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Xavirne 01-27-2014 06:10 PM

Gādian no Taitō

Everyone always thinks of summer camps as being a 'youth' thing. This is not the case at Camp Jiko o hakken. Camp JoH specializes in helping its campers discover self by various exercises and routines. It relies on being highly isolated and very away from technological advances. Cell phones, email, Facebook... those aren't things you bring with you. A journal, however, is totally acceptable.

Every third week on July, people from across the world are flown to this Japanese campground to partake in the camp experience. It's exact location is unknown, which adds to the magic. Each camper is flown first-class to Japan and, from there, the campers are shipped to the special location via various means. Upon arriving at the camp, you'll see a beautiful arch that is actually two large samurai clashing swords over what looks like a coy fish pond. Beyond this statue, you see a small shrine and twelve faceless human statues. Where the face stands, is a symbol. Those who know Japanese can easily pick out that these symbols mean fire, corrosion, storms, illusions, earth, etc. with each one linking closely to a Shinto deity. Once inside the shrine, the eyes will discover that there are paintings of giant beasts, each baring the same symbols found outside. These beast appear to be fighting humanoid-like monsters. Above your head reads "Gādian no Taitō" or "Rise of the Guardians," which is translated in every language known to man.

Camp JoH, as stated, is special, allowing only personally invited patrons to attend. Only 48-campers and counselors are selected to attend each year. These 48 are split into core groups, each receiving special names. The campers who received a discovery of a lifetime hail from Team Olympians.

Our story revolves around some young adults at this summer camp. The reasons why they are here vary greatly. Some of them are there to find love while others were sent there with the hopes of finding out who they really are. And the others? Well, some just went because they wanted to go on an adventure or because of a dare. Whatever the reason, these campers all arrive at this quaint camp that is beside a lake and surrounded by a forest.

Camp starts off just as you would expect. Ice breakers and games, doing everything they can to make the campers feel like a team. Team activities are as a whole (48) or in pieces (12 people groups). By the end of the first evening, everyone has grown pretty close and all 48 decide to hit up the lake front to share some horror stories from their respected homelands. The old man in charge of the camp even decides to join the campers and their counselors, so much so that he too tells a story. This story he shares is from long ago and about how the camp was a mythical place that trained heroes of war, or something to that nature. The story brought most to tears by the end for it was at that moment that everyone knew this camp was a real treasure. After the wonderful story, all went to bed, but were awoken that night by a blood curdling scream. Thankfully, it was just a nightmare, but it was a nightmare about this titan vs. hero story.

Another day would pass and all seems normal. Then, that evening, something strange happens. The Northern Lights appear. Drawn to them, the 12 campers and their counselors get lost in the sky and soon discover that they are floating away from Earth. Panic sets in but it's too late because, before they know it, they are swallowed whole by the darkness above them.

Coming to much later, the campers find themselves back at camp. Only, it's not the same. The world has changed. It's been reverted back to the days of old, the day of the feudal ages. The land is razed and in ruins, leaving nothing behind but large foot prints that might make one think back to the age of the dinosaurs. A sting of panic washes over everyone and it is then when each of the campers realizes they have a mark on their body, something written in Japanese. It spells out an term with each symbol is in a different color, too. What do these color symbols mean? Thinking back to the shrine, you might recall you've seen this before. But what do they mean?

The answer is soon revealed when a giant beast, a titan, appears and decides to attack the campers. In fear, the campers run from the danger and it is then when their symbols glow. Before their very eyes, a creatures materialize. They're large, easily the height of a two-story building, if not bigger. The creatures, infused with a power given to it by the gods, strike down the mighty titans to protect the campers. As soon as its fight ends, the beasts vanish into a cloud of shimmering colors. Slowly, those colors float down to the symbol imprinted on each of the camper's.

What once started off as a normal summer camp soon because the camp adventure of a lifetime....

Xavirne 01-27-2014 06:33 PM


I'm all for keeping this simple.
+ First and foremost, follow the Mene rules and listen to what I say.
+ Post proper sentences (third person, if you please), and color your speech when your character is talking.
+ Also underline and bold other characters in your post.
+ I'll let you know when titans appear and I'll also play all the NPCs.
+ Oh and please PM characters to me. Thankies~!
+ As the GM, I have permission to move your characters to advance the story.
+ If you are absent for an extended period of time and your character has a vital role in the story, I will also take over that character. Upon your return, the character will go back into your care. Until then, I will do my best to act in character on your behalf.
+ If you are gone for too long and it doesn't appear you'll be returning, I will kill your character. Sorry, but I can't wait around for your return, especially if it's 5-years from now.

As a final reminder, please keep all OOC in the OOC Thread. And in case you want to go back to the beginning of it all, here's the Recruitment Thread.

Xavirne 01-27-2014 06:34 PM


You can find the list of male characters here.
  • Camper 1 - Reserved for sadrain - Kami-no-Kaze, he is the god of the wind (wind)
  • Camper 2 - Reserved for BrotherOfDarkness - Hachiman-shin, he is the god of war (metal)
  • Camper 3 -R eserved for Blueblackrose - Ryūjin, he is the god of the sea (water)
  • Camper 4 - Reserved for Kiyoto - Susanoo, he is the god of storms (lightning)
  • Camper 5 - Reserved for PrincessKasumi - Sarutahiko, he is the god of strength and guidance (rock/ground)
  • Camp Counselor 1 - Reserved for Xavi - Tsukiyomi, he is the god of the moon (illusions)

The list of female characters are over here.
  • Camper A - Reserved for Seer Of the Future - Amaterasu, she is the goddess of the sun (fire)
  • Camper B - Reserved for Xavi - Uzume, she is the goddess of dawn and revelry (corrosion)
  • Camper C - Reserved for Artifex- Izanami, she is the goddess of creation and death (light/dark)
  • Camper D - Reserved for Duke - Uke Mochi, she is the goddess of food (earth/life)
  • Camper E - Reserved for Sezumie - Inari, she is the goddess of success and life (spirits/summons)
  • Camp Counselor A - Reserved for sadrain - Sukuna-Biko-Na, she is the goddess of medicine and rain (healing)

The list of other characters.
  • Guide - Reserved for Xavi
  • Guide's Assistant - Reserved for CrimsonShadow

To create a character, you'll need to use this. Remember to leave the Guardian's name blank as I will be coming up with that.
*males are numbers; females are letters
*campers should be 18 to 24; counselors will be 24 to 28
*we'll be using photographs for faces
*even though this is set in Japan, not everyone will be of Japanese descent

HTML Code:

[FONT="Trebuchet MS"][COLOR="Black"][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][RIGHT]✘ - - - - - - - - - - [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Element'sColor"]Symbol/Power[/SIZE][/FONT][/RIGHT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][RIGHT][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"][/SIZE][/FONT][/RIGHT]

≫ This is the name on my birth certificate ≪
≫ But at camp I want people to call me ≪
≫ As you can tell, I'm a ≪
≫ I was born ≪
[COLOR="Element'sColor"]Month Date, Year (Age)[/COLOR]
≫ And I want to fall in love with a ≪
≫ Oh, I'm from ≪
[COLOR="Element'sColor"]City, State, Country[/COLOR][/CENTER]

≫  [COLOR="Element'sColor"]As far as appearance is concerned, this is what I have to say...[/COLOR]

≫  [COLOR="Element'sColor"]Personality wise, I'm...[/COLOR]

≫  [COLOR="Element'sColor"]So why did I apply for camp?  Well, let me explain...[/COLOR]

≫  [COLOR="Element'sColor"]On the topic of me, I should probably explain my past...[/COLOR]

≫  [COLOR="Element'sColor"]For fun, I'll let you in on a little secret...[/COLOR]


[RIGHT]✘ - - - - - - - - - - [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"]This is my partner, [COLOR="Element'sColor"]Guardian'sName[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/RIGHT]

≫ My guardian is blessed by the Japanese deity ≪
≫ Because of this, my guardian wield's the power of ≪

≫  [COLOR="Element'sColor"]Let me explain my guardian some...[/COLOR]
List Your Guardian's Lethal Features (i.e. tail, claws, poisonous teeth, etc.)

