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Violent_Beauty 09-14-2011 01:22 AM

The boy who fell in love with a women.

Bio:Josh is on the more darker level of things. He hangs around the wrong crowed, drinks at parties.Josh was the "Emo" Kid, Josh hated Tittles for people, but he shrugged it off, hes a laid back kind of guy. He lives with his mother, who is going through A divorce with his father, whom Josh hated Actually.

ChiNoMizuumi 09-14-2011 10:56 PM

Name: Donna
Age: 25
Bio: Donna was always just a shy, timid person, even when she was younger (not saying she's old now, of course). For most of her life, she didn't know what she wanted to do as a profession -- until her senior year of high school when she volunteered at a kindergarten. From then on, she strived to be a teacher, and succeeded after some years in a teaching college. From there, she eventually learned to be less of a push-over. At age 24, she started to teach sophomore, junior, and senior math classes. She's strict but extremely nice and laid-back.

Violent_Beauty 09-14-2011 11:02 PM

(shall I start, or you?)

ChiNoMizuumi 09-14-2011 11:08 PM

((hnn.... you can I guess -- I don't mind who does though XD))

Violent_Beauty 09-14-2011 11:20 PM

It was Joshes first day of his Junior year, and his first class was Math, which he hated. He was Ok at math but he was more into health and science, but then he would need to know some math, right? Josh was not that cool at school he was the "Emo" The "bad seed" He didn't care what people thought, he was busy with school, looking for a job to help him and his mother, his dad left them for another, younger women. Josh never understood why, His mother was beautiful. Most days after school he cooked and cleaned for his mom, she worked so hard.

And so josh has vowed to work hard in school to get a good job to support both him and his mother. He was never interested in girls, no time for them. He walked into class a bit early, pulling his things out getting ready for notes and such, he loved to draw and was decent at it and he did this whenever he had a pare moment to enjoy himself. He sighed once other kids started piling in the classroom, giving him looks and snickers...He was different, He wore dark clothes and had his lips pierced, but he never understand why people judged the outside of a person, before anything else.

(sorry its short -.- )

ChiNoMizuumi 09-14-2011 11:52 PM

((it's not that short, don't worry xD))

Stumbling into the classroom, Donna nearly dropped her briefcase on the floor. However, she regained herself and looked at the class, her face blushing. "W-Well, that was definitely not the introduction I hoped to make to you all," she laughed, scratching her head. The teacher walked to her desk and started to quickly put things in order: syllabi in one pile, the attendance in her hand. I think I'm prepared now....

Just then, the bell rang, and the remaining students scurried into class and took their seats. Donna decided to take the attendance right there -- calling everyone's names out. When she got to one kid named "Josh," she peered over at him and noticed how different he was from everyone else. He dressed in black and had piercings. Yet, he almost seemed to have a softer and nicer demeanor than the rest of the students. He seemed... better than the rest. Shrugging it off, Donna continued down the list until everyone was accounted for. From there, she passed out the course syllabus to each student and went over the entire thing.
"That's all you need to know. We still have time left in class, so I will let you all talk to each other. However," she said in a stern voice. "If anything breaks, if anyone gets hurt, and if you all become too rowdy to handle, I will send the entire class down the the office and you will explain exactly what happened to the principal. Understood?" The class nodded silently. "Alright then. I hope to never do that, alright? In any case, after school, you all better check your emails. I shall be sending you all the dates during which you and I will meet and talk about your strengths and weaknesses in the class. If anyone needs to talk now, I'm obviously free." With that, Donna smiled serenely and sat down in her chair, opening her computer up to start fixing up her Wiki page. The class become loud in an instant, and it became difficult to concentrate, so she put away the computer and took out a black sketchbook full of her artwork. She'd been drawing since she was a child, always putting her timidness away to draw whatever it was she was feeling. Now, she was working on a drawing of a lonely teenager sitting atop the roof of an abandoned building in the middle of a wasteland. And I'm usually not this depressing...

Violent_Beauty 09-15-2011 12:34 AM

Josh took notes as the women spoke. He felt bad for her because he knew half these kids would take advantage of her, not only is she young and beautiful, she was the perfect prey, of course then again her little speech even made him nod like he was a little kid in trouble. He over looked the class Syllabus and then went back to drawing. She must be new here, he thought, he has never seen her before, of course she only teaches math in the morning, and this is his first AM math class. He sighed. He drew a rose beautiful as can be, but because it didn't have any thorns it was different, so it was the only one left.
It was hard for him to concentrate because the guy next to him was talking ever so loudly about how many chicks hes slept with, Finally josh looked at him and spoke. "Will you please be quieter?"

