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Orla_Yakushi 01-28-2008 09:14 PM

(Miss Pink and Orla's SXK thread) A unlikely meeting...
Sikamaru stood at the gates of the village watching
the blond girl make her way down the path. He stayed
like that for a few moments then turned away, he stuck
his hands in his pockets, but not before looking at the
time. He did not have to report to the hokage for
another ten minutes. He sighed his black eyes half open
as his left hand surched his paint pocket for his new
pack of cigarettes.This had not been the idle week for
him showing that girl around again. Its not that he
thought her bothersome just she was to much like him
in ways so it was starting to piss him off. She knew
every button to push on him.

Once found he took one out and he walked to the side
of the rode to a out of the way tree. He lit it and
took a slow drag and closed his eyes. He heard people
passing by and took on some of thier conversations
with out even trying, people where just so loud...

Pink-White-Chocolate 01-29-2008 02:50 AM

Kiba was walking down the middle of the road, his hands behind his head and Akamaru at his feet. The brunette Inuzuka boy let out a sigh as he walked, needing something to do. His friends/teammates weren't in Konoha at the moment. Hinata was off with the Hyuuga clan doing something, and Shino was with his father, searching for rare bugs for their collection. Poor boy was left with nothing to do.

As he walked, his eyes darted from side to side at the various shops and the workers out front trying to sell the stuff they had. Though, it was getting close to the end of summer once again, so there was a bunch of bargains going on. His sister told him that he should take advantage of it and buy some new clothes for when he's not training, or going on a date. Right. When is he ever gonna go on a date? The brunette shook his head. He didn't notice Shikamaru as he walked past him.

Orla_Yakushi 01-29-2008 06:27 AM

Shikamaru heard and smelt the boy comming, well
more like his dog.He opened one eye watching baray
of emotions running over his face. "Gah don't think
so much Kiaba you might hurt yourself..." He said
this in his normel dead pan voice as he closed
his eyes once more.

Pink-White-Chocolate 01-29-2008 07:15 PM

Kiba's ears twitched a little when he heard Shikamaru's voice. The brunette swallowed hard. He didn't really want to deal with Shikamaru right now, especially since he still hadn't thanked Shikamaru for rescuing him on a recent mission. So, all the Inuzuka did was continue walking, getting away from Shikamaru. No, this was not a day to deal with Shikamaru.

Orla_Yakushi 01-29-2008 08:04 PM

Shikamaru opened both eyes when he saw the younger
male start to walk off. This was odd he didn't even
make a nasty remark nothing, something was up.
"Oi Kiba..." He said as if calling him back but as he
walked off he sighed seeing the time knowing he had to
report in to the hokages office.

He said nothing and grinded his cig in to the ground
with his foot and lept in to the tree and off to the
tower. It took him less then two minutes to arive...

Pink-White-Chocolate 01-29-2008 09:11 PM

Kiba didn't even look at Shikamaru when he called him out. The brunette just kept walking, going towards the gate. He wanted to get out of Konoha for a little while. Too many sales and drama going on at the moment. Mostly drama happening with the girls, and the Hokage was having problems. Of course, when did Tsunade never have problems?

A sigh escaped Kiba's lips as he and Akamaru jumped up into a tree that was outside the gates. He just sat up in the tree, closing his eyes, softly stroking his dog.

Orla_Yakushi 01-29-2008 09:29 PM

Not more then a few houers latter another male
jumped in to the same tree. He made no sound just
stood there, taking in the other. He didn't know
why but something was bothering him, the younger hadn't
acted the same to him since that mission. It buged him
to no end.

He could careless about the other daying thank you
but this mopping about was starting to get bothersome.
If he was to get on the new team he needed he needed the
younger to act like a team mate not a bump on a long.
"So you going to talk to me now?"

Pink-White-Chocolate 01-29-2008 10:16 PM

Kiba didn't hear the other jump up into the tree, but he could smell him. His chest moved up and down slowly, showing that he was trying to rest peacefully, but he knew that he wouldn't go away. When he heard the other talk, his eyes slowly opened, moving from his feet up to his face.

"No, I'm not," He muttered and then picked up a sleeping Akamaru and carefully jumped out of the tree. He started away from Konoha. He didn't expect Shikamaru to understand anything about why he wasn't paying attention to him. Truth was, that mission was one of his most memorable missions that he's ever been on.

