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Kirin Rosenbaum 10-29-2015 09:15 PM

A Little Bit of Spoopy
Welcome to the event thread. Have fun and follow the terms and such.

Kirin Rosenbaum 10-29-2015 09:16 PM

@My Friends; Come chat. Don't quote.

Queen_Andais 10-29-2015 09:21 PM

Hey there, Kirin.

Kirin Rosenbaum 10-29-2015 09:25 PM

howdy. how are you?

hummy 10-29-2015 09:27 PM

happy halloweenie!

Queen_Andais 10-29-2015 09:35 PM

Doing all right. Will have time to be here for the bulk of the event since I got laid off. Ugh.

Kory 10-29-2015 09:47 PM

Hi everyone!
Happy Halloween!!

hummy 10-30-2015 12:12 AM

hiya, Ava, happy halloweenie!
my spookie luckie roll is:The 100-sided dice lands on 45!

Liunesta 10-30-2015 12:38 AM

Hello!!! Let the fun begin! I hope! I should be able to actually come hang out tomorrow. I'm looking forward to raiding my children's candy! Yay!

Kirin Rosenbaum 10-30-2015 12:54 AM

Sorry to hear you got laid off.

Liunesta 10-30-2015 12:57 AM

I hate to hear that too, Queen.

Kirin Rosenbaum 10-30-2015 01:00 AM

I got my current job at the end of January and I had been out of a job for five years before that.

hummy 10-30-2015 01:04 AM

i'm happy for you, Kirin!

Kirin Rosenbaum 10-30-2015 01:07 AM

It's fast food but I am enjoying it.

Liunesta 10-30-2015 01:09 AM

That's what matters, that you enjoy it.

Kirin Rosenbaum 10-30-2015 01:20 AM

I work front cash and get to chat with customers. I have always been good at small talk.

Nephila 10-30-2015 02:16 AM

I admire that talent. I'd rather stab people with a spork. XD

marnie 10-30-2015 02:16 AM

i'm happy you're enjoying it, Kirin
that makes such a difference in life

Nephila 10-30-2015 02:20 AM

True facts. Back in the day when I hated my other day job I felt like getting up was pointless and only got up for my daughter. Now I love the people I work with and my art is moving forward and I'm gaining confidence.

Kirin Rosenbaum 10-30-2015 02:50 AM

WEll all I am headed to bed. Continue the conversation without me.

Nephila 10-30-2015 02:53 AM

G'night Kirin. *hugs*

Rochiel Silverfire 10-30-2015 06:00 AM

*peeks in and waves* Hey everyone!

hanahaki disease 10-30-2015 07:06 AM

The site layout when Meneween themed is so different from how Halloween-themed stuff usually looks. Kudos to whoever's creativity. I'm calling the bats 'hot lips'.

hummy 10-30-2015 07:56 AM

that's cute

hanahaki disease 10-30-2015 09:34 AM

Yeah and they even look like they're winking.

So it's like when I call them that they're flirting back. [heart]

Although it looks more like an eye twitch [:P]

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