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happydeath 01-22-2014 07:45 PM

The Dying City (A Steampunk Roleplay) {Open//Accepting}

Welcome to the city of Gravenhague; one of the very few largest steam-ran cities still functional out there in the world. Within this city, you will find that all your needs and wants can be found anywhere as long as you know where you are going. Now, you are probably wondering why this large city is one of the very few that are still around. Well, you see; it seems as though the power source of steam seems to have become quite inefficient enough for many others. We, the people of Gravenhague believe that steam power is still much more powerful and environmentally safe for the others around us compared to the new technology that is growing with the new generations.

But enough about that, where would you like to head first...?


Gravenhague; probably the largest remaining city in the world that still supports the power of steam. As spoken, with the time that has continued to grow; many others who had once used the power of steam have become much more curious about newer technology as some of them had began to lose their faith in steam-powered technology. These people have found to grow a deep hatred towards steam powered things and have decided to dedicate their lives to create much more powerful but yet very harmful technology using oil, and other harmful chemicals to make their machines run more quickly.

With this, Gravenhague and the other steam powered cities have now been forced into a war with those who had decided to leave behind their original passion for steam powered machines and began to create these monster machines that were ran on dangerously powerful chemicals. To this day, even after several generations have passed by; with the war dying down to mere fighting between the two every once in a while, Gravenhague still stands strong with their beliefs about steam power. However, whether or not the people of the city are realizing it or not; the city itself is near it's last leg to stand against the power of oil powered machines.

happydeath 01-22-2014 07:52 PM

£ - No God moding.

£ - Follow Mene's ToS.

£ - PM all profiles to me with the title "SteamPunkers!" To let me know you read the rules.

£ - You can make as many characters as you want, just make sure you can handle them all.

£ -Please, if you are going to join. Make sure you actually post. Don't just join and not post at all.

£ - If you are going to be gone for a while, send me a message to let me know that you will be gone for a while so that I know.

£- One liners are acceptable. Although, please try to limit them down a bit. At the very least, try to post three lines.

£ - Violence and Romance is encouraged, although keep it PG-13.

happydeath 01-22-2014 07:59 PM

Weapon(s): {Three at the max.}
Abilities: {Keep this as realistic as possible. Something along the lines of physical traits. Two at max.}

happydeath 01-22-2014 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by happydeath
Alex Takahashi
Steam powered rifle, gun-sword, and his actual "living" body.
Other then his ordinary enhanced strength due to the robotic parts of his body; he was originally really quick with his reflexes to avoid being hit many times. Although, it didn't mean he never got hurt since he was a bit of a clumsy person.
Alex was originally born into a family of scientists who loved to invent new technology using steam power. It had seemed that their minds would always come up with some type of new machine that would be able to support either the family or others around the city of Gravenhague. Alex's mother and father had always been the one to be creating the bigger types of inventions such as ways to travel around the city or even travel outside of the city walls. While Alex; during his child years was always curious about everything around him. He enjoyed to take things apart and just learn about how they worked only to recombine different machines together and make them either better or just plain cause a huge disaster.
His mother and father had continued to warn their child not to touch any of their inventions but it seemed that no matter how hurt he had gotten from playing with them; it would only cause him to be all the more curious about learning more and more. By the age of 16, Alex was already covered in scars all over his body from head to toe from being injured due to how much of a curious person he was.
It wasn't until around the age of 19 did Alex's curiosity had gotten the best of him, he had ended up making his way over towards his parents' lab while they had been away within the military lab to create inventions for the war against the oil users. He had found what seemed to had been a large military steam weapon that his mother and father had been working on some time, rather then taking it apart though; he tested out it's power by looking around it all over. It was only a matter of time that he had accidentally ended up switching on the weapon and blasted nearly half his body off with the weapon itself.
Seeing and hearing their weapon go off, Alex's parents had rushed back to their lab to find that their son was on the verge of death already. Refusing to accept this, they had done whatever they could to bring their son back to life by hooking him up straight to as much technology as they could. Using the life support they had, it had taken weeks for them to build him half of his body back using the steam powered technology they had at their disposal. Luckily enough, they were able to do so and keep him alive to this day using that technology. Ever since that incident, Alex has learned to be much more careful with what he has touched and simply devoted his life to creating machines more carefully just as how his parents had done so.
Although, he tends to refuse to leave the home any longer ever since the death of his parents from the war. He fears that the people of Gravenhague will reject him because he was nearly more machine then human any longer. Although, part his mind still wishes to leave so that he could somehow stop the war going on and just have it so that the oil users and those who use steam would get along.
Most the gears and metal parts of his body is hidden from sight since he normally wears long sleeved hooded clothing. Although he also has stitches all over his body that makes him look as though he were wearing a fake skin like a puppet.