≫  [COLOR="Element'sColor"]As far as partners go...[/COLOR]
What's Your Character Think About His/Her Assigned Guardian?  Why Do They Feel This Way?

≫  [COLOR="Element'sColor"]Now, a guardian is great and all, but sometimes you just need to take things into your own hands...[/COLOR]
What's your weapon.  You can only have one.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/COLOR][/FONT]

Xavirne 01-27-2014 06:34 PM


Xavirne 01-27-2014 06:34 PM


Xavirne 01-27-2014 06:35 PM


Xavirne 01-27-2014 06:35 PM


Xavirne 01-27-2014 06:35 PM


Xavirne 02-03-2014 03:46 PM

CHAPTER 1: Welcome to Camp Jiko o hakken

To be frank, she was scared. She was never one to bite her nails, twirl her hair, or nibble on the strings of her hoodie, but she did have her way of controlling her nerves. Her right hand was bashfully massaging her earlobe as she stood there in the large airport. As per the letter, she was to find a man holding a sign that read "Camp Jiko o hakken." He was to be her chauffeur, the one who would wrap up this crazy trip and get her to her long-wished destination. She was itching to get to the camp. Not because she wanted to make friends or have a great time. No, she just wanted to get someone safe and tranquil. The postcard proved that Camp JoH was just that, a blissful paradise that was a recluse to the world of noise, people, and technology.

Her name is Anna Elizabeth Fletcher. She's a twenty-two year old miss from the great nation of America (or so she believed the USA to be this great and wondrous place). Moving through the crowd, the blond easy spied the baggage claim. It wasn't hard to do for she stood above the sea of Asians. Most of them were far shorter than she, the five-foot ten-inch monster of a woman. Anna wasn't a beast weight-wise, though. The lass was simply tall for her gender and, being engulfed by these Asian folk, she looked even more out of place. As if her blue eyes and blond hair weren't bad enough!

When he black luggage rolled down the ramp and firmly collided with another bag, she tried to suppress a giggle. Oh how she loved her baggage identifier. It was that mocking jay pin that Katniss Everdeen wore on her when she fought in the Hunger Games. Anna would be lying if she said she wasn't a bit of a HG obsessee! Truthfully, though, her friends dubbed Katniss "Anna Fletcher." Why? Well, Anna was a bow wielding hunter long before the books came out. Anna always wore a braid and she found peace in nature rather than groups of people. Had Jennifer Lawrence not received the part, Anna's friends were going to beg and plead that Anna get a chance to try out. Her friends had the utmost faith in Anna, knowing that she would have blown JLaw out of the water, had that been a possibility. Still, that day never came and Anna was semi-pleased. There was no way she wanted to go toe-to-toe with her actress idol.

A light blush came to her face when someone recognized her pin. A smiley exchanged followed and that was all that came of it for the language barrier was a firm wall before Anna and one she couldn't breach. Perhaps she should have tried harder to learn the language? Arigatō was one of a few words she did know, but it wasn't much to hoot and holler about. Not to mention, she would be too embarrassed to explain how she came to learn the few phrases she did know. Anime, in her family, was frowned upon so she kept that closet secret to herself. And she dared not mention that she cosplayed either! She could only imagine the look on her mum's face if she came home dressed like Katniss or Misaka from Attack on Titan. Oh god! She could see her mother dying at the thought of knowing that her baby girl Anna dressed as... Mako from the Legend of Korra (she wanted to go as Korra but due to her height was told that she needed to be a Mako).

Crap! Anna dove onto the machine that carried the bags around. Had she not, her baggage would have vanished! The woes of getting lost in thought mid-pickup. Giving herself a reassuring grin that she had succeed, she hobbled fretfully toward the taxi/pick-up area.

Perhaps being late to arrive had it perks after all! Within seconds of rounding the corner, she was spying her ride. A quick bow happened before they moved into a car.

Anna spent the drive watching the Avengers. The limo had tinted windows, so much so that she couldn't look outside, so she was forced to use the TV that was installed before her. After a while of channel hoping, she realized that Netflix was an option and opted to watch a favorite of hers, the Avengers. While watching the movie, she made a mental note that she would cosplay femHawkeye one day. Oh, and she would go to NYCC (New York Comic Con).

After a solid nap (dammit, she missed the ending! Oh well, at least she knew what happened... she's only seen the movie at least sixty times), the limo driver was opening up her door and welcoming her to the camp. All her bags had been removed and placed in one of the cabins that was shared between two people. Keeping her fingers crossed, Anna hoped that she had a sweet roomie! It would be fantastic if she was a bit of an otaku or, better yet, artsy!

Not having much time to put things in place, she was ushered off to the kitchen to grab a bit to eat. Other campers had arrived and more were pouring in. A total of 48 people would be here. Things would be interesting, that was for sure!

Grabbing two slices of French toast and a bowl of strawberries, she found a place at a table that was occupied by one other person. "Mind if I join you?" she said with a cheery grin on her face. Not waiting for permission, she slipped into the seat and extended her hand across the table. "My name's Anna. Pleasure to meet you!"

Having arrived the day before the campers, Billy was already settled into his room. He spent the day before learning about his roles as a counselor. He was to co-lead with a British chick by the name of Suzanna. They had spent last night talking about ice breakers and just how they wanted to go about leading the campers of Team Olympians. Now, Billy would be lying if he said he wasn't attracted to his short-haired partner. She was downright gorgeous, but in the simple sense of the term, and that accent of hers was killer. Billy almost wished he was Australian but recalled that foreign folk found American accents to be just as sexy.

Now that a new day had begun, the brunette was ready to go. He had never been a counselor before, but he was often a team lead. Why, it was his exceptional leadership that helped his sports teams claim victory for five solid years. Not to mention, at his law firm, he was constantly working with others to handle cases and whatnot. Even though he never took a leadership course, he was molded for a leadership position. Hell, even the Myers-Briggs personality test resulted with him getting "The Executive" role.

Having been up since the crack of dawn, Billy had already finished his five-mile run around the lake and was clean shaven and showered before any of the campers started to arrive. Donning himself in his usual get-up, he moved toward the dining hall where he would scarf down some food. Of course, when he arrived, he was asked to help cook. Complying, he handled cooking the breakfast meat.

