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Wings of Writing 05-15-2016 01:05 AM

Bonds That Heal Us
Name: Basil Barrett (goes by Barrett or BB)
Age: 24
Mark: Red lionfish
Mark Located: Elias’s dove is located around his right eye, flying toward his forehead
Occupation: IT consultant
Appearance: Barrett is short, barely reaching 5’5” and extremely thin. He’s one of those stick-like people who just doesn’t gain weight no matter how much he eats, and has practically zero muscle definition. His hair is dyed a deep, dark red with the left side of his head shaved and he sweeps his hair all over to the right. He’s got a delicate face on a relatively small head, his features are all small, except he’s got plush red lips and sharp cheek bones. His eyes are grey with thick black lashes around them that he sometimes accentuates with mascara and a dark purple or teal eyeliner. He wears mostly darker colored clothes lots of blacks, dark reds, dark purples that sort of thing. His signature piece of clothing is a bulky black leather jacket with silver fastenings and zippers that he throws over every outfit no matter what he’s wearing. He also wears mostly tight black jeans and combat boots. His ears are pierced, his left ear has his cartilage pierced, and he wears three large silver bangles in that, both his lobes are also pierced and he wears mostly black studs in those. Under his jacket, it’s mostly a rotating cast of black graphic t-shirts with touches of the other colors he wears in them, along with splashes of silver. However, all this put together, doesn’t really make him look tough the way he thinks, his face and body and tendency so delicate that he mostly just still looks cute.
Personality: Barrett is spunky and has a tendency to get into trouble without really even trying, though he certainly tries plenty too. He’s always getting himself caught up in absurd situations, including almost getting arrested for quite literally being in the wrong place at the wrong time. He wouldn’t ever dare break the law though, mostly he just gets himself caught in bad situations because he’s curious and doesn’t know how to let things go. Barrett thinks he’s tough and cool as shit, but really, he’s more likely to fall flat on his face while trying to jump a fence than to actually look cool. Hates being called cute, with a passion, but has definitely been called it more times than he can count. Perhaps in part for his obsession with sweets. He’s almost always sucking on a lollipop or eating some sort of candy, and always has several tucked into the pockets of his jacket.

Hair Reference: 1 and 2

Kat Dakuu 05-15-2016 04:25 AM

Name: Elias Lucear "E.L."
Age: 36
Mark: dove
Occupation: artist and art teacher at a local community center
Appearance: Stands around 5’11”. His skin is a little tanner and he has a more built, masculine sort of body. Still, his face is soft and his grey eyes gentle. His black hair has grown a little long and has some wave to it, leaving bits falling into his eyes. The part is slightly to the side. His mark shows in the middle of his chest, just off from the heart. Clothing is casual and comfortable, mostly in soft/muted colors, especially natural tones.
Family: He has one sister (Tavis’ mom) and is ostracized from all of them except Tavis. Parents are fine with him, but they’re not close now that he’s an adult. He’s not reached out and they haven’t reached out to him. They had him when they were a little older in years.
Personality: He’s a gentle soul and often appears to be quiet, kind and protective to those under his wing. He won’t judge others and won’t rise to taunts no matter what other people might say about him. He has a soft smile, but most people see the side of him that’s shut himself away from society and doesn’t seems to care how ‘lonely’ his life is. If you ask him, he’s fine. He’s become so accustomed to the life he lives that he finds it hard to imagine any other. He could even seem to be a rebel leader, talking like he has no need for his soulmate. Not bitter, but resolute in this path of loneliness. None of this is true though. He’s sad and wallows in it. It’s obvious in his paintings which can seem beautiful and touching and yet so full of longing. Like the beautiful things are out of reach. The way he pushes people out of his life is gentle, but complete. He won’t outright tell you to go away, but he just doesn’t let anyone in either.
Bio: After being ostracized, it hurt him deeply and he disappeared from society for years, obsessively making paintings and becoming quite known for them. He signs them under E.L only though so he’s stayed out of the lime light and not even his most devoted fans can find him. Currently he lives in a small town. Somewhere with a lot of nature.

image (except his hair is shorter on the neck)

Wings of Writing 05-16-2016 01:29 AM

Barrett grumbled to himself as he pushed his way through the wooded area he had decided to explore, moving through some particularly stubborn underbrush and nearly tripping over a root that was protruding from the ground. He grumbled some more, but moved onward, determined to find something interesting in this new, little town. So far, the woods seemed his best bet, as long as he didn't run into a bear or anything. Were there bears here? He wasn't really sure, but if there were, Barrett would definitely manage to run into them. It was a little hard to see exactly where he was heading, the trees dense overhead and the brush dense on the ground, but he kept pushing forward, the absolutely certainty he'd find something, pushing him forward.

