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Mr. Mayor 09-22-2008 01:18 AM

Mr. Mayor's name game ~ No more guesses, we have a winner!

Hello my friends!

I've come to offer you a little distraction with something that you will hopefully enjoy :)
I don't think many of you are aware of this fact, but it's my birthday today. I've spent the afternoon with my parents, who live over on the other side of the island. My mother made me a delicious lunch, and we sat and chatted and reminisced as you do when you visit relatives. One of the things that we spoke about were family names, as she always has been very interested in the meaning of names, and that got me wondering..maybe it was time for me to stop being so coy about mine?

A few of you have tried to get me to tell you in the past, but I wouldn't ;)

A few of your have even given me names yourselves! *looks sideways at Dystopia and HIM_ROCK*

So during my journey home, I decided to stop hiding behind my title and reveal my name, but just telling you all would be boring don't you think?
So you have to guess!
I shall give you clues to work with, and the people who guess correctly will win some nice things :)

Mr. Mayor 09-22-2008 01:19 AM


Here I'll list all the things to help you try and guess what my name is, and just so it isn't too easy, how about going for my whole name!
I have 3 names, as well as my surname, so that should keep you all busy ;)
My surname will just be down to guessing from a known list and common sense, but my three forenames will take a bit of investigating in areas where you can find out such information.

First name - 6 letters

My mother says I was born early in the morning, just as the sun started to shine into the window. It fell across the bed she was lying in as she lay holding me, and shone on my hair, which was a very pale blond then, almost white.

Second name - 4 letters

I was born late, when my mother was 40 years old and I'm an only child.
She'd previously suffered 3 miscarriages before I was born and had been told by a physician that she'd never be able to carry a baby to term.
When I was born, alive and healthy, she honestly believed it to be some kind of miracle.

Third name - 5 letters

My mother tells a tale of a strange visitor that she had one day. She was pottering out in the garden infront of the house when she was around 6 months pregnant with me, and an old man who was walking by stopped to pass the time of day with her. She says he was very pleasant, but deeply mysterious and she has no idea where he came from, or went to. As no-one in the surrounding area seemed to have seen him when she asked them about him.
In return for allowing him to sit in the shade for a while and enjoy a cool drink (it was Midsummer's Day and a hot day for travelling) he offered to tell her fortune for her.

He told her several interesting things; the whereabouts of a necklace that she had thought lost years before. The secret name that only her husband had ever called her(to this day, she won't tell me what it is!) That a friend of the family was betraying them and trying to steal their money.
But the last thing he told her effected her the most deeply. She says he laid his hand, very gently, against the swell of her stomach, and told her that she would have a boy. A boy who would one day become the protector of the island. Though he would not tell her how this would come about, or why. He then took his leave of her and made his way off into the sunlight.

Last name

My family name is the same as one of the state capital of the United States of America. Exactly the same and written correctly.

Please be sure to check through the incorrect guesses post before submitting an entry, a lot of people are suggesting names which are already down as incorrect.

Further Clues:

None are made up of more than 3 syllables, or less than 2.
None begin with letters from the beginning or the end of the alphabet, but how many letters from the beginning and end is for YOU to decide, But it's more than just A and Z.
None begin with any vowels.
I'm a blond-haired white boy with old and sensible parents, they wouldn't have chosen outlandishly strange names for their son.
But my mother in particular, didn't want anything too common or boring, so aim for a decent middle ground.

Mr. Mayor 09-22-2008 01:19 AM

Gameplay and Rules

Here's how this is going to work!

If you want to take a guess at one or all of my names, fill out the form below, and PM it to me, DON'T post it in the thread, ok?