It was about mid-way through the prep that he was allowed to leave his position and eat. Cleaning off the grease and sent of smoke, he picked up a plate and wandered toward the buffet line. The second he stepped from the kitchen, Billy realized that a lot of campers were already there and eating. With a sigh, he scooped some bacon, eggs, and toast onto his plate. A bowl of fresh strawberries were grabbed for good luck. Now at the end of the line with his plate full, Billy scouted the area for a place to sit. He wanted to sit outside but he knew better. The rainy season had just ended and it was now the season of heat and sweat. Sitting outside, although less stuffy, would probably coat him in little beads of sweat, even in the morning! Besides, he would look pretty anti-social for a leader if he went outside to sit alone. Opting for a table filled with five other people, Billy made his way there.

"Howdy," he gave them a smug smile, "I'm Billy, camp counselor for the Olympians. How are you campers doing today?"

sadrain 02-03-2014 06:40 PM

Mikheil had survived the flight, but unfortunately truly just 'survived'. He got nervous at each time plane's noises changed or there was a feeling of plane lowering height. His ears kept plopping even after take-off and no amount of candy could help that. He hadn't really managed to sleep ether. It was shameful, really, and he would never admit it to anyone that this long trip had taken its toll on him. Only silver lining was... well, it was rather flaming red and bright gold, actually. Sunset and sunrise observed from plane's window had taken his breath away and surely something that he wouldn't forget for a long time.

After landing and having his documents checked, he naturally got lost at first, as it was so spacious and there were just not enough signs for a 'loser' like him. So, his bag was one of the last sliding on baggage claim row. He felt that at least some people were sniggering about the foreigner that had been wandering around and had expression as if he had found Holy Grail, not luggage claim. He grimaced, grabbing luggage and hunching slightly in shoulders as he vigorously pulled it towards exit - or what he thought to be exit. Fortunately, it really was an exit, but it took him at least five more minutes to find his transport that turned out to be a family-van type of car with tinted windows which gave it an edge of creepiness. If not for the sign and Japanese man that spoke to him, he'd probably end up avoiding it rather than heading towards it.

Apparently, he wasn't only one from Germany that had ended up in the camp, but this other guy was not talkative and even irritated about Mikheil being so slow. The drive went by in silence and with rather icy air. Mikheil only hoped that this man wouldn't end up to be his roommate. So much for friendly atmosphere... Still, he hoped that most of the people there wouldn't be like that. Some had to be a bit like him, right? In truth, he found it hard to believe that he had actually got in the camp! Only 48 people were chosen and he for once in his life was the lucky one! He had been given chance to turn his life around. Or try to.

But he was still nervous and decided that sitting with hands in lap wouldn't help his nerves. He pulled out his notebook from shoulder bag and began doodling to pass up time. Soon, however, he nodded off and was woken only when they arrived at destination. Of course, he spent a while looking for pen that had rolled under front seat ( "I can't leave it, it's my lucky one!") and only then was ushered to his room.

There, he dropped off his baggage quickly and got rushed to kitchen. Despite how it could seem, he wasn't quite one of the last ones. He grabbed some toast, eggs and fresh strawberries, and cup of great smelling coffee to wash it down with and sought out an empty table. Mikheil felt no desire to join any of the already occupied tables where most groups were chatting cheerily, especially not the one with Grumpy German who apparently wasn't so grumpy when pretty ladies were involved.

But his solitude wasn't long lived when someone spoke up across of him. His eyes had been focused on plate and when he rose his gaze, he was momentarily stunned - such an amazing, intense eye color! Moments later, he found himself shaking hands with young woman and introducing himself: "Mikheil, Mikheil Kovach. It's nice to meet you, Anna, and no, I don't mind." He was sharply aware of his accent - mix of German one and something unidentifiable to most. She sounded American, nice and clear, but maybe he was wrong.

He cleared his throat, 'scrolling' through small-talk topics in his mind and decided that country they originated from could work as one well enough. "I am from Germany, what about you, Anna?" he inquired after taking sip of coffee more as a reason to be silent for moment more. Then, Mikheil rather hurriedly added: "Well, actually I am Croat, but have lived in Germany for most of life." His parents had bore into his head to never be ashamed of his nationality and never pretend to be 'just German'.

Her flight had been amazingly smooth one and it seemed like a good sign to Suzanna. She had arrived day and half before regular campers would due to her role as a counselor, so she would have time to get acquainted with the place, some duties and already be settled in when others came. The place was beautiful and despite being so far from home, she felt rather comfortable at Camp Jiko o hakken soon after arrival. Now, that didn't mean she didn't get all nervous upon the first actual day of camp, however. But it was good kind of excited-nervous. At least half of it. And other, she chose to ignore.

For once, Suzanna was grateful for the bountiful energy she had when anxious. Otherwise, she would have been very tired this morning, getting up at nearly sunrise and having stayed up late to discuss things about game with other counselor. That included daily plans, icebreakers, evening games and the way they would go about individual issues that would surely arise between campers or when someone would purposely disobey them as counselors - go where they should not, disrespect them and so on. They had had some minor disagreements, but woman told herself they would smooth it over as time progressed.

To say that she liked this 'Billy' fellow would be lying. Sure, he was on the handsome end of scale (why should a guy get a pretty eye color like that, when she was stuck with plain hazel no one took notice of? Not that she didn't like her eyes, but still...), although not quite her type, and she found it strangely amusing that he was blessed - or cursed - with freckles as well. However, something about his attitude definitely put her off. He was... bold. That wasn't so bad on its own if he weren't so arrogant. As if the camp belonged to him and everyone in there would do his bidding sooner or later, find amusing same things he did.

However, he wasn't all that bad at organizing things and didn't throw all her thoughts right out of the window. If he could shed some of that smugness, he wouldn't make a bad counselor for camp. Suzanna decided that she would let him deal with organizing trips, events and all that jazz part while she would take care of more emotional related things, like arguments. Maybe that way, she wouldn't end up jumping at Billy's throat about some spout of arrogant ignorance.

As she had gotten up so early, she already had managed to accomplish a good deal of things - done her morning stretches and exercises, went for a jog that was cut short when she realized that Billy had chosen to go for a run, had a nice, long shower after and go to kitchen soon after she noticed activity in there. She was dressed in dark jeans, black sandals with thick sole (helped her to not be as awfully short) and airy blouse* over black tank top. Her tattoos were visible through transparent fabrics, but she never bothered to really hide them. She had a necklace with paw and feather symbols in silver on and pondered if it was maybe too dressy, but then again, this was first day of the camp.

In kitchen, she was asked to help putting dishes on tables and she rather eagerly agreed. It was good to make herself useful and busy, less time to get stressed. Soon enough, Billy joined in dinner hall and was put to cooking tasks. She was a bit surprised he agreed, but added it as a plus. Having done her part, she was one of the first that actually got to sit down and enjoy the food. She chose a toast, berries and juice - healthy and delicious.