Originally Posted by YGOTASf@n
Craig McCollister



Steam powered revolver, steel short sword

Left arm is Stronger than normal do to the fact it is steam powered. He is also quite intelligent when it come to steam-powered machinery.

Craig was born and lived the first few years of his life on the edge of Gravenhague. His mother was a stay at home mom that took care of him and his older brother, while his father worked in a factory building machinery for the city. One day while he and his brother were playing outside, Craig was about 9, there was an attack from Oil-Users. Their mother did her best to keep them alive and safe but when the attack was done his brother was dead and Craig's left arm was gone. over the next year he and his father built him an arm to replace the one that was lost. Now that he is 21, he is looking to wipe out the Oil-Users and take revenge for his brothers life.

*NOTE: Left arm is steam-powered machine.

Revolver is attached to the wrist of his left arm.


Originally Posted by Nyvok
Name: Annabell Ray
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Weapon(s): 2 razor sharp fans & a simple pistol
Abilities: Incredibly fast, Amazing accuracy
Bio: Annabell's family was obsessed with the power of steam, and because of the constant abuse and neglect that she received from her parents huge involvement in the "steam war" in her adult life she chose to live steam free. She believes as long as she stays away from this "evil" as she calls it, she will be safe from all harm. Until one day when she finds herself dragged into the mess when the chemicals start to make her home less comfortable
Other: Runs a tea house near the edge of Gravenhague


Originally Posted by Andraus
Name: Jared Talvas Nevarro
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Weapon(s): Saw-Sword, Revolver, and a Rifle
Abilities: Technological Wiz with Steam, and a Skilled Fighter
Bio: Jared is an Aeronaut, one of the Few Remaining Steam-Knights of a Nomadic order. Jared's Speciality was Weapons Schematic's, and he's made great use of these in the War. However, Jared was Separted from the Main section of his group, in one of the outer cities, and has decided to return to his home, Gravenhague, to rest, and try to reconnect with the rest of his people.

While a Scientist, Jared has been trained in Combat, and has Modified/Designed his own Personal weapons. A Cold, and Calculative person, Jared has been known to show compassion and to those that deserve it.
Other: Has a Steam-powered Pet spider, Named Mombasa


Originally Posted by SuperZombiePotatoe
Daedalus "D.D." Freight



Arepeating pistol, a sword disguised as a cane and a crossbow

Abilities: D.D. is a genius and very innovative when it comes to mechanics. He is an excellent marksman

Bio:At the age of three years, I was diagnosed with a mental disease known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD for short. This means that I have a slight problem with things such as concentration and sitting still, hence my tendency to ramble. One would think that such a disorder would make life increasingly difficult, but was the exact opposite for myself and my parents. A blessing in disguise, in fact. My inability to pay attention to one thing allowed me to be exempt from school. This resulted in me being home schooled by my father, who taught me only interesting things, like mechanics and physics and such. I was so beguiled by these subjects that I found that I could actually force myself to concentrate on them. So, atleast my parents knew that when I grew up I would be able to find work for myself and for a while life was lovely. Then there was the accident.