PM title:
I'm guessing your name

Entry form

HTML Code:

[B]First name:[/B]
[B]Second name:[/B]
[B]Third name:[/B]
[B]Last name:[/B]


1.Please remember to NOT post your form within the thread.
2.You can enter as many times as you like, but just one form per entry, and one guess at each of the 4 names, per form.
3.The more of my names that you guess correctly, on the same form, the greater your prize shall be.
4.This will run until someone gets them all right.
5.Until that time, people will not be told if they have guessed correctly, but a running score will be kept showing how many have got it right, just not who ;)
6.You are free to discuss guesses and so on, within the thread, as much as you like :)
7.No nastiness of any sort, from anybody, please.
8.If you DO get one of my names right, but spell it differently to how mine is spelled, then if won't count and will go onto the incorrect list. Do bear this in mind.

Mr. Mayor 09-22-2008 01:19 AM

Incorrect guesses

What it says in the title, all incorrect guesses will be posted here, so you don't waste your time suggesting them yourself.

Don't ASK if a name was incorrect or not, I'm not going to tell you that, look at the list and draw your own conclusions.

Don't forget, that is you spell a choice differently to how ANY of my names are spelled, it will go down as an incorrect guess.

First name


Anthony, Andrew, Apollo, Aurum, Albin, Albert, Aaron, Alric, Alvin, Albus, Asa, Arun, Alberto, Argent, Akio, Alabaster, Angel, Angelus, Addae, Anatolius, Ahmad, Anshu, Angello, Achilles, Angelo, Aland, Albinus, Ash, Alick, Alhan, Adalward,Alvarez, Anatoli, Agim, Alton, Alba, Anatolio, Aeron, Abner, Adam, Akeno, Adrian

Blake, Brighton, Baily, Bialas, Berrin, Boyd, Banon, Barry, Berwyn, Blakely, Barrington, Blake, Bert, Blaec, Boyd, Barnaby, Barnabas, Barack, Bailey, Bary, Barri, Bobby, Bob, Blaine, Bert, Bennet, Benedict, Beau, Baine, Barry, Barrie, Bialy, Bowie

Cyrus, Castor, Callahan, Ciro, Casper, Colbert, Corwin, Caesar, Connor, Christian, Carwyn, Ceallach, Ceallagh, Caerwyn, Cedric

Dusk, Dusky, Don, Dawn, Dale, Donald, Dayton, Dewitt, Dwight, Daniel, Draco, Dritan, Dawayne, Dexter, Dorian, Dwayne, Damon, Dysis, Dustin, Davin, Delwyn, Dominic, David, Dinesh, Daegal, Dilwyn

Elwyn, Eddie, Early, Emmanuel, Eron, Evan, Eurwyn, Elio, Elloit, Eurwen, Elijah

Flavian, Frost, Finn, Finnian, Finbarr, Fionnbarr, Finnigan, Finbar, Floyd, Finnegan, Finian, Finley, Fionn, Fairfax, Flavius, Filbert, Freyr, Feryl, Fairfax, Fingal, Fynn, Felix, Fion, Finlay, Fintan, Finnan, Finlay, Fimuan, Fineen

Glen, Gannon, Gilbert, Gavin, Gawian, Gabriel, Golden, Greg, Gavyn, Garrett, Gregory, Gwri, Gladwin, Garret, Galvin, Gwyn, George, Gaven, Godwin, Galeno

Helios, Horus, Haul, Haru, Herbert, Howard, Hammond, Harper, Harold, Hubert, Hugo, Hobart, Hesper, Henry

Irving, Irwen, Ivan, Ingel, Ilo

John, Joshua, Jareth, Jair, James, Jason, Jack, Justin, Jonathan, Julian, Jennis, Jairus, Jasper, Jonas, Julius, Justyn, Justus, Justis, Javier

Kenyon, Kenneth, Kiran, Kent, Ken, Kenny, Kalen, Kane, Keegan, Kevin, Kalden, Kenyen, Kenyth, Keneth, Keelin

Lucius, Lucas, Luke, Leo, Lucifer, Lucian, Luc, Luca, Louis, Lugh, Lucio, Li, Lee, Levant, Louis, Luce, Laban, Lucious, Lloyd, Luciano, Lavan, Lestor, Lukas, Lucca, Luce, Liam, Leon, Linus, Lukaas, Loukas