Table that she had joined already had some people, however, and she smiled brightly at them. "Good morning, my name is Suzanna, do you mind if I join you?" If no one did (and probably even if they did), she sat down at the end of table. "How are you all this morning? I will be one of your counselors here at the camp, so if there are any issues with your rooms or anything else, please, come and talk with me and I will do my best to fix that." She chuckled then lightly, realizing her mistake: "But you probably didn't have chance to really look around, did you?" The laugh wasn't quite forced, but inwardly she berated herself and repeated in her thoughts: 'keep calm and don't get panicky, keep calm...'

[*Note: the blouse is actually also black, not white]

Sezumie 02-03-2014 09:17 PM

They were closing in on the destination, and already Megumi felt her stomach flip and twist in pure panic. Megumi slumped in her seat, why did she even think this was such a good idea? That month ago when she excitedly decided to go on with her friend thinking it was going to be so fun. Megumi cursed her past self for being so stupid. She hadn't mentally prepared herself to be so far away from home yet, and here she was, a mere mile or so away from the destination, headed to a camp she had just heard of from her friend.

The car suddenly stopped and her head went forward and hit the passengers seat. "いたい!" She yelped, moving her head back and rubbing her head. She looked out the window and her heart froze. Here it was, the camp she was supposed to go to for the next month or so. Her heart was beating at a mile a minute and she slumped away from the window before anyone could see her looking outside. To her distaste, her parents opened the car door and gave her a sorry smile. All Megumi could muster was a angry glare as she took her satchel and got out of the car. The noirette didn't have a second to ask questions as her parents pointed her in the direction of the kitchen and she was pushed off there while her parents unloaded her stuff.

First thing on her list was to locate her friend. She quickly picked up her pace, and with a tight grip on her shoulder bag, scurried into the building. As soon as she opened the door, a blast of enticing aromas hit her like a ton of bricks. She almost started to drool. After two days of traveling and crappy hotel food, she had never been so happy to smell homemade foreign cooking. She looked around, trying to locate the source of the wonderful smells, and locked on the buffet of food on the other side. Mouth watering, she hurried over to the table of food and grabbed two plates. It may not seem like it, but the petite dolly can eat a lot of things. After the last incident of skipping meals due to studying, she had been forced to eat at any moment possible, and developed an addiction of sorts.

Megumi's eyes twinkled as she gazed upon the large selection. "Oh what should I fill up my plates with?" She licked her lips as her eyes darted to and from the different foods. "French toast, waffles, strawberries, bacon, eggs!" She clapped her hands quietly,"This place is heaven!" She exclaimed quietly with glee, filling one plate with french toast and bacon, and the other with a large waffle, topped with whipped cream and drizzled over with syrup. Megumi smiled at her food selection, it was too perfect.

Now she needed a place to set the food down. She really wanted to go find her friend, but her food was heavy, and she could only hold it for so long. After quickly grabbing a fork and placing it carefully on top of the french toast, she picked up the plates and tried to find a table that had a free space open. She seated herself accordingly, at the end of the table, and more people filtered in to her table, but she chose to eat instead of make conversation. The first few bites made her shiver in pure bliss. "Uwah, おいしい!" she mumbled. It was so fluffy, it was soft and chewy and melted in her mouth. She was almost halfway done before another woman seated herself before her.

Megumi gave her a small smile in courtesy, Suzanna was her name? It was such a long English sentence that she couldn't completely understand what she was saying. "U-um, yes....I'm...Megumi.... です." She said nervously, くそ! I added です at the end, えいご Megu えいご! She thought. "Ah sorry sorry, I'm Megumi." She stuffed another french toast strip in her mouth, trying to translate what Suzanna had said into Japanese. "Ah, counselor? Ah, that's good to know, はじめまして. Oh I mean, nice to meet you Suzanna-san."

いたい(itai)- Ouch.
おいしい(oishii)- Delicious.
です(desu)- it's almost like the period at the end of the sentence. Makes a sentence very polite.
えいご(eigo)- English.
はじめまして(hajimemashite)- Nice to meet you, more for first time meeting.
くそ(kuso)- Shit.

Xavirne 02-04-2014 01:45 PM

Giggling at his comment, the blond happily nibbled on her food before offering up her hometown. "I'm from the United States, Pennsylvania to be exact. Born and raised in the country, yeehaw!" So Anna was a bit of a cowgirl; there was nothing wrong with that. Well, save for the fact that she could come across a little too honest. But was that really a bad thing? It's not like she went out of her way to hurt people by telling them the truth. At least, in her eyes it wasn't terrible.

"Sorry to sound so, well, stereotypical American on you, but what's a Croat?" Her brows furrowed as she picked her brain for a possible answer. Nothing surfaced though, which bummed her a bit. Was she really as shallow as the outside worlds believed Americans to be? Preposterous! America, although daft and painfully arrogant about its sense of pride and self, did have its greatness in things like freedom, strength, and courage. Not to mention, if anyone dared to piss the US off, they would have a massive army to deal with. This brought a small smile to her face, but she quickly brushed it away. Now was not the time to drag military strength into a conversation. Still... no, that was enough! Focusing, she offered Mikheil another smile.

"Ugh, I'm going to butcher your name, Michael." She started down her nose in disbelief. "Wow, talk about being a self-fulfilling prophecy! I'm sorry, can you enunciate your name better for me? Wouldn't want to go on calling you Miky or Meeky or... yeah." Anna's cheeks flushed a cheery pink for a second, but she stopped the blush from spreading by downing some strawberries.

sadrain 02-04-2014 04:19 PM

'Why didn't I say 'pleasure is all mine' or something cool like that?' Mikheil thought moments later, as always having the best ideas when it was too late. At least this time he could blame his English skills - although he wasn't so bad at writing or reading, it took him a while to process what other people said and even more what to say. Sure, the school-fed phrases came easily, but beyond that, he could stammer and pause awkwardly. If he let his language flow freely without stressing about it, he would probably be a lot more fluent than that, but such thought had never occurred to him.

At her 'yeehaw', he laughed as it was such a sincere, amusing way to present yourself, but immediately switched to hoping Anna wouldn't be insulted. "That is nice, I ended up growing up in city. I miss country side," Mikheil tried to explain, but moment later, she had switched to asking about his nationality and he scratched behind ear slightly, just realizing his hair probably looked like the most awful mess - not that it was in any other state normally. Well, nothing he could do about it now. He took a bite out of toast and figured what to answer while chewing (food turned out to be a good cover-up for short-term silence).

"It means I'm from Croatia. It is a small country by Adriatic sea, right across of Italy. Most people don't know about it and its neighbors - Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. However it is now gaining popularity as tourism spot. For example, Croatia has a lot of beautiful beaches. But in all honesty, I am a bit like tourist there myself..." he explained, trying not to sound too much like tourism brochure, but not completely avoiding it. Hopefully she wouldn't throw a strawberry at him for bad performance. He wasn't too great with catching things and couldn't pull off some cool catch-it-with-mouth stunt.