After about forty-five minutes of wondering through the trees, a little lost, unearthing several disgruntled prey creatures and almost face planting a total of six times, he saw something up ahead that definitely wasn't a natural part of the forest. It looked like a house. He smirked, exactly what he'd been looking for; he knew this little town couldn't be completely boring. A hidden shack in the forest definitely counted as interesting. He moved forward with renewed vigor, determined to explore the house.

Arriving at the door, he pushed it open, glad to see it unlocked, maybe the place was abandoned. Though the door had opened easily, the area around it seemed maintained, which belied that it was truly abanonded, but Barrett wasn't really interested in that. As he looked around the inside, his grin widened seeing what clearly looked like an artist's studio, as he moved forward to get a closer inspection of some of the works. He heard a noise behind him and turned, nearly tripped with the rapid movement as his feet tangled, he stumbled forward and looked up to see an older man had walked into the studio behind him. He coughed and waved awkwardly, "Um, hi?"

Kat Dakuu 05-17-2016 04:17 AM

Leaves rustled outside, the sound of birds and the gentle fall of water creating the only noises for miles around. At least, it felt that way. In reality, the little studio didn't lay that far outside of the city, and not a big city at that. Elias just kept his home set in the woods where no one could bother him besides the deer. Although once grand no doubt, the house turned simple with years and inaccessible with how the trees continued to grow. Paths leading up on earthen stairs that overlooked the valley now required a hike. But the smaller building attached to the house served as a perfect studio and the view and isolation the perfect inspiration.

Gathering up the brushes he'd just washed and let dry in the sun, Elias turned back to door left cracked open. When he stepped through though, he froze at a voice, his eyes landing on a boy. Shock left him silent for a second and something panged in his heart. Half finished paintings sat on the easels, sketches showing under the boards he did his paintings on. All of his art, in the open, this sacred space defiled by another's presence.

But that didn't show on his face. Elias' just offered a soft smile, though slightly terse on the edges. "Excuse me? And who might you be?" Surely no one that was supposed to be here. No one. That's who should be here. But Elias couldn't even place his face.

(general idea of home, studio, view from porch, and woods 1 and 2)

Wings of Writing 05-17-2016 04:31 AM

Barrett stepped towards the guy, a grin stretching on his face, since the man hadn't proven openly hostile, "Uh, I'm Basil. Basil Barrett but you can just call me Barrett or BB, no use bothering with the first name. I don't really answer to it unless it's my mom, ya know." He said, a nasal quality dominant in his voice, stretching out a hand to shake. The actions in direct contrast with the leather jacket and piercings. He seemed like a puppy eager to play with a new toy.

"I didn't mean to intrude on your, um, studio," he said, grimacing slightly, but still looking unrepentant. "I'm new in town and, well, it's all kinda boring, ya know, so I thought I'd try out these woods. And a, uh, abandoned shack was too good to pass up. But I guess it really isn't so abandon, huh?" he scratched at the back of his head, once again looking more like a puppy than the tough street kid he tried to be. "What's your name?" he asked, eager to befriend someone who seemed to prefer hiding out in the woods than being part of the small city. This person had to have an interesting story.

Kat Dakuu 05-17-2016 04:57 PM

Elias eyed the kid with skepticism, but shook his hand. Even if the other's presence was a surprise and an anomaly, he couldn't very well say that and he certainly couldn't tell him to go away. Still, Barrett baffled him more than anything. "Abandoned shack?" he asked, slightly miffed. "I assure you that my home is nothing like a shack, now-" He paused as he moved around the studio, seeming to tidy it up, but covering up bits of art in actuality. Just pushing corners out of sight and turning easels with a casual air like he was trying to keep that part of his soul hidden. No one had business associating his art with him though unless he invited it. Which only accounted for a single person at this point.

"Next time I hope you show some caution before walking into the first building you see, Barrett. But I suppose since you're already here, I'll invite you in for some tea if you're interested. My studio is cramped, so we can sit on the porch out back. It's a good view," he explained, motioning toward the door he'd just entered through. "I'm Elias by the way. Nice to meet you."