Orla_Yakushi 01-29-2008 10:27 PM

"Fine then don't talk to me but your on my team for
the mission that Tunade gave me..." He said and plopped
himself down on the branch his legs dangling his arms
proping his torso up.

"Be ready tomarow morning and at the gate you will be
briefed then.."He said looking down at the other to
see if he would talk now. He had to amit he was curious
to why the brunet wouldn't speak to him.

Pink-White-Chocolate 01-29-2008 10:50 PM

Kiba glanced back at the other, but he continued on his way. A mission? The two of them on a mission together? Kiba stopped and he ran back into Konoha, Akamaru still in his arms, passing by the tree that Shikamaru was now sitting in. He ran to the Hokage building. There was no way in hell that he was going to go on a mission with Shikamaru. He bounded up the steps and ran into Tsunade's office. "I'm not going!" He yelled to her, panting heavily.

He ignored the fact that Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi were all in there, talking to Tsunade. He walked in, pushing the blonde out of the way and slammed one of his hands on the desk, making Akamaru jump. "I'm not going on a mission with him again. I don't want to go on a mission with him. Not after what happened last time," Kiba told the Hokage, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Orla_Yakushi 01-29-2008 11:03 PM

Shikamaru looked at him run and wondered what the hell
was uo with this boy, they had gone to school and
severle mission's together why now all the sudden was
he freaking out"troublesome..."

The hokage looked up at the young boy her face already
twisted becasoue of Narutos out bursts. "Kiaba wat the
hell are you griping about?!"

Pink-White-Chocolate 01-29-2008 11:59 PM

Kiba pushed Naruto away when he tried to pull him back away from the Hokage's desk, letting Akamaru jump out of his arms. He put the other hand on the desk. "I'm not going on that mission with Shikamaru! I refuse!" He snapped. He wasn't afraid of the Hokage, and it definitely showed that he wasn't. His eyes were narrowed dangerously. "If you send him and I on that mission, you won't get a result. I can promise you that! Make someone else go with him!" The brunette then turned around and walked between Naruto and Sakura.

Orla_Yakushi 01-30-2008 12:09 AM

"and why may I ask is that the case?" She said standing up now leaning in just like he did to challenge him.
She had never had problems with this boy why all the
sudden "Give me a damn good reson why I shouldn't
just make you go. Becouse the way I am looking at it
now is that you go or your striped of your Nijia head
band and all the work you have done..."

Pink-White-Chocolate 01-30-2008 12:16 AM

Kiba stopped in his tracks and swallowed. God, his mother would be mad if he got stripped of his Ninja headband and his rights as a Ninja. "You know what? Forget it. I'll go with him on the mission," He said. The Inuzuka left the room and went outside. When he saw his mother and sister walking up the stairs he cringed a little bit.

"Kiba? What're you doing here?" His older sister asked him, her arms crossed. "Aren't you supposed to be training?"

The brunette boy sight. "I was just on my way to train. The Hokage is sending Shikamaru and myself on a mission tomorrow. So, I'm gonna go make sure I'm good enough for Shikamaru's standards," He explained. The boy then went down the stairs and walked towards the gate to go talk to Shikamaru.

Orla_Yakushi 01-30-2008 12:43 AM

Shikamaru Was standing out side of the training grounds
now his vest on one of the wooden poles. He was smoking
once more, he always did when braking from training.
He rested thinking about the mission they had to go on
it wasn't any thing big thats why he wanted Kiba to
go with him.

Pink-White-Chocolate 01-30-2008 01:00 AM

Kiba stopped a couple feet from the gate, wondering if he should really go talk to Shikamaru or not. The brunette sighed and shook his head. He turned and went to the training grounds instead. He entered from a different side that Shikamaru was, so he didn't see him. The brunette then started to punch one of the logs that was sticking out of the ground, pretending that it was Shikamaru. The Inuzuka growled lowly as he punched it really hard, putting a nice dent into the log. He sniffed and suddenly caught Shikamaru's scent. "Dammit. What the hell is he doing here?" He muttered, sighing. He turned around and leaned back against the log.

Orla_Yakushi 01-30-2008 01:07 AM

Shikamaru heard some one else training and looked
back and smirked seeing the dog boy seeming to be
taking out his anger on the poo stump. He wondered
what got him so rilled up. Though it didn't take
much most of the time.