While on the way home from the market, my father's auto mobile was involved in a terrible crash. I remeber that it was due to an attack by those "oil-lovers". Anyway, I was never allowed to sit in the front seat, next to my father. That seat was always my mother's and I thank the good Lord every day for the fact that she had chosen to stay at home. She would have been crushed had she been sitting in that seat, much like my legs. I had the horrible habit of putting my feet up on the seat, so that my upper torso was behind the driver's seat and my lower behind the passenger's. The accident itself is quite painful to remember so, to be brief, our auto-mobile was cut in half and crushed my legs with it. This resulted in the amputation of my right leg above the knee and my left leg above the ankle. Sounds particularly gruesome, does it not? It was, there was so much blood. I pity my father who had to see me like that and then explain it to my mother. Ah well...

I was in need of prosthetic legs if I ever wanted to walk again and, being of a middle class family, the cost of a good prosthetic promised to cripple my parents aswell. Thus, I had to settle for two wooden legs. I would be able to walk atleast, but with a crutch. And would never run or climb or jump. That sounded the most horrid thing to a 12 year old boy, but you must know that I was and still am a very determined person. I turned to all the lessons my father had told me about mechanics and applied a bit of physics to it. Then, I went searching through the scrap yards for a few month. Soon, I had all the materials I needed and soon after that I had a new pair of legs. Metal legs that are powered by steam! From the day I put them on until today, I've been running and jumping like any other person. Although I do keep a cane with me at all times, just in case.

So here we are 12 years later. That terrible incident lead to my current profession. It then lead to more money to ensure my parents safety and when they were settled I had enough money to purchase this workshop for myself. I try to stay far away from all this war nonsense, but sometimes that isn't possible. I've, therefore, contribute to it by fixing up anything broken, providing spare parts and occasionally making weapons. Quite the little tinker, aren't I?


He does have a tendency to ramble and go of topic. Other than items for the war, D.D. enjoys making steam powered toys and his shop is filled with them.


Originally Posted by Rikublade
Name:Ryzon Eden
Gender: Male
Weapons:Steampunk wing sword, Flame thower in right arm.
Abilities: Master swordsmen, He has 3 steampunk body replacements. Right arm and both legs. (So super strength in right arm and increased his lower legs abilities)
Bio: Ryzon was born and raised on an island five days journey from Gravenhague. His family had an expertise with swordsmenship and trainned the military. Growning up with swordmenship, Ryzon had gone above and beyond and mastered all the techniques. Tournaments were held and Ryzon would always come out on top. At the time the military was at war with unknown enemies and their military was at a losing point and needed more backup. Ryzon skills were notice and he was drafted into the war at seventeen years of age. Along with Ryzon, there were other young skilled fighters that were drafted. As they set sail to where the war was, a huge figure appeared out of the ocean and attacked their ship.They tried to fight back, but the enemy moved swiftly throughout the ocean and blasted right through the ship causing an explosion and destroying it. Ryzon's right arm and both of his legs got critically damage in the blast and he fell into the deep blue. The other young warriors were all knock unconscious and scattered throughout the ocean. Ryzon had got washed a shore onto Gravenhague. He was found and taking to the medical clinic. When he awoke his right arm and his legs were steampunk. He had lost his memories so he didn't understand was happening. He decided to escape the clinic and in doing so he struggled trying to get use to the steampunk replacements. He stumbled upon a martial arts dojo and collapsed since his body hadn't quite adapted to the steampunk. The ower of the dojo found him and took him under his refuge. As time went along the owner found out that he escaped from the clinic and that some of his body parts were replaced with steampunks. So the owner decided to take care of him and he taught Ryzon about steampunks and trainned him. One year later, Ryzon now just trains with the dojo owner and walks around the city observing the area.
Other: Ryzon likes to train on tall buildings away from the people

happydeath 01-23-2014 06:51 AM

(I'm doing this the lazy way by pinging you guys...although, I'd like to limit OOC chat to none. I will be making an OOC thread soon..but for now, if you have any questions..just PM me. This ping is to let you guys know, you can post. :3

SuperZombiePotatoe: )

Sitting on his large comforter chair, Alex had been toying with the gears that were underneath the fake-skin like tissue that was covering up the true body that he had underneath his humanoid-like body. In his right hand, he had a pair of metal tweezers that he had poked around the inside of his metal arm. Looking around on the inside of his arm at the handiwork of how his mother and father were able to have him control each and every part of his body as though he were still human before they passed away in the war. The entire left side of his whole body and even some of his right side was now steam run; every now and then the sound of the gears clicking against one another would easily be heard from his chest. Although, Alex had taken many looks at the gears in each part of his body and found that none of the organs for an ordinary human person to live were there; yet he felt so very normal as though he had them within him.