Mozart, Manlio, Morning, Mithra, Meir, Micheal, Morvan, Michael, Mark, Morgan, Mason, Martin, Meyer, Muraco, Manius

Nimbus, Nathaneal, Napolean, Norman, Norbert, Nellie, Norton, Nigel, Norman, Nevan

Orlando, Orion, Orville, Oron, Owen, Osbert, Orin, Orel

Peter, Pheonix, Platinum, Penwyn, Philip, Patrick, Pete

Ray, Raymond, Robert, Raoul, Raphael, Robin, Ronald, Rhys, Russell, Ramses, Regis, Rian, Ryann, Ra, Ralph

Sol, Sunny, Samson, Sirius, Sorin, Sherlock, Sonny, Solly, Seth, Snow, Sampson, Sam, Solomon, Selwyn, Sam, Shane, Stanly, Shone, Selior, Sulwyn

Tane, Terwyn, Tony, Titus, Tecwyn

Vincent, Virgil, Vesper

Wyn, Whitlock, Whitman, Wynn, Whitney, William, Walker, Wilbur, Wynne

Xanthus, Xiao, Xavier

Yancy, Yukon

Zach, Zeus

Second name


Aldric, Angel, Alec, Aristotle, Ansel, Allen, Albright, Athan, Aaron, Adam, Amal, Adrian, Alex, Axel, Armstrong, Andrew, Aton, Adrian

Beethoven, Benjamin, Bennett, bieber, Berwin, Baruch, Brasen, Boone, Bartholomew, Benedict, Benniton, Bob, Benjamin, Bo, Bishop, Boniface, Bane, Benin

Chance, Cuthbert, Cherish, Chai, Conrad, Carwyn, Cedric, Charles, Caerwyn, Camden, Christopher, Corban, Casey, Chad, Calvin, Carl

Divine, David, Donum, Dante, Damon, Dream, Dylan, Dwight, Dominic, Darryl, Dana, Dixon, Darien, Dillon, Donato, Dewey, Dale

Eijaz, Elpidius, Eugene, Eke, Eloise, Ethan, Eduarte, Ezra, Eric, Evan, Ewan, Elliot, Elliott, Edward, Edmund, Edgar, Edwin, Elijah

Faith, Felix, Faustus, Fatlind, Faust, Fredrick, Fred

Gabriel, Giles, Gunnar, Geffory, Garrett, Garaile, Gadiel, Graham, Gale, Gabe

Hope, Hercules, Hans, Henry, Hanan, Huey, Hugo

Ianto, Indivar, Isaac, Ivan, Ishmael, Isadore, Ijaz, Ian, Ivan, Iggi, Isaiah

James, Joseph, John, Jonathan, Jesus, Jacob, Jason, Jesse, Joshua, Jack, Jeffrey, Jonathon, Jeremiah, Jean, Jordan, Joel, Jayden, Jasper, Jaeden, Justin, Jaxon, Jacques, Jeno, Jared, Jesse, Jon, Jadon, Janus, Jonas

Kevin, Kontar, Karamat, Kamal, Kent, Ken, Kedric, Keden, Kyle, Keon

Lucky, Loordes, Lauri, Lewis, Lois, Liam, Lukas, Luke, Lloyd, Louis, Linate, Landon, Lowell, Leon, Levi

Matthew, Milagro, Maxima, Markel, Millennium, Michele, Micheal, Matias, Miracle, Matthias, Makalo, Marshal, Marvel, Maddock, Maimon, Marvcus, Mateo, Micah, Maxamillion, Mathias, Michael, Milagros, Mikalo, Maximillian, Maddox, Matt, Magic, Martin, Manuel, Marvell, Madison, Michel, Makary, Maimun, Makar, Mikael, Matyas, Mosi, Mace, Maty, Magen

Nisan, Nissan, Nathan, Nissim, Nathanael, Nathaniel, Nicholas, Neo, Nick, Ninian, Naysa, Nickolas, Ninnian, Nessa, Norbert, Noah, Norman, Nigel, Noel