The guy laughed and then spoke up. "Oh what? I need to be silent now cause you are not apart of the in crowed?" The boy said, then he laughed louder "Oh I get it, you have never been with a girl is that is?" When josh blushed everyone started to laugh. "You must have a Boy toy, you emo freak" Josh blushed then said "Oh shut up you dont know anything, and when your older all you will have going for you is 1o babies all with a different mother you pig" The boy stood, clearly pissed off and josh wished he kept his mouth shut. The boy saw his picture and grabbed it. "Awww, this must be for his Boyfriend! A flower! How girly and pathetic, just like you" Josh then stood up, clearly shorter than the tall guy. He stood his ground though. "Give it back please"

The boy shoved josh and josh fell backwards hitting his head really hard, he almost blacked out, but he stood up and hit the guy square in the jaw. "I asked, nicely" He said and with that the guy punched him in the face so hard, josh was knocked out. The boy crumpled his drawing and threw it on the floor beside josh.

ChiNoMizuumi 09-15-2011 01:17 AM

The moment voices started to be raised, Donna dropped everything she was doing and pushed her way through the crowd that surrounded two fighting boys. It was only then that she realized it was that kid, Josh, who was knocked out on the floor. With the loudest, most stern voice she had, the teacher yelled, "OFFICE. NOW. IF you don't go now, I'll get the school security to drag you there in shackles! Move it!" The boy seemed so frightened by her that he stormed out of the now-silent room without a word. It was wonderful that the main office was right around the corner. Quickly, she used her cell phone to call the main desk and tell them about the boy's arrival. She then put down her phone and gingerly shifted Josh around in order to lay him flat on the floor. The rest of the class was merely staring -- that is, until she stared them all down. "Go back to your seats. You are not to talk at all while I'm gone. AT ALL. You will sit and behave. In addition to that, you all have two hours of detention with me tomorrow afterschool. That is all." With that, Donna picked the boy up, his head resting in one of her arms and the crook of his knee in the other. Now I'm really glad that I go to the gym regularly....

After everything, the principal heard the entire story from the other kid who beat Josh up (forced, nonetheless), and proceeded to allow Donna the rest of the day off to make sure that Josh would be alright. A substitute teacher took her place for the rest of the day -- this was probably traumatic to her, a teacher who just came to work for her first day and had to witness this kind of violence in her own classroom.

Donna sat in the nurse's office next to Josh, his body laid limply on one of the four beds in the office. She sighed deeply, concerned about Josh's well-being. She tried to contact his mother, but she wasn't answering any of the phones. "Why did this have to happen..." she mumbled, rubbing her eyes gently.

Violent_Beauty 09-15-2011 01:31 AM

Josh began to come too, his head in all sort's of pain. He opened his eyes, and jumped. "Oh" He said. "Ow.." He then looked and saw his teacher, she looked upset and worried...he managed to sit up. He blushed, he was so embarrassed. "Im..Im so sorry...I didn't mean for anything like that to happen..." He said he knew she was going to suspend him and call his mother who, already is stressed as it is. He sighed and put his head into his hands, How could he have been so stupid? Then he remembered his drawing and became sad, it took him weeks to draw all the detail and do all the shading, it was his best work hes ever done.

He looked up again. "Im sorry..Ill Ill...Ill make it up to you somehow, mane it ill do it, please just dont suspend me" He said in a worried tone, he needed school like air, if he was going to get anywhere in life he needed to keep his grades up for college. He had to lay back down, his head throbbed. He held his head and closed his eyes shut. "It really hurts" He whined. Yeah he whined, it hurt and he was only 16..he was entitled to a little complaint, right?