"My name?" he paused, taken aback by such a question. "Well, I am not against nicknames and Michael would be close enough," man said, "but it's kind of like Meek-hee-eel." He spoke slowly, trying to separate syllables of his name. It probably sounded ridiculous and his cheeks toned reddish. In Germany, everyone just called him Michael and no one asked how his name was properly pronounced. Not even teachers beyond grade 3. He similarly to Anna turned to pay attention to his food for a moment.

'You're as smooth as sandpaper, Mikheil' he berated himself. Why was it that he instantly felt ten more levels more awkward around women? He wasn't shy person, after all... Just found it easier to express himself through art. Oh! That's right - art. "So, do you have any hobbies, Anna?" he inquired. "Mine is drawing and designing characters and stories for games." Insert awkward laugh here. 'Now you're labelled as nerd' he concluded mentally.

Xavirne 02-04-2014 05:57 PM

"Oh, Croatia sounds lovely. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure my college had a study abroad program there. I guess I've never heard someone call it 'Croat' before. Reminds me of a frog's ribbit." A grin came on her face. "Ribbit, ribbit." Anna was never one to really shy away from people. Sure, she could be shy but that just didn't suit her. She was a loud mouthed talker who was giving public speeches back in the first grade. Talking to strangers never phased her since that wee little age.

When he went on to explain how to pronounce his name, Anna's nose wrinkled. How was she to say that? Pushing her lips forward so they puffed outward, she tried to speak his name. It sounded like a cross between Meek-Hail and Meet-Gale. Doing her best, she forced her lips to conform to the pattern his took. "Mmmm... Mee... Meek-hee-al." It wasn't right, but it was a lot closer. Maybe she should try a silent k? Mee-hee-eel? It sounded better in her mind. After all, who wanted to go around being called 'Meek.' Thankfully, he diverted the conversation to something a little less frustrating. Mikheil happened to pick hobbies and he happened to be a bit of an artist. At least they had one thing in common now!

"Oh wow, drawing and designing characters. Gee, that sounds fun. I'm an photo nut, myself. I also do some pottery. Never really dabbled in drawing and painting, though." Her index finger tapped her lip. "So game design? Hoping to work for Gearbox or Square Enix?" It hit her that he might not know what she was referring to, being from another country and all. Granted, SE was pretty big. Still, it was better to elaborate than to let the poor lad guess, right? "Gearbox and 2K teamed up to create my all time favorite game, Borderlands 2. Square Enix is another fav of mine because I love Final Fantasy. Don't tell anyone but, thirteen's my favorite." Giving him a wink, she cut into her French toast and popped a few pieces in her mouth. "Whoever cooked this needs to get over here right now so I can shake their hand." Flitting her lids, Anna let out a bliss sigh. "I'm usually not a foodie, but this stuff is to die for!"

sadrain 02-04-2014 07:22 PM

He laughed at her comparison to frog's croak, certainly not offended. She was a funny and beautiful girl (even if her beauty was not the standard dolly one people often admired), didn't seem to mind his awkwardness all that much or at least didn't point it out which would have made him want to crawl under table. Maybe luck truly was on his side for once, making Anna the first person he began chatting with. Now, he just had to do his best to not mess it up at which he could have been crowned as champion.

Her attempts to pronounce his name were kind of sweet. She really tried her best to grasp the foreign name and get it out right. He nearly felt bad for not saying 'Michael' right away to make it easier for Anna. Funny how one little thing could be so difficult to pronounce, really. But he knew from his experience of learning German - all those sounds turning into something else or even disappearing and let's not get started on grammar! "I give you 10 for effort," Mikheil concluded when she gave up and moments later, his eyes seemed to have lit up inwardly when subject changed to hobbies and then games.

"Photographing? Sounds great, to be able to capture moments as you go," man commented and then slightly shook head at her inquiry. "Well, either of those would be amazing, or maybe BioWare - I am totally hooked on Mass Effect series and the way they chose to do Star Wars: The Old Republic stories is just superb, too, -, but that is still a long way off." Here, he sighed and focused on food for a short while. Mikheil wasn't used to eating and talking and could do well only on one of these things, so for now food had been somewhat forgotten.

"First, I would like a job in some smaller company and work my way up from there." This wasn't something he liked to discuss and Mikheil certainly didn't want to confess that right now, he was just nerdy boy with big dreams that works at a shop. So, he steered conversation away from this to his best ability. "And I got to agree, Final Fantasy is great. VII is one of my favorites, but I don't judge," man grinned then. As he was talking excitedly about things he enjoyed, his speech became much more fluent although strange wording swam up here and there. "But what about Kingdom Hearts? And, oh, I really enjoyed Fire Emblem games by Nintendo."

At her enthusiastic exclamation about quality of meal, he agreed wholeheartedly, now that he was reminded he should actually eat, not just blabber so Mikheil again focused on food, listening to her, but also wondering how much time they had left before they would be rounded up to go on some activities. Hopefully, a while more. It was nice to talk someone he had just met like this.

Seer Of the Future 02-04-2014 09:46 PM

Evelin Ivory Ashmore. A girl with wild hair, and tastes to match. She and her parents had left on the road trip around Japan two weeks prior. It was her anneversary present for beating her cancer. She was officially cancer free for two years of her life. What a wonderful thing to celebrate. They just drove around, stopping at beautiful areas of the country to let her feelings of artistic passion flow. She had brought 3 new sketchbooks and a bunch of canvases, as well as her big tote of drawing and painting supplies. In those two weeks, Eve had never seen her parents so into each other, and so supportive of her in her life. It was beautiful to see them renew their marriage vows on the beach, and get to paint the scene of the sunset. Arriving at the camp was almost, sad, in a way because she couldn't go back with her parents and keep going on their adventure. But she needed to start one on her own. Sighing as she got out, she grabbed her backpack with her essential drawing supplies she always had, she hugged her parents and watched them drive away with her gut twisting.

Brushing her hair back from her face because of the breeze, she took in a deep breathe and let out a heavy sigh. Oh this was going to be a doozy. Looking up at the escort, she smiled and followed him to the breakfast area. Looking down at herself she shrugged as she realized just how out of place she was going to look. This wasn't the city anymore, that was for sure. But she would get plenty more great material to draw and paint, she was determined! Adjusting her tie on her outfit Eve put a smile on her face and walked into the room. Heading straight for the food, she hummed as she grabbed herself some french toast, strawberries, yogurt, and a cappacino. Turning around she looked for anyone that was a bit out of the ordinary, like herself, and found she stood out worse then she could have imagined. Sighing she then went for the next best thing, anyone who was Japanese like herself, and not super intimidating! Oh, dear. Going up on her tip toes as she bit her bottom lip, the girl then took in a deep breath and headed towards a table with a few people at it. Hoping that it wouldn't end badly.