Onni, Omid, Octavious, Oliver, Omar, Owen, Oswald, Oscar, Oberon

Peleh, Peter, Pele, Portent, Primo, Prodigy, Pete, Philip, Patrick, Pascal, Perry


Robin, Roland, Reuben, Rudolf, Rain, Robert, Ronald, Russell, Ronald, Robert, Raulin, Ruben, Ryan

Seeley, Seth, Solomon, Stephen, Shiloh, Sealey, Shane, Sean, Seeley, Sky, Shawn, Seeley, Seely, Steven, Samuel, Solo, Sealey, Selig, Saul, Salim

Thaddeus, Theodore, Toivo, Terence, Timothy, Tobias, Thomas, Toby, Hesper, Tony

Valentine, Val, Valance, Vincent

Wonder, Winston, William, Wynn



Zach, Zachariah, Zale

Third name


Arthur, Alexander, Artemis, Alastair, Alasdair, Alex, Alvaro, Alexis, Asim, Alban, Albany, Alessandro, Alejo, Albus, Anselm, Alaster, Alec, Angus, Alvara, Aylward, Angelus, Alasteir, Alistair, Akiva, Alexandre, Aeneas, Azim, Adrian

Bob, Bes, Billy, Bill, Branimir, Birger, Bastet, Barnaby, Barnabas, Baltazar, Bishop, Bern, Basil, Bronislaw, Bailey, Bryce, Baldwin, Brian, Baldo

Cyrus, Calvin, Cayce, Cuthbert, Casper, Chance, Connor, Chadwick, Chad, Casey, Carnell, Carlisle, Chauncey, Cenhelm, Custodio, Charles, Cyrano, Cedric, Conrad, Carlin, Caleb, Cahir

Daniel, David, Duarte, Dionysus, Dylan, Dougal, Doyle, Dean, Dante, Derek, Dorian, Derick, Dereck, Dorran, Desmond, Dorren, Doran, Dorrel, Damian, Darrien, Dominic, Darius, Derren, Dion, Dirk, Darren, Darien, Derrek, Damon, Dustin, Donald

Edgar, Edward, Edmund, Edmond, Elmo, Ezra, Eames, Eamon, Esmond, Edric, Egidio, Elijah, Edwin, Elder, Emmanuel, Elden, Eugene, Ed, Esmund, Eduart, Eduard, Eilian, Ezekiel, Emmet, Elek, Elvardo, Edgard, Elric, Eric, Eddy, Edrick, Ellary, Eamonn, Etahn, Elliot, Eldan, Eldrich, Edmon, Eldric, Emory

Fremont, Fortune, Favardin, Fenrir, Faramond, Frederick, Friedhelm, Felix, Faris, Falkor, Fineas, Finley, Fred, Fergus, Farrel

Grimaldo, Gabriel, Gopala, Garron, Gad, Greer, Gregory, Gideon, Guy, Gus, Garen, George, Garett, Gared, Gallagher, Garth, Gaile, Gonen, Gabe, Garvey, Gregory, Gerard, Gale, Gerald, Gwilym, Gene, Geron, Garon, Garin, Garan

Hammond, Hermes, Heruin, Harry, Homer, Hamond, Howard, Hector, Henry, Holger, Hero, Hugh, Havard, Halvard, Hagan, Hereward, Halvor, Horesa, Horatius, Horatio, Horace, Halvir, Harold, Harry, Hilliard, Harvey, Horsa, Horea, Hades

Isaiah, Iain

Jacob, Jupiter, Jacian, James, John, Jean, Jasper, Jaren, Jared, Jeremy, Jeremiah, Julian, Joshua, Jason, Jolyon, Justin, Julius, Jersey, Jonas

Knight, Kim, Kert, Kelsey, Kennard, Kenward, Kent, Kentsworth, Kenric, Kyle, Kaelan, Kelly

Leo, Liam, Livsey, Lance, Leon, Lex, Lucas, Lyle, Lexis, Legacy, Louis, Lucky, Leroy, Linus, Layton, Lisle, Landon, Lukas, Luke, Lloyd, Leslie, Lord, Loki, Leland, Leal, Luther, Lewis, Lucio