Wings of Writing 05-18-2016 02:14 AM

Barret bristled slightly at the comment about wondering in a house; it sounded like this Elias was assuming he was a kid, which he certainly was not. "Well randomly wondering into building hasn't hurt me or gotten me into too much trouble so far, and today I even get tea." Which wasn't entirely the truth; he'd definitely been suspected of a crime that he didn't commit before because he had just happened to be exploring a warehouse, right around the same time a robbery was going on nearby. But the issue had been cleared up quickly, and Barrett was no worse of for it. Plus, it was an experience and wasn't that exactly what Barrett wanted. "It's nice to meet you too, so far you're the most interesting person I've come across in this town." He grinned wide as he said thought, stopping his curious eyes from roaming the room now that the man was there to watch him.

Kat Dakuu 05-18-2016 09:29 PM

"Smart words perhaps, but are they wise?" Giving Barrett a look that said he was entirely a kid to him, Elias led the way out of the studio again. He could breathe easier out here, though he had to admit, Barrett wasn't really troublesome now that the surprise started to wear off. It was perhaps because the guy seemed very much like a kid that he could deal with him. Kids required a way of speaking to them that Elias found more than easy, years and experience fine tuning it. At least it allowed him to give something back to this community after all it did for him. He certainly was not the interesting person that Barrett thought him to be, the thought leaving a humorless smile on his face.

"I'll have the tea out in a minute, so feel comfortable to sit," he said, gesturing to the cushions against the wall and a rolled up mat which he kept instead of chairs. The wide porch stretched the length between his studio and home which he turned toward, the kitchen being nearest to the door. He worked quickly, heating the water and seeping the leaves in two ceramic cups with delicate patterns painted around the rim. A minute later, he brought the cups out with a package of wafer cookies.

Wings of Writing 05-19-2016 01:56 AM

Barrett grumbled under Elias's look, but let it drop for now, more interested in speaking with the man for now than causing a fight. If he interacted with him more, well, then he could make a deal out of it. But for now, he was going to drink tea and get to know the strange man who seemed to prefer to live on his own, but also didn't immediately throw out a stranger that turned up in his private space.

However, once the other was sat across from he, Barrett found himself speaking, "Ya know, I'm not just a seventeen year old punk. I'm twenty-four, I have a job and everything. Relocated here for it, too. Or at least partly. But I'm from the big city and this is a sleepy little town. I like to be entertained and see what's around me. Doesn't make me a kid." He looked over at the other sipping the proffered tea, while thinking that the small size of the town didn't really change the exploring, but Elias didn't need to know that right now.

Kat Dakuu 05-19-2016 04:48 AM

Elias raised one eyebrow ever so slightly. After taking a sip of his tea, he set it aside to cool a little more. "And if someone mistakes you for a 'seventeen year old punk,' perhaps you should consider yourself as to why." After a second to let that casual reminder settle in, his face softened again. Breaking off the corner of one wafer, he ate while considering the gentle waterfall that rolled along the rocks from under his porch. Scenic, but a contrived man-made effect. A gutter ran under the porch's boards to carry water downstream. It went dry in the summer months.

"Or perhaps I'm just getting old. You remind me of the children I teach." Energetic, full of a bright future, not him. "What job did you move here for?" he asked, changing the topic back. He was beginning to find the kid--he couldn't stop thinking of Barrett as one--interesting.

Wings of Writing 05-19-2016 02:04 PM

Barrett glared at Elias, but didn't anything; he'd just prove to the other that he wasn't a kid, nor was he like the kids that he taught. As he sat there, his leg kept bouncing up and down. He always did struggle sitting still and sipping at tea wasn't exactly an exercising that required a ton of movement. Work was fine because, even though he was sitting most of the day, his fingers were generally flying over a keyboard, "Oh, IT stuff. I moved here to consult for one of the local companies. It's not always exciting, but at least it pays decently. And I'm the only IT person for this company. so there's always plenty of work. People are so dumb with their computers." he paused before asking, even though the way the question was phrased bugged him, "You teach?"

Kat Dakuu 05-20-2016 02:26 AM

Elias hummed a bit, impressed though he didn't show it. His face kept the same gentle calm that it almost always wore even in the most exciting circumstances. "You must be very smart then," he replied with another sip at his tea. A slight breeze helped cool it down and together with the sound of water, relaxed him further. "I admit I almost never use my computer. I feel no need. I prefer the company of nature to technology." It was something his paintings also agreed with. Setting the tea cup to rest again, he kept his gaze on Barrett, inspecting him without really seeming to judge. "There's a community center just a few miles from here. I teach an art class there once a week. You're welcome to come as well."