ChiNoMizuumi 09-15-2011 02:15 AM

Sighing, Donna pushed the boy's shoulders down so that he was laying on the bed again. "If it hurts, then stop moving so abruptly," she chuckled. With one hand, she rubbed his head gently in a way so that he would feel better. "And I'm not going to suspend you, silly." She used that matter-of-fact tone just then. It's not like she was about to suspend the person who was trying to defend himself. He was just a kid who was beat up over a piece of paper -- a very beautiful paper.
Right before she left with the boy, Donna covertly took the picture and put it in her pocket, trying not to make any new folds. Remembering the paper, she took it out and attempted to straighten it. "I believe this is yours," she said softly, smiling. "It's beautiful. I bet you can make it look like new again with an iron or by putting it under a textbook." Gingerly, Donna opened Josh's hand and put the artwork in his palm. "And don't think you're alone, Josh," Donna continued. "You're not the only one who was misjudged in school. Heck, I should be misjudged now." The substitute teacher had brought all of her belongings to the nurse's office not too long ago, and Donna had already taken the sketchpad out. She flipped to the picture she was drawing earlier in class. "See -- you'd never think that I'd make this either. People would say all sorts of things. But, does it really matter?" Shrugging, she put it all away, and then she looked back at the boy. "Don't mind other people. Don't be instigated by their stupid antics. It's not worth it in the end because in 10 years, you'll be making six figures and they'll be working in McDonald's." Her laugh rang through the room.

Violent_Beauty 09-15-2011 02:36 AM

Josh smiled when she handed him his picture. "Thanks so much, for everything" He smiled. She was really nice. "I love your art...I wish I was as good as you" He said smiling. "Ow..." He said, getting a headache. "I should have never fought that guy..." He said, keeping his eyes closed, it eased the pain, he laughed with her "Yeah I plan to be a nurse, maybe someday even doctor." He said, you could tell this was his drive, his passion.

He sighed. "But that matters not here, in High school....I will always be the freak and loser, until Im in college, then I hope Things will change...and I think your a wonderful teacher" He said smiling. "But your right, I should have been better than that." He blushed remembering all the things the other kid said to him. "Im fine now, so if you wanna go home to your husband or something you can, Ill prolly just walk home later" He said trying to smile. He would love to stay and finish his first day, but his head hurt way to bad.

ChiNoMizuumi 09-15-2011 02:47 AM

"Medical profession, huh? What an admirable young kid," Donna teased. "And now I sound like an older person.... ha." She rubbed her eyes again, her contacts bothering her at this point. "My art? It's not amazing, trust me," she laughed. "Your rose is just as good, if not better. You're an amazing artist -- all your emotion just leaks onto the paper. That's admirable, too, Josh. You'll never be a freak or a loser. You're only misjudged. And I can say that for sure now that we've talked."

When he said something about a husband, she just about choked. Her face turned a bright red as she cleared her throat. "I, um. I don't have a husband," she said quietly. "In any case! I'm not leaving you alone just yet. If you have a concussion because of that other boy, I don't believe that I can leave."
No, Donna didn't want to just leave him here. It didn't seem like he had any friends. Maybe a teacher-student relationship would be bad, even if it was only on friendly terms, but she didn't seem to mind. Instead, she took out her sketchbook and flipped back to the drawing of the girl in the wasteland, adding little details here and there to finish it. She then took a moment to think.
"Hey, Josh," she said, handing him the sketchbook. "Flip to an empty page and just draw. Let your heart drip onto the paper. It'll hopefully made you feel better after all of this commotion." Once again, that common smile reappeared.

Violent_Beauty 09-15-2011 03:08 AM

He smiled. "Oh sorry, I hope I didn't embarrass you with the whole husband thing..." He laughed it off. She was to kind to him. "Your too nice, thank you, I feel alot better already just having some nice company" He laughed. When she flipped through her notebook and wanted him to draw, he did. He drew the first thing that came to his mind. A broken heart...then he started drawing puzzle pieces as to make the heart a puzzle thats no longer broken, yet no longer healed. He blushed. "Im not sure why, but this makes sense to me, funny cause Ive never dated" He said, he continued to sketch and put more details like pedals falling from a tree in the background.

"You know...Drawing something like this usually takes me least my flower did..." He said darking some parts if his heart. He soon finished. "Well I have no idea what else to add, you can have it if you want..." He said smiling. He wondered why she stayed, she was no longer being why not just leave him be? He didnt even feel odd talking to personally with a teacher, but he felt as if he was smarter then the averegae 16 year old, so it was not so weird.

ChiNoMizuumi 09-15-2011 03:23 AM

Looking at his drawing, Donna was amazed at how gifted he was. He was truly something. "You don't need to be in a relationship for things to make sense," she said, leaning back in her chair. "Everything comes together at some point in time. Like the pieces to your heart. And..." The teacher took the paper out of the sketch book and handed it to Josh. "This is part of you, so it belongs with you." Flipping through the large sketchbook, she turned all the way to the first page. "You know, I've had this thing since the beginning of high school. No matter how frivolous or stupid some of the drawings were, I kept them all because I drew them from here." Donna placed her palm on her chest and exhaled softly. "Or perhaps I'm just extremely weird and feel a need to keep my useless doodles," she laughed.

