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salvete 11-14-2016 05:07 AM

Covering your webcam
Do you cover your webcam on your devices, such as your laptop?

I hear from some people that your built-in webcam can be hacked, and you never know who might be watching you.

On the other hand, I have also been told that it likely would not happen.

What are your thoughts on this?

Tohopekaliga 11-14-2016 02:57 PM

I don't do it. I'm not to worried about it.

That said, it is definitely true that webcams can be hacked. It's the same sort of thing as getting computer viruses, really. Going to sketchy websites makes it more likely to happen. Proper virus scan software helps, I believe.

Wonderlands 04-23-2017 12:43 AM

Have to be honest, I cover mine when I get changed haha. Thats all though.

The Wandering Poet 05-13-2017 03:37 PM

The odds of it actually happening are very slim, but if someone got into my webcam it would be so boring they'd disconnect it.

Ignis 05-14-2017 05:02 AM

wouldn't you be able to tell if it got hacked or at the very least, know that the camera is on? there's a light on most if not all laptops and computers that lights up if it's been activated.

The Wandering Poet 05-14-2017 05:06 AM

Not all do. I know phones usually don't in my experiences.

Ignis 05-21-2017 10:45 PM

I'm just glad my computer asks before activating the cam. lol

Elirona 05-23-2017 12:57 AM

It never hurts to have a piece of blue tape or something over it, if you're not using your webcam regularly. [ninja]

The Wandering Poet 05-23-2017 02:41 AM

Doesn't look very nice having a big piece of tape on your phone though.

Elirona 05-23-2017 03:00 AM

Oh, on your phone? I never considered that. I was talking about my laptop. :P

The Wandering Poet 05-23-2017 04:26 AM

There is a camera that could potentially be remove activated right?

Elirona 05-23-2017 12:02 PM

Well, yeah, but I tend to think that smart phones nowadays are pretty secure. The only real risk I think a remotely hacked phone camera would pose is if you're in a compromising position and just happen to have your phone pointing at you. [lol]

The Wandering Poet 05-23-2017 06:33 PM

Yeah the odds are low and the whole "hey look a pocket/purse"x500 when they attempt to hack phones.

Elirona 05-23-2017 10:36 PM

That's gotta be a funny sight, tho. "Oh sweet, I've finally gotten into their phone...I'm in a pocket, aren't I. [facepalm]"

The Wandering Poet 05-24-2017 01:29 AM

Or they went to bed early and it's just pitch black

Jellywish 06-16-2017 01:34 AM

It'll be funny if the person was using their phone in the washroom, and accidentally dropped it in the toilet while hacked xP
Just seeing images of swirling water...

Eldweena 10-01-2017 02:56 AM

I saw a picture floating around the web of Mark Zuckerberg with his laptop in the background and his webcam was covered, so it sounds like a good idea. But what made me cover mine up was the fact I don't ever use it and our IT guy at my workplace said he sees people on our work laptops sometimes when helping them with technical problems, and he has seen things he cannot unsee... It creeped me out so both my home and work laptops have their cameras covered up!

The Wandering Poet 10-01-2017 02:57 AM

So basically people can spy on you.... but the risks aren't worth it.
I've seen stuff I can't unsee just from the net, I can't imagine having to unsee stuff at work.

PrincessMiah 10-03-2017 03:55 PM

I've read up online that it can be hacked. I never really even use the webcam so i have it covered with a sticker just in case someone does hack it and try to watch me.But its not like they'll be able to see anything interesting, i normally use menewsha when im at work lol [sweat]

monstahh` 11-02-2017 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Ignis (Post 1773904963)
wouldn't you be able to tell if it got hacked or at the very least, know that the camera is on? there's a light on most if not all laptops and computers that lights up if it's been activated.

There's a way to disable that light on a lot of webcams. :(

I don't have a webcam anymore because one of my ex's used to hack my stuff, and about a year or two ago tried to get back in touch with me...and I freaked out and basically got rid of anything he could use to get to me. I even unplugged my mic unless I was specifically using it.
I almost deleted my facebook too.

whispersinthedark 01-04-2018 02:41 PM

I have seen people who do the web-cam cover up. I have done it a couple of times, but Im now to lazy to reattach the tape to the web cam. I find that if people are watching me through the cam will be bored or have some sick problems.
on a side note, none of my electronics except for phone (which is under a pillow at this point) are allowed in my room when getting change, I always feel like some one is watching me when I am changing and it creeps me out. *shudders*

KameOolong 01-25-2018 12:59 AM

I bought a pack of really small emoji-ish stickers from a stationary store (Morning Glory) and I put one of them on my laptop's camera.
Having a camera pointed at you constantly gets to be a little tiresome, even if it isn't on. I am one of those camera shy types I guess.

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