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Shion Uzuki 08-04-2018 06:30 AM

Shion/Tehrin's Alpaca Petting Zoo [art contest!]
Come and pet the alpacas!

Fun Facts:
They come from Peru and live in on the hills in higher elevations.
Despite that, Alpacas can thrive anywhere.
They are all over the world, North America, Australia, Europe, Asia...
Alpacas rarely spit unless they feel threatened!
They are not llamas, so please do not confuse them as such!
They are actually smaller than llamas.
Alpacas, llamas, camels, vicuña and guanaco are all of the same family (Camelids!)
There are no wild alpacas, they were bred as domestic animals for their fiber!
Their fiber is super soft and hypoallergenic!
They are herd animals and are happiest in groups!
They make different sounds, mostly humming to communicate. But they can also squak/honk out of their noses to alert the herd.
They graze on grass, hay and they will also eat special pellets. Some alpacas like treats like carrots, and I even saw a video of one who loved crab apples!
Alpacas are typically timid and some don't like to be touched (mine do at this petting zoo!)

There are two types of alpacas!
Huacaya (wah-kai-yuh) and they look like fluffy teddy bears!
Suri (sir-ree) and they look like shaggy dogs

Petting them:
Please do not pet their heads! Even though their heads are very fluffly, they prefer being pet on their necks or bodies.

Feeding them:
Please only feed them the supplied pellets and baby carrots!

Now that you've learned about them, please enjoy the petting zoo!

tehrin 08-04-2018 06:34 AM

The Alpacas!!!
Meet our alpacas available for petting!
Breed: huacaya
Gender: Female
Age: 3 Years
Likes: Scritches behind the ear. Laying in front of the fan. getting the hay by herself.
Dislikes: Halter training.
Favorite Snack: Baby carrots
Breed: suri
Gender: Male
Age: 6 Years
Likes: Being touched on the neck. Sleeping with one leg out. Stealing hay from the ladies' pen.
Dislikes: Strange dogs. Will honk.
Favorite Snack: Cut up apples.
Breed: huacaya
Gender: Female
Age: 4 Years
Likes: When new people approach with cups of feed. Stealing feed from your hands and gulping the contents down, dropping it on the floor, asking for more.
Dislikes: People with empty hands
Favorite Snack: If it's edible (and sometimes not) Turnip likes it.
Breed: huacaya
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years
Likes: Chewing on bars, chains, metal things. Pooping while looking you straight in the eye.
Dislikes: Overalls. For some reason she really hates them.
Favorite Snack: Eating the leaves from the tree next to the pen.
Breed: huacaya
Gender: Female
Age: 1 month
Likes: Scampering, hiding behind mom (Marzipan), chewing on things she should not, the Winston the pony.
Dislikes: Bedtime
Favorite Snack: Winston's mane.
Breed: huacaya
Gender: Male
Age: 4 years
Likes: Defending the pen. Being the head of all the alpacas.
Dislikes: Galra alpaca.
Favorite Snack: Green goo.

Disclaimer: These are not really my alpacas, but they are alpacas I took pictures of (petting zoos and alpaca shows). I sadly do not own any real ones but I have hundreds of alpaca plush, figures, and other knick knacks!

Shion Uzuki 08-04-2018 06:34 AM


Art Contest!!
- Draw George the Alpaca!
- Draw the alpacas in the pen!
- Draw my Avi with George!
(rip avatar that I changed to do the contest and realized I couldn't equip George anymore)

Unfortunately I do not have an extra George the alpaca to give away, so...

- Fox hat or Bunny Hat (both single pose!) first prize gets choice!
- 1000 gold for 2nd place!
- 500 gold for 3rd place

Page contest:
Every 5 pages, LAST poster gets 100 gold!

tehrin 08-04-2018 06:35 AM



Originally Posted by R u b y (Post 1774082173)

hummy 08-04-2018 08:00 AM

Yay my post worked on the phone

Shion Uzuki 08-04-2018 08:04 AM

Woo hoo! I haven't even tried logging into mene on my phone. D:

It's so late, I should be sleeping but I have an event tomorrow night that's an overnight thing so I'm figuring if I stay up and then nap in the afternoon I shouldn't be too tired for it.

hummy 08-04-2018 08:22 AM

What other event do you have

Shion Uzuki 08-04-2018 08:47 AM

For one of the anime conventions I staff, we hold an overnight "lock in" of sorts where we rent out one of those arcade places, but it also has skating, bumper cars, go karts, mini golf, rides and other things. All the games are on free play. I have to help at admissions and then I can go have fun.

I hopefully can find all the pieces to my keith from voltron cosplay since i'd be less worried about that one getting messed up.

hummy 08-04-2018 08:50 AM

oh, that sounds like a lot of fun!
is that tomorrow and tomorrow night?

Shion Uzuki 08-04-2018 08:51 AM

Tomorrow night, Saturday going into Sunday.

hummy 08-04-2018 09:01 AM

excellent =3 take loads of pictures!

Shion Uzuki 08-04-2018 09:16 AM

I shall! Or maybe, depends on how long I'm working. :D

hummy 08-04-2018 09:40 AM

I hope you have a lot of fun

Nephila 08-04-2018 04:56 PM

The alpaca's are so cute!:D

Shion Uzuki 08-04-2018 07:50 PM

Alpacas are always adorable! <3<3<3<3

I just had an indian buffet for lunch and i'm stuffed. D:

Nephila 08-04-2018 07:56 PM

Sound really yummy.

All I've had today has been a handful of sunflower seeds, and three pieces of sushi. Living off sugar water. Well coffee to be exact.

Shion Uzuki 08-04-2018 08:11 PM

I think I'm going to take a nap really quick. all that naan made me tired. XD

Nephila 08-04-2018 08:14 PM

Big meals will do that. *nods* have a gooder.

hummy 08-05-2018 03:42 AM

my naps always turn into sleeps

Shion Uzuki 08-05-2018 09:17 AM

It was barely a nap. But I'm back from all of it now and I'm ready for bed.

MY ARM WILL NOT STOP SHAKING from the go karts. D:

hummy 08-05-2018 09:20 AM

lol, glad you had fun.
sweet dreams =3

Shion Uzuki 08-06-2018 04:45 AM

I wasn’t able to get online at all today. I woke up late, I got lunch and went for a walk with the husband and then I went an hour away to help a friend style a wig, and then visited family. I’m just now getting home.

hummy 08-06-2018 05:07 AM

oh, no worries.
it sounds like ea great day!
styling a wig sounds like a lot of fun

hummy 08-06-2018 11:59 AM

*waiting on chance* boom boom

Zephi 08-06-2018 12:37 PM

If I had any motivation at all D:

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