Putting on a big smile she looked to the two girls conversing and sat down, being careful of her food as she did. "こんにちは" she said happily, and then looking to the other who seemed not to be Japanese, she corrected herself. "Hello, I mean. Sorry." the bright haired female said as she straightened out her skirt. "Is it alright that I sit here?" she asked lightly as she took a sip of her warm drink. Smiling as it slid down her throat nicely, she then pulled off her panda bag and pulled out her almost full sketchbook. Grabbing her pencil from behind her ear she sat the pad on her right and her food on her left. Eating with her left hand, and sketching with her right, she began sketching with great skill and realistism the girl and boy talking at the other table. The girl had said some weird American thing like yeehaw? Well it caught her attention, so she figured they would be her warm up sketch. Taking another bite of her french toast, she glanced to the other girls. If they didn't talk to her, that was fine, she was a pro at throwing herself into her art. It was her life, after all.

sadrain 02-04-2014 11:54 PM

Her smile didn't falter at the other's girls tumbling over English words, but inwardly, she could visualize her stress meter rising. Of course there would be some Japanese people here and not all of them would be fluent in English. In truth, probably many foreigners here would have accents or vocabulary issues... But those she could deal with somehow, while being a counselor in camp located in Japan and not knowing a single word in this language was downright embarrassing. In truth, Suzanna had been sure other counselor would be an older local person, solving the issue. It didn't seem like Billy would know Japanese, however, so she would have to deal with this on her own.

Megumi looked nervous about whole ordeal too, though, and she decided to take it easy, or at least show that she was, hopefully making the frail Japanese girl feel more comfortable. Few others at the table told their names and Suzanna nodded at them, "It is nice to meet you all." She spoke slower now, so hopefully it was easier to understand now. She had learned formal, proper English pronunciation and that is what she used most of the time - this girl used her Manchester accent for jokes only.

This table was rather quiet, some had remarked on her counselor status, but other than that they were focused on their food. She took note of each person and their names. Most of them ate very fast, apparently eager to go back to their rooms to check if their things were in place and safe. Suzanna reminded them to meet up by the pond in forty-fifty minutes. From there, everyone would be gathered and taken to play games and icebreakers.

Soon after, two of them left, freeing space. That left her, Megumi and another person. She looked sideways to a table with only two people that seemed to be already getting along nicely. Blonde girl exclaimed something similar to 'yeehaw', amusing the man and Suzanna chuckled mentally, too. At least someone wasn't uptight and nervous. If only she could say the same about herself, fully... But then she focused on her meal which indeed did taste heavenly. It had been a good while since she had had toast made that well or strawberries just so fresh and juicy. She closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying flavour party on her tongue, when a voice entered her little haven and she quickly looked at... Well, someone dressed and looking right out of anime, if she would have to guess.

And of course, this bright-haired girl spoke Japanese! However, moments later she switched to English and counselor felt relieved. "Hello, of course you can," she said with a smile. And as such, silence returned for a short while as newcomer started double-tasking between sketching and eating. Then Suzanna's attention was drawn to sketch this bright girl was creating. After a short while, she could already recognize who the people were - slightly awkward guy with dark, messy hair chatting with seemingly extrovert blonde 'cowgirl' nearby.

"I hope you don't mind me peaking, but that looks like great," she said sincerely. All different ways of art interested this woman, but she was particularly fond of art and music as first was her own chosen medium. "My name is Suzanna, by the way."

Kiyoto 02-05-2014 12:10 AM

Well this was awkward. Lucas was never one to really object to having someone around who cared about him, but at the moment, it was a bit odd. His mother had insisted on coming to see him off for his trip, standing within the airport with her brother by her side. She kept speaking as if something was going to happen, making sure he had everything he needed and was prepared. He felt like he was a teenager again. It was also kind of nice, he had missed seeing her, since he had quite a bit going on already within his life.

His uncle patted him on the back, assuring his mother he would be fine. He was a capable and strong young man, and he would be alright. Of course, one thing about all of this was not a shocker at all. There was the definite absence of his father. The man was overseas in America at the moment, working on a project he did not feel like discussing with his son. He did not mind it, he was not particularly interested in what his father was dealing with at the moment anyways. His mother sighed, finally wishing him la meilleure des chances et godspeed, which was a french way of saying the best of luck and godspeed.

His mother had always been in love with the french language and culture, and since they had family over there, it was second nature to him. Of course being from the United Kingdom primarilly, his native language was a variation of the English and Latin side of the language. He did have an accent, though to him he hardly noticed it since he was around it all the time. Others who were not familiar with him or his world noticed it quite right away though. He gave her a hug, and his uncle messed up his hair in the usual way he used to even when Lucas was a kid. He waved, before stepping onto the flight.

He felt the nerves bubbling up into his stomach already, though he pushed them down as best he could. He was not about to let him psyche himself out of this before he had even arrived. His eyes slid closed, as he took a calming breath. He was not to far from Japan, in retrospect to how far others might be travelling. He had been all over the world already, and out of the places he had gone, the Japanese culture was one of his favorites. He was quite interested to see how it had changed since he had last been there. The plane landed, and people were bustling around to get their things and get where they were going.

He took a breath, looking out the windows at the landscape, before he moved to baggage to pick up his things. This was going to be quite an interesting event. Honestly, he had never been to a camp before. Growing up, his father had found the ideas foolish and not something someone in his family should do. Even sadder with the honesty thing, he had not experienced many things others had growing up due to his...strict parenting. A sigh escaped him, as he mentally cursed himself. Way to bring down the summer before it even began right? He flipped his phone on, as he got his bags.

He had a message from his brother waiting for him when he did. It made him pause for a moment, his eyes on the screen. Seemed he wanted to talk later, it was the middle of the night over there right now. Odd that he would be contacting him so late...especially since they had been on iffy terms for the pastlike eight years now. He sent back a quick message, before pocketing his phone. He looked around for whoever it was he was supposed to meet, that was giving him a lift up to the location of the camp.

He soon noticed a man with the designated job, getting into a car with him. The trip felt like it lasted for hours, each ticking moment an eternity to Lucas' heart. It wasn't that he was afraid, more excited. A smile played on his lips the entire way, and would not go away at all. The still morning sun was beautiful flittering through the trees and landscape. This was a truly beautiful place. He sat back in his seat, closing his eyes as he said a slight mental prayer to himself, hoping that this would be a good experience and one to remember. After what felt like hours though, the car slowed to a stop.

His heart was pounding in his chest, as he stepped out from the car. His eyes scanning over the scene before him of where he would be calling home for awhile now. He smiled again, thanking the driver. He was allerted things would be taken care of concerning his bags, and to head to up and meet the others. He nodded, thanking the other once more. He made his way across the camp, following the directions to a building. He hesitated outside the door, his nerves suddenly reaching a peak. He bit his lip for a moment, before he took a breath and pushed open the door. The smell of food, and the voices of conversation reached his senses. He glanced around at the others, before he slowly made his way across the room.

To excited and nervous to really eat, he picked up an apple. He then decided to slip into a table on his own, not quite sure about putting himself into the middle of other conversations at the moment with randomly injecting himself to a table. He took a bite of his apple, the taste of it was good, not to sour, but not to sweet. He glanced one by one at the people in the room, not making it obvious that he was. He did not wish to make anyone feel awkward, or like he was staring. He also took a look around the style of the place. It was nice, had a....rustic feel to it, kind of cozy. A light smile once more formed on his lips, he was going to like it here.