Michael, Merlin, Markus, Morio, Millard, Muhammad, Moses, Mathias, Matthias, Mark, Matthew, Marley, Marco, Marcus, Manfred, Matthew, Matteo, Madoc, Murdoch, Magnus, Murdoc, Morgan, Merrick, Milos, Martin. Mayor, Michel, Meyer, Micah, Maxim, Malin

Nuada, Naxos, Nicholai, Noam, Nathen, Nate, Nyle, Nathan, Nolan, Noah, Nigel, Neil, Norton, Navid, Nevil

Oberon, Osmund, Osmond, Ormond, Onofrio, Osmand, Oliver, Osmont, Olexei, Owen

Prophetus, Patron, Phil, Phineas, Phoenix, Perry, Patrick, Payton, Prophesy, Prophet, Paal, Perri, Parker, Parket, Philip, Pete, Pace, Paxton, Peter

Quince, Quincy, Quinn

Richmond, Raymond, Reginmund, Ramon, Robin, Richard, Randolf, Ray, Rodney, Rohan, Randolph, Robert, Ramsey, Rune, Rueben, Ryley, Ryan, Roland, Regis, Russell, Robin, Ritter, Randy, Randall, Randal, Redman, Roddy, Ramond, Ramsay

Steward, Sigmund, Stewart, Sonny, Shakespeare, Sharma, Siweard, Sigurd, Sacha, Sealey, Seward, Sariel, Stuart, Sandrino, Seth, Synclair, Sloane Stefan, Somer, Simeon, Simon, Sidney, Sasha, Stew, Sean

Tedmund, Teddy, Theseus, Talos, Twilight, Ted, Tony, Talos, Tarak, Tedmond, Tyrone, Tale, Thomas, Torin, Titus

Ulric, Upton, Uriel, Ulrich

Varick, Vivian, Volker, Vaughn, Vahan, Vincent, Victor

William, Warrick, Will, Wymond, Walter, Warner, Waite, Williams, Willem, Whitney, Wilhelm, Wade, Wallace, Warin, Warren

Xander, Xenon, Xavier


Zeus, Zachary, Zander

Last name

Maine - these are states, not state capitals ;)

Dallas - not a state capital

Baton Rouge
Des Moines
Little Rock
Santa Fe
Salt Lake City

If you're sure you know which city it is, please be sure to make certain that you are writing it correctly on your entry. There's only one missing, it's clear which it is, so make sure you get it right, or your entry will not count :)

And look in the right places when you're checking too, sites edited by the public are apt to be inaccurate!

Mr. Mayor 09-22-2008 01:19 AM

Correct Guesses So Far!

First name


Second name


Third name


Last name


Three people with 3 out of 4 correct now!

Mr. Mayor 09-22-2008 01:20 AM


Got some nice things to give away, a tidy pile of gold and some older CI sets, which I may split and give out individually, I'm not sure yet, it all depends on how the game pans out.

There's an overall grand prize of a King's Crown to the first person to correctly guess all 4 names though :)

Once that happens, I shall probably go through the collected guesses, and give out the other prizes depending on how well other people did :yes:

Mr. Mayor 09-22-2008 01:20 AM


So it's finally over, and I don't know about you but the last few days have been very busy! But all names have been guessed now, and they are: Lucien Theo Macen St. Paul

Full name

Sera! Congratulations!

Three correct names

Captain Howdy
Iroase Delschatten

Two correct names


One correct name

Burnt biscuits
Anthony Darkyn
burden of love
M i n u x e
Silver Crusnik

Congratulations everybody who won, you should all be receiving something from me over the next day or so :)

Mr. Mayor 09-22-2008 03:58 AM

Well, I'm here and ready to go. I'm nervous about this now I have to admit. I hope some people will come to talk to me soon :)

Tre Le Coco 09-22-2008 04:08 AM

I see you've decided to keep your spork Mr Mayor ;D

Kah Hilzin-Ec 09-22-2008 04:14 AM

~dun dun dun DOOM!~ zOMG. I leave for a couple of hours, just recovering from the last announcement, and now THIS! Soon enough, we'll all uncover one of the greatests misteries of Menewsha: The oh so distinguished and famous ruler of the Isle's name >8D

PS: While at that, would you tell me why you have a golden spork and I don't?!