Wings of Writing 05-20-2016 03:02 AM

"Got a degree for it and everything. My mom always said it was better than being a hacker. Not that I really ever had an interest in that," Barrett said, "I preferred fixing computers and networking systems than destroying them with viruses. But, well, you create a couple viruses along the way to figure out how to better take them down. Parents never liked that much. But that was all in high school, now I just tell people to turn their computers on and back off again and that fixes the problem half the time." He chuckled at his own joke, not caring if Elias thought it was funny. "I think I'd rather not grace your eyes with the horrors that are my attempts at art. I might offend. I love art, love looking at it, maybe that's why you're studio called to me, even if I didn't get to see anything, but I just can't create it on my own. My craft is codes and binary, not colors and shades."

Kat Dakuu 05-20-2016 11:03 PM

A faint smile quirked over Elias' lips. He didn't know computers well, but he did know people. He understood how even a simple problem that could be fixed by turning something off and on could escape many. And yet, more often that not, that was the solution, with more than just computers. "It sounds like a good job though," he hummed. "But I think you would be surprised how similar art and science can be at times. Codes and another person, they might be exactly the same thing. You can at least stop by to say hello though." He felt glad Barrett didn't see anything in his studio, but if the boy asked, he would also paint him something just for his own eyes. That was how Elias' kindness and solitude worked.

Wings of Writing 05-22-2016 01:03 AM

Barrett made a face, clearly showing he didn't quite agree with Elias. One was logic and in many ways memorization, the other was the feel of it. And Barrett appreciated enough art, though perhaps just one artist in particular, to understand just how important the feel was. That if looking at a painting or a sculpture didn't evoke some sort of reaction, then something had gone wrong. Code and binary wasn't really about that. Sure there were beautifully designed webpages, but that wasn't what Barrett did. "Oh, I will. It's something new to see in this town after all. Just don't make me try and paint anything. Cuz I won't." he paused, "Though maybe one day I'll get to see your art?"

Kat Dakuu 05-23-2016 03:51 AM

Elias chuckled as Barrett spoke. He didn't mind the craft of those he taught. Art after all, was at least half internal. It didn't matter if nothing came out of the project if something good came of it inside. He didn't teach to bring up new Rafaels and Michaelangelos. He taught for the sake of the people. "That's fine. It might do you some good though. You'll see. If you keep coming around, I'll get a paintbrush into your hands." Lord knew he'd managed it plenty of times before; even his nephew caved at some point. At the mention of his own art though, he turned his eyes away, a half smile ghosting over his face for just one second. "Perhaps. One day, perhaps..."

Wings of Writing 05-23-2016 04:35 AM

Barrett smirked at Elias, "Well, then, I guess we just both of us have a goal then don't we?" he teased, "A challenge if you will," even though challenge wasn't the right word. "I want to see your art, and you want to see me paint. And see I knew coming out into the woods would lead me to something interesting today. Sometimes, you've just got to trust your instincts when it comes to exploring." He nodded, as if he was somehow sagely on the topic of this, when really, he mostly just picked a random direction and started walking. So overall, it added to the kid-like impression he'd already given Elias, or at least it made him look even more out of sorts with his hair and jacket.

Kat Dakuu 05-23-2016 04:34 PM

Sighing, Elias decided not to challenge Barrett on the idea of a challenge. It wouldn't do any good, though he had no interest in such things. Sure the kid was lively to have around, but there was also something to be said for the peace and quiet and the feel of a paintbrush in his hand. "Do as you will." Finishing off the last of his tea, he set the cup aside, just now realizing the passage of time. Not a long time, but still, a passage. "I don't suppose you had any other plans for the day other than exploring at random? I wouldn't want to keep you here all day so you missed your dinner," he added with a hint of babying at the end, like Barrett was a child staying out after dark. He knew it would irritate the other though, so he couldn't resist. If Barrett stayed too long, no doubt he'd learn secrets far faster than he needed to.

Wings of Writing 05-24-2016 04:11 AM

"Nope, no other plans, old man," Barrett said, not really concerned with playing nice if Elias was going to keep treating him like a child, "It's either work or find something else to do. I don't like sitting still, not often anyway, not when there's this whole big world to see and all these people to meet. I can rest when I'm dead and all that." Barrett said, making no move to leave even though it seemed like the other man might be attempting to get him to do so. He set down his own empty tea cup, though now that his hands weren't occupied, he started fidgeting with his pants, pulling at lose thread her and there and pinching them; honestly, never really able to stop moving anyway.

