Valentine's Day?

Kory 02-09-2018 10:32 PM

Not really..
I prefer salt over sweets. C:

I like pickles! That's a good Valentines Day treat too!

monstahh` 02-09-2018 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Kirin Rosenbaum (Post 1774041109)
[/COLOR]Mon-Mon what's your favorite candy for Valentine's Day?

cherry cordials :P

Kory 02-09-2018 10:38 PM

OH my gosh!
My dad used to go absolutely BAT SHIT for cherry cordials!
He's really, really into cherries, though.

monstahh` 02-09-2018 10:39 PM

i am allergic to cherries but if they're cooked i can usually eat them. they have to be cooked though. either cooked or frozen anyway.
its a "type 2" allergy not a pure allergy that would (should) cause anaphalaxis though so I sometimes risk it. usually with a side of benedryl though. lol

Kory 02-09-2018 10:41 PM

That makes sense. Haha.
Personally, I am not a fan of cherries. :P

I once, however, rubbed pineapple all over my face (knowing I was allergic to it) and it made me break out into an awful rash that was itchy and disgusting on my face. :c

monstahh` 02-09-2018 10:43 PM

i love cherries and apples and melons, but they are what i tend to have the most severe reactions to raw.

sailor star rainbow 02-09-2018 11:18 PM

I really do like candy but its hard to pick out a favorite one.

Kory 02-09-2018 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by monstahh` (Post 1774041161)
i love cherries and apples and melons, but they are what i tend to have the most severe reactions to raw.

That's too bad. :C
It must be awful being allergic to things you like!

I don't think I have any allergies other than pineapple... And honestly, I think most people are sensitive to pineapple.

Hi sailor star!

Kirin Rosenbaum 02-10-2018 12:21 AM

Pineapple is the fruit that eats you back.

monstahh` 02-10-2018 12:59 AM

Yeah, they really are. I'm not allergic to them but I have delicate skin so they devour my lips when I eat them D8

Kory 02-10-2018 01:18 AM

Pineapple isn't even tasty to me...
Not unless it's cooked like on pizza. *wink*

hummy 02-10-2018 01:22 AM

Grilled pineapple is the best

Kory 02-10-2018 01:37 AM

I've never had grilled pineapple, but it sounds good!
I like grilled veggies.

monstahh` 02-10-2018 01:44 AM

grilled pineapple is good. :3
so is it on pizza.
but, i like weird stuff, I'm told. [lol]

hummy 02-10-2018 01:49 AM

I'm weird

monstahh` 02-10-2018 01:49 AM

Well I like you too hummy!

Kirin Rosenbaum 02-10-2018 02:23 AM

Canned pineapple isn't as bad as fresh for the eating you back. Grilled pineapple is the most amazing thing on the face of the planet. I adore pineapple on pizza.

hummy 02-10-2018 02:25 AM

me too. no one else likes it but me
so I eat all the pineapple off =3

Kirin Rosenbaum 02-10-2018 02:26 AM

I got a little girl who I love to pieces liking pineapple on pizza.

Damia Flagg 02-10-2018 04:19 AM

My favorite Valentine treat is Lindt truffles. Most any flavor is good. The citrus ones are the best, but are hard to find.


Originally Posted by Ava The Vampire (Post 1774041582)
I've never had grilled pineapple, but it sounds good!
I like grilled veggies.

Grilled pineapple is really good with chicken, mango and papaya works well grilled with chicken too.

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