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Lady Song 07-31-2009 05:41 AM

Lady Song's Elegant Cantata - A Hangout Thread

Being a thread welcoming primarily those users who choose to support the goddess called Lady Song. Get to know one another so that you might sing and play in harmony when the event starts.

Please note that if you intend to share music lyrics, you must quote them using the quote tags if you did not write the song yourself!

Lady Song 07-31-2009 05:41 AM

Lady Song's Elegant Cantata - A Hangout Thread

Please feel free to use any of these banners to show your support.

Seito 08-06-2009 11:16 PM

Sweet. xD I have joined the Song Team!

CK 08-06-2009 11:18 PM

As have I. XD

Seito 08-06-2009 11:21 PM

Yay! xD Wow, usually we end up on totally different teams CK.

Rhythm 08-06-2009 11:23 PM

Wait, so what is this?xD



CK 08-06-2009 11:23 PM

Rhythm: There's an Announcement for you to read. XD

Seito: I think I just like the Song NPC the best. XD I know she's a bit aloof, but I like her. ::laughs:: My second choice is probably Feast, so my mule may join her team. XD

Seito 08-06-2009 11:27 PM

I like Song's apperance the best.

I haven't decided which one my mule will be joining... o.o *actually forgot about that completely*

CK 08-06-2009 11:30 PM

Song being sponsored by the Moon also helps in my choice. XD Same with Feast being sponsored by the Morning Star. XD;

I'm not one of those high-energy sun types. >_>; Though I like Dance's design and admire her enthusiasm. XD

Rhythm 08-06-2009 11:30 PM

I think I'll join the song team for the same reason as CK.xD
Plus out of Song, Dance, and Feast, Song just appeals to me more.x3

CK 08-06-2009 11:34 PM

I'm trying to decide which of the banners I'm going to put into my signature. >3<

Seito 08-06-2009 11:35 PM

As far as appearance goes, I like Feast better. But I like to think I'm a high energy person. I like food, I like the morning star over the sun too... maybe I'll join feast?

Edit: @Ck You can put them all in a image rotator :3

Goblin Maiden 08-06-2009 11:36 PM

Song appeals to me the most. =D Besides loving to sing just casually, I'm helping to organize a karaoke contest for my fellow Menewshans to partake in! ^__^ So supporting this goddess was simply a no-brainer! XD

Hoooraaaayyy!! I might add a signature laters. :3 Meanwhile, hi, all my fellow Song supporters. ^__^

Soooooo... Fun and games, hey? I can't wait!

CK 08-06-2009 11:37 PM

Oh - Seito! Good call! I'll do that. XD Thanks for the idea. XD

Seito 08-06-2009 11:38 PM

You welcome. xD

Rhythm 08-06-2009 11:40 PM

Whoo! Officially on the Song Team.8D

Seito 08-06-2009 11:41 PM

Yay! xD we're teammates now Rhythm.

Hatake Ayumi 08-06-2009 11:41 PM

*sings a few notes*
Ah, I love this~!!

Eserel 08-06-2009 11:42 PM

<busts in>

Rhythm 08-06-2009 11:42 PM


So how is everyone?:)

Hatake Ayumi 08-06-2009 11:44 PM

Flippin excited.
But I guess you probably new that.

Rhythm 08-06-2009 11:44 PM

Hatake Same here.xD
It's my first event on Mene in a looooong time. lolol.

Kiarash 08-06-2009 11:45 PM

Yahoo for song n.n

M i r o 08-06-2009 11:45 PM

ohamai, Hataa is nakey~ <33

@ Rhythm; I'm just happy it's happening. xDD Cuz then everyone gets together! We've only had reunions during events. lololz >>

Jennifer 08-06-2009 11:46 PM

Sing sweet nightingale! La-la-la-laaaalalal *cough* ; O;

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