Seer Of the Future 02-05-2014 12:18 AM

Looking up as she heard another female speak, Eve set down her pencil and wiped her lips on a napkin. Smiling brightly hearing the woman introduce herself, the colorful girl pushed the sketch book over towards her. "Its no problem at all, I love sharing art. I am most fluent in that language." she said in her crisp English. Thank goodness her parents were teachers in that, it helped a lot here. "Suzanna, its such a pretty name. I don't think I've heard of it before." Eve pondered as she tapped her chin with her longish nails, they were painted black with little red spiders on her pointer finger, to match her outfit of course. Realizing she hadn't given her name, she smiled sheepishly and ran a hand through her hair. "Sorry, I am Evelin Ivory Ashmore. Half American, half Japanese." she explained lightly. It always confused new people when she was so Japanese looking but had such an American name. Her mother was very contemporary Japanese, while her father, was a very traditional American. Well from Iowa anyway.

"If you want, you can look through the entire thing. I have sketches and finished pieces in there from my travels to get here. My parents and I took a road trip to see the beautiful areas and so I could draw." she explained lightly and took another sip of her cappacino. Smiling a bit more, she knew that if she could connect on a artsy level, she could actually maybe make some friends. Realizing that she had a few nudes in that sketch book, she looked to the other girl and grinned sheepishly.

"Just warning, there are some nudes in there. Just in case you don't like them, or think they are embarrassing, though theres a mighty beautiful man in there that was a wrestler. He was kind enough to pose for me, such a gorgeous figure." she mused and day dreamt a bit, and then blushed a bit and giggled. "It also helps that he was a fan of my art work. I gave him a portrait of him, in exchange for the modeling session." she explained lightly and twirled a teal strand of hair around her finger. How odd, to explain her ways of making art to someone. She hoped she didn't come off as extremely weird.

Sezumie 02-05-2014 01:44 AM

Megumi jumped a little bit in her seat at the sound of Japanese. She looked up quickly, maybe she wouldn't have such a hard time with languages after all. Her eyes landed upon the newest addition to the table, who had the strangest arrange of hair colors she had ever seen. It was so foreign to her that someone could dye their hair so many different colors like that and still walk around in public. She brushed away the thought, it didn't really matter to her what color she dyed her hair, as long as the girl didn't bother anyone, she didn't really care. Megumi gave the girl a polite smile and moved her plates away from the girl's stuff. She made mental notes of their names, Suzanna was the counselor, and Evelin was the girl with the strangely colored hair.

Already a few minutes in and there were people at the table. Megumi felt nervousness bubble up in her gut, or was it indigestion? Well something was welling up and she didn't like it much. She nodded politely again, not really wanting to interrupt the conversation. She noticed her plates were now empty however, and excused herself accordingly.

Standing up, she stacked the plates on the table and walked back over to the buffet table. Her eyes scanned over the fruits, and tentatively picked a bowl of sliced pineapples. She looked left and right, and noticed a man pick an apple next to her and sit at a lonely table. Megumi debated on whether to make conversation with the male, and stared at the lone man for a few minutes. Deciding against it, she shook her head and grabbed an apple as well and headed back to the table.

Upon her arrival she saw Suzanna and Evelin were looking at Evelin's sketchbook. Curious, Megumi peeked over the two and looked at the contents. Her breath caught in her throat. Evelin was simply astonishing at art. The lines were so smooth and the body porportions stunned her into silence. "すごいです。" She whispered in awe, "Evelin-san, それはすごいですよ、プロなみたい." She realized she was a bit uninvited on the onlooking, "Ah! I'm very sorry I just got curious!" Pushing up her glasses she scurried over back to where her seat was and sat down, embarrassment clear upon her face. Megumi ate the fruit she had picked nervously, and then the taste of the bittersweet pineapple soothed her back into a calmer state.

She looked to Evelin and Suzanna sheepishly,"Sorry about that, sometimes my English isn't on par. But, I am Megumi. Evelin, I hope to get along....."She picked at her fingers a bit, and looked around nervously. Her friend was nowhere to be seen, at least, until she found her friend on the other side flirting with one of the guys. Megumi sighed, it seemed like she was going to be completely alone on this journey after all. At least I've made conversation with these girls, I'm getting somewhere. がんばれ Megu!

すごいです。(sugoi desu)- Amazing/That's amazing.
Evelin-san, それはすごいですよ、プロなみたい. (Evelin-san, sore wa sugoi desu yo, PURO na mitai.)- Evelin, thats amazing, you're like a pro.
がんばれ(ganbare)- You can do it/You got this.
((That second one might be

sadrain 02-05-2014 09:27 PM

Suzanna pushed her plates (she had finished most of it and felt too excited to eat more) aside and placed sketchbook in front of herself, starting to turn pages over on by one carefully, as if with respect. No page would be crinkled or even with slightest tear after this. The work here was amazing. Drawing humans was difficult for her - enough to make it challenging and exciting, but not hard enough to put it aside. Maybe this colorful girl wouldn't mind giving her some tips later on, if they managed to get along? Hopefully they would, it would be just great to have someone that she could chat about art.

"Aw, thank you and nice to meet you," she smiled brightly when the other woman spoke up, even surprised at sudden compliment. She had never particularly liked her own name, it was rather plain and people kept chopping it up to Suzy or Anna, not respecting it as a whole. It was a hassle to point out she didn't want any nicknames based on her name and it was often ignored. Heck, even Jeff liked to annoy her on this basis. "It's not uncommon name in Britain, however, while your name sounds poetic altogether," woman continued. She didn't comment on Evelin's nationality although it did clear up some things. Like how she was so fluent in English.

At nude comment, Suzanna laughed softly. "Don't worry about that - human body can be art on its own, can't it? But if you like to trade, maybe I can give you one of my sketchbooks to look through, then. Unfortunately, I only took two and one of them is blank, saved specially for filling at this camp, but other is nearly full with tattoo designs, sketches..." She stopped then, as Megumi had returned and expressed interest in sketchbook, too, but then quickly retreated, embarrassed.

When she apologized, counselor brushed some hair out of her face and shook her head: "I should be the one apologizing: I am in your country, but do not speak your language." She spoke slower again, separating words so they would be easier to understand, although doing her best not to accent that she was trying to make it simpler. "Maybe you would like to sit here and look through sketchbook with me?" Suzanna asked Megumi, patting seat next to her. She shot Evelin a quick look, hoping artist wouldn't mind. They had about thirty five, thirty minutes left of breakfast time and Megumi looked so lost and even lonely, she felt bad to just let her go to her room or something like that.

Seer Of the Future 02-06-2014 12:37 AM

Evelin smiled as she heard Suzanna talk about her name and nodded. She knew the feeling of people thinking her name was boring or weird. Try having an American name in Tokyo where everyone looks at you and expects it to be Japanese. She knew that feeling all too well. Moving to finish off her french toast, she took another drink as Megumi popped over again. The girl was cute, and reminded her of a lot of the shy girls in her school. Having been that way herself most of her life, she understood the girl's worries. It was very hard to talk to new people, but if it was art, she could really talk all day.