Questioning the fact of how his parents were able to do such a thing, Alex had soon shrugged off the thought to try and solve that mystery. Pasting the fake skin over his arm once more and stitching it back against his body, the white haired male had slowly stood up to his feet before stepping over towards his clock-like window. Staring out into the large seemingly never ending city of Gravenhague, he began to wonder if he should even think about leaving the safety of his home and begin to venture out into the city to learn and meet others once more like he did when he was young.

Closing his eyes to try and remember the times he spent playing with the other children with games such as whose invention was better the other. Playing tag, simply just racing their inventions with each other; he had felt as though he had lost all of that because of the incident. Whatever the case was though, even if he had lost all those original childhood friends; he wanted to see what would happen if he left his home now. Taking in a deep breath and letting out a sigh, he had left his chambers and made his way to the front door of his home. Opening it up only to find that many citizens were walking around; minding their own business while large inventions flew through the air as well as drive across the streets for transportation. It had seemed like throughout his entire time of staying away from civilization, nothing much had changed; at least from the look of the outside nothing look like it changed.

Making sure to zip up his large brown hoodie and pulling the hood over his head. He had began to wander down the sidewalks as the sound of the steam factories nearby could easily be heard with the loud sounds of banging from metal and the hissing sound of steam shooting out from the exhaust pipes to relieve some of the pressure that built up within the technology around him. No doubt, even if some of this was for ordinary people working; it took pretty much common knowledge that some of those sounds were for the creation of weapons for the fighting against the oil-users.

SuperZombiePotatoe 01-23-2014 08:37 AM

It was always dim in Daedalus' workshop. Not due to lack of lighting or anything similar, but because he liked it that way. It was calming. Although he did have lights on and above his work desk, they were only there to illuminate his current projects. In a way, it helped him to concentrate on what he was working on and nothing else. His mind had the tendency to wander. It was mostly due to he ADHD, but is was also due the fact that the young tinker's mind was brimming with prospective inventions. Many of his past inventions littered the walls and shelves within his shop. Some of them (mostly weapons) were for sale and others he thought to precious to let go off. Toys, little steam powered animals, a clock or 5, those were his treasures and each was in possession of a kind of whimsicality, much like their creator.

Daedalus Freight, or D.D. as he was commonly known, was a very laid back person. He had never been in favor of the war. If people wanted to use steam, they should be allowed to use steam. If people wanted to use oil, they should be allowed to use oil. But, the oil-lovers had to be petty. If they used oil then everyone had to use oil, for no other reason than fact that it granted them a sense of power. The war had nothing to do with environmentally friendly resources. It was all about power. The ridiculousness of the situation never ceased to confound him.

Although he opposed killing and violence, recently it had become quite difficult to avoid. When frequency of attacks increased and the hospitals began to fill up, Daedalus felt that he had to do something. So he opened his little workshop and began building weapons and spares for people who were more actively involved in the fighting. Daedalus himself had little part in it. He preferred to be the mind behind the matter. However, that did not mean that he hid away and twiddled his thumbs while the chaos unfolded. Daedalus tried his best to protect his shop and provide help to any people needed it with the weapons he created for himself. He tried his best not to kill, but sometimes death was unavoidable.

At the moment, Daedalus was fidgeting with the mechanisms of an elaborate set of wings. He had no idea how said invention would be useful to the war, but the idea had stuck with him and he could not resist the temptation. The young inventor had been working on it for the past week and was almost complete. He was almost giddy with excited and with a final turn of a screw the treasure was done. He lifted it up and smiled brightly. "I can't wait to try you out," he said enthusiastically"In fact, I won't wait!"
He woke up from his chair in such a hurry that he forgotten that he wasn't wearing his left foot and stumbled about about on his right one, all the while laughing at himself. He scooped up his cane, which also housed his sword, and hopped over to a shelf behind him. The shiny bronze foot rested behind a little carousel that he had yet to complete. While he secured the foot to his leg, he made a mental note to finish it the moment he returned.

