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MusicEmo 10-31-2016 11:45 PM

Good Halloween animes?
Here are some of my recommendations, but feel free to add your own!
  • Hoozuki no Reitetsu (Supernatural Comedy, Does have one tranphobic episode, but I can't find which one it was. Fat jokes in every episode. OVA is super cute)
    Anime about Japanese Hell and the demons running it.
  • Kara no Kyoukai (Supernatural Horror thriller, trigger warning for everything.)
    A women named Shiki trying to clear her name of murders she's framed for.
  • Kamisama Kiss (Supernatural Rom-Com)
    A girl named Nanami loses her home and everything she knows. She saves a strange man, and in return he gives her his home. But at what cost to her?
  • Fruits Basket (supernatural coming of age rom-com)
    I know this is an unusual one, but the last episode is very creepy, and the rest is cuteand this is one of my favorite animes!

For-Chan Cookie 11-02-2016 12:38 AM

I could populate a huge list I'm sure, but I've pared it down a bit to some of the better titles.
  • Another - It's a pretty bloody murder mystery type situation. A kid transfers to a new school and notices that everyone treats a girl like she doesn't exist. He befriends her despite this and then the death begins.
  • Ghost Hunt - A supernatural mystery show with a side of romance, that never quite pays off, but it's still pretty good.
  • Gugure! Kokkuri-san - Something funny. It's about a girl who looks like a doll and the various spirits that adopt or otherwise attach themselves to her.
  • Kagewani - A CG monster anime. The eps are short, so it's easy to breeze through.
  • Kuroshitsuji - With its gothic stylings and demon butler, this is a nice one for Halloween.
  • Mononoke - It's about a Medicine Seller who deals with evil spirits. It's a bit odd. It's a spin off of Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror, another spooky offering.
  • Natsume Yuujinchou - Natsume is such a lovely show about a boy who can see spirits, learning how to deal with both spirits and real people, making friends and basically coming into his own. We're on the fifth season now!
  • Noblesse: Awakening - Based on a Korean Manwha, it's about Korean vampire nobility and the new world he awakes to after a very long nap....That's probably a terrible description, but it's really great and I highly recommend the manwha, which you can read for free on Webtoon.
  • Nurarihyon no Mago - A boy that wants nothing to do with youkai, is the next in line to take over a famous demon clan. Lots of youkai in here.
  • Overlord - A guy falls asleep playing his mmo and wakes up as his skeletal character, leader of a ruthless dark guild.
  • Petshop of Horrors - Oh, this is a classic. A petshop in Chinatown will sell you the most fantastic of exotic pets, but renege on your contract and awful things will happen.
  • School-Live! - Seems like a cutesy little slice of life anime about school girls, but it's about the zombie apocalypse and it will gut you.
  • Tokyo Ghoul - Ghouls survive off human flesh and Kaneki finds himself plunged into this devlish world.
  • Vampire Hunter D (both films) - A story about a vampire hunter, who is also half vampire. The first film is pretty dated, but still good. The second film is gorgeous as it leans more on the original illustrations. There are also multiple novels if you fall in love with it.

MusicEmo 11-02-2016 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by For-Chan Cookie (Post 1773763809)
  • Gugure! Kokkuri-san - Something funny. It's about a girl who looks like a doll and the various spirits that adopt or otherwise attach themselves to her.
  • Petshop of Horrors - Oh, this is a classic. A petshop in Chinatown will sell you the most fantastic of exotic pets, but renege on your contract and awful things will happen.

Those are two of my favorites! I've read and watched both of them to completion! Gugure! Kokkuri-san is actually one of the animes I had in mind when I said "good fans will admit when an anime has problems". If you like the show, you might try the manga too. The manga has way more character development that is so on point and the random perviness actually has a place (for the most part).

For-Chan Cookie 11-02-2016 11:18 PM

I might look into it. I did enjoy Kokkuri-san. Though the poor guy just can't get a break with that crazy crew.

The worse "You really need to admit it's problematic" thing I watched was Super Lovers. It's a BL anime where a romance blossoms between a guy and his adoptive brother. It starts when the kid is very young, but then they separate them and age them up a bit, though the younger one is still really damn young and naive. It's a creepy and manipulative relationship to me, but since it's BL, the fangirls were eating it up and just could not admit that hey, maybe this isn't the perfect storybook romance you seem to think it is. I wrote a tumblr post about how awful the relationship was and people jumped down my throat. A few people also thanked me for pointing out what was making them uncomfortable with the whole situation, but on a whole, people just did not want to hear it.

MusicEmo 11-03-2016 03:18 AM

I completely agree. I've been in an emotionally abusive and manipulative relationship before, so I'm very sensitive to those things. When I point out a "fairy-tale" relationship in a fandom is unhealthy , people say "I'm too sensitive". Like in the Steven Universe fandom people don't see how a relationship between Jasper and Lapis is unhealthy. If you don't watch the show, basically Jasper forced Lapis to fuse with her (fusion is a metaphor for a relationship) and then Lapis forced Jasper to stay in the fusion for a long time (actual amount of time is unknown, but it's implied to be close to six months) to the point Lapis and Jasper lose their sense of self.

That's NOT a healthy relationship, but people are still rooting for "Lapis to forgive Jasper and start dating her!!" People literally what Lapis, who was manipulative, to forgive Jasper, who was abusive, so they can be in a "super hot relationship".

For-Chan Cookie 11-03-2016 03:34 AM

I totally watch Steven Universe. there are people out there that thought Jasper and Lapis' relationship was romantic?! What the heck! I haven't noticed that part of fandom. The part I see acknowledges that it's just not healthy.... they also seem to ship Lapis with Peridot. But still, holy moly! What a mess.

MusicEmo 11-03-2016 04:43 AM

There two kinds of fans that ship Jasper and Lapis: The ones that pretend Jasper and Lapis's relationship was healthy, and the ones (that are worse in my opinion) that say Jasper and Lapis "can still forgive one another" and "be a cute couple!"As if it's okay to pressure abuse survivors into forgiving their abuser for the sake of "being a cute couple".

I know that Jasper and Lapis are fictional, but as a real life person that's exactly what I, and other survivors, are told by other real life people, and seeing it being applied to fictional characters just reinforces that stigma and belief of "victims should forgive their abuser, no matter what!".

For-Chan Cookie 11-03-2016 11:10 PM

That's a really gross outlook on things. Victims don't have to forgive their abusers. I feel like people are forever giving out unrealistic advice or advice from their point of view. A view often so far removed from other people's experiences that it's useless. But instead of just listening and lending support, they want to "help". I find that people do that with everything. If I complain about my mosquito bites, they suggest ten million ways to make them not itchy. Like, if any of those things actually worked, I would be doing it. But it doesn't! I am not complaining because I want advice. I just want to whine and get a little sympathy! And that's just a stupid little thing. For big life issues, sometimes you just want someone to listen and offer a shoulder to cry on or a hug or whatever. You don't want advice. Especially shitty advice coming from someone who just doesn't understand!

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