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Amane 12-24-2013 01:53 AM

Amane's Holiday Cottage - COOKIES! SWEETS! YEAH!
I don't know why, but I am especially ready for the holidays this year! I know some of what I'm getting for Christmas, and I can't wait to get it! Anyway, though, whoever you are, come on in. Have some cookies, sip hot chocolate by the fire, toss confetti, and by all means have fun!

Uzura 12-24-2013 01:55 AM

Woot! Cookies and hot chocolate~ *sugar rush*

Amane 12-24-2013 01:57 AM

Wow! You're all regal and festive-looking! :D I love it.

Uzura 12-24-2013 02:03 AM

Aw, thank you! I've had this holiday avi for years. Been waiting for this event to put it on again x3

momochan 12-24-2013 02:20 AM

I'm excited for the holidays as well!
Christmas eve is usually when we open presents, so tomorrow i get to open all of my presents!
I have hunches about what I got xD
One awesome thing tho is that I get to open one of my presents to night at midnight 8D

Amane 12-24-2013 02:21 AM

You mean you've been wearing that or you've had it saved somewhere?
Nevermind. [lol] I think I got it.


Damia Flagg 12-24-2013 04:16 AM

No more cookies please. I've been baking cookies & cupcakes most of the day.
Let me just leave a plate of cookies with you.

Amane 12-24-2013 04:20 AM

That just means you get to help supply everyone else with cookies!

xuvrette 12-24-2013 05:28 AM

COokies? Cupcakes?
Give me all the chocolate ones~

Amane 12-24-2013 05:49 AM

Chocolate's my favorite as well. When Cookies n' Cream candies appear, I like those.

xuvrette 12-24-2013 05:53 AM

:< I just want chocolate flavours. With no nuts no other cream.
Except whip cream or icing sugar or mint.

Amane 12-24-2013 05:57 AM

Cookies n' Cream things don't taste like cream to me. But I don't eat cream. I have had whipped cream, and it was way too rich.

xuvrette 12-24-2013 06:00 AM

I ate most whip cream... *droooool*
sweeten or un sweeten.

I just bought an electric eraser for $5! my currency.
To put in perspective, average McDonald value meal here cost around $10.

Amane 12-24-2013 06:03 AM

That… seems like a lot for McDonald's. I can't recall at the moment, but I know the meal I like to get is less than $10. I don't know about the value meal, but yeah.

Electric eraser, though. That's awesome. [insane] How exactly does it work?

xuvrette 12-24-2013 06:06 AM

Value meal come with drink and french fries.

oh, it is battery operated AAA size ones. And then, there is a button, you press it and it will vibrates. Very clean.
By the way, the other electric eraser in market here is RARE and FEW. and the derwent and artist brands all exceed $50. Only the smart ass Japanese ones is cheaper than $50. and Even so, most of them is more than $15.

Amane 12-24-2013 06:17 AM

Medium french fries, 10 chicken nuggets, and any size drink for under $10 here.

I wasn't aware they existed or would have any advantage over manual erasers. [lol] It sounds like something I need since I write so heavy and dark.

xuvrette 12-24-2013 06:21 AM

McD is expensive here, because... our asian food is much cheaper than yours. XD

Amane 12-24-2013 06:26 AM

That makes sense. It's not easy to find authentic Asian food, though! And, as you say, it's expensive. Is there a McDonald's on every corner where you are?

xuvrette 12-24-2013 06:35 AM

At my city, quite sufficiently mushrooming around.
Still, we have more asian food. and so much cheaper.
yet, most of the environment is like street stall standard. not as sparkly as McD.

Amane 12-24-2013 06:39 AM

The Asian food's probably better for you anyway. = w=

xuvrette 12-24-2013 08:53 AM

Not sure... too oily, too sweet and too salty.

hummy 12-24-2013 02:25 PM

*brings in cookies for cookie exchange*

Amane 12-24-2013 03:04 PM

I've started a cookie exchamge without realizing it! :O

@Xuv: You've probably heard the McDonald's horror stories about how the food is actually made and how fattening and unhealthy it is.

xuvrette 12-24-2013 03:28 PM

I don't think I have heard your version of how bad is McD...

Cookie exchange?
can't I just be given cookies? I am lazy to bake.

Amane 12-24-2013 03:37 PM

Don't worry. That's how it was supposed to be. [lol] *offers cookies*

Is McDonald's very popular where you are? Apparently in the US there are a lot of people who eat it daily as their breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Not hard to do, since it must be the easiest fast food place to find.
They've been blamed for rising obesity rates and a lot of health problems numberous times over the years, which is why they don't specifically market to kids anymore (no more fun cartoon characters…).
There's this thing out there called Supersize Me where a vegetarian (or vegan?) ate only McDonald's for a certain period of time and got really sick. Becayse of that, the Supersize Meal no longer exists! In more recent times, a lot of McDonald's commercials feature their suppliers (farmers and such) talking about the quality of their produce.

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