Finally, when he had armed himself and turned of all the lights, he and his new treasure exited the shop. The city was a buzz with the various sounds. Metal against metal and the whistles of steam were the most prominent ones, but years of living there had made Daedalus used to it. As he walked down the busy street, in search of a good place to test out the wings, Daedalus hummed a little tune to himself. Perhaps he would add it to his carousel.

Andraus 01-23-2014 05:40 PM

"Daedalus? By the Holy Aether, Is that really you? "A voice said. Behind Daedalus was a Unmasked Jared Nevarro. (By the by, under his mask, Jared has white skin, Bronze-colored hair, and Lightning purple eyes.) Jared knew Daedalus for years, having lived in the city until he joined the Aeronauts. They both shared a Innovative mind, though while Daedalus had his focused split between Weapons and Toys, Jared had his focus solely on Weapons. "It's.....Good to see you, D.D. I thought you would've left Gravenhague by now. "he said.

Jared was out of character. He normally was cold, and blunt with people, couldn't act such with a Child-hood friend.

SuperZombiePotatoe 01-24-2014 08:16 AM

Finding a suitable test area was proving to be a difficult task for the young inventor. The streets were bustling and taking of from there meant that he had to deal with the possibility of crashing into someone. That would be highly unwelcome. Daedalus walked on, looking for the tiniest bit of free space. He was so engrossed in his search that he didn't even notice the man he passed... Until he heard the voice that is. The sight that net his eyes when he turned around was one the he would have never expected.

"Jared?" he said cocking his head to the right. Could it really be Jared Nevarro? It had been years since Daedalus had seen him and his looks had changed a bit. But there was no mistaking those purple eyes.
"It's really me... And it's really you!" And grasped his old friend by his shoulder. Daedalus remembered that Jared wasn't the most affectionate person, but he was just so surprised. He almost dropped the set of wings in his hand!
"You're actually on the ground for once, eh. How long has it been?" It was definitely a long time, but Daedalus couldn't recall how. Jared had been around when Daedalus and his father had been in the accident, that was for sure. But, how long after had he left?

"It's good to see you too," he continued resting his cane on the ground. "It thought I would have left too. But, it's seems that I've grown found of this old bucket of hot water. Hot water. You know they have a tea house here now? I've been there once. The owner has white hair, much like your complexion. You'd think being in the clouds closer to the sun you would have got some colour on your skin. Though, I could be wrong. Was never very good at that biology stuff. I'll stick to mechanics. You know I've opened a shop, yes? Delightful little place, it's cosy. Maybe that's another thing keeping me here. Why are you around, huh?" Daedalus knew very well that he had rambled, but sometimes he just couldn't help himself. Especially when he was excited.

Andraus 01-24-2014 05:10 PM

Jared put his hands on D.D.s shoulder, trying to relax him a bit. "Heh, Good to see you haven't lost your creative spirit. Being a scientist myself, I'm glad to see other share the passion. "He said. He then held up his arm. "I bet you remember little Mombasa, don't you?" he said, as the Spider crawled down his arm.

Jared then picked up the Wings. "Nice....I doubt Oil-users have managed to make something like this, which is a great boost of Confidence to Steam-Users. "he said, studying them. "What sort of Mechanism set did you use to power the Wings themselves?" he asked.

YGOTASf@n 01-24-2014 09:58 PM

Craig walked down the street, avoiding the children running around having fun and weaving his way through the crowd. He kept looking up at the signs and at the scrap of paper in his hand. The person at the repair shop pointed him in the direction he was walking now with only a name, "Daedalus "D.D." Freight." Again he looked up, his brown hair flipping gently in a warm breeze from the nearby steam factory discharge.

Finally sick of being lost Craig decided to ask for directions from somebody near by, he saw what looked like a member of the Steam-knights talking to another man. He began to walk forward as he did he heard the knight say something. Did he just say D. D.? Could it be this easy? He thought to himself and walked up to the men, "Excuse me would one of you happen to be," he glanced at the paper in his hand, "Daedalus "D.D." Freight?"