Taking another look at the boy, she blushed again. "Don't worry about the husband thing," she mumbled nonchalantly. "Everyone seems to think I've married already for some reason, when in reality, my last date was in my senior year of high school." Again, she laughed and rubbed her head. It was unusual, to say the least, for a woman like her to not even have a steady relationship.

Donna absentmindedly flipped through her sketchbook, looking at all the pictures she once drew, but she stopped right when she fell upon her dreaded page. It didn't look like much to normal people, but that's because they never looked closely. The art clearly portrayed Donna as her teenage self since it was drawn years and years ago. She was facing down, only one nearly pitch black eye visible behind her once shaggy hair. Her hand was placed to her head as if imitating a gun, and the other side of her head spewed out words and phrases, all meaning something about hate... Loneliness... Depression. Donna slowly remembered what she was feeling when she drew this and how none of her artwork was the same afterwards.

Slyly, she tried to hide it from Josh, tilting it back and trying to not let him notice.

Violent_Beauty 09-15-2011 03:39 AM

Josh thought about what she said, and she was right. He really liked talking to her, she made sense, at least to him she did, He blushed. "Really, you way to kind....Im sure you have something, or somewhere better to be" He said as she flipped through her notebook he then asked her" Why haven't you dated? I know its none of my business but your kind and pretty enough to date, I mean I no nothing of or about dating but I think you should, unless your one like me who likes to be alone" He had no idea why he rambled on like that "Sorry,,," He said feeling like he was prying into her personal life., he noticed the change in her face as if she were now feeling down or sad about something. He sat up again, ignoring the pain. "Are you ok? You look wasnt something I have said was it?"

If it was he already felt bad. Soon after sitting up he had to lay back down. His face felt swollen and he new his lips were due to his piercing then being punched in the face. H really hoped he didn't poke around to much and made her upset, as she flipped through he saw one he really liked, of a girl, but she quickly changed the page. "Hey, I love that one" He said pointing to where the picture once was.

He sat back up and put his own drawing in his bag, he took out his own and set it aside. He thought about sharing with her, but he was not sure, she was a teacher and he didn't wanna get into trouble, with someone of things he drew over the years,

ChiNoMizuumi 09-15-2011 03:55 AM

"Ah?" Donna stammered, snapping out of it. "No, no! It's not your fault at all! It's just... This picture brought back bad memories." Flipping the page back, she showed him the drawing. Why was she showing him all this? Why was she about to starttalking about her personal life? Even she didn't know. "I drew this in my senior year. My parents split after a series of affairs. At the same time, they started neglecting the rest of my family and me. They were more than enthralled to not have to take custody of me -- I was already 18." Donna shook her head and sighed. "I felt like a whiny little kid, so I drew this. I guess this might also answer your questions about my not dating. I suppose I'm afraid of all this. My parent's marriage ended horrifyingly. Maybe I just don't want it to start at all." The woman kept flipping through her sketchbook, closing it after a while. "Oh and... Thank you complimenting me before. I don't get called pretty all too often," she laughed.

Then, she saw those drawings of his laying there. She became curious -- what could he have drawn? "May I?" she asked politely, motioning to the papers.

Violent_Beauty 09-15-2011 04:08 AM

He was so into what she was saying he just nodded here and there before he spoke. "I understand, My mom and dad just split...he left her for a younger women...didnt even care about me or her, how we felt...
"Josh said, feeling and sharing her pain. "I live with my mom now, I do most the cooking and cleaning and soon I ll be working to help pay bills, thats why I try so hard at school...So I can support my family..." He said. When she wanted to see his drawings he blushed. "Sure" He gave her the book.

"Some of them are kinda...well...dark I guess...Im not really depressed but sometimes I have those really hard days" He said. There were many in his book, alot of t them was of a boy screaming but noone heard the boy, there was a few like that with words scribbled on them. "Most of them were from when I found out my parents were splitting..." He said as she looked through them, he blushed. "There not that great...." He said laughing. He would have made a second comment about her looks...but he thought it would come off weird so he stayed quite. He was glad to be able to share something with someone. Even if it was a teacher.