Kat Dakuu 05-25-2016 01:35 AM

Elias' smile turned dangerous just for a second at the less than subtle insult that Barrett threw. He didn't say anything though; being called old didn't matter. Past his thirties now, it wasn't a lie. He himself often felt quite older than that. "You know I have nothing the in way of entertainment. In fact, I almost never have anyone over. You're lucky I have a second teacup," he commented. "I can't see that I will be very entertaining to someone like you, but I can at least refill your cup." He offered a hand for the teacup, his face gentle once more. It wasn't like he could tell Barrett to leave. He might as well continue like this until the other tired of him. With an attention span like that, he doubted it would take long. "But you know, if you call me old, you are also calling yourself young."

Wings of Writing 05-25-2016 04:15 AM

Barrett narrowed eyes at Elias, but let him take the tea cup and walk away before he responded, mostly because he had a couple of false starts, opening and then closing his mouth, without a good response, nothing quite biting enough. It seemed, Elias was someone who could play the game a bit better than him. Once the older man returned, he finally responded, "Just because you're old, doesn't say a single thing about me." It was weak, and he knew that, but it was the only response he could think of. He grumbled for a couple seconds, "And you don't get to decide whether you're interesting or not. My definition of interesting isn't exactly normal. I like abandoned places, abandoned people, places you shouldn't be. The places no one sees. The things or people that don't want to be seen. They're different and that's what makes them interesting."

Kat Dakuu 05-26-2016 12:38 AM

Elias smiled as he pushed open the back door, carrying the two teacups. It was a real smile, something strange and full of energy and amusement that he let out only as he turned his back. He smiled every day, but it didn't often go that deep. Only sometimes did a child bring out such a smile in him, and even then, it was a newer phenomenon. For so long now, actual happiness felt too distant. And yet, Barrett brought it out so naturally with just one little comment like that. "I think you are a very rare breed indeed," he murmured before letting the door close behind him. He stood there, fully comprehending his smile in the solitude, and then Barrett's words. No doubt that kid was strange. Interested in the abandoned things? It struck Elias that he was one of those things, those people. Though he knew it, it was strange to hear from another when so few realized or verbalized it about him.

Filling the teacups again, he returned with his usual soft smile in place. "Honestly, of the two of us, I think it's you that's far more interesting. Those habits of yours must get you into all sorts of trouble. You have a rebel soul." He sighed. "Reminds me of someone I know..."

Wings of Writing 05-26-2016 01:40 AM

Barrett chuckled, "I've certainly gotten into a few interesting messes, mostly just bruises and scrapes and way more broken bones than my mother should have ever had to deal with, especially when I was a kid. But I guess the worst of it. Is being a suspect in a crime, ya know?" he said it nonchalant, even though it'd been a few stressful few months until everything was cleared up. "Like, I like exploring, but I really don't want to break the law, that's no fun that's just stupid. But well. Wrong place, wrong time. And looked a little too much like a sentry for a crime. I'm lucky I didn't do any jail time for that one. But really. I just found this really awesome warehouse, and I had to see it! How was I supposed to know the one that was still in use next door was gonna be robbed at the same time."

Kat Dakuu 05-27-2016 02:26 AM

Elias shook his head, baffled and yet not as shocked as he should be when Barrett mentioned being a suspect. It was something that no one would expect from a house guest, let alone a stranger, but a picture already started to form of this person in his head., he didn't really want to paint anything related to this. He shook the odd thought away, as if he painting people in the first place. His style never tended to go that direction. "I get the idea that your mother is an amazing person. She must be tough to have raised a hellion like you." Even, or perhaps especially, because the hellion was entirely unintentional. "But it's nice to see you haven't learned anything from the mistake, still going and walking into strange people's homes without a second thought. You're lucky I didn't call the police." Not that he would ever do something like that. It just wasn't in his nature.

Wings of Writing 05-28-2016 12:26 AM

Barrett grinned at Elias all teeth, unrepentant, "Well nothings gone too bad yet has it? And really. It's just another form of adventure no matter what. I mean unexpected things happening are kinda part of the point. And sure it was scary for a bit there, but I was clearly innocent once you looked at the facts, so no big deal really." He shook his head, "Besides life is boring if you play it safe all the time. I'd rather be getting into trouble and doing things than just letting life pass me by."

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