Rikublade 01-25-2014 01:49 AM

On one of the highest buildings in Gravenhague city, Ryzon stands tucking his sword back in his sheath, for he had just got finished with his daily training. He sits on the edge of the building and stares into the sky. He thinks back to this morning when he was traveling to his training spot, he remembers the arena sign. The arena is where fighters test their skills, and fight against each other, and bet money on it. The arena was also partially owned by the martial artist dojo owner that Ryzon is currently staying with. The owner had told him about the arena because Ryzon would have to start paying rent for living at the dojo. Just thinking about the rent set Ryzon at an unease.

Ryzon took a deep breath as he stood up and exhaled it out. Looking down he could see all the people moving around. They looked like ants from his viewpoint. He leaped from the building and was free falling towards the ground. He landed a dark alleyway making a loud ruckus from the ground being crushed beneath him. His legs were made out of metal so the fall didn't damage him at all. Ryzon dashed out of the area for he did not want anyone to see him. He was headed towards the arena.

happydeath 01-25-2014 08:09 PM

((Heres the OOC you guys, sorry it took me a while to respond. Been feeling kind of bleh and more tired..then usual lately. x.x The Dying City OOC))

While the snow-white haired male had made his way down the concrete sidewalks of the city. He couldn't seem to help himself but to become curious about everything that had actually changed around him; true, all the machines that blasted out steam and the sound of gears clanking against one another continuously wasn't anything new. Although, it had sounded as though the citizens of the city were much more calm about the fighting going on now compared to when the war had been in progress within the past. Even if the war had ended and the fighting continued, it seemed almost completely calm among the people. At least, that was a good sign behind all of this chaos that went on outside of the city against the oil-users.

Heading over towards the nearest bakery had could find. Alex had stepped inside only to get a blast of an amazing sensation of freshly bake bread reaching his nostrils. Giving a warm smile as he had made his way over towards the counter, he stared through the glass and scanned each different type of bread that they had on display. He could have sworn that he was beginning to drool over the fact that there was so many to choose from, even though not a single bit of saliva had dripped from his lips; he had ended up wiping at his mouth with his right arm.

Pointing towards the Italian loaf of bread, Alex had asked for a few slices of that. The woman behind the counter had given a friendly smile as she did as asked before handing him a box filled with the bread he had asked for. Thanking the woman, he had paid her the money that was needed and left the bakery. Heading down the sidewalk once more, throughout the whole time; he was making his way around he had listened in on the conversations going around him while he had ate his bread.

While he had traveled across the sidewalk, he had sworn he had heard a loud crash as though someone had just landed onto the ground by a near alleyway. Raising a brow as he turned his attention towards it, there seemed to had been no sign of who or what made that sound. Shrugging his shoulders at the thought, Alex continued on his path to explore the outside world. It wasn't until he had heard about a tea house going on between two men that his footsteps had come to a halt. "A tea house..? Here? In Gravenhague?" He had whispered this to himself silently, almost as though he were mouthing the words rather then just speaking them at all. Shrugging over the thought, Alex had wondered what kind of place would serve tea in this city. The city was run off of steam, so a tea house must have more then plenty of it; considering the fact of how tea required to boil water and with boiling water, there was always steam.

Progressing his way down the city sidewalks once again as he ignored the rest of the conversation going on between the two men. Alex had asked many of the other citizens around for directions to the 'tea house'. Many of them had pointed all in the same direction as he simply continued to follow the path that he was told to go in. Those same people that had directed him seemed to had also been quite curious about the stitched scars all over Alex's face the whole time he had either asked them the question of where to go, if not; just having him walk pass them and him with the only person who had pale skin that made him look almost as though he had no blood circulation going through any part of his body. Along with the stitches making him look almost as though he were some kind of puppet.