Emo 09-22-2008 04:16 AM

woo this sounds fun ;P

Mr. Mayor 09-22-2008 04:21 AM

Tre, I feel I may need it! Some people do get a little "enthusiastic" at times :sweat:

Kah, it's a kind of half-spoof ceremonial thing I suppose. Makes an interesting difference to ancestral swords crossed above the fireplace, anyway :)
I get a shiny golden spork just because I'm mayor.

Amurita 09-22-2008 04:29 AM

Mr. Mayor it sounds like you have a very complicated name. This is gonna take all of my brainpower!

musasgal 09-22-2008 04:34 AM

Wow, thios will be fun.

The riddles look kinda hard though so it's going to take a while

Kah Hilzin-Ec 09-22-2008 04:43 AM

Now that I think of it, are you 40 years old or what? Cause even in my third-world country, the usage of third names has been abolished for quite some time now x_x Or is it that you're such a fine gentleman from a fine family that you have priviledges?!

Lol xD I think I'll join Mr. Mayor's worshipping club now :'D

PS: *secretly buys a gold spray*

Mr. Mayor 09-22-2008 04:51 AM

Kah, I'm 33 today. How can you abolish a name? Surely it's up to the parents, how names they give their child? I've never heard of anything like that before, most strange!
In some places, I believe people do silly things such as naming their child after an entire sports team o.o

Amurita, not complicated, but a little..hmm..difficult for one at least I fear.

Amurita 09-22-2008 05:03 AM

I'd like to have as many names as you mayor, i myself only have a first and last name.

Good to hear it's not complicated, but i suppose the vast majority of names i can connect to the hints does add a level of difficulty. Which makes me glad that you can enter multiple times. Now all i really have to decide is if you have a more common name or if your more exotic.
-peers at the mayor's features intensely-

fiarra 09-22-2008 05:15 AM

It's going to be fun watching what names go onto the "wrong answer" list.

*tries to figure out the riddles* =S

Eserel 09-22-2008 05:15 AM

Thats a lot of names.

Esmereina 09-22-2008 05:16 AM

Ah I worship thee... it is as countless as the stars in the sky...^^

*bows gracefully*

I wish i was smart enough to decipher your full name. But I sadly cannot... i don't even understand names in general..but I will try my best...

I was only given two names....i wasn't lucky enough for even a third... ^^

i hope to be of use in your contest! ^^

CK 09-22-2008 05:37 AM

Happy Birthday, Mr. Mayor! :heart: :glomp:

I'll try to enter myself... but also good luck to everyone who takes a shot at it!

Mr. Mayor 09-22-2008 05:53 AM

*squirms a little under Amurita's gaze* :lol:
I can't answer that, because it would be too much of a give-away, at this stage of proceedings.

Esme, someone has to guess them, so you never know!

Eserel, yes..a lot of names, but my mother is very into the meanings of names, and 2 clearly just wouldn't surfice!

ooh! And I've been getting mail whilst I've been lollygagging and not paying attention, I feel some entries into the wrong guesses post coming up!

Lura Crane 09-22-2008 05:59 AM

Happy birthday, Mr. Mayor! ^o^
It's nice to finally meet you, hehe~

I don't see myself participating in the game, at least for now,
but it certainly sounds amusing enough to observe.
And who knows, maybe I'll take my chances in making a guess later on! XD

Neyor 09-22-2008 06:13 AM

-has been guessing like mad-
This is fun. :) <3

Happy Birthday Mr. Mayor!

Mr. Mayor 09-22-2008 06:15 AM

Thank you! CK, Neyor, Lura, everyone! many good wishes. Makes me feel all fuzzy :)

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