ChiNoMizuumi 09-15-2011 04:21 AM

As Donna looked through his art, she could feel how saturated they were with all these depressing feelings. He was just like her, surprisingly. She shook her head gently. "Are you kidding? These are amazing -- not only because they look professional, but also because one can feel your essence and you feelings come right off the paper."

She scrutinized the papers lightly before setting them down and looked at Josh. "It's amazing that you are already deciding on supporting your family. Many other people would merely cower in fear, but you take initiative. It takes some guts to do that." Chuckling, Donna got up and grabbed an ice pack from the freezer, handing it to the boy. "Here, it'll stop the swelling," she said, grinning softly. "Anyway... You'll get through everything. You're smart and clever; you'll be able to do anything you want with that attitude of yours," Donna commented, ruffling Josh's hair lightly.

Violent_Beauty 09-15-2011 04:55 AM

Josh smiled. He was happy to be here with her, just to talk. He grabbed the ice pack and put it on his swollen lips. "Thanks, for everything." He smiled a goofy grin. "Well you know..I just dont wanna be like my father and nor Do I wanna work in fast food all my life. I want something for myself....And if I ever have a family, kids,....I need to be the man and take care of them" He blushed. "guess Im sorta..old school" He said. "And about my drawings, thanks....I have never shown them to anyone, maybe cause noone cares...." He chuckled. He felt stupid trying to impress her. "So, why are you a teacher?" It was a random thing to ask yes, but he talked alot of himself and he wondered about her, she was a really interesting awesome person, if it were not of the age thing, plus shes a teacher and he a kid, he would love to see her as a friend.

But he knew, after today they most likely would never really talk again, it was not very proper in the eyes of others, josh didnt see what the problem was, it was all kinda mad him sad, he finally meets someone who gets him and shes a teacher. He sighed at the thought.

ChiNoMizuumi 09-15-2011 11:57 AM

Nodding in agreement, Donna laughed and said, "Old school is good! If only everyone thought like you, then maybe every other guy wouldn't be a stupid little homo sapien." She stuck her tongue out playfully, starting to revert to that fun, 25-year-old she really was. "Ah, well, I'm acting quite silly now, hm?" The woman rubbed her head with one hand and sighed -- she couldn't go back to her young years now. "And your drawings...well, I care! So, I'm someone, eh? Other people don't understand what your drawings are about, which is sad. You'd think that your generation would be better than this." She sighed deeply, still disturbed at what happened in class that morning. "Huh? Why I became a teacher? That's so simple..." Donna smiled happily and wriggles in her seat. "When I was a senior, we did internship. Somehow, I got put into the education department and started to teach a class of kindergarteners. Even though they were so young, I was intrigued by how they all had their own personalities and thoughts. It was amazing how they just absorbed information. Of course, I never realized how hard it could be until one of them threw a tantrum, and I probably never knew how horrible it could get until today." She laughed lightly, giving Josh's injuries a lookover. "However, no matter what happens, I want to teach. It's what my calling is, I suppose." Leaning back in her seat, Donna crossed her arms and put on a bright face.

But suddenly, she felt great loss. It was then that she realized how she'd never be able to just be with the kid as a friend, no matter how much she loved his company.
Still, she decided that she would make it work somehow.

"Why do you want to be a doctor, Josh?" Donna asked, tilting her head. She was truly curios to know more about him.

Violent_Beauty 09-15-2011 09:05 PM

Josh nodded and smiled as she spoke. She was alot like him. Of course more grown up. "Yeah well....My generation kinda sucks, but someday they will see that all these cliques and groups and parties dont matter" He said in all seriousness. "I usually never let someone, like that moron, push my buttons, I come here for school to learn!" He said excited. "Of course...I just dont get math" He laughed. " I mean Im alright at it...but I need to know math.." He said with a slight chuckle. "Well If I do say so, thats a awesome reason to teach, I know some teachers never really care about the kids, its just a job, I hear" He said with annoyance in his voice.

He thought a moment as to why he wanted to be a Doctor and he knew right away. "Well thats easy, I love taking care of people." He smiled "Like...I didn't realize it until my dad left, and my mom....she needs someone there for her, a rock ya know? So while she works, I cook her meals and clean up so she has time to rest and do things she enjoys, and when I see her smile.....I know I did something right by her..That feeling I get helping someone...I love it! And I wish I could change the world, change people...." His eyes looked dreamy and he had this half smile as he spoke, you could really tell this is what he wanted to do, or at least try.