It was only a matter of time that he had reached the 'tea house'. Staring around the area he was at, Alex had never thought of something like this being near the edges of the entire city itself. Questioning himself on whether he should even go inside or not, he had bitten down onto his lower lip before entering into the actual building itself. If this place was some kind of trap, it wasn't as though he had any of his actual physical weapons with him; they were all left at home. All he had was his metal body underneath this fake-like skin he was wearing. Sighing at the thought of this being a trap; Alex swallowed whatever fear he had before approaching the building and opening up the front entrance. "Hello...?" He had called out, noticing as how many other people were sitting at tables and drinking their tea; Alex had began to slightly calm down at the thought that this could be a trap.

SuperZombiePotatoe 01-26-2014 07:50 PM

"How could I forget him?!" said Daedalus beaming down at the little spider. Mombasa had been inspiration for a few of his best selling toys, if you could call them that. Pets that didn't need to be fed or cleaned up after were quite popular with children. Daedalus, however, was under the impression that their parents were even more thrilled that the children. He put out his hand and the spider crawled onto it.
"Oh, so I see that you remember me aswell. Haven't changed a bit have you, little buddy? Maybe a few scratches, but still just the same as I remember."

While spider crawled back to Jared from Daedalus' hand, the young inventor got ready to start a lengthy discussion on the mechanisms of his set of wings.
"Well," he began, both hands on his cane," It's just a simple double cylinder hydraulic system. One for each wing... oh hello?"
It was then that Daedalus was made aware of the arrival of a young man.
"It just so happens that I belong to that name. What can I... Wait, you're not one of those Oil-Assassins are you? They're quite sneaky. Have you heard of them, Jared? Well, then again it would be foolish of them to show up in full daylight... in the presence of a Steam-Knight." Daedalus scratched the back of his neck, suddenly aware of how odd he must be sounding. "Heh, scratch that last statement. How can I be of assistance, sir?"

Andraus 01-28-2014 05:52 AM

"I would Recommend a Hexagonal Retractable Mechanism for the wings. Using that, it will- "He stopped, when the new-comer came up. He quickly refitted his mask on his head, and kept quiet. Unless asked a direct question, he would stay silent, until D.D.'s conversation with the Strange man was finished. He did pull out his Magnum, however, just in case this man was an Assassin.

YGOTASf@n 01-30-2014 01:37 AM

Craig let out a sigh of relief when the D. D. confirmed who he was. He did do a double take at the Oil-Assassin comment, but smirked, "No, neither of you need to worry." He ripped sleeve off his Steam Powered arm and held it up. "See, now I'm pretty good with this thing, well I should be it is attached to me and has been for most of my life. But I am not sure what is wrong with the revolver. I was hoping you could take a look at it for me?"

Andraus 01-31-2014 10:11 PM

Jared carefully took the man's arm, and looked at the Revolver. He easily spotted a problem, and it was a simple one to boot : The Firing Pin was snapped in two. Jared reached into his Pack, and pulled out a Firing Pin of the Same model. Using Tweezers, he carefully extracted the damaged one, and placed the new one in. "There we go. That should fix it, unless I'm missing something. "he said.

SuperZombiePotatoe 02-02-2014 05:11 PM

Peering over the man's metallic arm, Daedalus smiled with approval. "That's precisely it!" he said to Jared," Couldn't have done better myself... Although I don't approve of you stealing my job." He raised a finger and shook it at his friend mockingly.

His attention was then caught by the striking beauty of the metal before. Artificial appendages had always been and interest of Daedalus's, being the possession of two himself. The fact that a few pieces of metal could drastically change your life was something to be grateful for.
"Of you don't mind me asking, who made this arm for you? The workmanship is simply gorgeous. I think it might rival my own!"

Rikublade 02-08-2014 08:59 PM

Ryzon, walking through alleyways to get to the arena, was at his last turn. He could see the light like coming out of a tunnel, and all the people walking from place to place as his was exiting the dark alley. The sounds of steam and metal clanking seem to never end, but Ryzon had gotten use to it by now. As he walk down the main street he saw the directional sign pointing where the arena is. It had said "Arena 5.5 miles distant". zRyzon looked in the direction of the arena and there was a forest and a path leading to the arena. Ryzon had thought that the arena would be in the town area, but it was not connected to the town. Ryzon starts heading down the path without a moment to spare.

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