"I would love to see your sketchbook. I always adore seeing other's works. And tattoos? I will have to show you mine sometime. I am rather proud of them." she said lightly and turned to Megumi. Smiling brightly from the other's words in her native tongue she blushed. "I am no where near a pro, I don't have enough clients for that. But I do like to think I'm decent." she said humbly as she gave a soft smile. "You can go ahead and look at it with Suzanna. I don't mind. I like sharing my work. That's what art is for, no?" Eve said lightly and bit into a berry. Man was that awesome. She did so love strawberries, and when they were so juicy and fresh she wanted to stuff her cheeks with 20. Placing her pencil behind her ear again, she smiled widely and held onto the cup of caffine. It kept her pale hands warm. She had terrible circulation, so her extremeties always seemed to be cold. No matter the temperature outside.

"I am not going to lie, I was really nervous coming here... People outside of Tokyo tend to take me as a freak... With you know, everything." Eve said lightly as she motioned to her hair and clothes. Chuckling she then shook her head, making her wildly colored hair flit about her face. "My friends and I call this normal from our part of Tokyo, but it is just something that seems to be strictly a Tokyo thing." she added with a light chuckle.

ISOS Duke 02-06-2014 01:40 AM

The birds were chirping, the sun was shining and it was a glorious day to be lost at camp. Well, not lost per say, or at least Constance would never admit such a thing; no, the red head was on an adventure. She had arrived much earlier in the day as her parents seemed to literal throw the girl onto a different flight than the one they were taking to their homeland of Romania. If she had known that they were going there, she would not have to have been chased off the plane and towards the other end of the airport to board the proper one.

Granted, the fun only started there. At first she couldn't figure out how to make her way to the luggage pickup and then she couldn't find the person that was there to pick her up. Come to find out that both were located conveniently towards the exit of the airport. It was pretty easy to see that when visiting the people of Romania, they came to Constance, she had never gone to them. Anytime the woman had traveled, her parents were usually the ones gathering everything and then having to run around to figure out where there daughter had wandered off to.

Constance's current adventure had her off to the far side of the camp grounds where she could see people being dropped off in front of dorms before disappearing to put their stuff inside. After a short while the noises from the cars stopped and poking out from the forests she had managed to find, the red head soon saw the people seemed to no longer be milling about.

"Hmm, now where could everyone have gone off to," she asked herself as she began aimlessly wandering about the open fields of the camp. The sun was warm and it was pleasant compared to the cold air of the car ride as well as the plane trip, though the grumbling tummy made it very difficult to concentrate on such pleasures.

"Yes, that's what I would be doing too," she told herself. "It's time to find some food!" She threw an arm into the air in exclamation before trudging onward, though she knew not where. Many minutes passed by as she found herself walking towards larger buildings and soon, a wonderful scent filled the air: food.

With her mind set on that one thing, Constance found her pace picking up as she practically sprinted towards the building; oh the sight for those would have been comical as her arms and legs took a much exaggerated path than needed, her head thrown back just to add to the look of things. Even with that, with her suddenly bursting through the door, that would be enough to grab quite a bit of attention. With her stance beyond that of her shoulders, Constance gleefully, and tone-deafly loudly announced in a sing-song voice, "Oh joyous fooooooood, how I have missed yooooou!"

The woman was oblivious to any stares as she made her way to the end of the short line and created a lovely masterpiece of food, or an unappetizing mountain, deciding on how one decided to look at it. Peering about the room, Constance quickly located a blonde male sitting all by himself and made a beeline for the seat next to his, as she knew no boundaries or the fact that sitting across from him may have been less awkward.

"Why ya sittin' all by yourself?" She asked as she slid her plate down, taking a rather ungraceful seat beside the male. Her accent was evident, many people back home saying she sounded British or Australian, though that was not the case, rather she was Romanian. "Can't imagine it would be very fun to be by yourself at camp, ya?"

Picking up her fork, she began eating the food piled on, in no real order or care as to what got mixed with what. "I'm Constance by the way," she asked after swallowing a mouthful. "What's your name?"

Kiyoto 02-06-2014 03:27 AM

Lucas had been taking a look around him, that he had not been expecting the woman to sit next to him. She was a fiery redhead, and back where he was from...that could have ment many things. For a moment, he said nothing, not wishing to speak with apple in his mouth. He did have manners after all. When he had swallowed though, he gave her a slight smile. "I did not wish to intrude on anyone" he says, "though it seems I have attracted attention myself anyways." He gave a light chuckle, before he introduced himself, "my name is Lucas...Lucas León. A pleasure to meet you."

He gave her another smile, not minding the company now. He would need to get to know people anyways, so why not start with the girl who was bold enough to approach him on her own? He took another bite of his apple, feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket. He was slightly amazed he was getting signal out here, but figured it would be pretty rude to check it right now with her. He did wonder though who it was, could it be his brother again? What exactly did the other wish to speak to him about? He wondered if it was important...then again it had to be if he was contacting.

The two rarely having spoken since he had left. A sigh threatened to pass over his lips, but he kept it at bay. He did not wish to seem distant, or like his mind was somewhere else. He decided to strike up a bit of conversation, to get his mind off of things. "Seems there are quite a few people here, though I can't say I recognize is always good to meet new people though" he looked back at his tablemate. "Looking forward to this little experiance of camp?" he smiled again, before he took another bite of his apple.

Xavirne 02-06-2014 02:26 PM

"Sadly, I'm not familiar with Mass Effect or Kingdom Hearts. I buy games that have pretty characters or strong female characters. But I do love my Star Wars. A New Hope is probably my favorite. But I did enjoy Attack of the Clones. I know, lame, but I loved the romance." Looking around the dining hall, Anna wondered what these other 46 people would be like. Where they also from foreign nations? Did they enjoy games? Or at least she some common interests. She almost wanted to leave their table and join another group. There was so many tables here for so few people. It's almost like they wanted people to sit alone. But she couldn't just up and leave Mikheil.

Turning her eyes back to him, Anna smiled. "Since it looks like we're both done eating, would you care to join me as we hunt down another table? There are hardly any tables with six people sitting at them. I say we swoop in on some unsuspecting folk and get chatty! This is camp, after all. Aren't we supposed to mix and mingle?" Eyes spying potential 'prey,' she finally landed on a table that had two other people sitting at it (Constance and Lucas). However, her attention was diverted away from them when someone dropped a plate. Almost as if on cue, some of the campers started clapping and the poor kid's face burned a bright red color. Looking for the source of the initial clapper, Anna's eyes found herself staring at a freckle-faced guy who looked like a younger version of Tom Cruise. Labeling him a douchebag right from the get-go, she swore she would avoid this guy (Billy) at all costs. If there was one kind of man she hated above all else, it was his kind -- too cool, cocky, and pretty to even care how he might hurt others.

It was clear that her desire to leave tables had gone. Instead, Anna was fixated on that guy. She didn't even look at Mikheil when she spoke. "Guys like him just piss me off." Her gaze fell on Mikheil. "Thank you for not being like him." At some point, if she had a chance, Anna was going to confront Billy and try to knock him down a peg or two. For now, she just stuffed the last of her food in her mouth and took a hard drink of her apple juice. A growl pursued her lips before she whipped her head away from the jerk. Now was not the time to get angry, especially in front of this sweetheart, Mikheil.

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