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Edwina Gein 08-25-2017 05:33 PM

Valley Of The Dolls

I'm Edwina Gein aka Eddie, Edwina, EG, etc. If you recognize the name, it's because I get around. I don't have a lot to say so let's get down to business.



I use a reshaded version of Ichitoko's Farewell 3/4 Base with a custom face.



700G for basic dolls and 1,000G for complicated. Not sure which yours is? Ask! But generally more detail = more complicated.


  • Be nice!
  • Credit me on Menewsha
  • Don't use my work off-site
  • Menewsha avatars or OCs with good references only, i.e. art and not just descriptions
  • Please don't pay me until your order is done. Sometimes I get flakey and I don't need the pressure
  • Ordering is not first come, first serve. I have the right to refuse, but I probs won't unless your order just doesn't work
  • Tipping is appreciated but not expected
  • Use the form below to order

    Base: (Pick 1 - 11 or My Choice)
    Expression: (Default, Happy, Sad, Wink, or My Choice)
    Reference: (Pictures preferred)
    Any requests? (If you want an outline or other small details, may or may not be done, no extra charge)



1. Empty
2. Empty
3. Empty



Maria-Minamino 08-25-2017 05:43 PM

So I was going to order just now, but I'm not home and my work blocks photobucket. And ALL my images from photobucket have been removed so I can't just link to my request thread anymore. UGH

So I'll be back later when I get home ;) Your pixels are ADORABLE.

Edwina Gein 08-25-2017 06:19 PM

Thank you! Take your time, I'll be around

Kat Dakuu 08-25-2017 06:57 PM

Ahhh, I have so many things I want arts of~!

Base: 7
Expression: happy
Reference: Juka (Any outfit shown is fine though I'd prefer the main ref or the one in the first art)
Any requests? nope~

I'd wager my request is more on the complicated side.

Edwina Gein 08-25-2017 07:36 PM

It miiight be, there's a lot of accessories

But I'll try!

Kat Dakuu 08-25-2017 08:32 PM

Feel free to simplify. He likes accessories, but there's no need to go overboard in a little pixel doll either. ^.^

Kent 08-25-2017 11:04 PM

Ahh! So cute! I want so many of my avis done! > w< I'll order when I get ahold of refs. > o>

Edwina Gein 08-26-2017 11:06 PM

Thank you~ Drop in whenever

Kent 08-28-2017 01:04 AM

Base: 6
Expression: Sad/scared
Any requests? Could you make sure to include his lantern, please? o:

Edwina Gein 08-28-2017 03:22 AM

Got it! Lantern should be no problem

Kat Dakuu 08-28-2017 01:31 PM

Base: your choice
Expression: happy
Reference: Tif
Any requests? Feel free to lose the paper lantern demon thing and the shuriken. Even the headwings. I would like her horns and backwings to remain though.

I hope you don't mind me popping back in so soon.

R u b y 08-28-2017 04:22 PM

Cute dolls! :D

hummy 08-28-2017 09:30 PM

adorable dollies!

Edwina Gein 08-29-2017 05:07 AM

I don't mind repeat customers at all. You got it, Kat

And thanks~

hummy 08-29-2017 05:35 AM

I can't wait to see it!

Nephila 09-23-2017 01:33 PM

These are really cute! :D I need to upgrade m characters so I can get one.

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