He made his way to the stump behind him seeing the dent.
He took his vest off of the stump and watched him ti'll
he pick up his sent. "Well I am training what are you

Pink-White-Chocolate 01-30-2008 08:47 AM

Kiba cringed a little when he heard Shikamaru's voice. The Inuzuka sighed and he sat down on the ground, leaning back against the post. "I don't know anymore," He muttered, looking to his left at all the trees.

"I guess, what I'm trying to say is...that I will go on the mission with you. Tsunade was pretty pissed and threatened to take away my headband and all my rights as a ninja if I didn't."

The brunette sighed and then looked at Shikamaru. "And...thank you for saving me that day. I'm sorry that I didn't mention it earlier." A soft smile appeared on the boy's face.

Orla_Yakushi 01-30-2008 09:27 AM

Shikamaru shook his head "You must have gone in
when nuckle head was in there...never talk to her
when Naruto has already pissed her off. He took a
moment and took a drag off his cig then looked down
at the boy"You really didn't need the help...its
just what team mates do..." He said letting the lit
cig fall to the ground and stomped it out. "Come on
get up we will spare and I'll show you your better
then you think..."

Pink-White-Chocolate 01-30-2008 07:07 PM

[size=9]Kiba shook his head. "No thanks," He muttered and got up. He walked away from Shikamaru for the third time that day. Man, something was really bothering the Inuzuka boy. Kiba went to the entrance of the training grounds, not looking back at Shikamaru at all. The brunette walked home, Akamaru following closely behind him.

When he got home he walked into his house, ignoring all the dogs that were now up and wagging their tails, wanting to play. "Not today, guys," He told them, going up the stairs. He needed a shower. The brunette passed his sister on the stairs, muttering a 'hey' at her and then went into the bathroom. He started the shower and stripped his clothes off and then stepped in.[/size[

Orla_Yakushi 01-30-2008 08:45 PM

Shikamaru watched the younger leave and sighed
shaking his head. He didn't know what was bothering
the younger but he wasn't about to take time out of
training to go find the moody boy.

He stayed there for about three more houers before
doing the same and headed home to take a shower and
to pack for the next few days it was a simple retrieval
mishiion and the on their way back a body guard service.

((its kinda hard to rp when you keep running off u.u; ))

Pink-White-Chocolate 01-30-2008 11:36 PM


The next morning, Kiba woke up at six so that he could make sure that he had everything. He made sure there were enough kunai, throwing stars, smoke bombs, and soldier pills in his bag that would last a while. A sigh escaped the male's lips as he slipped the bag onto his shoulders and then walked downstairs. He smiled when he saw all the dog's sleeping, along with Akamaru right in the middle. He carefully walked over and picked Akamaru up, grabbed something to eat and then left the house, heading towards the entrance gate. On the way there, he thought of something to say to Shikamaru about yesterday and why he's been acting so weirdly around him.

Orla_Yakushi 01-31-2008 12:09 AM

(its ok <3 )

Shikamaru had made his way to the tower to pick
the flies for their mission. He then made his
way to the ramen shop to pick up breakfast as
the sun rose. He had herd Naruto and the others
leaving for their trip as well.

Once he was done he went to the gate to wait for the
other he had asked Tsunada for one more person but
she shut him down seeing as they where stretched as
it was. Not that they needed more but it was to make
it less bothersom with the young boy acting odd.

Pink-White-Chocolate 01-31-2008 06:09 PM

Kiba had stopped and gotten a couple bottles of water from the store, since that was the only thing he had forgotten to get. The brunette then slipped the bottles of water into his bag and then continued on his way. He got to the entrance gate and looked at Shikamaru. "Ok, I'm here. What's the mission about?" He questioned, leaning against the other side of the gate, watching Shikamaru.

Orla_Yakushi 02-04-2008 08:31 AM

As the younger male got there he welcomed him
and filled him in on the details of the job
they where about to do. "This is a trip to
the naboring village not but three days from
here. We will be handing off info that the hokage
has given us then be returning on a body guard
task..."From there he filled in all the blanks
that needed t be placed in.

Once that was done he looked at the other and
nodded its best we get going now we can stop
half way to rest and have time to get to the
small village to rest the night there... any
questions?" He asked and looked the other over
seeing most of what he needed.

((I am so sorry for lossing this :( ))

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