ChiNoMizuumi 09-15-2011 11:12 PM

Giggling, Donna suggested something to Josh. "I can help you in math if you come once or twice a week to my classroom during lunch or after school. I'd be absolutely honored to be able to teach you, really. I've never had a student so studious as you," she sighed, mock-pouting. "Teaching is my life. It's sad to hear adults be in it for the benefits."

Donna listened carefully to Josh's explanation. It was upsetting to hear about things like the divorce and how badly the boy wanted to help his mother. Was he really 16 years old? The teacher nodded in agreement to everything that Josh said, smiling serenely. "You are quite a man, if I do say so. Are you sure you're not like... 20?" She laughed for a moment. "Although, I don't even think 20-year-olds are quite as mature as you, honestly." In the spur of the moment, Donna pressed her index finger to the boy's forehead just as her mother used to do and uttered the same things she did. "You chase your dreams, because chasing them will bring them in focus, and then they will not be dreams but merely doors that you must unlock and gather enough courage to walk through. And you will have that courage no matter what the future holds because you have put others into your equation." Her eyes widened for a split second as she realized how close she'd gotten to the boy. With slightly pink cheeks, Donna took her hand away and leaned back in her seat, looking to the side.

Violent_Beauty 09-15-2011 11:21 PM

Josh smiled. "That would be awesome if you could! I need all the help I can get!" He said and laughed. "I wish I was 20...Id be in college already! Instead im stuck here" He said rolling his eyes, but it wasnt so bad, after all he would like to think he made a new friend. When she got close he blushed a bit, his heart raced, and she smelled really good. He kept from drooling all over her. Her words were wise and he took them to heart. "Your a really great person." He said. She was a great teacher aswell, he respected her. When she pulled away he saw her blush, she looked away...he wondered if she was avoiding eye contact for some reason.

"Are you ok?" He asked, he leaned up and got a bit closer to her. He put his hand on hers and smiled. "Dont worry, your a great teacher, and a person and I highly respect you. I am honored to have you as my math teacher" He said, he didn't know if thats why she looked away or not but he thought she should know that shes great and she should keep up teaching no matter what. He then thought of his mother. It was a random thing but he wondered if she was worried sick, or if she was even contacted. He shook the thoughts away and smiled. "Again, Im sorry for this, I know your first day could have been better" He realized his hand still on hers and blushed, he pulled it away "Im..Im so sorry, that must of I,..." He didn't dare finish his sentence.

ChiNoMizuumi 09-16-2011 12:00 AM

Donna's heart pounded wildly when she felt Josh's hand lay right over her's -- her heart felt like it was being wrenched out. What... is this feeling...? However, when he took his hand away and stuttered out a few words, the woman shook her head and laughed, her blush more evident. "It's okay, it's okay. Don't be sorry, Josh." Sighing, she ruffled his hair. "You really are too cute for my own good -- making me blush like that," she teased, sticking her tongue out. Why was it that he was able to bring her inner child out? Rubbing her head, Donna's feet shuffled around. "I'll give you all that help, alright? But you have to promise to not grow up too fast. You'll never realize how badly you want your childhood back. Trust me on that." Her voice was laced with regret and dripping with sorrow. She knew how it was to lose your past to sadness, and she was going to do her best to fix that.

"Josh," she started, raising an eyebrow at him. "Today may not have been the most perfect day ever, but it certainly was wonderful, and you're probably the entire the reason why at this point." Giggling, her smile reappeared in place of the sorrow and embarrassment from before. It lightened the atmosphere significantly and left Donna with the feeling that she made quite a good friend. "Another thing, don't be afraid to tell me things, alright? I won't bite. Much." She laughed again.

Violent_Beauty 09-16-2011 12:54 AM

Josh just laughed with her, he also blushed when she said he was too cute for her own good, he wondered what she meant by that. He shook the thought away. Still blushing he spoke "Well, i dont know about being cute...but I know how awesome I really am" He said with a smug goofy look on his face He was having so much fun with her, he wished he could see her more...maybe outside of that would freak her out, a lot im sure. Shes just being friendly...Josh thought for a split second that maybe she was faking, but when he saw the sorrow in here eyes, he knew she was real. He blushed some more when she said he was wonderful. "Well, I think your pretty awesome too"

He closed his eyes for a few moments and just took in her words, he noticed that he liked hearing her talk, it was comforting, and she was so funny. He came back to reality and spoke back "Thanks, Im glad I can trust you, also" He started "You can trust me too...I know im just a kid, but I can keep a secret" He said with a playful wink and he laughed.

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